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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Nox was just blinking after a moment in time when he stated that they had had sex. Well that made a whole lot of sense as to what had happened. "Oh..."
Nate nodded and then headed to his kitchen rather than just standing in his hall way like they had been. Nate figured if he wanted to continue talking he would follow him if not he would leave
Nox was letting out a breath of air before he was following him into the kitchen and going over to sit in a chair at the table.
Nate looked at him and then got down a second cup and brewed them both some coffee as alcohol had gotten them in to trouble the night before. Nate then carried the drink over to him and set it on the table "here you go"
Nox was thanking him for the coffee before he was taking a sip of it, then letting out a small breath of air.
Nate shook his head lightly "no do I wish it had happened differently yes I would have rathred we not have been drunk but I don't regret it"
Nox was just looking towards him before he was just giving a slight smirk before leaning forward a bit. Although what he said next was more jokingly than anything else, "Well we are together right now.... and we haven't had alcohol."
Nox was just leaning forward again before he was commenting, "Unless this is your way of saying you want to do it again."
Nox was just chuckling a bit before he was commenting, "Although given how you were walking... I'm guessing I did the fucking."
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