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Valorverse (Grave x Wiki)

“Don’t know if you can see it.” Being invisible for most normal people. “ it’s a soul aura that has a form, only thing I have is time skip and being strong but that’s it if I can get a weapon or something. My thing is really simple and short range so not good at all with ranged stuff.”
Scott nodded.

"I see. If it's a Soul Aura, you might be able to form it around you. Have you ever tried to do that?"

Lithuel had told him that King Crimson had thick armor. It could potentially be a formidable armor and weapon in one.
“ already said all I have is the stand it doesn’t do anything else, nothing works. And normal people can’t see it so don’t have a problem with that.” Rolling her eyes seeing he didn’t even get it.
Scott nodded.

"Okay, I gotcha. I was just asking."

He thought about it.

"You should definitely develop a long range attack. Have you ever tried to use your Soul Energy to fire energy blasts?"
“ doesn’t. Do. Anything. Else…you dumbass…and maybe it could but maybe won’t at all when you know the other stuff and doesn’t make sense for it anyway unless I throw something or whatever. I am simple and basic.” Not saying it again if he would ever ask and wondering if he was the smartest.
Scott nodded, noticing that Rin was getting bratty and disrespectful.

"Okay, then we'll work with your simple and basic."

He had Rin practice the Muay Thai moves some more.

"Alright, focus and form King Crimson. I'm going to train him to use Muay Thai by striking against him."

He formed his Valor Armor around himself and flared up with his gold and white Soul Aura.
“ isn’t a thing I just throw out, it’s like controlling it with my intention, the only thing I can really do is maybe form the arm or leg around me but that’s it or just form parts or the whole but it doesn’t learn or do anything by itself. Would be fighting me more than just a thing and me.” Putting a hand in her pocket with a sigh. “ I can just stand and control it to fight or not that’s the whole thing so stop thinking it damn complicated cause it’s not.”
Crusader nodded.

"Then let's practice with how to fight using King Crimson. For this exercise, use King Crimson only. Don't use your time skip ability."

He focused his Soul Energy into his right arm. After it was charged up sufficiently, he threw a Fist of Valor right at Rin's face.
she would stand to look at him, “ king crimson!!” only an arm appearing to hold his fist, staring for a moment before the arm would hold it but the body would slowly form down with the full taller red figure. “ one of the really rare close range stand that are the strongest beside two others. Though this one is the literal angry boi of rage of the three and not the calm controlling of the golden one or the precise but strong blue one. It’s the strongest with raw strength and offense but second strongest with ability.”

Rin would move the other arm back to try for a punch now then as she gave the taunting smile at him.
Crusader grinned.

"Is that right?"

He used his right arm to deflect the shot and landed a left head kick on King Crimson. The blow landed flush but didn't seem to affect him too much.

"Alright then."

Crusader began raising his SEL as his Soul Aura got brighter and more intense.
She would block with the other arm before turning to walk back a bit. “ damn show offs…” rolling her eyes slightly as she turned back again to see him, of course it wasn’t something just to show off than to actually use the power but still it wasn’t so simple like hers as she saw it like that. Rin just waited, feeling very bored now but as always having an empty head to do anything.
Crusader shot forward, his Soul Energy propelling him forward like a missile. He hammered King Crimson with a series of punches and landed a knee strike on its face.

"Keep those hands up! I'm catching you slipping."

As a former professional fighter, he could see and exploit any opening. Although King Crimson wasn't taking serious damage, he was still getting pieced up.
Of course it didn’t help that she didn’t know shit about fighting much than just trying and hoping to move luckily most of the time, though she could move fast to stop some hits, taking the knee head on with both her arm and a punch at the same time to block and stop his force. The girl would fall to a knee a bit but she wouldn’t stop yet though as she moved for attacking.
Crusader dodged her follow up attack and landed a counter Boxing combination.

"Okay, that should be good. Although King Crimson took a lot of hits, he still protected you. That's a successful training session at this point."

He dropped his armor and headed inside. Rin would be free to do what she wanted for now.
“ well so much for friends but whatever..” seeing about trying to go out and find a weapon machinist since she really had nothing else. Her power was good but she still didn’t have much so it was good to have something like a cool suit or something. Eventually she would find the streets again, a black leather jacket with a grey hood and a bitchy attitude.
Somewhere in the vast plains of the American Midwest, a large blue portal appeared. From the portal emerged a large man clad in black plate armor. Behind him followed an army of men clad in the same intimidating armor. Once every last soldier had passed through, it closed behind them. The soldiers got into formation, ready to receive their orders. Their commander stood before them and boldly began to speak.

"Men of Runalda! Today, your country calls upon you! We will take this land and use it for the good of our nation! Show no mercy to the enemy! Think of your families back home! When you show them this land, they will know the glory of Zior!"

The men of Zior roared their approval of their commander's words. They were highly motivated and ready to fight. No army within their own dimension had been able to stop their advance. They had similarly encountered little resistance in the other dimensions they had invaded. Any resistance would be trampled underfoot. Every man in formation was willing to give their lives for the good of Runalda.

General Zior drew his sword and turned around.

"Now, my men! For Runalda!"

He was in the process of pointing his sword forward when a man suddenly appeared before him. He was clad from head to toe in what appeared to be black and gold plate armor. Standing at six feet tall, he was every bit as imposing as General Zior himself.

