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Animals (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He grabbed her and pulled her close before he could stop himself. His hunger getting the better of him for a moment. The kiss was returned harder and greedier, before he pulled back. “S-Scheisse, Aileen, I’m sorry..”
"Never apologize for that~ take what you want from me whenever you desire~ I live only to serve you~" She said.
His face flushed at her boldness. He shouldn’t be surprised by this. Maybe it was just the stress of the change.
He held himself back, but only barely. She could feel his lips tremble, faintly hear the hint of a low rumble in his chest.
The days continued on like this, where simple acts of love nearly drove Ludwig mad. And seeing anyone talk to Aileen made him angry. He could barely control himself.
He was sweating, gnawing at imagined restraints. He couldn’t hold out much longer. Just looking at her made him drool, and seeing her even ear someone else made his blood boil.
"Perhaps you should find a brief outlet for your anger, lieben?" Aileen offered, hiding behind a door. It was all she could do to keep him sane, but it did nothing to mask her scent from him.
He huffed and she heard heavy footsteps as he exited the cabin. Soon, she heard grunting, and the sounds of wood rounds being split in single swings.
His sleeves were rolled up, exposing bulging muscles and popping veins. His suspenders were loose around his legs as he swung again and again, round after round being cut clean in half. It didn’t seem like it was helping too much.
"Gods~" She moaned under her breath before she turned toward Ludwig's trunk; there was only one thing he kept in it, and she knew it would help him finally release his stress.
He was losing it. His grunting, his sweat drenching him. He was losing his mind faster with every swing. He needed relief.
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