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Gotham Nights (Batman4560 & VelvetWhispers)

Bruce knocked on Selina's door, and held one hand behind his back, holding three plastic bags. His free hand smoothed out the black suit he wore, by the time his palm made its pass, the door opened and Bruce's eyes widened at the sight of Selina in the seductive black dress. Before he knew it, Bruce was pulled into the apartment and a deep, passion filled kiss.

Swiftly, Bruce's palms came up, one holding tight to her exposed thigh, the other splayed across her back right between the shoulder blades. For a moment the wide eyed man stood there too stunned to do more than hold her, then his storm blue eyes drifted shut and he began to kiss her back, twisting just enough with her that he pushed her up against the counter top while she broke the kiss.

"Go?" He asked, eyes resting on her finger trailing down his jacket. "OH... Oh. We can do that... yeah. I thought maybe instead we could stay in and watch a movie... I brought eight when I realized I had no idea what you actually like. Also I made a call to that ice cream shop so I was wondering if you'd like me to double back and get some?" Bruce asked...

Fifteen minutes later, Bruce stepped back into the apartment with three different quarts of ice cream and three frozen treats for the cats. "So, what did you pick?" Bruce asked, looking at Selina, changed into something much more comfortable. Bruce placed one pint of ice cream into the freezer and then sat down next to her with two spoons and handed her a requested pint then opened one frozen treat at a time for the cats and made sure each of them approached to take the treat. "See, they don't hate me..." Bruce winked at Selina. One just needed a better bribe."

Lazily he sat up and slid his suit jacket off and draped it over the arm of the sofa, then unbuttoned his white shirt to reveal a matching white tee. His arm wrapped around Selina's shoulders and pulled her close against him while he scooted closer as well. The dark haired man placed his ice cream between his thighs and dug into the chocolate, fudge and peanut butter cup ice cream.

Silently he watched the movie with Selina, simply enjoying being with her and watching what she enjoyed. Bruce was told his taste was dour, or too silly most of the time so he had learned to settle but even the simple act of watching a movie with Selina was far more than pleasant, it was fun.

Bruce's hand found Selina's and his thumb stroked over the back of her hand. The movie came to an end and Bruce kissed the top of her head. "What do you think, late lunch? We can order in if you want?" Bruce pondered and let Selina's hand go so he could lean back and lock eyes with hers.
The moment Bruce suggested staying in, Selina's shoulders relaxed, tension melting away as a slow, satisfied smirk curved her lips. "Well, well, Bruce Wayne, I think you just became the smartest man in Gotham." With an exaggerated sigh of relief, she reached down, unstrapping her heels and kicking them unceremoniously to the side before tossing her hair out of its carefully styled coiffeur. Long, dark waves tumbled over her shoulders, and she gave her head a little shake, stretching as if she'd just shed the weight of the world. "I was already dreading the whole song and dance of going out. This? This is perfect."

And when he mentioned ice cream? Oh, he really was a genius.

"You, my dear, are a genius. A beautiful, brooding genius." She leaned up, pressing a kiss to his jaw before spinning on her heel and sauntering off toward the bedroom.

By the time Bruce returned, she'd swapped the little black dress for something infinitely more comfortable—a loose pair of bed shorts that sat high on her thighs, socks pulled over her feet, and the slightly oversized Batman t-shirt he'd bought her on that whirlwind Metropolis trip. It had been a joke at the time, but now it was one of her favourites. "Tada," she said, stretching her arms out dramatically as she dropped onto the couch. "Now, let's see... horror, obviously. Something ridiculous. Something terrible. Something that thinks it's scary but is actually just two hours of dumb decisions and screaming." She grabbed the remote, scrolling through the selection before settling on something fittingly awful, then patted the space beside her.

She barely looked away from the screen when Bruce returned, but when he knelt to distribute treats for the cats, she smirked. "Please. They've adored you from day one. Even Midnight. She just plays hard to get." She scooped up a spoonful of ice cream, watching as Midnight, the most selective of her three, sniffed delicately at the frozen offering before deciding it was acceptable. "See? You're in. She's just as whipped as the rest of us."

