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Valorverse (Grave x Wiki)

The security guard scanned Rin and confirmed that she was a mutant.

"It's just for identification purposes. I don't know of any tech mutants, but if you ask at the front desk, they can guide you."

He pressed a button inside the guard shack and the gate opened.

"They'll also give you a visitor's badge. We hope you enjoy your visit."
Rin walked through now, her usual bored and blank face as always. Excitement for her was most of the time rare but this should be easy once she could wear something cool that looked the games and also something historical like a weird futuristic mini battleship hull with guns and torpedoes on her thighs.

With her plan finally there, she would try to finds the front and see if there was a robotic building or maybe it was actually just a person there she would need.
Rin was eventually led to a workshop where mutants with tech powers liked to tinker. She was introduced to the head of the workshop.

"My name is Jean Valencia, but most people just call me Machinist."

He walked over to his work table.

"So what can I do for you? Did you come to have something built?"
“ and I do need that…” with a grin already thinking of her new cool ass look. “ just like the spider man movies with the best villain I want something like his mech arms. Though it would be mouths and big battleship guns so more offense than using them for anything. Maybe arm cannon and rockets so like a battle suit thing. Wish I had the power of dark portals or something so I could just do that though.” Rolling her eyes.
Machinist nodded.

"Let's see what that looks like on paper."

He began constructing a blueprint according to Rin's specifications. He made sure to include her desired weapons. When it was done, he showed it to her.

"Does that look right?"
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