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Gotham Nights (Batman4560 & VelvetWhispers)

It was hard for Bruce to not feel pride when Selina admitted to being impressed by his romantic display. If tabloids found out Bruce was the one who had gone to this extreme for a date, they would eat it up as Bruce was known for throwing money around but very very rarely for a romantic outing. Even while he spoke along the carriage ride, Selina's beauty wasn't lost on the man. The passing lights only served to catch every angle of her face for a moment and it helped to guide Bruce's gaze while he spoke to her.

The compliment about his appearance made Bruce turn a soft shade of red and he sheepishly looked away for a moment, glancing at his shoes. "Thanks." His cold eyes bounced back up to meet her emeralds. "It took me forever to find that brush too. Most of the time I just roll out of bed and use a bit of gel to style it quickly."

Bruce wondered if maybe Selina was indeed a thief, but she played it as cool as he did about being an F.B.I. agent, so he figured it was just the paranoia he held for everyone, sneaking up on him yet again and thus decided to ignore his gut instincts for now. The thought continued to nag at the back of his brain for a few more moments before he managed to forget about it when Selina mentioned she hadn't found her next target. Criminals in Gotham were normally fairly quick to move onto a new target.

"Hmm? What do you mean?- Oh... it looks quite popular already." Bruce questioned and answered all in one breath as he gazed to the direction Selina had been while they pulled up to the new club. The conversation quickly went to what Selina did for fun and he smiled softly. "Cats and art huh? How many cats do you have? Is there a style of art you prefer?"

Trust Fund Baby... that struck a nerve with Bruce that he wouldn't tell anyone about, so instead he found himself doing what he always did, smiling at the mention of it. "Well I'll come clean but you have to promise to not tell anyone my secret. I don't date those models. On the occasions I am at a public event, it just looks better for me and a 'happening' or 'in style' model to be seen together. If I had it my way, I'd just go it alone. A lot of what you see is just for show." Bruce waved his hand as if to dismiss the idea of being with models often.

"Anyway, when I'm not doing all the stuff you see on t.v. I can be found working on cars, and computers. I'm a bit of a nerd... But I like to understand what is being built at my company before we invest money into something that is going to get someone hurt." Bruce continued, showing he may be more into the ins and outs of his job than reports would let on.

The cart slowed to a stop and Bruce stepped out first, sure to pull the steps down so he could help Selina out of the carriage. He took her hand and helped to huide Selina down and kept his free hand open and at her hip, without touching, just in case she fell and needed to be caught. "--!" Bruce's breath caught in his throat when the raven haired temptress took Bruce by the tie and straightened it.

He watched the way her long slender fingers worked his tie just to flick it into position, the subtly intimate action made Bruce hold his breath without even realize he was doing it. It was Selina's sudden assurance that she was enjoying herself that made Bruce ease a bit and nod, his confidence settling in a sort of wary state. He feared upsetting the unreadable woman but felt conviction in his actions.

Selina's hand slid slowly down Bruce's chest and it made him not only turn a shade of red, it sent jolts of electricity through him and left the tall man struggling to catch his breath in a way that only Cat dagging her tongue against his masked face had done to him before. He wasn't sure what it was about the slightly shorter woman, but her simple touch was enough to make him lose his senses for a moment.

Bruce let Selina guide his hand to her hip so that his arm was wrapped around her lower back and gazed down upon the woman giving him the most seductive stare he had ever seen and it made his knees go weak while his fingers gently kneaded the fabric of her dress. "We shall." Bruce winked at Selina and started to walk up to the gated entrance of the Iceberg Lounge.

Quickly Bruce took note that the docks here were cleaner than anywhere else in the city, as if that would erase the feeling of blood from the old wooden planks that made the docks up. To him they were just as dirty as the day he was able to understand the horrors that the city could inflict upon the innocent. Yet for the first time, he didn't let that ruin his night, didn't let it make him want to put the mask on and do what he normally did. All he wanted was to get lost in the date he had with Selina.

Up ahead, as the duo neared the roped off doorway. Bruce couldn't help but notice two heavies checking a list. The two were twins, oval in general shape and bald, dressed in matching and very cheap black suits with white leather shoes. Tweedle and Dee... The two were known in the underworld as effective goons for hire that could brawl and take a beating better than most men in the city. Bruce could confirm those claims.

Finally the couple came to the rope and the twins took one look at Bruce and Selina, then their clipboard and the one on the left, Dee, wearing a pink rose in his pocket stepped forward. "You're not on the list pal-" But before he could finish, Bruce spoke up and cut him off. "Yeah I know. But everyone in Gotham will show up tomorrow if Bruce Wayne tells the tabloids that The Iceberg Lounge is where I prefer to spend my time after one visit. So why don't you..." Bruce pulled the rope open with one arm and handed it to Dee's twin. Then took the rose out of Dee's suit pocket and walked right past him, guiding Selina as he did. "...Get out of the King of Gotham's way."

The two men stared dumbfoundedly at Bruce's bold move and had to rush to get the rope put back in place before someone else tried the same stunt.

Inside the Lounge, a long red carpet led to a hostess stand modeled after an ice sculpture. The women servers wore tuxedo's and the hosts wore a simple pair of black slacks and white button down. At the center of the lounge was a large pillar of ice and around it, on several levels, a dance floor aside from the center floor where a band was set up so their music carried up and down the dance floors. Rounded tables littered the rest of the club for guests to wine and dine at and soon a hostess showed Bruce and Selina to a table that was on the opposite side of the band but on the top floor.

As the two sat, Bruce noticed that the lights all seemed to be set inside of crystals and suspended from the rafters of each floor's support structure with hanging chains. The seats were warm despite the cold radiating off of the massive iceberg the club was named after. It seemed to create the perfect temperature in the room. Bruce stood behind Selina's chair and helped slide her seat while she sat then handed her the rose he had taken from Dee and sat across from her while the hostess lit two candles atop the table and poured them a glass of red wine. Light music filled the air but Bruce wasn't focused on that.

"Were you born in Gotham, Selina? Or did you move here?" He wondered, wanting to keep the conversation light until dinner had been ordered.
Selina let Bruce push in her chair, tilting her head just enough to glance at him over her shoulder with a knowing smirk. "I knew you'd get us in," she murmured, voice dipped in a purr of amusement. Of course, he had. There was a self-assurance to Bruce Wayne that wasn't just about wealth—money could open doors, but confidence made sure they stayed open. And Bruce exuded confidence like it was second nature, wielding it as skilfully as any weapon in a thief's arsenal. He wasn't on the list, but that hadn't mattered. The King of Gotham had spoken, and the gates had parted.

She settled into her seat and took a moment to absorb their surroundings. The Iceberg Lounge was an exercise in curated decadence—sleek, expensive, and undeniably theatrical. Light refracted through the suspended crystal fixtures, casting sharp slivers of blue and white against polished black surfaces, while the iceberg centrepiece pulsed a soft, eerie glow. The illusion of cold was impeccable, but Selina could feel the warmth beneath her. A trick, she surmised, a way to make the guests feel like they were sitting on the edge of a frozen empire without ever having to experience the discomfort of actual frost. Just like Gotham itself—a city built on illusion, keeping its rot hidden under the gleam of luxury.

But she wasn't just observing the club. She was observing him.

Bruce Wayne, Gotham's golden son, was nothing if not a man of layers. The Bruce who had pulled rank at the entrance, who had plucked a rose from the pocket of a brute without hesitation, that was the Bruce the world saw. The playboy. The prince. The man who could stroll into any room and command it without lifting a finger. But the Bruce who had looked almost flustered when she adjusted his tie? The Bruce who had let his breath hitch when her hand slid down his chest? That was someone else entirely. And damn it all, she was starting to like him.

She took the rose from the table, twirling the stem between her fingers before slipping it into the curve of a glass. A token from a man who had everything and yet, somehow, seemed like he was still searching for something.

When Bruce asked if she was born in Gotham or if she had moved here, Selina went still. Her fingers, lightly tracing the rim of her wine glass, stilled.

"Born and raised," she answered quickly, too quickly, before shifting the conversation with practiced ease. "You know, for all its flair, this menu isn't quite as good as the Ardor," she teased, running her eyes over the selections before flicking them back to Bruce. She wouldn't give him the chance to probe.

She had no interest in discussing her past. There was nothing to discuss—nothing she wanted to discuss. What would he do if he knew? If he learned that when she was six, she had woken up to find her parents gone? That they had abandoned their child? Without a care or worry. That she had survived in that apartment for six weeks, stealing scraps from open windows, rationing what little she had, what little the cats that took pity on her bought to her, until a nosy neighbour had noticed and called it in? That she had spent the rest of her childhood being shuffled from one foster home to the next, never wanted, never staying long enough to belong? That the system had spit her out the moment she was old enough to fend for herself, and she had done exactly that? What would he do with that information? Offer pity? Empathy? She didn't need either. She had survived. That was enough.

Instead, she kept him talking. Asked about his hobbies, his company, his little secret of being a 'nerd'—which, frankly, she had already suspected. She let him ease into his own words, let him share the parts of himself that the tabloids never captured.

And then, as she glanced over the balcony, her gaze landed on the dance floor. Swirling couples moved in seamless steps, bodies close, hands ghosting over each other in a rhythm both intimate and practiced. A slow smile curled her lips, mischief sparking in her emerald eyes as she turned back to Bruce.

"Aren't you going to ask me to dance, Mr. Wayne?" she asked, her voice lilting with challenge and flirtation. "Or do you only dance when there's a mask involved?"
Bruce narrowed his gaze for a brief moment and considered how swiftly Selina had responded to his question. He could have taken the chance to press the issue but of all the people in Gotham, Bruce understood avoiding the past. "I find the fancier the building, the less amazing the food tends to be. Give me a hole in the wall diner any day compared to places like this."

"My hobbies? Odd, nobody asks me about those. I do a lot for my company so its hard to really say what quantifies as a hobby. Alfred would say sleeping... but I have to admit that my hobbies are trying new things. Sky diving, skiing, bouldering. Whatever gets me moving." Bruce started to explain, he sort of lied, as a lot of the things he listed were covers as to why he was seen injured, but Bruce also did all of those things for training from time to time.

"Wayne Enterprises is currently dabbling in a lot of things. Mostly starting up smaller companies that need funding for big ideas, renewable clean energy, water cleansing treatments... It's boring until you're looking at what people are capable of up close. And of course we take on a few government contracts from time to time to help keep investors happy and investing." Bruce admitted while his blue gaze remained focused purely on Selina.

"Miss Kyle, are you asking me to tell you all my secrets on the first date? You'll have to at least join me on a second date if you want to learn about my nerdy tendencies." Bruce finished answering his date's questions with a playful smirk and relaxed in his posture just enough to lean forward on his elbows.

It was easy for Bruce to become lost in the beauty that was Selina. Her eyes looming over the edge of the balcony to watch the dancers below, the way her dress clung to every part of her just right, and her full lips.... It was enough to make his heart leap in his chest every other beat. He found the way she challenged him to be refreshing and she made it almost too easy to be himself around her.

"Selina Kyle, no matter what mask is worn, I dance." Bruce stood and strode towards Selina, hand outreached towards her as he came to a stop at her left. "Miss Kyle, would you do me the honor of a dance?" Bruce waited for the woman to take his hand then laced his arm with hers and led Selina toward the dance floor. The steady tempo was easy to move to, and Bruce was quick to take Selina by the hip and hand, leading her to glide across the dance floor while keeping Selina close.

"You know... At some point you're going to have to tell me about your hobbies... or at least why you are a waitress and not an art collector. Unless.... you really are a master thief? Do you chart the globe and steal the biggest score possible in every major city?" He asked, his voice just loud enough for her to hear among the sea of sound that floated through the air around the pair.
“Selina Kyle, no matter what mask is worn, I dance.”

The words made her smile, and damn him for that. The more he spoke, the more she liked him, against her better judgment. Bruce Wayne was supposed to be a means to an end—a resource at best, a plaything at worst. But the man before her wasn’t just the aloof billionaire or the well-rehearsed playboy she had expected. He wasn’t all bravado and empty charm. There was something else, something real, something raw beneath the surface, and it wasn’t his money that intrigued her. It was the passion with which he spoke and did everything—everything important, that is.

Selina had judged him too quickly, assumed he was a hollow shell of privilege and fortune. But he wasn’t. And that? That was dangerous.