When Bruce settled in beside her, she wasted no time in curling up against him, her legs pulling up onto the couch, over his lap as she nestled into his warmth. She stole a bite of his ice cream when he wasn't looking, giggling to herself before focusing back on the movie.

And what a ridiculous choice it was. "Oh, come on, who runs towards the creepy noise? Rookie mistake." She scoffed as the hapless protagonist made yet another terrible decision, shaking her head. "I should really teach self-preservation as a side hustle. This is just embarrassing." She let out a sharp laugh at another predictable jumpscare. "Absolutely terrifying. Really. I'm quaking."

Somewhere in the middle of the chaos on screen, her fingers found Bruce's, and she absentmindedly traced circles along his knuckles as she ate, stealing a glance at him now and then. He was comfortable. More comfortable than she'd seen him in a long time. And she loved that.

When the credits rolled and Bruce mentioned lunch, she stretched languidly before reaching for her phone. "Mmm, no arguments here. But I'm paying." She shot him a look before he could protest, sliding off the couch and heading toward the fridge. She rifled through the stack of takeout menus, grabbing the whole bunch from under the Batarang that had been stuck there for months. "Alright, let's see. We've got Thai, sushi, Greek, and—" She rifled through them, rattling off options before turning over her shoulder with a smirk. "So, what'll it be, handsome?"

She already knew she wouldn't be going out tonight. No prowling rooftops, no chasing shadows. She should. She was supposed to. That had been the plan. She had plans to hunt down the Joker and Harley, but they could wait. They could always wait. This? This was something she didn't want to miss. Like a cat stretching out in the golden afternoon sun, she wanted to bask in the warmth of Bruce's presence just a little while longer, knowing full well she shouldn't, but unable to resist.

And, really, who could blame her?
"Whipped huh? Does that mean Selina Kyle is smitten with Bruce Wayne? Should I tell the press? I own one you know." Bruce joked as he sat up and wrapped his arm around her only for the dark haired woman to twist and push into his body as she got comfortable. Selina's legs up over Bruce's lap was perfect. It seemed in just four dates they had developed a few intimate gestures all their own, like the way she draped herself over him.

The horror film droned and as Selina poked fun at it. part of him wondered if she did this to keep herself witty and care free or if she truly enjoyed making fun of poor quality films. Either way it kept a cheesy smile pasted to his lips from fighting back soft giggles. When her fingers found his and she began tracing circles over his flesh, Bruce pressed deeper into Selina to keep her close and breathed in the scent of her shampoo and conditioner. She felt familiar in a way, like she had more in common with him than he would ever know.

Bruce twisted his neck to watch Selina move to the stack of paper pinned to her fridge with his batarang, socks and high rising shorts were becoming one of his favorite things. "Sushi, beautiful. Thank you for treating me to lunch. You're the only woman I know who lets a man ask her for a date then offers to pay for the food." Bruce chimed as Selina started to scroll through her phone to put the orders in. He remained seated for a moment and found his fingers idly scratching behind Midnight's ears after the loner settled down into Bruce's suit jacket. Bruce for his part, hadn't even realized he started to do it.

Lazily Bruce finally stood up and stretched his body out, collecting the spoons and empty tubs of ice cream to clean up. It was odd to Bruce that even the mere act of cleaning up with Selina felt far too comfortable. "You know.. I really hate going out in suits, when I was away from the city, I was wearing anything other than suits up until I joined the F.B.I." Bruce started, either admitting to the idea that he was a member of the force or that he was keeping the joke going. "I'd rather stay in when possible. All this running around has me exhausted more often than not, and board meetings... ugh the worst thing in the world. Very rarely does anything of importance get spoken about unless something awful has happened in the city...." Lately that was happening more and more thanks to the Joker and Harley.

