Training a new Reaper (Me and Peekabo)


Jan 31, 2010
Ichigo sighed as he sat in the park in his reaper outfit. It had been boring lately. Hardly any Hollows showed up. Though today was supposed to be an interesting day. A new Reaper had joined Tenth division and well... apparently from what Hitsugaya has said... the new Reaper was, as he called it, "An Accidental Lady Magnet." and preceded to say "You'll see why when you meet him."

So today Ichigo was to meet this new guy along with Rukia and Matsumoto so they could help him practice some spells.

"Oh man!" A voice cried out as a boy, about two years younger than Ichigo, ran out from the woods. He wore the basic Soul Reaper uniform with short brown hair and glossy eyes. Though he wore a beanie hat for some reason... maybe to have his own style of fashion? The boy ran into Ichigo by accident and quickly fell over.

"Oh... sorry... you ok-" Ichigo stopped when he noticed something on the boy "C-Cat ears?!?!"

"Huh? Eeeek! SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY!" The boy gasped and bowed profusely "I did- MY HAT!"

Ichigo watched in confusion as the boy scrambled around the ground to find his hat.

"Um... Sorry..." The boy groaned putting his hat back on "My name is Jake Hagarashi."

"Ah... the name's Ichigo." The Strawberry blond reaper said with a sigh and decided not to ask about the ears "So where's Rangiku?"
Matsumoto sighed as she walked toward the park, muttering under her breath. Somehow Captain Hitsugaya had managed to get her off her ass and make her agree to train the new member of the division....and that was seriously cutting into her drinking time. Still, she couldn't avoid work forever she supposed. She had no idea what the new boy was like, she just knew he'd be waiting in the park along with the Kurosaki boy.

From the opposite direction Rukia was also approaching, running a hand slowly through her hair as she approached the meeting point, already starting to hear voices. Yep, Ichigo was there alright....he seemed to have a talent for causing loud disruptions.....

Rukia was the first to arrive, just after the boy had put his hat back on, the girl missing his ears by a matter of seconds. "Ichigo! Stop causing problems" She frowned as she approached, folding her arms as she stood infront of the two, looking between them.
Matsumoto arrived only a few moments later, her robes hanging open as usual, showing off a shameless amount of cleavage to anyone who looked at her. "Well well, looks like you're all having fun already" She grinned, walking over and folding her arms aswell. "So then, why don't we all introduce ourselves? I'm Matsomoto Rangiku" "Kuchiki Rukia....."
"H-Hi." Jake said nervously blushing a bit... mainly to Rangiku's robes "I'm Jake Hagarashi. Nice to meet you."

Ichigo sighed and finally asked "Hey Rukia... is there some kinda spell that causes this?" Ichigo asked and yanked Jake's hat off revealing his kitty ears.
"NO NO DON'T DO THAT!" Jake mewled a bit and hugged Ichigo's leg "I'll be trampled! Squeezed! Suffocated!"

Ichigo growled trying to shake the kitty soul reaper off but to no avail. Yikes he could tell this was going to be a long day.
"Nyaaaa~! Give me my hat back!" Jake hissed trying to reach the hat but was to short "Before their eyes turn into hearts and stuff!"
Upon spotting his ears both girls just blinked, before Matsumoto suddenly dashed over, grabbing Jake and snuggling. "Oh aren't you just so adorable!" She giggled and snuggled, causing his arm to rub between her large cleavage, her chest at times wrapping around his arms. Rukia on the other hand just folded her arms and rolled her eyes. "Feh....cats...." She always had preferred rabbits over cats....rabbits were much cuter.
She glanced over at Ichigo, then slowly shook her head. "No, no spell that could cause it. It's probably natural...." She looked at Jake again, then slowly walked over. Even if he wasn't a rabbit....she had to admit he was still a little cute....and she found herself reaching out to poke at his ears, as if making sure they were real.
"Nya?" Jake gasped as he was snatched up by Rangiku "Nyaaa!" His entire face was red when he found himself wrapped by her breasts.

"Natural... Hmm..." Ichigo sighed and watched the poor boy get smothered by Rangiku and her large bewbs "Wait so if he has cat ears... does he have..."

Suddenly a tail slithered out of Jake's pants and stood straight up. This was Jake's equivilant of the classic anime nose-bleed.

"Yup knew it..." Ichigo sighed and sat down on a large rock "Alright guys let's leave the kitty alone and start with his training."