She tilted her head, appraising him with a smirk before slipping her hand into his. His grip was firm, steady, and warm as he led her toward the dance floor. The world blurred around them as he guided her effortlessly into the rhythm of the music, one hand resting at her waist, the other enclosing hers. He was good—better than good, in fact. For all his claims of being a bit of a nerd, Bruce Wayne moved like a man accustomed to leading, to control. Selina let herself be led… for now.

“You know,” he murmured as they glided across the floor, “at some point, you’re going to have to tell me about your hobbies… or at least why you’re a waitress and not an art collector. Unless… you really are a master thief? Do you chart the globe and steal the biggest score possible in every major city?”

Selina arched a brow. “If you’re saving your secrets for a second date, then I think I’ll save myself for the third.”

They chuckled together, low, approving.

“As for why I’m a waitress?” She exhaled through her nose, a half-laugh, half-sigh. “I enjoy my work...I suppose.” That part wasn’t a lie, exactly. It was always a thrill marking targets. “And let’s just say my interest in art is strictly amateur. I’m hardly good enough to be a collector or dealer.” That was, of course, a complete fabrication. If he ever saw her apartment, she’d have a much harder time explaining all the priceless paintings and a small sculpture or two—pieces that museums and mansions were still mourning the loss of.

She lifted her chin, green eyes gleaming with mischief. “But you got me, Bruce. I am a master thief. Rome last week, lifting a priceless Roman artifact. Egypt the week before that, something old and shiny. And now?” She let her manicured finger trail over his chest in a slow, deliberate motion, right over his heart, tracing a delicate ‘S.K.’ over the fabric. “Now, I’m back in Gotham… here to steal the biggest score of my life.”

Was it her or did she just feel Bruce’s grip on her tightened just slightly, his gaze locked onto hers.

She leaned in, lips just a breath away from his ear. “Your heart,” she whispered. “And there’s nothing you can do about it.”

And then she pulled back, a knowing smirk curving her lips as the music carried them onward, the dance far from over.
Selina followed the lead effortlessly but her body was firm and powerful enough to tell Bruce that she could take the lead any time she wanted to. Every time Bruce started to feel like he was getting to understand who he was dealing with, she subtly surprised him with a new layer to herself.

"If you're saving your secrets for a second date, then I think I'll save myself for the third."

Bruce softly chuckled at Selina and locked his ice blue eyes with her emerald greens. He wanted to speak but found it hard when Selina's lips continued to move. It was like she were able to make him hang on her every word with the faintest of efforts.

"I have a feeling your eye for art is just fine... But you're a mighty fine waitress too. Best of the best as far as I can tell." He partially joked with Selina until she 'admitted' to being a master Thief. It was easy to fall silent again in her presence and when she started to trace her initials on his chest over his heart, Bruce's bottom lip trembled in anticipation and curiosity.

The large hand resting against Selina's hip tensed slightly, his fingers digging into the dress and her body just enough to show she had effected him enough to rattle his steeled nerves.

It wasn't just her touch, but the way she spoke, and the heat of her breath ghosting over his ear and the side of his neck that made the small hairs on his body stand on end all at once. Bruce nearly froze in the middle of the dance floor in reaction to Selina's intimate words. He was fairly sure that between her and Catwoman, someone had taken his heart.

Finally Bruce managed to collect his thoughts while Selina pulled away ever so slightly. He struggled to keep his knees from trembling and it was all he could do to simply continue to lead the duo across the dance floor.

"You are certainly welcome to try, Selina, but you should know... I keep my valuables behind heavy walls and complex locks. So you had better be up to the challenge."

As the pair swept and swayed their way to the halfway point of the dance floor circuit and the strings swelled with their haunting melody, Bruce dipped Selina, his left hand held her back and guided her while the right kept a firm grip on Selina's thigh and hiked it up to rest on his hip so she didn't fall while her head barely missed the floor. He gently guided her back up as the song came to an end, only for Bruce to keep Selina close to him while he caught his breath.

"So about that ... second date. Should I let you surprise me with it next time or do you prefer me to keep you guessing? I get the feeling that you like to take charge sometimes and I'm not foolish enough to get in the way of what a driven woman wants." Bruce seemingly started to challenge Selina until a shrill voice breached the air behind them.

"The Prince of Gotham himself is gracing us with his presence! Mr. Wayne it's a pleasure to have you drop in on my grand opening!"

Bruce glanced over his shoulder and then down when he didn't see anyone. Standing at barely five foot in height, a squat and rotund fellow with a long sharp nose and single reading monocle over his right left eye stood proudly. Atop his mop of corn blonde hair sat a black top hat with white band. He reached a clammy flipper like hand up to Bruce in offer of greeting and Bruce glanced back at Selina.

"Oswald, I've heard so much about you! Welcome to Gotham and thank you for opening such a lovely Lounge. I was just telling my date we will have to visit again!" Bruce cheerfully greeted Oswald Cobblepot and reached to shake the man's hand. Rumor had it that he was one of the latest up and comers in the Gotham Underworld and Bruce was eager to see if the man had truly resembled a Penguin. He wasn't at all surprised when it was confirmed with his own eyes.

As the pair spoke, Bruce couldn't help but notice the way Oswald continued to try and look past Bruce to Selina. For what it was worth, Bruce didn't enjoy the way the shorter man leered and in turn kept putting his massive frame between Penguin and Selina.

"Mr. Cobblepot, as much as I'd like to chat. I'm entertaining a very lovely woman and it's dangerous to stand still on a dance floor. Even more dangerous to leave my date waiting, so I'll have to catch up with you when we both have some free time. I'll be in touch." Bruce assured then turned back to Selina and offered his hand.

"Shall we?"

In turn, Cobblepot grumbled something under his breath and turned to leave the pair in peace while Bruce started to move with Selina again, dancing the night away...
Selina moved with Bruce as though she had been made to fit into his arms. It was effortless, each step smooth and seamless, but there was no mistaking the power in her frame. She let him lead—for now—but she had just enough control in their movements to let him know that if she wanted to take over, she could. The tension between them was intoxicating, a delicate game of push and pull, and Selina found herself dangerously entertained by it.

His words made her smirk, the flicker of challenge in his voice only adding fuel to the fire burning in her veins. "Heavy walls and complex locks?" she mused, tilting her head as she let her fingers dance along his shoulder, trailing down to where the fine fabric of his suit met the firmness beneath. "You do know those are my specialty, don't you?"

And just like that, she realised that she very much wanted to breach his walls—wanted to see what lay beneath the charming billionaire, beneath the carefully constructed persona of Gotham’s golden boy. There was something about Bruce Wayne that intrigued her beyond anything she had anticipated. He carried himself like a man of leisure, but the passion with which he spoke of things that mattered—the things he truly cared about—set him apart. It wasn’t the money or the power that interested her. It was the fire smoldering in his veins, a fire she recognised because it burned in her too.

When he mentioned their second date, she considered for a moment before deciding there was only one answer to give. "Oh, I’ll surprise you," she promised, her voice a sultry purr as she let her lips curve into something wickedly charming. "I wouldn’t want to make it too easy for you, Bruce. Where’s the fun in that?"

The moment was interrupted by a shrill, unwelcome voice, and Selina turned just slightly, eyes landing on the squat figure of Oswald Cobblepot. The pieces fell into place instantly. She had heard whispers about him through the underworld grapevine—the Iceberg Lounge, the latest attempt of a man desperate to solidify himself in Gotham’s elite while still keeping his fingers dipped in the city's darker dealings. The garishness of the club suddenly made all the sense in the world.

Selina stood poised at Bruce’s side, offering Cobblepot the faintest of smiles—polite but distant, the kind that revealed nothing and invited even less. She was thankful she wasn’t expected to shake his hand. The way his eyes crawled over her like a vulture eyeing a meal made her skin prickle with distaste, though she hid it well beneath an air of unaffected grace. It didn’t escape her notice how Bruce subtly positioned himself between them, shielding her from Cobblepot’s leer. Interesting.

When Bruce led her away, she didn’t resist, matching his pace as they wove through the crowd and returned to their seats. Just as they settled, a waiter arrived with an impressive spread, setting the plates before them with a flourish. "Compliments of Mr. Cobblepot," the man announced before stepping away.

Selina arched a brow, lifting her wine glass with a smirk. "Well, I suppose it’s not every day you get a free meal courtesy of Gotham’s most ambitious bird," she teased before taking a sip, watching Bruce over the rim of her glass.

The night melted into a blur of laughter, flirtation, and indulgence. They feasted on the lavish spread, exchanging sharp-witted banter between bites. Bruce surprised her with his dry humor, and she found herself laughing more than she intended to. Between courses, they returned to the dance floor, moving with a rhythm that felt as natural as breathing.

When he dipped her, the world spun for just a moment, and all she could focus on was the way he felt beneath her fingers—solid, strong, impossibly steady. Her body arched into his hold, one of his hands gripping her thigh, pressing her close. Heat flared beneath her skin, her breath hitching just slightly as she stared up at him, the intensity in his gaze stealing the air from her lungs. It was only a second, maybe two, but it was enough to make her pulse stutter before he pulled her upright again, holding her close as the music swelled around them.

As the evening stretched on, Selina found herself drawn further into the enigma that was Bruce Wayne. It was a dangerous thing, this intrigue, this pull that threatened to be more than just a game. She had always been good at stealing things—money, jewels, priceless art—but this? This felt different. And for the first time in a long time, Selina Kyle wasn’t sure who was stealing from whom.
"I know they are you specialty now... Maybe I should hire you to test the security at my tower." Bruce cracked a sly grin, actually considering it while his eyes glanced down to the hand that was feeling up Bruce's arm just enough to remind him that she was clearly enjoying herself. He couldn't hide the chuckle when the dark haired woman said she'd be surprising him.

"I'll be waiting for your surprise then." Bruce trailed softly until he was forced to turn to deal with Mr. Cobblepot. Part of him had considered panting a few bugs on the large man but that could wait for his second visit to the Lounge.

Luckily the encounter with Penguin was short lived and Selina seemed to walk just as swiftly as Bruce off the dance floor and back to the table. When the spread was placed before the pair and the Waiter said Oswald had paid for it, Bruce swiftly started to calculate the price, intent to pay before he left. Bruce knew better than to accept anything from a possible criminal like Cobblepot.

"Very little is free in Gotham." Bruce said while lifting his glass of water and taking a sip. It was hard for him, but Bruce tried to keep his tone relaxed and gentle as he spoke but his jaw set firmly and eyes seemed to focus in on something that wasn't really there as the words slipped past his silver tongue.

Soon enough however, they seemed to slip back into a natural conversation and once again became lost in each other's company. Even at the end of their dancing Bruce found that he and Selina were starting to linger in their touches just a little too long, stare at one another to intently to not be feeling the same sparks. They were playing a dangerous game and Bruce knew better than to let anyone get too close.

...He didn't care...

"It's getting.... late. Selina I have one more thing I want to show you." Bruce realized and swiftly sat up, drawing his wallet and counting out far more than enough to pay the bill. He slapped the money down on the table and stood, then moved to help Selina up and to the carriage. Once inside, Bruce tapped the roof of the carriage twice with his arm out of the window to signal to the driver.

Soon the carriage was off and moving the opposite way through Gotham, towards the center of its many islands. The city lights rushed by and the trotting of hooves echoed off of the wet streets around the pair but the candles inside the carriage kept the pair warm.

"So, I'm taking you somewhere that I haven't taken anyone else. I don't know if anyone could appreciate it the way that I think you will." Bruce explained almost excitedly as he leaned forward in his seat. Realizing he had broken his calm, cool and collected air, Bruce leaned back in his seat and glanced out of the window. "That club was nice but the owner is a dick." He added, trying to not tip his hand on the surprise anymore than he already had.

"Where did you learn to dance? You are very graceful and poised, I'm used to having to almost drag my partners across the floor because they are too absorbed in their phones to have learned the proper steps." Questioned Bruce while his gaze lingered on Selina's with each passing second as he listened and hung on her every word and hoped to glean anything more about her.

Not long after her answer, the carriage came to a slow stop in front of a skyscraper that reached higher than even Wayne Enterprises but wasn't finished and looked as if it hadn't been under construction for months. The tall man stepped out first, then helped Selina step down again. Now standing in front of a tower that only had a few lights on inside, Bruce fished into his pocket and tugged a set of keys free. "So, Selina... ready to go on the last leg of our adventure tonight?"

Bruce offered his free hand to Selina and led her inside. "This is going to be Wonder Tower in a years time. The tallest Skyscraper in the world if the plans are correct and also the leading free health care center of America. I want to make sure that like my father, and his father, that I leave something that can help those in the most dire of need. But until that is finished being built..."

