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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Luna was just sleeping comfortably at the time and Skye was just sitting in a chair next to the bed.
Skye was just working on something on her laptop at the time - just working on type of more stuff about the game that she had in mind.
Several hours passed with the two of them working in silence while Luna slept and during this time Nate also slept only waking when his alarm went off. seeing what time it was Nate got up and started to make some breakfast as well as coffee. once the food was going he headed in to wake Nox up so that he could shower and get dressed so they could head back to the hospital
Nox was waking up but it was definitely with a groan, his head was absolutely killing him. And he had so many questions as to where his clothes were at that point in time.
Nate looked at him "your clothes are in the bathroom and I have coffee and Aspirin waiting along with food" Nate pointed to where the bathroom was so that he knew and then headed back to the kitchen
Nox was giving a nod of his head before he was mumbling and getting to his feet so that he could go get his clothes. No he definitely had so many questions at that point in time.
Nox was looking over for a moment at his words and this definitely had him jumping to hurry and get ready.
"have some food and Coffee along with the aspirin and then we will head back to the hospital" Nate didn't mind driving him back as he would need to get Max on the move as well
Nox was nodding before he was swallowing down the pain killers as well before eating a bit of offered food.
Nate ate his own food and drank his coffee in silence once he was done he went to his room and changed before coming back out and gathering everything he needed for work
Nox was just looking towards the other man for a brief moment in time before he was actually questioning why he had been naked.
"you complained that you were hot and stripped" While it was the truth it wasn't the complete truth Nate figured it was better if he didn't remember
it wasn't a long trip and soon they were arriving at the hospital. after he parked Nate got out of the car and then headed for the hospital door only locking it after Nox was out of the car and coming with him
Nox was climbing out of the car and soon they were heading off into the hospital, the receptionist calling up to the room to speak with Skye on the matter. As per Nox's instructions with any visitors - even if it was Nox coming to visit while Mason or Skye were up there. Precautions to keep her safe, and he loved that all of the staff were listening.
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