"Don't call me that!" Jake managed to say with his face redder than mars.
"Awww...." Rangiku pouted as she snuggled with him a little more, before letting the young Neko Shinigami go, standing up and folding her arms and taking a step back, adjusting her breasts in her robes slightly as they had managed to fall even more open than usual. "So then, just where should we start with your training hm cutey?" She licked her lips as she looked at him. Rukia gave one last tug on Jake's ears before being seemingly satisfied that they were real and weren't going to come off. "Ok then....well we should start with the basics. What is it you have the most trouble with" The small girl folded her arms and looked at Jake rather sternyl, quite the opposite to Matsumoto.
"Well combat spells mostly." Jake said ignoring the tug on his ear.

"Okay well what spells do you know?" Ichigo asked trying to see how they could set up the lesson.

"Well... I... I know some... But..." Jake stammered a bit blushing like mad "I don't think."

"Well let's see." Ichigo pushed on and waited for Jake to do whatever he could do.

Seeing no other option he pointed at Rangiku and muttered "Futanariozen-kokun."
The two female Shinigami stood and watched, blinking at the young boys odd reaction, then seemed even more confused by the odd Kido spell he had used. "What's that? I've never heard of that one" Rukia rubbed her head, looking over at Matsumoto who seemed to be blushing slightly.

"I....feel a little strange..." Matsumoto rubbed her head, taking a step backover and reaching out to lean against the wall. She panted slightly, then suddenly let out what sounded like a moan of pleasure. "Nnngh..." The huge chested Shinigami closed her eyes and moaned again as she felt something.....odd....between her legs. It felt like something was growing out of her.
A few moments later, the robes between her legs began to lift up, a bulge beginning to form. It was small at first, but kept getting bigger, her robes eventually parting to reveal the womans panties growing outward. Eventually, the sound of ripping fabric filled the air, Matsumoto gasping as her newly grown cock sprang free, throbbing and hard.

It was rather large....seemingly matching her chest. The womans cock was a good 10 inches long and 2 inches thick, veins on it throbbing and pulsing.

Rukia just gasped, taking a step back and looking at Jake. "How did you....? Where did you learn....?"
"Yay! Futanari!" Jake smiled with glee but was suddenly met with a punch on top of his head from Ichigo.

"The hell kinda spell is that?!" Ichigo demanded and tried to cover his eyes but found himself staring at the cock.

"F-from this..." Jake admitted showing a scroll which was snatched up by Ichigo who looked at the contents.

"Futanari spell... arousal spell... breast enlargem- YOU'RE A PERVERT!"

"Nyaaa~!" Jake hid behind Rangiku in fright "I didn't mean to! I was given that scroll as a joke I didn't know it would work!"
Rukia blinked, about to go over to Ichigo when she heard Matsumoto growl, the woman just staring at Jake with a rather.....worrying look in her eyes. "I hope you're take responsibility for this...." The woman licked her lips, beginning to move toward Ichigo and Jake, her new cock throbbing and pulsing, pre-cum already dripping from the tip of it as she got closer to the two boys.

Rukia laughed nervously, deciding it may be best to keep her distance, taking a few steps away from them.
"Er... Jake... what's going on?" Ichigo stuttered a bit as he stood back.

"Nyaaaa... Not only does it give the target a cock it gives them an unsatiable lust..." Jake said in a sort of... excited voice "I'll take responsibility ms. Rangiku!"

"YOU ARE A PERVERT!" Ichigo growled as Jake walked forward and gently touched Rangiku's cock. Suddenly he had an idea. Why let rangiku hog the fun. He pointed at Rukia saying "Futanariozen-kokun."
Matsumoto groaned as her cock was touched, the thick shaft twitching and squirting a little Pre-cum. Rukia just shook her head, about to walk over toward Ichigo when she heard the spell again. "No don't-" But it was too late, she gasped as she suddenly felt that same tightness, her hands going between her crotch as if she was trying to hold it in. " don' can't...." She growled, dropping to her knees as she tried to resist. The more she resisted however, the worse the burning sensation became. "Oh god....n-nooooo!" Rukia cried out as suddenly her crotch was on fire, her robes splitting and her panties ripping, a huge 18 inch cock suddenly springing forth from the small girls body, nearly 3 inches across and visibly pulsing.
"HOLY!" Ichigo cried seeing the cock shoot from Rukia's body... it did look kinda cute. He shook his head furiously "JAKE! Why are you doing this?!"

"Nya?" Jake asked as he got on his knees "Well you're the one that made me."
With that the kitty soul reaper began to gently lick the tip of Rangiku's cock, lapping up some of the pre-cum.
Rukia dropped onto her hands and knees, panting heavily as her cock throbbed beneath her body. "What....what did you do to me?!" Rukia looked up at Jake angrily. Whilst her cock was a good 6 inches longer than Rangiku's, Rukia's was only a third as thick, one inch to Matsumoto's three. "Turn me back, right now!"