The duo stopped at an elevator and Bruce hit a button, offer for Selina to step in first. He followed and hit the button to the top floor. Time seemed to move too fast and too slow at the same time in the elevator. "Before we get to the top. I just wanted to thank you for coming out with me tonight. It's rare that I enjoy a date I'm on. It's just as rare that the woman on the date with me isn't after something. This has been the most fun I've had in a long while."

Abruptly the doors to the top floor opened and left a wide floor that had no walls, leaving a panoramic view of Gotham to the pair from the heights point in the city you could get without being airborne. Bruce drew a slow and deep breath, then steppe forward all the way across the floor to the edge of the open space let the wind of city sweep across him while peering out over the edge of the rooftop. "Do you like heights?" Bruce asked over his shoulder and reached back as if to ask Selina to join him.
Selina lounged comfortably in the carriage, one leg crossed over the other, her fingers lightly tracing the smooth fabric of her dress as she watched Bruce from beneath dark lashes. This night had been one unexpected twist after another, and for a woman who had spent most of her life anticipating the next move, Bruce Wayne had managed to surprise her at every turn. She studied the subtle flicker of excitement in his tone when he spoke about his next surprise, something he clearly thought she would appreciate. That alone piqued her curiosity more than anything else.

She caught the way his expression shifted when he mentioned Oswald Cobblepot, but she let it slide, deciding to store that little tidbit away for later. The night was too perfect to waste time discussing the Penguin and whatever game he was playing. Instead, she tilted her head at Bruce's question about her dancing.

"Self-taught," she admitted smoothly, a teasing glint in her emerald eyes. "Anything that interests me, I learn myself. No need for fancy instructors or dull lectures. Just instinct, rhythm, and practice." She leaned in just slightly, her lips curving into a smirk. "You could say I have a knack for picking up things quickly."

She left out the part about her childhood, about the lack of formal education, about the nights spent on the streets where learning was about survival, not waltzing in grand ballrooms. That wasn't a conversation for tonight.

Instead, she turned her gaze to the window, watching as the carriage rolled to a stop in front of an unfinished skyscraper. The building loomed high above them, its skeletal frame reaching towards the sky like Gotham's newest, unfinished promise. The night stretched around them, a thick velvet cloak, pierced by the glimmering lights of the city. Gotham was always alive, always breathing, its streets filled with secrets and whispers that never truly slept. And yet, this place... this moment... felt like something separate from all that.

Bruce's voice pulled her back. "So, Selina... ready to go on the last leg of our adventure tonight?"

She turned to him, her smirk returning. "Well, I do love a good adventure, Bruce. Lead the way."

He offered his hand, and she took it, letting him guide her inside. As they stepped into the industrial lift, Bruce began explaining what this tower was meant to be—a beacon of hope, a free healthcare centre for Gotham's most vulnerable. Another layer peeled back, revealing something more beneath the polished billionaire.

Selina remained quiet for a moment, watching him as he spoke. His words carried weight, sincerity. A part of her wanted to remind him of what he had said earlier—that nothing in Gotham was truly free. But she held her tongue. Because right now, standing in this unfinished tower with him, she could see he genuinely believed in what he was building. And that was... something.

When he turned to her, thanking her again, telling her this was the most fun he had in a long time, she felt something warm flicker in her chest. Her lips parted to respond, but before she could, the doors slid open, revealing the breath-taking view of Gotham sprawled before them.

The city stretched out like a tapestry of lights and shadows, the streets a maze of glowing veins pumping life into its vast form. She had stood on countless rooftops before, felt the pulse of Gotham beneath her boots, but somehow, from here, it looked... different. Untamed yet beautiful. Chaotic yet controlled. And for the first time in a long time, she wasn't looking at Gotham from above as a predator stalking her next opportunity—she was simply admiring it.

Bruce stepped forward, the wind catching his dark locks, and turned slightly to offer his hand again. "Do you like heights?"

Selina let out a soft, amused hum as she moved to join him at the edge, slipping her fingers into his. "It's my third favourite thing in the world."

A gust of wind whipped around them, sending her long, dark hair dancing wildly as she gazed out over the city. After a moment, she turned her attention back to Bruce, the sheer openness of this moment settling over her. "This is amazing," she murmured, her voice softer now, more genuine. "And you don't have to keep thanking me, Bruce. I've had an incredible time tonight."

A slow, sultry smile curled on her lips as she stepped closer, her fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt, pulling him in just enough so she could feel the warmth of him against her. The wind howled around them, but all she could hear was the steady beat of her own heart.

"You really are full of surprises," she murmured, her emerald eyes locking onto his. Then, without another word, she brushed her lips against his, teasing at first, a whisper of a touch. But then she pressed more firmly, letting the heat between them ignite as the night wrapped around them like a secret meant only for them to share.
"Curiosity is the best teacher." Bruce admitted after Selina explained she was self taught in many fields. Selina Kyle seemed to be a woman of many diverse talents, hell maybe she was a master thief who was on the other side of the planet a week ago. Maybe she was full of shit, but Bruce had a feeling that Selina was the type of woman to be capable of anything she actually tried, and if she liked art then Selina had to know more than she let on.

Atop the building, Bruce let the wind whip his hair and suit jacket around, but maintained his arms being stretched out and his balance remained unwavering. "Third favorite? You'll have to reveal your other two on our next dates." Bruce winked back while lacing fingers with Selina's at the edge of the tall building's open floor.

"I'm glad you're having an amazing time. I... guess I have just been taken aback by how much fun I've been having with you too. It's rare for me to connect with someone like this." He finally admitted while glancing down at Selina from the corner of his eye. "Oh-!"

He hadn't been expecting Selina to grab his shirt and pull him in, he stumbled for a moment but froze and gazed down upon the woman, pulling his suit jacket off and then wrapped it around Selina's shoulders to keep her warm.

Bruce smiled at Selina while she smiled up at him, but hadn't expected her to brush her full soft lips against his thinner lips. His cold blue eyes widened at first, the intimate act was completely unexpected, but her scent, and the feel of her so close was more than tempting. It felt like Selina was testing the water with him at first, as if she were unsure if she was considering how far she wanted to take things. In turn, Bruce's lips quivered with anticipation and hesitance.

Without another warning, Selina's lips pressed firmly against his! Bruce's eyes fluttered shut as he grasped Selina by the hip and wrapped his arm around her back to keep her close. Gently Bruce's lips met Selina's with an intimate need that he hadn't realized he had for her. A soft moan spilled from his lungs that be barely managed to keep subdued but his tongue easily slipped past her lips to dance along hers for just a fleeting moment before he pulled back and smiled down at his date with a soft flush against his cheeks.

"I have to admit, you're just as full of surprises." Bruce knew that it was only a matter of time before someone reported a horse and carriage outside of a building still under construction and police were asking too many questions to be worth answering. He nodded his head and started to lead Selina away from the roof. "Come on, we should get going before you catch a cold up here and the sun is going to be rising in an hour, let me get you home safe." Bruce insisted as they entered the elevator.

The entire ride down, his hand remained entwined with hers. It was odd to him that her hands weren't as soft as he expected. In the cool lounge and atop the roof he hadn't noticed but now... She did something with her hands like climbing. He pondered but didn't press the issue.

Back in the carriage, Bruce now sat next to Selina, keeping his arm around her while the driver stared to head to the Ardor at first. "Look, I figure you like your privacy but if you just tell the driver, I will put my head in a bag when we start getting close to your place. I just know how bad Gotham can get and want to make sure you're safe." Bruce insisted until Selina relented and told him where to take her.
The moment her lips met his, Selina felt the slight hitch in Bruce's breath, the way his frame tensed before melting into the kiss. His lips were soft, tentative at first, as if gauging the moment, the taste of danger that came with her. But when she pressed more firmly, teasing with a slow drag of her lips, he responded in kind. His hand found her hip, pulling her against him, the city wind whipping around them like a chorus to their clandestine moment.

Selina smirked against his lips when she caught the faintest, barely-there moan from deep within his chest. Just for a fleeting second, their tongues met, a silent battle, before Bruce pulled back with a flush on his cheeks, eyes heavy-lidded and full of something she wasn't quite ready to name.

"I have to admit, you're just as full of surprises," he murmured, making her smile up at him, amused and pleased by his admission. He was right. She was.

Bruce led her away from the rooftop, back down the elevator, and into the carriage, where she found herself allowing him to convince her to let him drop her home. The Prince of Gotham, a true gentleman to the last.

The contrast was stark when they arrived. Gone were the gilded interiors and panoramic cityscapes; the East End was a place of rusted fire escapes, cracked sidewalks, and neon signs that flickered uncertainly in the damp Gotham night. The smell of rain lingered in the air, mingling with the sharp scent of gasoline and the acrid promise of alleyway trouble.

Bruce stepped out first, ever the noble protector, but she was already ahead of him, gracefully stepping onto the curb. For once, she didn't quip about his misplaced chivalry. Instead, she turned to face him, the dim glow of the streetlamp catching the hint of warmth still lingering in her gaze.

"Tonight was… unforgettable," she admitted, before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, returning his jacket. "Thank you, Bruce. For a truly memorable date."

She could feel his eyes on her as she disappeared up the steps, into the shadows of her apartment complex, leaving only the echo of her heels and the ghost of her kiss behind.

A few nights later…

Catwoman did not make mistakes.

Her movements were liquid shadow, slipping through the skylight of LaVey & Co. with the kind of effortless grace only years of practice and perfected instinct could grant. She landed in a low crouch, her lithe frame barely making a sound as her sharp green eyes scanned the showroom below.

LaVey & Co. wasn't just any jewellery store—it was a fortress. Exclusive, pretentious, and dripping in opulence, catering to Gotham's elite with pieces that made even the Wayne family vault look pedestrian. She imagined, having not had the pleasure yet...or ever would. And tonight, its most coveted prize belonged to her.

The "Heart of Nyx," a black sapphire rumoured to have mystical properties, sat locked away in the vault below. Selina didn't care for fairy tales, but she did care for the seven-figure price tag she could name once it was in her possession.

She had planned this heist for weeks.

First came the intel gathering—seducing a security consultant over cocktails, planting a few well-placed bugs, and memorising every detail of the showroom's defences. The WayneTech security components? A temporary inconvenience. The biometric vault? Child's play, once she had mapped LaVey's movements and lifted the necessary data.

The laser grid came next. A quick spritz of heat-resistant mylar spray revealed the invisible beams crisscrossing the showroom. Selina stretched her arms above her head, rolling her shoulders, and then, with the fluidity of a dancer, wove her body through the maze, each twist and turn calculated, every motion an exercise in precision.

Her mind briefly flickered back to the last time she had danced—brushed against Bruce Wayne on the floor of the Iceberg Lounge, their bodies moving in perfect synchrony. She had enjoyed that more than she cared to admit. More than that, she had enjoyed the way he had looked at her, as if she was something to be deciphered, uncovered.

Since that night, they had exchanged playful texts, flirted across the digital void. And somehow, against all odds, she had found herself needing to plan a second date by Friday.

Who would have thought? Selina Kyle, going steady with the Prince of Gotham.

But right now, she had a different kind of seduction to attend to. The vault loomed before her. A combination of technology and arrogance, but no match for her ingenuity. Her claws, coated with a thin layer of conductive gel, mimicked the necessary skin conductivity for the biometric scanner, while the retina scan—lifted from weeks of surveillance—completed the deception.

A soft click. The vault surrendered.

Catwoman stepped inside, her heartbeat steady, controlled. There, resting on a velvet pedestal, was the Heart of Nyx. The gemstone was darker than night itself, its depths swallowing the dim light. But before she had the grand prize in hand, Selina's fingers glided over the velvet-lined drawers surrounding the room, the soft hush of silk and gold stirring against her touch. Emeralds, rubies, sapphires—treasures whispered about in hushed circles of Gotham's elite. She selected a sleek diamond bracelet, cool and weighty against her wrist, its facets catching the low light as she fastened it with a satisfied smirk. A second bracelet joined the first, gold filigree curling like ivy around her skin. Her claws plucked a sapphire ring, deep as midnight, which she slid onto her finger with a slow, deliberate motion—a little reward for tonight's work. Then, a necklace—no, two. One a choker of woven platinum, the other a lariat of dripping diamonds, long enough to pool at her collarbone, dangerously decadent. Draped in stolen starlight, she was every bit the queen of this moment. And she wasn't leaving empty-handed or done yet. The ultimate treasure awaited...

