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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Nox was just looking over for a moment before he was questioning, "Does she actually need to read through it or can she just sign it? Should actually reading through it be an issue. Yes she is listening to us right now but not really all at once." He would take the sketchbook in a moment after he had gotten an answer.
"sadly yes she does need to read through it to make suer we didn't miss anything" Nate didn't like that but if it was wrong then there would be trouble later on
Nox was giving a nod of his head before he was taking away the sketchbook and speaking to Luna in a soft voice, telling her that she was just needing to read though and make sure nothing was missed.
Luna was just nodding before she was reading through stuff after a moment in time, yet it was pretty obvious when it was starting to bother her with how she was clutching the paper. Nox was just speaking to her softly the entire time to try and keep her calm.
Soon enough she was signing it and just shoving it to her brother as though the paper had burned her.
Nox was nodding his head before he was going over to wrap an arm around his sister and get her to her feet.
Soon the twins were able to leave the police station, and Nox was just taking his sister back to the hotel that they were staying at.
Nate and Max sat down at their desk and looked over the statement that she had given before the delved more in to the man she had identified as the killer of her parents.
The twins were returning to the hotel and Nox was just getting his sister inside so that they could just relax for a bit. That and they were planning for their next heist, going after the next painting. Nox had already scoped out the place where they were taking it from... now it was just acting on getting it. And they hadn't made it obvious that the thieves were going to be striking again any time soon.
Nate looked over the the clues they had and he sat back and sighed they would need to get a list of people who had bought the stolen paintings but that would be hard as they didn't know how many paintings had been taken
Soon enough the twins seemed to be finalizing their plans and the day was progressing as it would normally. It was later in the day when Nate and Max were getting a call about another painting having been stolen, and as usual there hadn't been any clues at all telling them what they were looking for.
nate cursed and then looked at Max who nodded and they headed for their car to head to the scene so that they could see if any clues were left behind to who the thief was. as far as they knew it was only one person so they were going with the line of thought
The twins had returned home to get the painting back into the library and Luna was just looking towards her brother for a brief moment in time. Her brother was grinning a bit before he was commenting, "We are getting closer to getting them all." This had Luna giving a small nod of her head before she was speaking, "I enjoyed the taunt that we left." No this time she had actually appeared on the video footage - although she had been dressed in all black. She had been wearing a black mask to hide her facial features, and had even taken to wearing a pair of colored contacts to hide her emerald colored eyes. In the video footage, they had decided that they were going to taunt the cops and the cops would actually find the typed up message as well - handled very carefully by the twins to not leave behind finger prints. A message that was taped to the wall where the picture had been that said "Better luck next time". In the video footage, they would actually watch the painting get swiped and the note get taped up.
when Max and Nate arrived the cops let them in so that they could see the scene. Nate looked at the note and cursed "damn it we have got to catch this thief"
What they didn't know was that Nox and Luna seemed to be watching what was happening through the camera, Nox still having access to the feed.
Nox was just chuckling before he was commenting, "Oh this is going to be cute." Luna was just smiling before she was settling down so that she could return to painting whatever it was that she was painting. Although he noticed that she was transforming the picture that she had been drawing earlier of the castle and them as a knight and a princess - into a beautiful painting.
Nox was just humming a bit as he was watching although after a point he was glad that Luna wasn't paying attention. There was a very familiar figure that he was spotting on the camera, who happened to be in the building at the time. Yet there were a number of people that were there, watching to see what the police were doing.
nate spotted the male as well and he carefully called him in and then cops moved in to apprehend him as he was wanted in regards to their parents murders.
Not that the cops were able to catch him, not with him seeming to find away to evade them. Running away from them and managing to slip into a busy store, disappearing into the crowd.
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