Matsumoto just moaned loudly as Jake licked the tip of her cock, slowly reaching to grasp his head, grinding her hips and beginning to rub the tip of her cock against the kitty's face, smearing his face with her sticky pre-cum.
"Nya~!" Jake smiled heavenly being smeared with pre-cum before hearing Rukia's demand "Nya... only way to change back is if you ejaculate."
With that he took Rangiku's cock and began to lightly suck on the head as his tail swayed.

"Er... This is fucked up." Ichigo sighed and looked at Rukia.
"WHAT?!" Rukia growled, slowly getting back up to her feet, her cock sticking straight out infront of her, before she suddenly fell backover onto her ass, shaking her head and looking at Ichigo. " me...."

Matsumoto moaned loudly as Jake started to suck on the head of her cock, panting as her cock twitched. "Nnnn....that feels so good....n-no wonder men think about sex all the time....when it feels this good...."
"What do you want me to do?!" Ichigo growled but sighed saying "Alright if it'll help." Ichigo gripped her cock and began to slowly jerk it trying not to think about the whole situation.

Jake kept sucking her off softly and went deeper on Rangiku's cock. He pulled back wiping his lips saying "Don't cum yet.. you haven't had the best part." Jake slowly stood up and leaned forward against a tree as his tail pushed down his pants revealing a nice, petite but round ass.
"Well I don't know what you can do, just do something! You're the boy here!" She growled, then gasped as Ichigo's strong hands grasped her cock. "Ooooooh....oh god Ichigo....that feels incredible...."

When Jake started to take her cock into his mouth she moaned loudly and thrust her hips up, her cock twitching and spurting pre-cum into his mouth. She could feel something building up inside of her, but he suddenly pulled away, leaving her to whine in protest. "Oooooh...." She watched as he leaned against a tree, his pants being moved and revealing his ass. The large chested woman immediately jumped up, walking over toward him. "Oooh....have you done this before you naughty boy? Given a girl a nice big fat cock and asked her to fuck you with it?"
"Well I accidentally used the spell on Nemu-chan... and I didn't ask..." Jake admitted and wiggled his butt "But it's not rape if you enjoy it right?"

"Good let's get this over with..." Ichigo blushed but used her cock to hide it as he stroked faster and harder.
"Well....if you insist..." Matsumoto smirked, starting to grind her cock against his ass. "I'm just disappointed I don't get to be the first to pound this cute little ass...." She gave one of his ass cheeks a sharp slap, before grasping and spreading his cheeks, beginning to ease her 3 inch thick cock inside of him. "Ooooh...fuck that's tight..." She moaned loudly, forcing the head inside. "S-so.....will it really go away after I cum....?" She sounded a tad disappointed at the prospect.

Rukia moaned loudly, falling to a laying position on the ground, cock sticking up straight from her body as he stroked her cock harder and faster. "Th-that's it....oh god Ichigo please....g-give me more...."
"Ooooh!" Jake moaned loudly feeling the cock enter his ass "Mmm that's so good!"
Jake grinded his hips against the cock and answered her question "Mmm if you want I can extend the time to three orgasms..."

Ichigo couldn't help but find this arousing. He lightly began to lick the underside of Rukia's cock, still massaging it.
"Ooooh yes.....three times sounds wonderful..." Matsumoto licked her lips, then suddenly thrust her hips forward, ramming about 6 of her 12 inch cock into the kitty's tight ass, letting out a loud moan, nearly cumming there and then. "You're a really naughty little Shinigami aren't you? I can't wait to see what other tricks you have..."

Rukia panted and moaned, more pre-cum starting to pour from the tip of her cock, running down it like water from a faucet, pouring over Ichigo's hands. At the base of her cock, Rukia's pussy was glistening with juices, dripping wet and begging for attention.
"Mmmm yes I am Naughty... fuck my naughty little ass." Jake moaned like a little slut as she started to fuck her "I'll show you more tricks... if you let me fuck your nice titties after you cum."

Ichigo blushed seeing her pussy and pulled down his pants saying "Sorry Rukia... I've always wanted to do this..." As he kept playing with her cock he began to slide his cock inside her puss.
" can fuck my titties all you want..." Matsumoto grinned as she gripped his hips, beginning to pull her cock back out of his ass, then slammed back in, getting a little more of it inside her this time.

"H-huh? What are you-" Rukia gasped as Ichigo started to push into her pussy. "Oh god....oh god it's been so long!" She moaned as his thick cock started to slide into her tight, wet pussy, her cock only twitching more.
"Mmm! Nyaaa~! Keep going!" Jake moaned feeling her cock practically slam into his special area. His tail slithered and began to play with Rangiku's pussy.

"Rukia..." Ichigo smiled as he began to fuck her pussy and stroking her cock "Y-you can cum on me... is you want...."
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