Bruce had time though, he could say with Selina until something had happened. Joker was smart, he made it hard to track him and tended to only move when the weather was bad enough to make it difficult to give chase from long distances. So instead, Bruce would let himself continue to enjoy being with Selina as much as possible.

He moved into the kitchen, dropping the pints into the bin and washed the spoons then he turned to face Selina with a wide grin. "I think I could get used to this staying in and watching silly movies. Though I'd grow fat... Would you still like me?" Bruce wondered and started to move towards her after she put the phone down. He cupped her cheek and gave Selina a deep and lingering kiss that seemed to hang in the air for a few minutes until he broke away and backed up towards the sink and leaned up against the edge of it.

A few minutes later, the door was knocked on and Selina moved to pay for the food. Bruce took a deep breath and licked his lips slowly. He could stay until just before dinner, he could tell her about who he was. But maybe he should start with testing the waters. Selina came back and set the food bags down on the counter. "Smells good." Bruce praised and turned to pull down two glasses and a bottle of wine. It was dense, heavy and red. Slowly he twisted the bottle in his hands and checked the date. His brow arched sharply, it was old, made before the first world war. "Wow, how did you afford this?" Bruce asked and lifted the bottle, unsure if he should even bother opening it at that point.
Selina let out a low, throaty chuckle as she threw her head back against the couch. "Whipped? Oh, honey, if I was smitten, you'd know it. And you? You'd be done for." A teasing smirk played at her lips, knowing full well that as much as she denied it, she well and truly was head over heels for Gotham's golden boy. "Tell the press, though, and I'll have to start charging you for my time. A girl's got to keep her mystique, after all."

As she dialled in their order, she glanced over at Bruce, the casual way he scratched behind Midnight's ears. The sight made her heart do something strange and unfamiliar in her chest. And then he started talking about suits, and—

The FBI.

For a moment, she had to stop herself from outright laughing. She'd thought he was joking before, but now? No, he had been serious. Bruce Wayne. Billionaire. Former FBI. And she—she was a thief. A damn good one, at that. The irony was almost too much. Her lips quirked upward, and before she could stop herself, she asked, "So, what exactly did you do for the FBI?" Her voice was light, teasing, but her mind raced.

Was it recent? Was he still working for them in some way? Would he even tell her? Would he know about her?

Before he could answer, he leaned in, cupping her cheek, and kissed her deeply. It was slow, lingering, the kind of kiss that left her breathless, that made her toes curl against the counter. Heat coiled low in her belly as she let herself melt into it, hands slipping up to his shoulders, nails grazing lightly against his skin. When he pulled back, she exhaled a soft sigh, lips curving into a lazy smile. "Mmm. I suppose if you got fat, I'd still like you. But only if you'd still like me if I did, too."

With a teasing wink, she sauntered off to grab the food, slipping a few bills to the delivery guy before bringing it back into the kitchen. The scent was mouth-watering, and without hesitation, she grabbed a piece of sushi, holding it up to Bruce's lips. "Try first. You picked it. Might as well enjoy the fruits of your labour." When he bit down, she popped her own piece into her mouth, moaning in appreciation. "Oh, you really did pick good. You, sir, have excellent taste."

Then he found the wine.

Selina barely hid her surprise, her mind racing. She should've been more careful. Before Bruce, it wouldn't have mattered—she never had to explain things like this to anyone. But now? How exactly did she tell Gotham's most eligible billionaire why she had a bottle worth over $100,000 just casually tucked away? And not only one at that.

She slid the bottle from his hand, masking her hesitation with an indulgent smile as she grabbed a corkscrew. "Oh, you know, I'm a very lucky woman, Bruce. You're not the first admirer I've had at work. Some customers like to... show their appreciation. What can I say?"

Even to her ears, it didn't sound particularly convincing, but it was the story she was sticking to. She poured them both a glass, sliding one across the counter toward him while she dipped her nose into the flute and took a long inhale before she took a slow sip from her own. The wine was rich, decadent, but the taste was tinged with the weight of his question...and her lies.

