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Animals (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She tucked her hair behind her ear and suddenly swallowed him straight to the base. Her eyes crossed gently as she grunted around him, and he could feel her throat tighten as it struggled - as always - to take his girth; especially with him swollen from her teasing.
He howled loudly and gripped the chair, his head rolling back. Stars popped behind his eyes, she could hear the wood creaking under the force of his grip.
She wasted no time; she began working him like his cock held a miracle of survival within it and she was on the verge of death. She held her hands behind her back to keep from touching him, relying only on the power of her mouth to keep stable.
He was crying out, more vocal than ever. “F..Fuck, fuck..~~!!” He cried, finally focusing on watching her.
Her eyes were closed as she swallowed him base to tip, before she seemed to sense his staring and glanced up at him; her eyes heavy and dark with lust and desire.
He was sensitive, and trying to fight a losing battle, as she went down to the base again, he howled as he climaxed again, now firing off a massive load down her throat.
He arched hard and cried out. “L-Lieben, wait..~!!” He whined, his cock throbbing harder and harder. He couldn’t lie to her, he was loving this
She refused, not stopping or faltering for a moment. Still, she watched him; gaining a sick satisfaction from seeing this lumbering stoic looking man turn into wet clay from her machinations.
He was whimpering and drooling as he sat helpless, simply watching as she sucked the life out of him.
Her sounds were wet, loud, and greedy - moans of satisfaction and lust vibrating around his cock as she serviced him.
He couldn’t stop, she was forcing climax after climax out of him. She was being rewarded with loud, pathetic cries, and massive amounts of his thick, potent seed.
She wasn't able to swallow much more, and sadly had to slow her workings to a stop. She pulled back slowly and coughed before wiping her mouth.
"Lieben, I'm so sorry...~ I've gotten carried away...~" Again, with the playful mocking.
He was a dazed, whining mess, barely able to nod some kind of acknowledgement to her. Still, he was rock solid.
There was an opportunity here. She wasn't blind to it.
She moved to stand before crawling into his lap, gripping the back of the chair for stability before sliding down over his cock with a cry of bliss.
Her head fell back as she screamed in bliss, nails biting into the wood of the chair, "F-Fuck, Ludwig~!!" How was she so wet? So hot and tight? Just from sucking him off? God, he loved her.
"F-Finally~" she sighed, "fuck, finally, my ache lessens~~"
He ran his hands up her body slowly, trying to fight through the sensitivity. “I-I’m so s-sorry to have caused s-such an ache..~~” he managed.
She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him, "If it allows me to experience such bliss with you, lieben, I would ache for you for eternity~" She moaned, "Bitte~ grant me ecstasy as only a husband could grant his wife~ and I swear to make you a father for your efforts~"
He kissed back and melted as he picked her up and began slamming her down over his cock. He was grunting, hints of whines and whimpers coming through. He needed to please his wife, simple as that,
She moaned loudly into the kiss, trying to work her hips to help him; she could feel him press against her womb and it sent shocks straight to her skull each time.
He slammed into her again and again, continuing his efforts to reshape her just to fit his cock better. It was always fun hitting her womb, simply because of her reactions.
With each deep thrust, he could see her eyes flutter and almost cross, her breath and her moans catching each time.
"L...Lud...wig...~ s-so...good...~ c-can'" She gasped out in broken and mixed german and english, her body shaking in his hands.
He bit down on her shoulder as he slammed her down again and again, moaning lowly against her flesh. His hands were tight around her waist, his mind spinning at her words. He loved her so much.
She turned her head just in time as to not scream in his ear, her walls shuddering around him, threatening to climax.
"S-Surely...I've died...~!! A-And my own...heaven...~!! F-Fuck~!! Th-This incredible...~!! I-I need...more, my love...~!! P-Please, just use me...~!! It's my only worth~!! My only purpose~!!"
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