Moving towards the centre, carefully, she lifted it, the Heart of Nyx rolling the cool stone between her fingers, admiring the way it seemed to drink in her very presence. Swallowing the light rather than reflecting it, as if it held a secret darker than the Gotham skyline. It wasn't just beautiful—it was otherworldly, deep as the void between stars, shifting like liquid night when she tilted it. Some said it was cursed, others said it granted its wearer the grace of a shadow. Superstition, probably. But the weight of it against her palm felt... right. Like it belonged to her. Like it was waiting for her. Maybe it was just another expensive bauble, destined for a fence or some collector's vault. Or maybe, just maybe, it was something more. And that? That was a mystery worth keeping close to her chest.


The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end.

She wasn't alone.

Selina froze, her breath steady, her senses sharp. The vault was empty, yet the weight of an unseen gaze pressed against her. Slowly, she smirked, lips curling at the corners as she turned her head slightly, addressing the darkness.

"You know, handsome…" Her voice was a purr, teasing and deliberate. "We really can't keep meeting like this."

Silence. But she could feel him there. Watching. Waiting.

She turned fully now, stretching with feline elegance, letting the sapphire dangle between her fingers. "I was starting to think you only wanted to see me when I'm dressed for the occasion. But then again, I do wear it well."

This situation had called for a slightly different suit. Like a whisper of midnight silk, the supple black leather moulded to her every curve—second-skin, sinfully soft, and cut to tempt and terrify in equal measure. A plunging zipper teased at her décolletage, its promise adjustable with a flick of her wrist, while sleek, lace-threaded slits rode high along her thighs, offering just enough give for a sprint—or a seductive pause. Her stiletto-heeled boots clicked softly against the floor, their needle-thin daggers engineered for elegance and impact, while razor-tipped claws glint at her gloved fingertips, ready to carve open glass—or a fool's defences. No bulky tech, no wasted weight. Just a smoky-lensed domino mask to veil her mischievous green eyes while her long dark hair was tied up high in a half ponytail and a black choker concealing her private frequency. Minimal. Lethal. And her newly acquired jewels of course.

Undeniably Catwoman.

Still, nothing. But she knew he was there. The air crackled with his presence. She let out a soft chuckle, stepping toward the vault entrance.

"You could at least pretend to be surprised," she mused, eyes scanning the shadows, knowing he was just beyond her reach. "Or are you finally realising that you just can't keep up with me?"

And then—

A shift in the dark. The unmistakable presence of the Bat.

Selina's pulse quickened, though whether from excitement or anticipation, she wouldn't say.

Game on.
It was second nature for Bruce to step confidently out of anything and even more of his second nature to make sure that the areas around him were safe, so when Selina's street had nobody on it and he turned to help her down, the last thing he expected was for Selina to be stepping down right behind him. She was too fast and silent, even in heels and a sinfully simple dress. They turned and faced one another one final time as the sun was just starting to peek over the horizon of the city...

Bruce wasn't blushing anymore as Selina thanked him for the date and gave his cheek a gentle kiss. He could still taste the beauty on his lips, feel the warmth of her breath ghosting over his flesh, but he somehow managed to keep himself composed. "Best date I've ever been on." Bruce agreed while Selina slipped away from him to enter her apartment. His iced blue eyes watched her move from the windows, up the steps to her apartment hall before she vanished into the darkness, not once did his heart stop fluttering...

His date with Selina was the first night since coming home that Batman wasn't on the streets and Bruce didn't seem to mind.

Thorne had gone to ground after his encounter with Batman and Catwoman, none of the trio had a clue as to the chaos about to be unleashed upon Gotham as a result of the very encounter.

In the meantime though, Batman was on a mission to give Catwoman the documents he had lifted from her, copies were already made but the police moved slow and something told Batman he could trust the woman to do the right thing when it really mattered. She knew he'd catch Thorne, in Batman's eyes, Catwoman wasn't a killer.

After meeting Catwoman one time, Batman was confident enough to start doing some digging into high end thefts from one end of the country to another. Luckily with Thorne hiding for his own safety, he had a little time to spare and used it well. At first it was difficult to tell on a Country wide scale what she was taking and what she wasn't but there were subtle signs. Mostly the way she operated by shutting down power completely to her marks before getting away with very expensive pieces of art, jewelry and gemstones. In Batman's experience, most thieves stole things of that nature, easy to pawn or hawk to the right bidder, yet Catwoman seemed to be taking something else from time to time. Cat related pieces... a large solid gold cat here, the necklace of Basset there. The Caped Crusader was a little more than impressed.

Luckily the rich suspected criminals in Gotham were getting narrowed down to just a few people and with Thorne already hit, that left Sions and Dagget.

LaVey & Co. Rumored to be holding the "Heart of Nyx" and a company owned by Dagget's extended family, if anything was going to be targeted the Batman had a feeling it would be the Heart and a quick scan of the power grid confirmed the building was running on a back up generator to keep as much security as possible running.

The Dark Knight stalked the rafters of the building to move without being seen. Catwoman seemed to effortlessly get past his own security systems that Dagget's family had purchased. Part of him was angry, part of him was glad about it in this rare case. He continued to follow the woman's path until he hit the net of laser sensors that covered most of the room. His brow raised sharply behind his mask and the man could hear Catwoman in the next room and the soft clanking of jewelry being shuffled. Batman drew a deep breath and tucked his cape into is belt so it wouldn't dangle then jumped up and grabbed the roof support, the only place not covered in beams that his bulky body would never completely evade from ground level.

Slowly he shuffled, chest pressed to the long running beam while his thighs and arms hugged and scooted him across the room. Batman dropped down once he was clear of the beams and drew a deep silent breath to steady his heartbeat. He didn't enter the room the Cat seemed to be slinking around it yet. He did watch her though, sinking into the darkness around the vaults entrance while she started to speak, clearly aware of his foreboding presence.

The natural purr in Catwoman's voice sent a chill down Batman's spine as he pulled his cape out from his belt and wrapped it around the black batsuit he wore snugly against his body. The sight of Catwmoan turning and stretching was enough to make Batman's breath catch in his chest hard for more than a few heartbeats. She was covered in stolen jewelry that caught the light of the vault and reflected it well, her body encased in sinfully tight leather that hugged her every curve in a way that drew the eye and seemed to protect her at the same time.

He remained silent but it wasn't to intimidate, it was because Batman was trying to catch his breath, the woman was like Selina in the way she managed to steal his breath without trying and it simply took him a few moments to compose himself. Finally after gaining his confidence, he reached into a hard pouch on his belt and tugged the documents free and moved past the entrance of the vault, his black gloved hand breaking the veil of shadow as he spoke.

"You should have said you were exposing him to the public." Was all the Batman said as he handed over what Catwoman tried to take from Thorne. His hand swiftly retreated back into the shadows as she took the files with one hand. For a few more heart beats Gotham's Guardian remained silent, pondering his next move with the thief.

"Put the jewels back and you can walk out of this vault. But I can't let you steal those." He growled past his teeth and shifted again, this time stepping out of the darkness to impose his will upon the slightly shorter woman. His black suit was impossible to define from shadow outside of the yellow emblem that drew the eye to a small black bat across his chest. "I won't ask nicely a second time." He warned the woman while his body tensed in case she made a sudden move.
The shadows stirred, and then—like an omen—his hand emerged. Black glove, taut over knuckles that had cracked skulls and shattered ribs, now simply offering her something stolen. Catwoman's sharp eyes flicked from the documents to the ghostly glow of his cowl's lenses, the only true part of him visible in the consuming dark.

"Well, well," she murmured, tilting her head as she took a long, deliberate look at the files. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were here to help me, handsome."

She reached out slowly, her fingertips brushing over the thick edges of the dossier. Then, with a quick snap, she swiped it from his grasp and flipped it open, eyes scanning over the contents. The proof she'd risked so much for—names, ledgers, deals in blood and corruption. The kind of thing that could ruin a man like Thorne.

But then Batman had to go and make it boring.

She sighed, rolling the papers up in one hand as she flicked her gaze back up to him. "Expose him?" she echoed, voice dripping with feigned innocence. "Oh, sweetheart, I wasn't going to expose him. I was going to kill him."

A lie. A beautiful, purring lie, just to needle him. To see if the Bat's self-righteous armour had any chinks. And there it was—the smallest twitch of his jaw, the kind that said she'd gotten under his skin. Good.

But then he had to go and ruin the mood again.

"Put the jewels back and you can walk out of this vault. But I can't let you steal those." His voice was that perfect low growl, rough as gravel but smooth as silk. A threat, a promise. He stepped into the dim light, that damn imposing shadow swallowing everything but the black and yellow of his emblem. "I won't ask nicely a second time."

Oh, Bats. Always so serious.

Catwoman hummed, pocketing the Heart of Nyx between her décolletage with an easy flick of her wrist before rolling the dossier against her palm, tapping it against her chin in mock consideration. Then, slowly, she moved toward him.

"You know," she purred from between lips the colour of rubies, sauntering close enough for her perfume to lace the space between them. "I love a man who knows what he wants."

She pressed against him, the leather of her suit sliding against his armour, her fingers trailing lightly over the bat symbol across his chest. A whisper of a touch, just enough to feel the heat of him beneath the suit. Then she circled him, fingers dragging over his shoulders, down his arm, lingering just long enough to feel the muscle coil beneath her teasing.

"All these little rules," she mused, running a hand down the stolen jewellery adorning her curves. "So rigid, so unyielding. Makes a girl wonder…" She leaned in close, lips just at the shell of his covered ear. "What happens when you finally break?"

For a moment, the tension crackled like a live wire. Then she smirked, let the moment stretch—and struck.

Her knee came up fast, slamming into his ribs with a sharp, controlled force. He stumbled back, just enough for her to spin, her boot catching his chest and sending him flying.

Straight into the laser grid.

The vault erupted in flashing red lights and blaring alarms, the security system roaring to life. Batman hit the ground with a grunt, his cape billowing as he landed hard on his back. Before he could react, she was there, sauntering over, slow and deliberate. And then—

Her boot pressed lightly against his throat.

Selina smiled down at him, tilting her head in mock sympathy as she admired the chaos she'd just unleashed. The way the alarms painted him in flickering crimson, the way his chest rose and fell with measured, restrained anger. Delicious.

"Oops," she cooed, feigning innocence. "Looks like I made a mess."

She rolled her shoulders, letting herself bask in the victory, in the weight of the jewels against her skin. Then, leaning in just slightly, she smirked. "I don't like being told what to do, Bats. But you already knew that. You're a fast learner aren't you?"

And with that, she was ready to go, but not before she had her fill with one last lingering look down upon him, she began lifting her heeled foot off his neck...
"Expose him? Oh, sweetheart, I wasn't going to expose him. I was going to kill him."

She was full of shit and Batman could tell even as the words came out of her beautiful, glossy crimson lips. In turn he refused to take her bait, refused to even bother with a grunt of of frustration. Yet when she in turn ignored his demand of putting the jewels back and instead nestled the Nyx safely away, his body tensed up, ready to spring into action but Catwoman didn't attack...

The perfume she wore flooded his senses just as fast as her body molded against his. The Dark Knight restrained himself from shoving the woman off him but as she caressed the emblem on his chest, Batman's gaze drifted to her fingers, wary of the claws she wore in her leather gloves, so even when she began to circle, his eyes followed her lingering caress.

"I don't break." Growled the Bat in response, resisting the cold chill that coursed through his body but it was enough of a distraction that he wasn't ready to defend against a sudden knee to the ribs! Bat doubled over, his cape draped over his body as his arms nearly flailed from the sudden unexpected blow. He caught himself from falling but fell back a few paces and started to straighten himself only to be met with a kick that sent him sliding across the floor on his cape, back first straight into the laser grid.

Lights started to flash, sirens blared and filled the air, confusing the already stunned Batman. For a moment, he laid washed in crimson, splayed the same way the bat on his chest had been. Just as he he started to lift his head, a sharp heel pressed against his throat, keeping Batman pinned down firmly. His gaze slowly raked up Catwoman's powerful leg to her flared hip, up her long body and rested on the woman's determined eyes.

While the woman teased him and shifted her weight, Batman swallowed a dry lump and scowled at the thief draped in gemstones. He waited a half heart beat for the woman to lift her boot from his neck and turn to step away but before that foot came down, Batman's arms snatched her leg up tight as his hips rolled and he popped up onto his feet. At the same time his tree trunk like torso shifted and his hands splayed to clutch her outer thigh and inner calf, and with one motion Batman bashed Catwoman harshly into the side of the wall with enough force to cause the crook to bounce, thigh and arm first! He didn't let her go though and shifted his weight the other way, tossing her to the opposite side so that she was dumped in the center of the polished floor.