She couldn't have him asking more.

With a sly grin, she pushed the takeout aside with her forearm and, in one fluid motion, climbed over the counter, wrapping herself around him. Legs coiling around his waist, arms draping over his shoulders, she pressed against him, her mouth seeking his with a passion that left no room for questioning. The kiss was hungry, deep, her fingers threading through his hair as she tugged him closer, pressing flush against his firm chest. She kissed him until the tension in the air shifted, until all thoughts of expensive wine and prying questions were lost in the heat between them.

When she finally pulled back, lips swollen, breath uneven, she smirked stuffing a roll into his mouth. "Now, are we eating first? Or do you need me to remind you again how much I like you, fat or not?"
Bruce's brow furrowed when Selina took the bottle of wine and explained that someone had given it to her as a gift of affection. Bruce didn't buy it, Selina barely let him get close enough at first to buy her dinner, he doubted he would have accepted a strangers gift of wine but he didn't press the subject either. "Criminal profiling." Bruce stated calmly. "I would take a look at suspects and root out likely from non likely suspects on specific crimes. Then I did some crime scene analyzing afterwords. But only for about four years. I didn't enjoy all the red tape involved with it. Thought I could do more good as Bruce Wayne the head of Wayne Enterprises than I could as Bruce Wayne F.B.I. agent." He explained, answering her earlier question.

Then the woman slid the food across the counter and stalked like a predator over it until her legs were suddenly wrapped around his waist. "Selina..." He muttered when she draped her long arms over his shoulders and got close to him. She pressed and he gasped, the two kissed in a way that left Bruce speechless but cooing into the kiss while he tugged so that she was tugging just a little harder at his hair. Once the kiss broke, before he could question further, she popped a piece of sushi into his mouth and further distracted him from asking too many questions. Bruce would press the wine situation if it came up again, for now it didn't matter. "You think you can kiss me like that and then just go back to lunch like you didn't take my breath away?" He asked less than a second after he swallowed the sushi bite. Bruce's cool blue eyes narrowed as if he were appraising Selina carefully.

The broad arms of Bruce pulled Selina back against him so he could back up with her wrapped around his waist. His lips met her neck and slowly trailed up with firm kisses and nibbled against her lower lip playfully then set her down on her feet. "You make me hungry for everything other than food sometimes..." He whispered against her lips before giving her a slow, gentle kiss that he poured all his passion into until he trembled against her. Slowly the pair parted and Bruce broke into a boyish smile while he moved back to the food to pop a piece of sushi into her mouth then took a pull of wine from his glass...

Lunch passed with laughter and a bit of flirting before Bruce found himself laying on the sofa with Selina draped over him languidly. He broke into a wide smile while his fingers lazily stroked through her hair and the tips of his digits massaged her scalp. "Selina... When we aren't together... Sometimes I'm running the Gotham roofs. Sometimes I'm cave diving... Or racing cars. But I think maybe I should stop. I don't want you to be worrying about me. You make me feel... Like..." Bruce searched for the right words to say. "... I think... I know, that I am starting to fall for you." He ended with a murmur against her ear.

With the admittance in the open, Bruce felt his heart beat rapidly, the last woman he had felt this way about was the daughter of one of the most powerful men in the world and had become a terrorist while Bruce was still in the Agency, she was part of the reason he left it. Selina wasn't the same as Talia though, she was stable, safe, smart... she cared the same way he did. All Bruce could do now was wait, see how she responded.
Selina listened with a knowing smirk as Bruce detailed his time with the FBI, her fingers idly toying with the stem of her wine glass. "Criminal profiling? The rich really do have the strangest hobbies," she mused, her lips curling in amusement. "And here I thought your pastimes were more in line with polo and yacht racing." She tilted her head, watching him closely as he continued, her smirk deepening when he admitted his distaste for all the red tape.

