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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Nox was going over to sit next to Luna and just taking her hand, and it was clear that he was starting to tear up. Overcome with worry at that point.
Max touched his shoulder "she was awake but the doctor said she would sleep as well but its not a deep sleep she can be woken up if need be"
This had the male giving a nod and he was just commenting that he would just let her sleep for the time.
Skye was just watching for a moment before she was commenting to Nox that she would stop by later, that she was going to head home. "Get home safe." he was telling her and she was giving a thumbs up.
Skye just seemed to be following after them outside although once outside she seemed to be heading off in her own direction.
Nate and Max headed to their cars and then headed to work knowing they would have a long day ahead of them. when they arrived at the station Max talked to Nate and found out what had happened that night as he didn't believe that nothing had gone wrong. upon learning what had happened Max agreed to stay quiet as he didn't want to cause his partner any problems. Max and Nate worked through the day and when it was the end of their shift Max headed back to the hospital to check on Luna and Nox while Nate headed home.
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What Max wouldn't expect is that when he arrived at the hospital to visit Luna, it happened to be Mason that was sitting with her at the time. In fact Nate would find that when he got home, Nox was sitting outside of his door on the steps at the moment, waiting for him to get home.
Max looked at Mason and then greeted him "good evening has she woken up any today"

Nate pulled in to his drive way and then looked at Nox when he got out "I figured you would be with your sister"
Nox was just looking for a moment before he was commenting, "I was and then when I was talking with Luna about the night before... she said I should find you. And get the truth. I want to know what else happened. I know something more happened."

Mason was looking over before he was commenting, "She was awake for a few hours earlier chatting with myself and Nox while he had been there, she ended up falling asleep not long ago."
Max nodded his head "that is good I am glad she was up and talking"

Nate sighed and then walked past him unlocking his door "come on in"
once he was inside Nate closed the door and then looked at him as he removed his gun and badge "what makes you think something more then what I said happened"
Nox was just looking towards him before he was commenting, "Well one I was naked when I woke up.... Which never happens. I strip down to my boxers and never past that point. And two I felt far too.... relaxed when I woke up, despite the hangover."
Nox was just commenting, "Not really. Having a number of drinks, cold shower... and then I remember going into your room."
Nox was just stating, "But I know something more happened. That and you were walking a bit strange the next morning."
Nate winced at that as it had been some time since he had had sex he had been a bit sore the next morning "sleeping on the couch will do that to a person"
Nox was just letting out a breath of air before he was commenting, "I could have slept on the couch. And you had told me that you had a guest room... So why is it I woke up in your room? Why didn't you just take me to the guest room and then slept in your own room."
Nate silently cursed himself out before speaking "my room was closer to the bathroom so it was easier to get you there then the couch or guest room"
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