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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

"he is I raised him to be that way now if you were to break in that would be a different story but he is a good boy" Sky loved his dog and took great care of him
Skye was just watching before she was taking his hand and getting to her feet so that she could follow after him.
Sky lead her to his office where two desks sat one was clear of everything and open the other held his computer "this is where your going to be working"
Skye was following after him before she was giving a nod of her head before she was commenting that that would work.
Skye was nodding her head and was going over so that she could sit in the chair. Although getting comfortable in general for her was a bit difficult at that point in time.
"An open world roleplaying game. You get to customize your own adventurer. Do quests, make friends, defeat enemies, collect treasure." Skye was commenting after a moment in time.

(Think open world like Skyrim, but obviously not copying Skyrim.)
Skye was giving a small giggle before she was speaking, "Right now I finished the character creation and I've just been working on the world itself. Next I'm going to start getting in missions and quests. I haven't quite decided on a main story at all - but I want the game itself to feel expansive, and I want it to feel like they can do what they want and not be barred behind the main quest. I'm not going to level lock because of character level, or level lock because a certain boss hasn't been defeated. If one wants to explore the entire world before they even start the main quest... then so be it."
Sky nodded his head "that is wise it lets the person get different location early on and then you don't have to worry about not having a location"
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