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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

After a bit, Skye ended up seeming to be falling asleep in the chair at the time, head just resting on the side of the chair. It was actually Nox that was pointing that out to Sky.
Skye was just settling down in the wheelchair and was mumbling that she wasn't ready for this annoying recovery period.
Sky looked at her "I know but it is better this then what could have happened granted I bet you would have rather not been hurt at all"
Skye was just looking towards him before she was commenting, "That is even more true. But... It could have been worse. It was almost worse."
Skye ended up seeming to fall asleep in the car on the way to his house, but it wasn't a shock at all. The pain killers were quite potent that she had been given. Hospital grade stuff that you couldn't get over the counter.
Sky drove in silence and let her sleep till they reached his home. while it was a mansion it had been the family home for generations and was well maintained
Skye did seem to rouse ever so slightly when she felt the car start slowing down but she didn't seem to stay awake for long.
Skye was just looking at him for a moment but soon she was getting up, and using him as a bit of support to get into the house.
Skye was just letting him lead her at that point in time and seemed to fall asleep almost the moment her head was hitting the pillow. For the time being everything was fine but there was something major that had seemed to slip her mind. And that was making sure to get her bag from her brother before he had left for the airport.
Skye was just fast asleep at that point in time, and for the most part she did seem to sleep through the night without much issue. Other than being uncomfortable because of the brace but there wasn't much that could be done about it. Yet around 3am, Sky would probably get a rude awakening at the blood curling scream from her. Nightmare and a rather terrible one at that point in time, on top of the pain starting to kick in more and more. Made for an unhealthy combo.
Sky bolted out of bed and headed for her room forgetting that he slept only in pants and with no shirt on. Sky raced in to her room and walked to her "hey your ok" Sky did his best to calm her down but he didn't blame her fro screaming
Skye was just waking up and breathing heavily, tears in her eyes at that point in time. She found that she was trembling from head to toe, and being in absolutely pain didn't help anything at all. It had been a nightmare of what had happened.... but more of a "what if" they hadn't been found at all.
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