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Valorverse (Grave x Wiki)

“ well so much for being helpful…” giving a shrug seeing she needed a mechanical crew that built weapons as she had an order for something as for now she would probably go out to do something and eat but at least for today see if she could find something about that as she left for the town again, but being aware of surprises or anything.
She would fix her bikini top as she laid around boredly, “ I guess though if I really want to fight I need a damn crew for something.” Asking them as she slowly gets up with a sigh and a stretch, fixing her claw gloves and her big jacket before they would go.
Crusader nodded.

"We'll get you a crew. That's no problem."

He looked up to the ceiling.


A Fire Path to Russia opened and he stepped through with Rin before it closed behind them.

They were standing in front of a blue portal that connected Earth One to another dimension. Immediately, strange red goblins began pouring out of it. Firestar opened a Fire Path next to it.

"Send them through the orange portal!"

He began punting them through it using a variety of Muay Thai kicks. They couldn't let these goblins get near any human population center.
She was feeling lazy again, “ king crimson….” Grabbing a neck of them as she crushes it as she stands with the stand moving to punch hard as they flew back with blood. But also moving to attack if they got close to herself anyway.
Crusader was horrified as he heard the snapping of goblin bone.

"Ah, fuck. I should have said something."

He flew over to Rin.

"No killing! Team Firestar doesn't operate like that."

Scott respectfully laid the dead goblin down.

"I fucked up by not explaining that this time, so that's on me, but if you kill again after this warning, you're off the team."

Killing had led to the death of Firestar's first Champion, Liberator. Having learned from that mistake, they didn't kill anything that died permanently. Crusader continued throwing them through the portal. He needed to make amends for the dead goblin and would handle that later.
“ well good damn luck finding someone who has time skip.” Rolling her eyes not really saying anything, maybe not helping him then if it was like that as she gives a yawn.
Crusader finished up the goblin invasion. After the Fire Path closed, he picked up the dead goblin.

"I need to go make an apology to the goblins."

Firestar opened another Fire Path and he stepped through. It closed behind him. Rin's methods clashed with Team Firestar when it came to the Multiverse of Mortals.

A moment later, Lithuel landed next to her. He had light brown skin and short white hair. He was wearing a black suit with his wings erupting out of the back. One wing was black and the other white.

"I'm Lithuel with Team Firestar. You must be the new girl, Rin?"
“ I was with him.” Stretching as the stand makes bloodstains as it’s now gone as well. “ so what are you here for generic half angel and demon. “ giving the tease but not really surprised anyway.
Lithuel grinned at her.

"I noticed that you're not really vibing with Scott. You like to kill, so let's go somewhere and kill some enemies to Earth One."

He leaned forward to whisper to her.

"I can also get you some sweet mechanics. They make butchery into an art form."
“ well that’s annoying.” Rolling her eyes with the red aura on her still just looking out before hearing him. “ well I guess someone knows me then but won’t be hard.” She was just simple and lazy of course. Rin would just wait a moment as they would finally go too.
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