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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

"I doubt that he will call the cops... I doubt that anybody will call the cops there. We both know that there are two different police stations - one on each side of town. There is the one that you guys work at - this is where all the hardworking cops who actually do their jobs are at. Then you get the other one that would typically respond to issues around that neighborhood. We will say that these cops.... spend more time abusing their power and authority than helping the situation. Peoplw ill avoid calling the cops to avoid one of those cops showing up. It would end up with the person who called them more than likely getting into trouble - just because the cops think they can." Luna was speaking after a moment in time.
"The commissioner of that station is.... something else as well." Luna was commenting after a moment in time.
Luna was just stating, "From what I know is the situation was a bit opposite of what it was at your station. Your commissioner was great but the chief was crappy, before you took over. There it is the commissioner is shit and the chief is actually trying to do his job - but everything he says is overturned by the higher power."
"so we need to get the commissioner out of office as the chief would be the one to step in to power" Sky sighed and then shook his head lightly
Luna was giving a nod of her head although she was tilting her head though as she just had a thought that there was something incorrect about something they were talking about. For the time though she wasn't going to dwell on it.
Sky looked at Nate who had fallen asleep while they had been talking and the man looked like he was in pain but he hadn't said anything about it
Luna was just watching for a moment before she was calling in a nurse to speak to them, having noticed the pain on his features.
Sky wondered why Nate hadn't said anything to them about being in pain as they would have gotten a nurse so that he wasn't hurting anymore
A nurse was coming in and seemed to be administering him some pain killers through the iv so that he could rest more easily.

Over the next few days - the group did spend time visiting Nate and Skye quite a bit in the hospital. Although come Monday morning the doctors were deciding that Nate could potentially be well enough to be released, on restrictions. It had seemed like he had been getting better over the past few days - but now the doctor was wanting to go through some things with him. "We are going to get you up on your feet and work on taking some steps, see how bad that dizziness gets if it does kick in. And if it does kick in, how long does it last." the doctor was speaking, at the time it seemed to be Nox that was hanging out in the room, although currently he was just sitting next to Skye, who seemed to be asleep although she definitely didn't seem like she was alright at the moment.

As they were doing that, Luna was Skye's apartment working on getting some of her more personal items packed up so that it could be taken to Sky's place, as that is where it seemed like she was going to be staying once she was out of the hospital. Yet they didn't really have any idea at all when that going to be, especially since they were waiting to see if that nerve was going to heal at all. Yet by the seems of it, it wasn't getting any better at all... which most definitely wasn't a good thing at all. Luna was looking at the apartment door when there was a knock and was going to see that it was the landlord, who was delivering her some papers to give to Skye. The eviction papers more or less stating that she was needing to be paying that month's rent that she was late on and then there was the fees for breaking the contract early, and a number of other things.

This had her letting out a breath of air before she was just stating that she would make sure that the paperwork was given to who it needed to go to. Although she wasn't going to tell him that it wasn't going to go to Skye... No instead she was going to be handing it over to Nicolas and Sky.
Nate nodded his head and then moved to get up form the bed to try walking. Thankfully it had been getting better and he was feeling better. Nate had gone through all the cognitive tests they had wanted to make sure his memory was still intact. once he was standing the dizziness didn't come like it had the day before and then him him taking the walker so that she was stable and he started to walk waiting to see if it would come again.

while Luna was packing up Skye's more personal things Sky was working in his office at the precinct. they had held off on filing anything against the landlord but they were still waiting to see what would happen.
The nurse that was in the room was staying at his side as well so that if he did lose his balance, she was there to help slow that fall if it came to that. But otherwise she didn't touch him at all - she just let him do it on his own at the time while the doctor just watched him. No he had been told that the moment the dizziness kicked in that he was suppose to say something right away. "We are going to try and go for a short walk down the hallway. As usual be sure to tell us right away if there is dizziness, pain, random fatigue." the doctor was speaking, already the nurse leaving to grab a wheelchair to follow him with just in case.

The moment that the landlord was leaving, Sky would be getting a picture message from Luna of the notice that she had been given and the fines that he was wanting to charge Skye for. 'He wants to charge her for him having to clean the apartment? Like what?!' was one of the messages that he was getting as well since that was like a 300 dollar fine for no reason since friends were taking care of it.
Nate managed to do one lap around the nurses station before she started getting tired and fatigued. this is when he headed back to the room. thankfully he hadn't gotten dizzy so he was calling it a win. Nate did let the nurse know when he was getting tired so that she knew how much walking he could do.

