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Animals (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She grunted and waited for him to get comfortable before crawling over him slowly, "Thank you for letting me tend to you this way...~"
The fire light seemed to make her glow, highlighting everything he loved about her. It made her eyes sparkle, adding to the love and passion they held for him. And only him.
He ran his hands over her slowly, making soft noises as his hands ghosted over every curve and contour.
He moved and brought her breast to his lips, sucking greedily as he ran his hands up her abdomen and over her back.
She braced against his chest and slid down slowly, still tight from her previous orgasms, giving a weak whine as he stretched her.
He arched and gasped, his cock still swollen from all the teasing. “G-God every time, I-I’m always amazed you’re still so tight..~”
He pulled her into another kiss and moaned lowly at the contact as he bucked slowly in time to her movements
He huffed and panted, shuddering snd moaning weakly into the kiss as he held her close against him.
She laid against him, hands braced against the floor on either side of his head, rocking her hips slowly up and down over his cock. She moaned into the kiss before pulling back to rest her forehead against his.
"I-I love you, Ludwig...~ haaah~ G-God, you make me so happy...~ I will do anything for you...~ even give my own life if you so asked...~" She mewled.
“I-I love you too, Aileen..~ I-I will use all of my power to keep you by my side..~” he said against her lips.
He hissed into the kiss and moaned lowly, his cock throbbing harder against her already tight walls
She pushed herself up so she could bounce over him quickly, taking his hand and lacing their fingers together as she looked down at him.
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