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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Luna was nodding her head before she was looking at her phone to see some messages from Nox about Skye's apartment, wondering what to do with the stuff they had packed up. 'Just worry about packing stuff for now. We will figure out the moving later.' she was messaging back.
Skye was just closing her eyes for a moment as she could feel the pain slowly starting to kick in a bit as the pain killers started to wear off.
Skye was just mumbling that it was already pretty high at that point in time but she just needed to last until she was moved - the doctor wanting to wait until she was settled in the room first.
Soon enough they were getting her moved to the room that Nate was in, although at some point she had somehow managed to fall asleep. Or she had passed out from the pain, it was quite difficult to tell.
Sky looked at Luna and Nate when they entered the room and then greeted them both before moving out of the way so that they could get Skye settled
Sky looked at her and explained to her what had happened so that she was aware of the whole situation. Sky was fuming mad because of one mans actions she had to have surgery and there was a chance she would never walk again
Luna was just nodding her head before she was speaking, "Nox and Mason are at her place now packing up all of her stuff into boxes, totes, bags.... whatever they can find in her place that can store stuff in it they are packing stuff into it."
Luna was nodding her head before she was commenting, "Nox just told me that there are some neighbors helping as well. And a lot of wishes that she gets better soon."
Sky nodded his head "one came forward with a video of the whole thing the police are looking at trying to hit him with charges of assault"
Luna was just looking towards him for a moment in time before she was commenting, "That landlord is going to get charged with a whole lot more than one case of assault if more people come forward." With that she was just leaning back on the couch before looking as the nurse was getting and iv set up for Skye once again.
Luna was just commenting, "Hopefully anyways. I suppose if things do go south.... At least the one thing that she does love to do more than anything won't be affected."
Sky nodded his head "yea but I am staying hopeful that things will only get better otherwise I will never live it down" Sky would blame himself for not protecting her for the rest of his life and it would be even worse if she was to never walk again
"I mean it isn't your fault. You couldn't have known at all. I've been telling her that her landlord is sketch as fuck. I won't be surprised if he does actually try and go after her for breaking the lease even if he said he wouldn't." Luna was commenting after a moment in time.
Sky. nodded his head "he will regret it if he tries" Sky looked at Luna and she would be able to tell that he was more then a little pissed at the man
Luna was commenting, "Oh he will most definitely try. Nox was just messaging me now that he is trying to start shit with Mason. Although by the sounds of it Mason is acting as though he cannot understand English.... But only when the landlord is speaking to him."
Luna was just stating that the boys would have their fun at that point in time with bothering the man. "And they aren't doing anything illegal either. There is nothing anywhere that says you cannot ignore a person." she was chuckling as she was reading the message that she had gotten from Mason.
Sky nodded his head "if the man calls the cops let me know and Ill head over to deal with the situation" Sky wanted to put the man in his place but he would work with in the confines of the law
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