"Stay down." He warned and took a step back, giving her one chance to surrender after the brutal strike he leveled against the smaller leather clad thief. His left hand moved to the left pointed ear of his suit and pressed something just behind the base of it. "I need ten minutes time to wrap up here. Scramble police coms as long as you can." Batman ordered to some unseen aid then turned back to face Catwoman...
The world blurred for half a second as her back met the unforgiving stone wall, the impact reverberating down her spine and rattling her bones. Pain flared hot and sharp where Batman had slammed her, and she had just enough time to hiss between clenched teeth before he sent her flying again. This time, she crashed to the floor in an ungraceful sprawl, the cold marble a stark contrast to the heat pulsing beneath her skin.

Oh, he was getting rough. Finally.

Catwoman exhaled slow, sharp pain curling deliciously along her ribs, but she merely rolled onto her back, looking up at him with amusement flickering in those luminous green eyes. From this angle, with his dark frame looming over her, his cape draped in heavy folds, the Bat looked every bit the shadow-drenched avenger the underworld feared. And yet, she was smiling.

He pressed a hand to his cowl, speaking low to someone unseen. "I need ten minutes time to wrap up here. Scramble police coms as long as you can."

Her smirk stretched, feline and taunting. "Ten minutes?" she purred, shifting slightly, letting her legs bend just so, the leather of her suit catching the dim light. "I like your enthusiasm, big boy, but I promise—I won't need more than a minute with you. Two tops."

Her laughter was dark silk against the wailing alarms as she planted her palms against the floor, and in one fluid motion, she rolled up onto her hands, arched her spine like a sinuous predator stretching, and pushed herself into a crouch. Slow, deliberate, making sure he saw every curve and every calculated shift in her balance. Teasing and lethal all at once.

Batman's eyes—those yellow, glowing slits—stayed locked on her, unblinking, unmoving. Always watching. Always calculating.

"You're holding back," she murmured, tilting her head as if considering him anew. "That's sweet. Chivalrous, even. But let's be honest, sweetheart—if I wanted a gentleman, I wouldn't be here."

She was on him before he could fire back, a coiled spring released in a flash of black and gleaming silver. Her knee shot up, aiming for his side where she knew he was still recovering from her earlier strike, but he twisted just in time to absorb the blow on his arm. Undeterred, she spun, feinting left before sending a sharp elbow towards his jaw. He barely blocked it. The raw strength of him was infuriating and intoxicating all at once.

Fine, if brute force wouldn't work—

She moved in close again, impossibly close, slipping into his guard with a cat's grace. He was solid muscle and unshakable will, but she was clever. And flexible. A quick step and a twist had her sliding down, one leg snaking behind his knee. With a wicked grin, she whispered, "You should know by now, Bat—cats don't stay down."

She swept his leg.

For the first time tonight, the Dark Knight stumbled. Not much, just enough for her to revel in it. To remind him that he wasn't the only one who knew how to play the game.

Still poised, still smirking, she flicked her gaze to his narrowed eyes and offered him a single, saccharine sweet taunt: "You can have your ten minutes, handsome. But you're going to have to work for them."
He almost couldn't believe his eyes, the masked minx was smiling at him! She was on her back, likely bruised, or worse, and she was smiling up at him like the cat that ate the canary. Not only that but she started to taunt him but he could barely focus on her taunts when she moved so sinfully that the leather on her body molded to her like a second skin. It always drew his eye and he was starting to become more and more thankful for the lenses he kept over his chilly blue eyes.

"Careful, if you don't think I can last ten minutes with you, you might not be such a pretty kitty by the time we're done here." A smirk started to tug at the corner of his lip. Despite the dangerous situation and the thief in front of him, Batman was starting to enjoy tussling with the woman.

Her sudden fit of laughter and sensual movement caught him off guard, his legs braced and the smile fell from his lips, sensing the danger she was about to throw his way with all of her lethal fury.

Catwoman launched herself up, Batman stepped to the side and threw his arm down to absorb a knee to his ribs, she twisted and he planted his feet wide. The feign he expected and as the woman snapped her elbow in a short but explosive shot at his jaw, Batman's gloved hand came up and grasped her joint. For a second he simply squeezed her hard, the leather of their respective suits creaked as he started to push against the thief and shoved her back a few paces without using much effort at all.

Again Catwoman closed the distance and shot low, trying to sweep his leg with hers. Instead he stepped back, stumbling over her long powerful and curvy leg, but he didn't fall. His head twisted and he cracked his neck instead, and started to circle the woman, clearly sizing her up. The Bat would need to focus if he hoped to really put Catwoman away and the blaring alarms weren't helping with that.

Swiftly his hand went to his belt and pulled a small bat shaped electronic then swiftly he tossed against the nearest wall. A moment later it made an echoing screech twice, and then silence. The lights dimmed to an unsettling shade of red and stopped flashing, the sirens died like the last breath of a gunshot victim. Then the man in black pulled his cape over his body completely to hide what his left arm did.

Subtly he locked a silver cuff bracelet against his wrist and held the second cuff in his left hand open, ready to snap it against any limb of Catwoman's he could. Then with a sudden burst of power his right hand tossed three batarangs from under his gauntlet. The thin, smaller weapons were blunted but still whipped through the air, two aimed at either side of Catwoman's head, far away enough that they wouldn't hit unless she flinched and side stepped either way, the last was aimed directly at the lowest point of her abdomen to make it hard for her to jump, duck or flip out of its range.

He didn't hesitate though, instead he pressed his advantage and followed the flight path of his weapons, moving like a swell of black ink, then sprang up on his feet while twisting through the air and extended his right foot to try and kick Catwoman to the floor. All of this however was only to serve as a distraction. Of course she was good enough to evade and deflect his attack, she wanted a savage, and he was about to give her one.

As soon as Catwoman blocked his kick and Batman landed at her side, his right wrist snapped up and tossed the balled up ends of his cape into her field of view to make her slash at his cape in order to stop from being pelted with lead balls, but as her leather clad arm reflected the light and signaled her movement, Batman's left arm came up and snapped the silver cuff around Catwoman's right wrist.

"Sorry, it clashes with the other ones. It's all I brought." He quipped then harshly smashed his forehead into her chest, right at her collar bone, then snapped his head up to bash his plated cowl up into Catwoman's jaw, rattling her teeth and maybe splitting her lip while she was stuck close to him. The Dark Knight didn't intend to let up if she stayed resistant to his dreadful dual strikes.
The cold bite of steel snapping around her wrist should have filled her with rage, but instead, it pulled a delighted chuckle from deep in her throat. Oh, Batsy. Thinking he could shackle her? Adorable.

Selina flexed her fingers, testing the weight of the cuff, the way the chain rattled between them, linking them together in some twisted tango. It was a crude thing, practical and unyielding—just like the man himself.

"Oh, sweetheart, you're just full of surprises, aren't you?" she purred, rolling her wrist in the shackle. "If you wanted to put a bracelet on me, all you had to do was ask. I've got a taste for the finer things, though. Maybe something in platinum next time?"

She barely had time to savor his frustration before his cowl came crashing against her collarbone. Pain exploded across her chest, a raw, electric burn spreading from the impact. She hissed through gritted teeth, the sharp taste of copper flooding her mouth a second later as his head snapped upward, slamming into her jaw. Her head rocked back, stars bursting behind her eyes.

Alright. That one hurt.

For half a heartbeat, she let the pain simmer into something else, something useful. Her lip throbbed, likely split, but it only made her smile sharper, more predatory. If he thought a couple of good hits and a cheap trick would tame her, well, he really didn't know her at all.

"Mmm…" she purred, tilting her head as she wiped the blood from her lip with the back of her gloved hand. "That's more like it. Here I was starting to think you were holding back on me."

The response was instantaneous. He moved to press the advantage, expecting her to stagger, to reel from the blows. Instead, she used their connection against him. The instant he shifted, she twisted her bound wrist, forcing him to follow unless he wanted to dislocate something.

"Tsk, tsk, big boy," she chided, shifting her weight and driving her knee up, a sharp strike to his ribs. His armour absorbed some of the impact, but she still felt the satisfying give of muscle underneath. "You should know better than to let a cat out of her cage."

He grunted but didn't falter. Predictable. He was a fortress, all brute force and sheer willpower, but she was something else entirely—fluid, unpredictable, a whisper of movement in the dark.

His free hand shot out, trying to grab her, but she was already moving, ducking low and twisting around him, the chain between them winding tighter. If he wanted to keep them connected, she would use it against him. Her leg snapped out, catching him behind the knee, forcing him to stagger.

"C'mon, Bats," she teased, breathless but exhilarated, "I expected you to keep up."

He growled, a deep, guttural thing, but she didn't give him the satisfaction of landing another strike. Instead, she used their bound wrists as leverage, twisting behind him and yanking the chain tight across his throat.

For the first time in the fight, she felt him stiffen.

"Easy, darling," she murmured against his ear, pressing herself flush against his back, her breath warm against the nape of his neck. "Wouldn't want you blacking out on me before we finish our little dance."

He struggled, of course. He was a titan of muscle and righteous fury, but she had him exactly where she wanted him—off balance, caught in the web of his own making. She could feel his pulse hammering beneath her fingers, the steady rise and fall of his chest as he tried to fight his way free. But she had him locked in tight, her thigh braced against the back of his, the cuffs turned into an impromptu garrotte.

Then, just to make sure she left him with a little parting gift, she jerked his cape up and over his head, blinding him in a sudden swell of heavy black fabric.

"Oops," she laughed, even as she twisted her wrist just right, slipping free of the cuff like a magician pulling off the ultimate escape. "Seems like you've got yourself all tangled up, handsome."

She didn't wait to see how fast he could recover—she already knew the answer. Instead, she melted into the shadows, slipping out the same way she had come, disappearing into the night with nothing but the lingering scent of her perfume and the echo of her laughter left behind.

And, of course, the weight of her victory.

Because for all his strength, all his gadgets and brute force, he still hadn't managed to catch her.

And she knew, deep down, he never really wanted to.

The night smelled like burnt rubber and bad decisions. Perfect.

Harley Quinn swung her mallet onto her shoulder, grinning as she surveyed the block of rundown shops and crumbling brownstones that Thorne wanted razed to the ground. The East End. Gotham's gutter. But to some folks—like Catwoman—it was home. Ain't that just precious? Too bad Thorne wanted it torched, paved, and turned into something profitable. Too bad for him that Mistah J wasn't in this for the money.

Nah, the Joker just wanted to see what would break first—the buildings or the people. And Harley? Well, she just wanted to have a good time.

"Boom-boom time, Puddin'!" she chirped, twirling in place before kicking a loose brick through a boarded-up shop window. A dusty old neon sign still flickered faintly—"Maggie's Diner." It had that sweet, greasy-spoon charm that made her almost feel bad for what she was about to do. Almost.

She pulled a bundle of explosives from her satchel, licking her lips as she stuck the charges against the diner's gas line. Wasn't that poetic? The heart of the East End, blowin' sky-high. Thorne thought he was runnin' the show, that he had control over her and Mistah J. But the only thing he controlled was how quickly his little empire was gonna go up in smoke.

A gunshot cracked from somewhere behind her. Probably the boys havin' fun. The East End wasn't the kind of place to roll over and die easy, and some of the locals were puttin' up a fight. Didn't matter. Joker loved a challenge, and so did she.

She turned toward a battered pawn shop where some tough guy had taken cover behind a display case, a pistol shaking in his hands. "Don't gotta do that, buddy," she cooed, taking a playful step forward, mallet in hand. "I got a real soft spot for underdogs. Tell ya what—how 'bout ya take that little peashooter and run along before I gotta turn ya inta jelly?"

The man hesitated. Big mistake.

With a giggle, Harley spun, swung, and sent the mallet crashing into the glass beside him. It shattered like ice on a pond, sending a cascade of cheap jewelry to the floor. The guy yelped and bolted through the back door, leaving a trail of cowardice in his wake.

Harley rolled her eyes. No stamina.

Behind her, a flicker of movement—more locals, scrambling to grab whatever they could before the Joker's men swept through. Harley just shook her head. "Pack rats," she muttered, skipping back to her work.

She pressed a cherry-red button on her detonator. Click.

Nothing happened.

Her grin faltered.

"Ugh, gimme a sec—" she muttered, tapping the device against her palm. Click.

Still nothing.

"Oooookay, now I'm mad." She stomped over to the charges, crouched down, and gave one a good smack. The dull beep of activation buzzed to life, and Harley beamed.

"Atta girl."

