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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Skye was sitting up with his help and was burying her head in his chest, just sobbing a bit. No she didn't even seem to realize that he had no shirt on at the time.
Skye ended up just leaning against him, sniffing a little bit at the moment but she seemed to be calming some.
Although in the end, without actually meaning to do that Skye seemed to be falling asleep against his chest. Sure she was still in quite a bit of pain but she at least felt safe, so that helped even stuff out a bit.
He would probably decide against it since he would remember the doctor saying to take the medication with food - which would mean that if he woke her to take the meds, he would also need to get her to eat something.
Skye did seem to somewhat sleep for the rest of the night, albeit very restless as the pain started to creep in more and more.
Skye was already awake when he did come into the room but she definitely seemed absolutely miserable at the time. This was definitely going to be a rough recovery period for her if the pain level was going to be this high more often that not the first number of weeks.
Skye was definitely giving a low whimper as she was sitting up though. Nope she absolutely hated this right now, a few tears actually falling.
"well he is currently in an jail cell and the DA called to let me know got him remanded to jail because he poses an active threat to society" Sky then pulls out his phone and showed her the text
Skye had a couple of choice threats towards the man that was locked away at that point in time - definitely threats that any other cop would more than likely get upset at her about. Yet she doubted that Sky would get upset about it, or even say anything. Especially since right now... She was more speaking because she was in a heavy amount of pain.
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