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Animals (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

When there was no more wood to split, he returned inside; returned to the intoxicating scent of his wife and her maddening presence. He moved into the den and saw her sitting in his chair, staring at him with lovesick eyes as she brushed her fingers slowly through something sat in her lap. It was a pelt; colored in beautiful grey and tan and orange shades of various opacity.
He dropped the axe, a loud thud as it hit the floor. He had undone the top button of his shirt, revealing some of his massive frame. His eyes were crazed, telling of the animal he had caged within.
"It's time, lieben." She told him, her nails moving through the fur and he desperately wished her nails were moving down his spine.
He could almost feel it. It made him shudder. “F..Finally.” He let out. His voice was low, but strained.
His hands were trembling as he moved to grab his pelt. It smelled like her. Their scents mixed over the rich fur and for a moment he nearly lost control.
"I'll be in the bedroom, should you need anything." She said as she stood, allowing him the privacy he needed for his transformation. He had always been too ashamed to let her witness such a thing, even when she adamantly stated she loved everything about him. He just couldn't taint her view of him like that.
She sat on the bed, her heart pounding with excitement. She loved being with Ludwig in all aspects, including this one. She loved the beast as much as she loved the man.
She heard low snarls, almost pained grunts turn to canine panting, heavy intakes through a bestial snout. Heavier footfalls, low growling before a howl split the night.
She hoped no one put it together that the howl came from their home. She could make something up, she was sure of it.
Should she play into his animalistic nature? Or should she help him? Both were fun. He knew she was there regardless.
"Lieben...?" She called, fake fear in her voice.
He growled again, the thumping on the door getting louder. The wood was creaking, small cracks around the hinges starting to appear.
Oh, she couldn't really risk him breaking the door - as much as she would love that. She moved quickly, reaching for the doorknob and pulling the door open, "Lieben?"
The door flung open, almost hitting her. Ludwig wasn’t there anymore, not in any recognizable form. It was the form of his great sin, his curse. A large bipedal creature, standing like a man but with the features and pelt of a wolf. Drool dripped from his maw as he shoved his snout against her to directly take in her intoxicating scent.
She gasped loudly, stumbling back a bit from the force before holding his head to keep him close, "L-Ludwig?"
He rumbled lowly at his name. Somewhere in there, it was still him. But he took in her scent again, and again, moving closer to her, pressing against her to mark her with his own remarkably strong scent.
His fur was thick and soft, and soon he had her against a wall as he scented her. He needed to mark her again in this new territory. He was drooling more heavily, and she could feel it drip onto her neck, and onto the tops of her breasts.
She melted and moaned under her breath, her fingers combing through his fur as he scented her. She was already so wet for him, she could feel it drip down her thighs as he rubbed against her.
He growled lowly as he continued to scent her, the stronger scent of her arousal causing his massive cock to slowly push from its sheath, poking her in the stomach as it emerged.
Oh, she wanted it. She needed it. But, if she interrupted him, he might get frustrated. So, she let him have his fun as she gasped and moaned for him, mumbling his name in weak whimpers.
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