She took a few light-footed skips backward, admiring her work as she made her way toward the street. This was gonna be so pretty. Maybe Catwoman would show up, all hissin' and spittin', trying to save the neighborhood. Wouldn't that be fun? Catwoman, always thinkin' she was better than the rest of 'em, playing queen of the strays. But queens fall, don't they?

Harley lifted the detonator again. This time, when she pressed the button—


The explosion ripped through the night, sending a fireball skyward, reflecting in her wide, gleeful eyes. Glass rained like confetti, smoke curled through the air, and the heat kissed her cheeks like a lover's whisper.

She sighed, placing a hand on her chest. "Beautiful."

Behind her, the chaos roared. Joker's laughter echoed over the gunfire, the sirens, the screaming. Thorne thought this was his war. That this was about his little power struggle. But he was just another suit trying to play king in a city that didn't need one.

This wasn't about winning.

This was about watching Gotham burn.

Selina shifted her weight onto her left hip, arms lazily folded as she leaned against the cold steel railing overlooking the city's neon-dappled skyline. The Gotham Rooftop Parkour Challenge—Gotham's Ultimate Urban Adventure!—was sprawled out in front of her, a maze of steel scaffolding, rope bridges, and precariously stacked shipping containers designed for only the bravest and most reckless thrill-seekers. Which, of course, made it perfect for a second date.

She had texted Bruce earlier—Dress in something you don't mind getting dirty. Trust me. You'll like it.—and was now waiting for Gotham's golden boy to make an appearance. Any minute now, he'd show up looking disgustingly perfect, probably in some expensive, specially crafted workout gear. Meanwhile, she was doing everything in her power not to wince every time a gust of wind made her leather jacket shift against her battered ribs.

Underneath the sleek black compression gear she'd slipped into, her body was a masterpiece of bruises, courtesy of last night's little rendezvous with the Bat. A particularly nasty one was blooming across her side where he'd slammed her into the wall—brute—and another flared hot beneath her collarbone from where his damn cowl had collided with her jaw. If she didn't know any better, she'd swear he enjoyed roughing her up. But, oh, she had enjoyed it too. Every moment of it.

Selina sighed, rolling her shoulders—bad idea, bad idea, bad idea—as a sharp jolt shot down her spine. She had to put ice on twice and pop a couple of painkillers before leaving her apartment, but even with her body protesting every move, she wouldn't have changed a thing. The Heart of Nyx, that exquisite obsidian gemstone, was now tucked away somewhere safe, gleaming wickedly under the dim glow of her apartment's low lighting. Along with it, a few other little treasures she'd snagged while Batman was too busy playing predator-and-prey with her to notice she'd already won.

She smirked at the memory. It had been so very much fun. He was good—too good, really—but she was better. Cuffed, bruised, practically straddling him at one point, and she still got away. The best part? She had the audacity to leave him tangled in his own cape, gasping through gritted teeth while she slithered into the night like smoke through an open window.

Selina traced a finger idly along the railing, the metal cool beneath her gloved fingertips. If she closed her eyes, she could still hear the sound of his gravelly voice, the way he growled her name in frustration. He's holding back. She knew it. He knew it. The real question was, when would he finally break?

Her gaze flicked to her phone screen. No new messages. Bruce was late. That was new. Usually, he was annoyingly punctual, that whole 'billionaire playboy with an immaculate sense of time' thing working in his favour. She wasn't sure if she should be impressed or irritated. Maybe he was testing her patience. Maybe she'd have to make him regret that.

With a little sigh, she shifted her stance again, discreetly adjusting her posture so her ribs didn't scream at her. He better hurry up. If she had to wait too long, she might just start without him.
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He should have yanked her off balance instead of pressing, he should have wrestled with her instead of brawling, put his weight to his advantage. But no, Catwoman was far too agile and drove her knee into his injured side. The suit he wore was bulkier than his typical suit. But it was because she had managed to shred his last one and injured him. Batman needed something that could stand up to the weapons she used but as it turned out, her legs were just as lethal as her claws. The tender flesh under his suit trembled with the blow and forced his tongue up against the roof of his mouth to bite back any more than groan.

There were a tangle of limbs and counters but the lithe seductress managed to wrap the Batman's arm around his neck enough to make the chain of his own cuff dig dangerously into his throat. The broad Bat rooted his stance to try and keep from being brought into a worse position. Feeling her body press to his back and the warmth of Catwoman's breath against the nape of his neck was enough to make him tremble, that very unexpected response to her body was enough to make him follow up with struggles but the woman was tall enough in those boots to stop herself from being manhandled at the angle she had him.

Just as his pulse started to quicken with concern, the world went black and Batman stumbled forward. Catwoman's cape antic and the slipping of his cuff was enough for Batman to turn and growl, swiftly pulling the cape off his head, ready to throw a boot into her chest but the woman was gone... "That's what it feels like...." He growled to himself, thinking on the few times he had managed to drop in on Captain Jim Gordon. From outside, sirens, and hues of red and blue lights flooded into the building. "I'm sorry, Sir, but I could only manage six minutes."

Batman growled and stretched, hand holding his bruised ribs, turned and left out of the closest window while the police started to surround the builidng.

Clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack... a golden cane tapped against a polished marble floor in time to a song only heard in the head of the man walking down the hall of the mansion overlooking the Gotham Harbor. Down the hall, two men wearing black suits glanced at one another in confusion then one with a square jaw and brown hair took a step forward and raised his hand as if to halt the approaching visitor.

"He-" Mid stride the man with the cane reached into his purple trench coat and pulled out a revolver and leveled the long barrel at the guard who stopped speaking when the gunman pulled the trigger. A heartbeat passed without a breath but the guard started to break into a smile when the gun produced a flag, red in color with a white starburst labeled BANG!. From the shadow of the wide brimmed purple and black hat, a devilish red grin spread and a low, melodic giggle started to roll from his lungs. Then the giggling purple clad man turned the pistol with a flourish on the second guard, and bowed his head, pulling the trigger again.

Past the door the guards stood at, an older man nearing his sixties sat at a red wood desk, scribbling something onto a legal pad with one hand, and pressed a cloth to his head with the other to keep sweat from dripping onto his paper but a loud pair of what seemed like thunder cracks echoed and caused the gangster to ruin his pen strokes. The door slowly creaked open and the first guard who had tried to stop the giggling man fell through the doorway, clutching his bleeding chest. He took a single step forward before falling dead in Dagget's office.

The rival of Thorne lifted his head and turned a pale white at what he saw next.

"Roland, why, you look like you've seen a ghost whatever is wrong?" The Joker asked as he stepped inside and pulled his hat off of his head. "I think the last time we met, it was to run that Beaumont fellow out of Gotham. But hey, that was a lifetime ago and now... Some people want you out of the picture too. No hard feelings. Hahahahahahahahahbahahahahahahaha!"

The Joker put his hat back on and dropped his gun, then turned to meet Harley at the East End to continue their very "minor" path of destruction.

The following morning's papers would be flooded with the news that Roland Dagget was found dead, and that the East End was rocked by one of the most violent attacks the city had seen in its long tenure.

Bruce climbed a set of steps with a wince on the side of his face. His ribs ached and had bruised a deep purple over night that all the ice baths in the world wouldn't heal in time for his date with Selina but he had slept in most of the day, figuring having a bit of energy would help him keep positive for the date with Selina that he had been looking forward to.

While coming over the crest of the steps to the roof, Bruce spotted Selina looking at her phone and shifting her stance. He struggled to keep his eyes up after stealing a peek at her curves. "Sorry I'm late. I took a tumble in the gym this morning and have been walking a little slow ever since. But It's nothing that should hinder me for this. I've been saving all my strength for it." Bruce called to Selina from behind while strutting up to her.

"You look good, comfortable. So what exactly are we doing?" He asked, dropping to a knee to tie his black and yellow tennis shoes, then stood to stretch his body out, the black shorts he wore tugged up on his thigh just enough to reveal the rippled cords of muscle that was normally hidden under his suits but he listened intently to her instructions.

A small smile played at his lips at the idea of doing some free running across part of the city. "You do enjoy the chase don't you?" Bruce asked playfully and looked over the city sprawled out before them. "Okay, Selina, I led the dance, you lead the chase."
At Bruce's approach, Selina glanced up from her phone, catching the way his blue eyes flicked—quick but telling—down the length of her body, but the smile she tried to suppress made a slow, lazy appearance.

"Mm, took a tumble, did you? Funny, so did I." She finally turned her gaze up to him, scanning him with a slow, knowing look. "Some idiot left a cart full of canned goods in the middle of the kitchen at the restaurant, and guess who went sprawling? I swear I still have the imprint of a Del Monte label somewhere on my hip."

That was, of course, absolute nonsense. The real reason for her aching ribs and the faint bruises she had expertly hidden under a thin layer of makeup was her little tango with Batman last night. But no way in hell was she letting Bruce know that. He was looking at her too intently, though, so she upped the dramatics and let out a mock sigh. "City's a jungle, Bruce. The hazards are everywhere."

Her eyes flicked down to the way his shorts tugged up his thighs as he stretched and the broad expanse of his chest under his t-shirt, but she only smirked and lifted her chin, playing unimpressed. "Not bad. If this whole billionaire thing doesn't work out, I think you could make a killing modelling athletic wear."

As he asked what they were doing, Selina simply hummed in response and turned, sauntering toward the course's starting line. "Oh, just a little game of chase."

Selina leaned against the railing of their starting point, stretching out her sore limbs with practiced ease, her voice laced with playful challenge as she explained, "We're doing the Dark Knight Dash—only the best for Gotham's best. It's the advanced course: highest rooftops, zip lines, rooftop bars along the way, and a grand leap of faith at the end." Her lips curved as she flicked a glance his way. "Think you can keep up, rich boy?" It was all in good fun, but as she watched Bruce take it in, her mind flickered to him—to the shadowed figure she had danced with last night, the one who had left bruises she now hid under sleek black fabric. The irony wasn't lost on her. This course was built to mimic the city's most famous rooftop prowler, and yet here she was, guiding Bruce through it as if she hadn't just lived the real thing. Maybe she should've felt guilty. Instead, she felt exhilarated.

"You, Mr. Wayne, are about to experience Gotham the way it was meant to be—up close, personal, and at a speed most people only dream about." She turned, walking backward as she spoke, her movements fluid even when her bruised muscles protested. "See, there's something beautiful about the way the city looks from up high. Down below, it's all chaos, but up here? You can feel the pulse of it. You can own it. If you're fast enough, of course."

The corners of her lips curled into something wicked as she pulled a sleek black band from her wrist and tied her hair up into a high ponytail. "Now, the rules. First one to the end of the course wins. No pushing, no tripping—" She paused and then shrugged. "Okay, light pushing is allowed. And if you fall, you buy dinner."

She let him process that for a moment before giving him a wink. "I'll give you a two-second head start. You'll need it."

With that, she lifted onto the balls of her feet, poised and predatory, every aching muscle in her body screaming at her to reconsider. But the thrill, the rush, the sheer fun of the moment drowned it out. The second Bruce took off, she counted in her head—one… two…—and then she exploded into motion.

The city blurred past as she sprinted forward, leaping onto a stack of crates, using them to launch herself onto the first rooftop ledge. From there, she hit the course at full speed, vaulting over railings, landing light-footed on narrow beams, rolling out her falls to keep her momentum. Pain pulsed dully in her ribs every time she twisted a certain way, but she gritted her teeth and ignored it.

Halfway through, she stole a glance toward Bruce, impressed despite herself. The man could move. Most rich boys she knew wouldn't last two minutes up here, but Bruce had power and grace, his muscles working in perfect coordination. Not bad.

Not better than her, though.

"Keep up, Brucie!" she called over her shoulder as she reached the first zipline. Without hesitation, she grabbed the handle and launched herself off the ledge, soaring through the night air with a laugh that echoed between the buildings. She landed on the next rooftop in a crouch, rolling up onto her feet without breaking stride.

If her body wasn't punishing her for every single move, she'd have been having even more fun.

As she neared the last stretch, she made sure to slow down just enough to let him think he had a chance. Then, with a knowing smirk, she pushed forward again, agile as a shadow.

By the time they reached the final jump, she felt the adrenaline humming through her bones, overriding the ache. Whether she won or not, she had no doubts that tonight was going to be one hell of a ride.