Sky looked at the message and then shot back that he and Nicolas would handle it and for her not to worry. Sky would personally clean the apartment if he had too but he would make sure it was spotless when they handed the keys over
The nurse was getting him settled in the wheelchair before she was speaking, "That wasn't bad at all." With that she was asking him other questions about if there had been any pain or dizziness. The fatigue was something that he would have to work on, slowly working on building up his stamina at the time.

Luna was just chuckling for a moment before she was then texting him that she was working on cleaning at the time, while she was waiting for Mason to get back from running to get some extra cleaning supplies.
"no dizzyness but a slight headache but I had that before walking" Nate knew he would get scolded for not telling them about the headache but he would deal with it.

Sky sent a thumbs up and then called Nicholas to let him know about what the land lord was doing so that they could make a game plan
He was getting a minor scolding for not telling them about the headache but the fact that there weren't other negative side effects she was also letting it slide. The doctor was commenting, "I think that he would be good to be discharged later today. I do however want to give it a few more hours and repeat this just to make sure. There is that chance that some of the pain killers that had been given to you last night were still in your system which could have been helping with any extra pain. We are going to hopefully avoid pain killers and see how that goes with any pain, then see how it goes with walking once again. But ultimately I think that you will be leaving the hospital today." The doctor couldn't say much about his friend though especially after some of the tests that he had done with her earlier to test her reflexes with her feet and legs. It hadn't gone well. There was far less movement than there had been the night before, and the fact that she had commented last night while Nate had been asleep that there was a strange tingling sensation and now today she really didn't feel anything was a very bad sign.

Nicolas currently wasn't able to answer his phone at the moment but that was only because it was currently in airplane mode and shoved into his pocket as he was on the flight back home. He was still a few hours away, but he would be home soon and hopefully Sky would leave a voicemail. Yeah Nicolas wasn't suppose to leave to head home for a few more hours that day but he had wanted to get back faster... so he had caught an earlier flight, and just hadn't mentioned anything to anybody.
Nate nodded his head and then got back in to bed once they reached the room more then a little glad that he would get to leave the hospital. he did worry about Skye though and hoped that she was going to be ok.

Sky left a voicemail for him telling him to call him when he could and that Skye was fine so not to worry
The doctor was just looking at something that the nurse was bringing him with some information about the scans that they had gotten from Skye earlier in the day. There was a frown on his lips which definitely confirmed the fear that he had formed. That the nerve had been far too damaged for them to actually do anything to even try and repair it.
Nate looked at him and then spoke "what is it?" Nate was currently the one keeping Sky and Luna updated and he wanted to make sure his new friend was going to be ok
The doctor was just looking over for a moment before he was speaking, "Last night she woke up with a strange tingling sensation in her legs - it was something that bothered her enough that it woke up from a drug induced sleep. Now this morning when I asked her about it she told me that she couldn't feel anything. Do some tests and the motor function has significantly decreased. While you were asleep this morning we took her in to get scans and I am just getting more information about it. That nerve that had been severed and we had tried to fix when we went up and did surgery.... It was far too damaged for repair." This had Nox looking over for a brief moment in time since he was still there before he was questioning, "Does this mean that she lost the use of her legs?" The doctor was giving a nod of his head before he was commenting that this seemed to be the case.
Nate sighed and then looked at Skye "she s going to be upset" Nate didn't know how upset she would be but he had a feeling she was going to be upset. with a sigh Nate texted Luna and Sky letting them know what the doctor had said. normally they wouldn't have been given this information but Skye had given her consent for them to know
Nox was just nodding his head before he was commenting, "She will be upset but... She will be glad that it wasn't worse. At least she can still do her computer programming stuff." Now that would have been devastating to her if that had been taken away from her because of a few people's decisions. Luna did see the message as she was settling back to eat a snack with Mason, just frowning a bit.
Nate nodded his head "yea sounds about right she was talking about her game yesterday when it was just us and we were brainstorming ideas"

Sky saw the text and sighed he had hoped for the best but hearing the news had him a little sad
Nox was just nodding his head before he was commenting, "I think that she'll take the news a bit better than predicted. Obviously not the greatest but better than what some people would." Obviously it wasn't a good thing and there was going to be some denial about it - but he didn't think that she was going to be like some of those people that would throw a fit thinking that would help, or curse out the doctors.
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