She let out a soft chuckle, something husky and warm. "Rules, regulations, tedious paperwork—sounds awful." Her eyes glittered with mischief as she swirled the wine in her glass. "I mean, why follow protocol when you can just... take a shortcut?" Her tone was playful, but the irony wasn't lost on her. Here she was, a professional thief, dating an ex-FBI agent. Oh, the universe had a wicked sense of humour.

But then, Bruce's words were forgotten as she slithered over the counter and wrapped herself around him, revelling in the sharp inhale he made when she pressed in close.

"Selina..." His voice was a rasp, a warning—one she had no intention of heeding.

The kiss was searing, deep, and intoxicating. She felt the tremor in him, the way he surrendered, the way his hands clutched her as if he were afraid she might vanish between his fingers. She took her time, savouring the feel of him, the taste of him, the way his lips parted under hers as if they were made to fit together. His fingers wove into her hair, and she arched into him, answering his silent request, tugging just a little harder, just to hear that delicious sound he made.

When she finally pulled back, he was breathless, his pupils blown wide.

"You think you can kiss me like that and then just go back to lunch like you didn't take my breath away?" he challenged, voice low and rough.

Selina let her nails graze lightly over his jaw as she gave him an indulgent smile. "Mmmhmm," she murmured with an almost lazy confidence, popping a piece of sushi between his lips before he could argue. "You should know by now, Bruce—I'm very good at getting what I want and then moving on." She winked before taking a bite of her own, making a pleased noise at the taste.

Lunch passed in easy conversation, laughter, playful touches, and stolen kisses, the weight of their unspoken truths lingering in the air like the taste of fine wine. She was grateful Bruce didn't press further about the bottle—because she wasn't sure she had any more convincing lies left in her.

Later, they were stretched out on the couch, Selina nestled against him, one leg hooked lazily over his as she swirled the remnants of her wine in her glass, watching the deep red liquid catch the light. The television flickered, some film neither of them were truly paying attention to droning on in the background. Then, his voice, quiet but certain.

"Selina... When we aren't together... Sometimes I'm running the Gotham roofs. Sometimes I'm cave diving... Or racing cars. But I think maybe I should stop. I don't want you to be worrying about me. You make me feel... like..." He hesitated, then exhaled, voice dropping to a murmur against her ear. "I think... I know, that I am starting to fall for you."

She froze.

It was all well and good when it was her emotions at stake. Hers, she could manage. She could compartmentalise, push them aside when they threatened to complicate things. But Bruce's feelings?

That was dangerous.

She took a slow sip of wine to buy herself a moment, her mind racing as her pulse pounded in her throat.


That word had weight. Implications. Consequences.

So she ignored it.

Instead, she turned to him with a slow, knowing smile, dragging her fingers over his chest. "Leave the worrying up to me," she purred. "I wouldn't change a thing about you." A beat, then a smirk. "Rooftops, cave diving, cars—whatever keeps you entertained."

Selina knew, deep down, that she had already fallen for him. It wasn't some slow unraveling, some careful, measured descent—no, Bruce had swept her into something deeper than she'd ever intended to go. She had let him in without realising it, let him under her skin in ways she never allowed anyone, and now, the weight of it sat heavy in her chest. But indulging in sentimentality was dangerous. Love made people reckless, careless, and she had spent too long perfecting the art of self-preservation to throw it all away for a man—even one as maddeningly good as Bruce. Yet, despite every instinct telling her to pull back, to keep herself guarded, this thing between them had already become more than just flirtation, more than just fun. It had taken root in places she hadn't expected, and the worst part? She wasn't sure what to do about it. Because for the first time in a long time, Selina Kyle was confused.

She leaned in, pressing a lingering kiss to his cheek before whispering against his skin, "Who knows... I might even catch you up on a rooftop one of these nights."

The tease came easily, her voice playful, light, effortless.

But inside?

Inside, she wasn't sure if she was running toward him or away.
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