Perched at the edge of the final jump, Selina waited, balancing effortlessly on the narrow ledge with one foot resting against her calf, arms folded as she watched Bruce close the distance. Her breath was steady despite the deep ache in her muscles, her body protesting every daring leap and swing—but the thrill was worth it. As he neared, she smirked, mischief glinting in her eyes. Then, just as he braced for the jump, she pounced, launching herself at him with a delighted laugh, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist mid-air. "Took you long enough," she teased against his ear, feeling the solid strength of him as they tumbled onto the rooftop in a controlled, chaotic roll. "Hope you don't mind me skipping the last step. Let's call this first one a draw." She told him magnanimously as they lay catching their breaths.
"I can inspect that hip for you to make sure it's not bruised...." Bruce offered with a sly grin, having grown confident enough over the week to throw a flirt or two her way. To Bruce it was funny that the two had been such klutzes at the same time. "I have to ask though, did you move around a corner and walk into the cart? How do you miss something that I would think is fairly large?" Bruce wondered, having known Selina to be far more agile and reactive than most women.

When Selina started to comment on his body, Bruce flexed just a little as if to show off for her. "Hey, hey, my eyes are up here, Kitten." Bruce pointed his two fingers at her then moved them to point at his eyes as if to direct her gaze but gave Selina a knowing wink. Intently he listened to Selina explain what date they were on and nearly rolled his eyes at the title of the course.

Bruce was starting to dislike the fame his namesake was getting. He had heard rumors of a burger joint that would be opening named "Gotham Rogues" based on some of Dark Knight's enemies such as the "Maroni Meal". This was just as bad but he tried to see the positive in the gesture of the date. He watched as Selina tied her hair up into a ponytail and strode up to her side. "Two entire seconds huh? I should warn you, Selina. I'm pretty quick." He chimed and gave her a final glance then set his gaze upon the course.

"Oh and as long as you're anywhere with me, I'm buying the food." Bruce broke into motion and leap't over the rail, hitting the path and fell into stride, naturally moving a little slower than he normally would. The excitement of being out with Selina was enough to get his blood pumping and made him ignore the pain that had been rippling through his ribs most of the day.

In one motion Bruce planted his palms atop a steel barrel and Kong kicked his feet forward to throw himself over a gap in buildings completely, biceps exploding with power as he vaulted. The roll through on the roof left him springing into a dead sprint to pick up momentum. Part of Bruce began to fall into the familiar motions of his roof running at night. From the corner of his eye, Selina appeared and broke ahead. She hit the zip line first but Bruce hurled all of his weight forward with a kick of his feet as his hands clutched the bar and curled his legs up so he was the shape of a ball while they rushed down the line.

He anticipated his speed and kicked as the line ended and his body touched ground at a forward angle then pushed into a leaping sprint. Bruce's chest pounded with excitement, pulse quickened with anticipation and admiration at the same time. Selina was swift, hard to keep pace with without going full speed ahead, and even then he was still on her tail and not at her side. If he wanted to even push her, Bruce would have to figure a way to reach her.

Just when Selina started to slow and Bruce thought she was getting winded, he began to reach for her, fingers splayed and arms spread wide, Selina quickened her pace and darted off. She got to the final jump and paused as if waiting for him, like she was almost bored. "Better than I expected Selina." Bruce chirped and leap't up on the ledge to break into his final jump but found himself slammed into from the side and tumbled with the impact.

Bruce fell forward with Selina in a chaotic roll but he could tell they were both in control of their bodies as they fell together past the gap in buildings and atop a slanted roof. The duo rolled like logs but Bruce wrapped Selina in his arms, and held the back of her head so she was pressed flush against them. The pair came to a sudden stop with a huff. Bruce found himself laying under Selina, trapped in her warm embrace, her hot breath licked at his ear like a wild fire and caused Bruce to shiver slightly under her.

The finish line lay only a few meters away but Bruce was happy to call it a draw considering his position. "You know.... You never said what the winner gets. Only what happens if you fall." Bruce chimed, leaning his head up to ghost his lips over Selina's while catching his breath with slow inhales. Bruce waited until Selina started to speak and cut her off with a press of his lips to hers, eyes slowly closing as he gave himself to the intimate embrace of Selina while she was atop him. Gently his fingers danced along her sides until he found her hips, careful to not put more pressure on her than was needed to let her know he wanted her. His tongue danced against her's for more than a few heartbeats before the kiss was hesitantly broken and his head rested against the floor. "You could have won, you were holding back." Bruce smiled broadly while locking his eyes on hers. "So what do you want for a reward?"
Selina smirked down at Bruce, the weight of his body beneath hers a delicious contrast to the ache thrumming through her limbs. She could still feel the sharp ghost of bruises under her suit, the dull sting of Batman's blows when she'd twisted too fast, the lingering soreness from their dance the night before. But pain had never stopped her before. Especially not when she had Bruce Wayne pinned beneath her, looking up at her like she was the only thing worth chasing in all of Gotham.

"You noticed that, did you?" she purred, her fingers tracing a slow, teasing line down his chest, stopping just shy of where his heart pounded beneath his shirt. "Well, I suppose you deserve some credit. You kept up better than I expected—though, in fairness, I was being nice." She bit her lip, feigning thoughtfulness, before letting her weight shift just enough to press him deeper into the rooftop. "You know, just a little incentive to keep you coming back for more."

His hands on her hips were warm, careful, and she had to fight the urge to arch into them, to sink into the heat of his touch despite the twinge of pain it would bring. But she played it off, rolling her shoulders like she was merely stretching, not subtly easing the tension that threatened to seize her bruised muscles.

Bruce had kissed her first, bold and certain, and Selina wasn't one to let a challenge go unanswered. She leaned in again, letting her lips graze his, slow and deliberate, her breath mixing with his, teasing, torturing—before pulling back just as he tried to chase the kiss. "Mmm, not bad, Wayne," she murmured against his lips, her voice a sultry whisper. "But if you want another, you'll have to earn it."

She sat up slightly, straddling his waist now, fully in control, and cocked her head at him with an impish smile. "As for my reward… I seem to recall you owing me some secrets from our first date. Said you'd spill on the second. And since I technically won," she punctuated the word with a playful roll of her hips, just to watch his reaction, "I think it's time you pay up, Bruce."

She let the moment hang between them, the thrill of victory, the heat of their proximity, before adding with a smirk, "And after that… you're taking me for ice cream. East End, best in Gotham. No arguments." Her eyes gleamed with mischief. "Consider it my way of seeing if you can keep up with me off the rooftops too."
It was odd how well Selina fit atop him. There wasn't any air between their bodies and Bruce could feel the heat radiating off of Selina. Her legs pressed gently against his ribs caused Bruce to release a gentle seethe as if he were coming down from an adrenaline high. His gaze slowly dropped from Selina's full lips and landed on the finger trailing down the center of his chest. A soft smirk pulled at his lips, while Bruce nodded his head. "I've got good eyes." Selina continued, stopping her touch against his heart, it hammered heavily against her finger under the tight black shirt. "I'm not here because you're nice to me... I'm here because you challenge me." He gasped just before she ground against him and caused Bruce to fall silent, going slightly wide eyed at the intimate gesture.

The way her breath washed against his lips, the way she teased a second taste of her ruby lips... Bruce started to sit up, to chase her lips for a second embrace but she sat up just enough to tempt him, leave him with a challenge. Bruce bit his lip and chewed against it while Selina listed her demands for a reward. Bruce rolled his hips up against Selina when she straddled his waist but seemingly at the same time she did the same and Bruce's lips fell open in a silent gasp that he struggled to hold back.

Bruce sat up slowly and laced Selina's arms around his shoulders and neck, then wrapped his arms around her waist, then gently pressed his forehead to Selina's. "Secrets..." Bruce whispered, pondering where to start. "Sometimes... at night. I put on a mask and run around random rooftops." He winked at Selina, knowing it sounded insane that he might actually do that with what he was known for. "Also in my old bedroom, I have a full scale model of Metropolis complete with a Superman that flies around it like a train track." Bruce pulled back to look Selina in the eye but was sure to nuzzle against her cheek as he did. "I secretly donate to animal shelters so I can avoid the press. There, two truths and a lie." Bruce needed to get a model of Metropolis before Selina visited his house.

"So Ice-Cream on he East End huh? What's your favorite flavor?" Bruce asked, pressing up against Selina. Gently his hands found purchase against her rear and under her thigh. His legs shifted and he squatted up with her wrapped around his waist so they were both standing. "And where is the best place to get it there?" He wondered, turning to find a way down the side of the building with a fire escape...

The broad shouldered man took his time driving the Rolls Royce around Gotham towards the East End just to get to spend more time with Selina. "I don't think I've ever known someone as athletic as you, how do you get to be so talented at everything? And don't you say natural talent. Something put this sort of drive in you to exceed in everything you put your mind to." Bruce gently nudged, wondering just what it was that drove Selina to such spectacular heights.

Finally Bruce came off of the highway and hit the stretch of street leading towards the sound of sirens, but there were far too many to be normal, even in Gotham. Carefully Bruce glanced at Selina hoping she didn't panic. Ahead blue and red lights merged with flames that licked the sides and rooftops of buildings. At the edge of town, Bruce's care was forced to a stop by a unit of Police in Gotham Blues. One man with a thin pencil mustache stepped over to the car and peered inside.

"Oh, Mr. Wayne, Hey I'm sowry ta tell ya this, but the area is being evacuated while four fires are bein put out, you and your lady here are gonna have ta turn around for the time being." The officer explained and Bruce nodded in understanding and turned around just to go around the block and out of sight. He put the car into park and glanced over at Selina. "So... what do you wanna do about the fires?" Bruce asked, hoping she wouldn't go into the city but deep down he knew that the woman wasn't going to abandon the people there, and neither would Bruce one way or the other.
Selina arched a brow at Bruce's so-called secrets, her lips quirking into a knowing smirk. "You put on a mask and run around rooftops? Oh, what a scandal, Bruce." Her voice dripped with amusement as she traced a slow, idle circle on his chest. maybe the rooftop challenge had him believing he really was the Dark Knight. "That's hardly a secret—I mean, now I know for sure you're the biggest nerd in Gotham. A model city of Metropolis? With a flying Superman?" She tsked, shaking her head playfully. "Honestly, that might be the worst-kept secret yet."

Her teasing softened when he mentioned donating to animal shelters in secret. That… that was something else. She didn't let it show on her face—she wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of knowing how deeply that touched her—but inside, her heart did a slow, unexpected flip. It was one thing for Bruce Wayne to throw money at charities for the PR. It was another to do it without anyone knowing. He's got a good heart under all that billionaire brooding, doesn't he? Not that she'd say it out loud.

Instead, she gave a languid stretch, rolling her hips one last time before letting him stand with her wrapped around his waist, legs locked at his back. "Hmmm… where's the best ice cream?" she mused, pretending to think before flashing a mischievous smile. "East End. There's a little shop, Cione's, tucked between a pawn shop and a tattoo parlour. The guy who owns it—Gianni—makes everything from scratch. Real gelato, not the fake stuff. And if you don't get the dark chocolate cherry swirl, I'll know you have terrible taste."

She grinned as he carried her effortlessly toward the fire escape, feeling the strength in his arms, the quiet power beneath the charm. Damn it. I might actually be falling for this guy. The realisation sent a pulse of warmth through her, followed by the slightest edge of fear. Don't get too comfortable, Selina.

The drive through Gotham was slow, Bruce deliberately taking the long way to stretch out their time together. His car was as conspicuous as ever—a Rolls Royce rolling through the East End was like a golden goose waltzing into a wolf's den. But Selina was too content to tease him about it, leaning back into the plush seat, the city lights reflecting in her half-lidded eyes.

When he asked about her athleticism, she turned to face him fully. Something about his voice, about the way he asked—not like he was prying, but like he genuinely wanted to know—made her drop her usual deflections.

"You grow up in the East End, you learn to be quick," she said simply, her voice softer than before. "Either you run fast, climb fast, or you end up cornered in an alley. And if you do get caught… you learn to fight."

She left it at that, not about to tell him just how well she could fight. That she knew at least eight different martial arts inside and out. That she'd been trained by Wildcat Ted Grant himself. That she could take down most men twice her size before they even knew what hit them. No, better to let Bruce keep wondering.

But before he could press further, the skyline ahead flickered with the telltale glow of flames, and Selina stiffened.

As they reached the East End, the streets were ablaze with chaos. Sirens wailed, red and blue lights splashed against the soot-stained buildings, and the acrid scent of smoke filled the air. Selina's stomach clenched at the sight. She knew this part of town like the back of her hand. People she knew lived here. Her people.

Bruce turned to her, voice steady. "So… what do you wanna do about the fires?"

Selina swallowed hard, keeping her face carefully neutral, but inside, panic clawed at her ribs. Was her building safe? Were her cats—

"I have to go."

And just like that, she was gone.

The heat was unbearable, even for her. Dressed in her Catwoman suit, Selina moved like a shadow through the crumbling buildings, guiding frightened residents out through broken windows and side alleys. The firefighters were overwhelmed, struggling to contain the inferno, but she worked fast, slipping through the chaos like smoke.

Her heart only settled when she found her building untouched, her cats safe. Small mercies. But she had no time to linger.

"Aw, kitty's got her claws out tonight."

Selina spun, muscles tensing at the sing-song voice.

Harley Quinn, a woman Selina only knew by reputation stood amidst the chaos, her red-and-black jester suit streaked with soot, a playful grin splitting her face. "You gonna help me light the place up, or you here to play firefighter?"

Selina's eyes narrowed. "You did this?"

Harley twirled her mallet. "Nah, but I ain't stoppin' it either. Thought I'd come see if you were still all soft about this place."

Selina's temper flared, but she kept her voice level. "Get out of my way, Jester."

Harley giggled. "Make me, kitty cat."

Catwoman sighed. "You really wanna do this?"

Harley swung first, and Selina dodged by a hair's breadth, feeling the whoosh of air as the mallet narrowly missed her head. She countered with a sharp kick to Harley's ribs, sending the clown staggering, but Harley was faster than she looked. She pivoted, bringing the mallet around in a brutal arc—

Pain exploded through Selina's side as the mallet clipped her ribs, sending her skidding across the pavement. Gritting her teeth, she rolled with the impact, ignoring the fire that licked at her bruised skin. Damn it, that's gonna hurt later.

Harley pounced, but Selina was ready. She ducked under the next swing, swept Harley's legs out from under her, and landed a punch square to her jaw. Harley yelped, tumbling back, a wicked grin still plastered across her face.

"Oooh, feisty tonight! But I gotta bounce." Harley blew a kiss. "See ya 'round, kitty!"

And just like that, she was gone, slipping into the smoke with a bruised jaw and a laugh on her lips.

Selina exhaled, wincing as she pressed a hand to her ribs. Yeah, that's gonna leave a mark.

But there was no time to rest. The fires still raged, and people still needed saving.

With a determined breath, she moved back into the flames.
"Selina, wait!" Bruce called out as the woman sprang from her car to rush into the burning town. Bruce's eyes narrowed and he flipped his trunk open. A few moments later Bruce was likewise ducking into an alley to strip down and change into the reserve suit he carried in a hide away inside the fancy car. Bruce swiftly slipped into an older suit, far less protective than his typical attire, almost made of spandex with black trunks and purple gloves. He pulled his cowl up over his face and the white lenses flared to life, making the grey and black garbed man look like a demon in the night.

Using a grapple gun, Batman pulled himself into the air and let the hot air catch under his cape to send the man higher into the sky. Selina was already gone, Batman couldn't see her specifically between the flames, vehicles and people scrambling about for safety and to do their jobs. It seemed like he wasn't going to be of much help aside from helping to guide people at least until he heard the sound of something streaking through the air and the deafening roar of an explosion that rocked the very ice cream shop Selina had been talking about, destroying the two adjacent buildings in the process.

From high in the sky, Batman watched as a nut in purple sprang away from the explosion, tossing aside a long green shoulder mounted cannon... a rocket launcher, but where the hell did the mad man get it? Batman didn't have time to ponder it, he had to stop the nut racing towards a purple car with a grill that looked like a row of grinning teeth. As Batman pulled his arms in and dove down, the green haired nut ceased his laughing and went still, then suddenly turned and grabbed a yellow sunflower on his lapel, aiming it towards the dive bombing Dark Knight!

Batman barely had time to react and pulled his cape up over his head, tucking down as a stream of neon green fluid sprayed in a mist, hitting the Caped Crusader across the forearm and mask! Batman rolled hard and crashed against the side of the cackling man's convertible. Swiftly pulling his head away from the cape, Batman yanked his glove off and cursed as acid bubbled and burned his hand. His gloved hand picked up the edge of his cape and swiftly wiped at the right eye of his mask, removing the acid before it could eat away at more of his suit. Luckily only the one eye was exposed, nothing else.

The landing caused his entire body to ache, his cut side and bruised chest were on fire but when he felt a gun barrel press to the back of his head, none of that seemed to matter. The Bat grit his teeth, mentally just a few weeks ago Batman would have been ready to die. He would have done so happily, but now he found Selina in the back of his head, he didn't tell her how he felt, and wanted to know so much more about her... Bruce's heart thudded with anticipation of the hammer drop but it didn't come...

"What's the matter Batsy? Get into one too many fights with a specific Kitty? Or did that acid dig deeper into you than I thought? Bahaahhahhaha..." The Joker reached out and grasped Batman by the top of his head and wrenched his head back. The caped man gritted his teeth and went wide eyed in shock as he settled his cold gaze against Joker's red eyes and chalk white skin. For a moment there was only silence between them. "You don't remember me do you?....Well guano for brains, I promise, you won't forget this...h-h-h-ah!ahahahhahahhhAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!" With a violent flick of the wrist, Joker smashed his gun across the side of Batman's face, bruising his skin and cutting the exposed flesh of his cheek opposite of where Catwoman had cut him the first time.

Batman rolled with the blow and struggled to bring himself to his feet. The red eyed devil opened fire, Batman darted around the car, bullets bounced and embedded into the vehicle in equal measure. "Damn gun... Only six rounds!" Joker growled and tossed it aside, then rolled his head to crack his neck. Just as Joker strutted around his car to ambush the ducked down Batman, a bare fist smashed across the side of Joker's head from the other end of the car, and the man's red eyes rolled up into his head for a moment. Before the clown could think to react, the Batman was grabbing the Joker's suit jacket and yanking him over the hood of the car to slam the clown back first against it with a savage force that caused the metal to dent!

"Who are you!?" Batman growled with a savage snarl, his blue and white eyes narrowed and seemed to bore into the Joker's soul... if he had one. But in response the Joker simply slammed a hand up into the Batman's chest, but suddenly a blast of electricity hit the Dark Knight and threw him back harshly into the street. Steam rose off of Batman's body as he writhed in agony, the only thing saving him from death was the insulation inside of his suit. The light from his lens had flickered out and it took everything he had to just lift his head.

Joker was nowhere to be seen but the car remained. "Guahhh fuck!" Batman swore as he rolled to his hands and knees and crawled weakly to the car just so he could drag himself up to his feet and limp towards an alley not far off. He used the side of a wall to support himself until the Batman's heavy body became too much to bear and he collapsed against a stack of wooden pallets and held his aching head and ribs....Above thunder rolled and lightning streaked across the dark sky. Then it came, the heavy pour of Gotham's familiar rain, rippling over him in heavy drops but helping to put the fires of the night out. Batman's head hung low as he pulled what was left of his cape over his body to hide in the shadows.
Catwoman lounged in the shadows of the alleyway, her back pressed against the damp brick as she caught her breath. The night had been cruel—thick with smoke, fire licking the sky, the scent of burnt wood and desperation clinging to her skin. She had done all she could, pulled as many people from the wreckage as possible, and yet it never felt like enough.

The rain came heavy now, hammering against the pavement, flattening the soot in her hair, soaking through the fabric of her suit until it clung to her skin like a second layer of regret. The city always had a way of trying to cleanse itself, washing away the sins of the night. But some stains ran too deep.

A figure lurched into the alleyway, stumbling, dragging himself along the wall like a wounded animal. Even through the haze of exhaustion, she knew.


Selina straightened, her muscles coiling with quiet concern as she watched him collapse against a stack of wooden pallets, his head hanging low. His body was a mess—his suit torn, burnt, caked with dirt and blood. Even in the dim alley light, she could see the bruises blooming beneath the fabric, fresh and angry.

Silently, she reached for a water bottle she had snatched earlier, pushing herself up with the last of her strength and slinking toward him. She crouched beside him, the bottle cool in her palm as she held it out.

"You look like hell handsome," she murmured, her voice quieter than usual, subdued by the weight of the night. "Here. Hydrate or die, your choice."

He seemed to hesitated for a second before taking it. The sound of him drinking was lost beneath the patter of rain, but she saw the way his throat bobbed, the tension easing in his shoulders just a fraction.

Selina let out a slow breath and slouched down beside him, resting her head against the wall, legs stretched out in front of her. The air smelled like wet asphalt and burnt memories.

That was when she saw it.

The cowl was damaged—jagged where something had eaten away at it, the edge raw and uneven. For the first time, she could see one of his eyes. The dim glow of a nearby streetlamp caught in it, making the blue deeper, more striking than she had expected.

Selina reached out before she could stop herself, fingers tracing the burnt edge of the cowl.

"That's a bad look for you, Bats," she said softly, her usual playfulness tempered by something else—something real. "Like a mask half-off, like you can't decide if you wanna be him or you tonight."

She withdrew her hand, resting it against her thigh instead.

"You took a beating out there." It wasn't a question, just an observation. "Guess I don't have to ask who did it. He has a flair for the dramatic I hear."

She tilted her head, watching him carefully, her voice dropping to something quieter.

"Why do you do it?" She saw the way his breath hitched at the question, the way his fingers curled slightly against his knee.

"I don't mean the usual bullshit about justice, or vengeance, or whatever you tell yourself to keep from losing your mind." She exhaled sharply, rain dripping from her lashes, nose and lips. "I mean, why do you keep throwing yourself into the fire when you don't even know if there's an end to the burning?"

Her voice wasn't mocking. It wasn't teasing. It was raw, genuine. Because tonight, after everything, she wanted to know.

She wanted to understand him.

Maybe so she could understand herself, too.
For the first time, Batman hadn't heard the woman stepping closer to him, hadn't felt the presence of Catwoman changing the air around him. Her voice caused his head to jerk up swiftly and his eyes narrowed, darting from her to the bottle of water carefully. It didn't look like it had been opened yet... He didn't really trust the illusive burglar either. Still he took the bottle and twisted the cap open to wash the dryness out of his throat. Slow deep gulps soothed his throat and fought off the heat of the flames that were already starting to die out with combined aid from the fire fighters and the rain.

Batman watched as Catwoman slumped down against the wall to his right, the two now sitting in a T shape. She seemed to reach out tenderly towards his mask and as she traced the burnt part of the mask (the only thing that saved his life thanks to the extra protection in it.), his head pulled away from her touch, wary of her clawed finger tips after their last two encounters. Batman went wide eyed while Cawtoman mentioned who he was, Alfred had said more and more that Bruce was becoming Batman more and more as the weeks passed and he feared that the mask was his true face. Catwoman's comment hit home hard in that moment.

"You know who that is?" He questioned wondering how she knew he had a flair for the dramatics, but his eyes roamed her body, Catwoman seemed a bit sore as well but not in the same way. She seemed ran down, less full of bite and wit... like she wasn't his enemy. Batman wasn't sure what to make of her anymore. Was she helping people instead of looting the burning town? Maybe she wasn't all bad, his first assessment about Catwoman may have been a better woman than others gave her credit for.

"Why do you do it?"

Batman's head lifted slowly, rain moved around his mask and off it, more washed down the exposed portions of his face and dripped in large pools. His eyes scanned Catwoman, she was asking the way he would if he wanted to understand someone he was investigating. For a moment his eyes drifted to his wounded ribs and moved the acid burned hand off of them. No blood thankfully but he felt like something cracked. His pearly white teeth ground together while he gathered his thoughts and looked back to Catwoman.

"Gotham is too corrupt... Takes too much from the innocent... I have to... Nobody else is capable of it." He explained through ragged breaths of pain, fog forming in front of his mouth in contrast to the cold rain. It's all he would say on the subject, his head turned away. He sat with his thoughts for a moment before speaking up again. "But now... there are killer clowns and cat thieves. This..." Batman tugged at the damaged cowl on his head, revealing a strand of dark, almost chocolate locks under the protective headgear. "...wasn't supposed to inspire others to extremes. I may have opened a floodgate that can't be shut." The realization hit him like the car he crashed into.

Slowly Batman stood up on wobbly legs and held the wall for support. "Are you alright?" He asked, and handed her the bottle of water with his gloved hand. He hit a button on the buckle of his belt, causing a single light to blink twice and die out then took his cape off and held it over Catwoman to shield her from the rain, a gesture of thanks without using words. "What are you doing here in the East End?" He wondered, figuring Catwoman to be a high end crook who lived near the same area as Thorne, but perhaps she had a hotel in the seedier parts of the city to blend in.
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