"You guys certainly don't look like you're here for sightseeing," Scott said.

General Zior pointed his sword at him.

"Are you a warrior of this realm? Have you come to oppose us?"

"That's right. You're violating the sovereignty of Earth One and I'm here to ask you to return home in peace."

"And if I say that I will not retreat?"

"Then I will defeat you and send you home myself."

General Zior chuckled with amusement.

"Well, I certainly commend your courage. Not every man is willing to face down an entire army by himself."

"I appreciate the props, but I'm not letting you do as you please."

General Zior took a bold step forward.

"Very well, then, warrior of Earth One. Show me what you're made of!"

He pointed his sword forward.


His men began screaming and charged at Crusader.

(This music plays during the upcoming scene.)

Crusader rushed at them with no hesitation. He began throwing punches at the jaws of his opponents, mercifully going for their knockout points. His fists, coated in the Voltari shell of Valor, easily smashed through the plate armor of his foes. Each punch was thrown with perfect Muay Thai technique, as taught to him by Lone Wolf. With his rooted stance, he was not only able to generate power for his punches, but was able to sway back to dodge enemy strikes before countering with powerful kicks. The speed and rotation of his punches led to so many being thrown that his enemies couldn't even see them.

So many men were dropped after the first charge that the others began backing off in fear. Crusader remained strongly rooted in his Muay Thai stance, his fists raised and ready for more. General Zior was impressed that a single unarmed man had taken down so many of his men. That was a feat that no man before him had ever been able to accomplish. However, he was not going to back down. The glorious future of Runalda demanded that he be unwavering in his dedication.

"Forward men! Do not be afraid! For Runalda!"

The soldiers charged forward once again, their hearts on fire and their resolve like steel. Crusader jumped back and then moved his body into a side stance. He would meet this second charge with even more power than before.

As the soldiers of Runalda got within range, Crusader lashed out with a side kick. Balancing himself on his back leg, he continued a devastating barrage of kicks to the armored faces of his enemies. Many soldiers were knocked out and others were forced back by his powerful kicks. After dozens of these kicks had landed, Crusader pulled back to almost be standing normally. He then sprang off of his back leg into a flying forward kick. Though his foot did not make contact with anyone, the forward shockwave of the attack was so fierce that the soldiers of Runalda were blown backwards.

General Zior was truly impressed by this warrior. No one had ever repelled a Runaldan charge twice. His men were at the point of terror. The only way he could restore order and continue the expansion of the glorious Empire of Runalda was to defeat this warrior in single combat. A demonstration of his strength would boost the morale of his men and allow them to fight on. The conquering general took a determined step forward.

"Warrior of Earth One! Your strength and technique are exceptional! I challenge you to single combat, for I wish to test my strength against yours!"

Crusader moved back into a forward Muay Thai stance.

"That's fine with me."

"Before we begin, may I have your name?"


"Very well, Crusader. You will have the honor of being defeated by General Zior of the Empire of Runalda!"

He rushed at Crusader and unleashed a series of fencing style strikes with his sword. Every single one of them failed to penetrate his enemy's armor. General Zior was shocked and almost subconsciously took a step back.

Crusader tightened his stance.

"Sorry about this."

He then launched a high roundhouse kick that caught General Zior in the cervical vertebrae. While the damage sustained wouldn't be fatal, it was enough to render the general completely unconscious. His men watched in terror as their fearless leader first fell on his knees, and then flat on his face. The men were completely drained of their morale, too paralyzed by fear to even run away.

Crusader turned and walked away about ten paces before turning back around.

Let's send these guys back home, Valor.

I'm with you, Scott.

Gold and white energy suddenly erupted from Crusader in a powerful aura. It was the combined energy of Scott and Valor manifesting itself into a single source of power. The hero curled his right arm and his fist began glowing with blinding intensity.

Sensing his heir's intention, Firestar opened a large orange portal that would lead back to the world of Runalda. With bright lights on both sides, General Zior's men were completely disoriented. Crusader planted his lead foot and twisted his hips. Turning his shoulder, he brought forward a fist that had been cocked all the way back. Down the shoulder, elbow, and wrist the power traveled and gained more power. When his fist stopped, the destruction began.

Fist of Valor!!!

The incredible force of the technique exploded forward, sending out a shockwave so intense that it tore up the ground and blew back everything in front of it. General Zior and his men, unconscious or not, were sent hurtling into the orange portal. Once the last soldier had gone through, Firestar closed the portal. Crusader lowered his fist and smiled in satisfaction.

We did it, Valor.

Yes, we did. That was well fought.

Crusader turned and began walking away.

Hopefully that's the last time Runalda sets its sights on Earth One.

If General Zior and his men ever do return, we'll simply defeat them once again.

Scott chuckled in agreement and was happy that he had kept Earth One safe for another day.
And now to be bored wander but being better than just staying at the damn boring base with no one there. “ 8-16 segments with three triple or two quads maybe? Mini cluster pods on the sides and a long barrel energy cannon or maybe a fuel rod or needler….” Having some ideas of a design but not really knowing the weapons. “ full cannons anyway though…” thinking as she walked but seeing she would have go back and get changes on the plan then at least for how it would fit the shape of her tendrils then. “ 12-16 inch or oooh 18 inch on double triples and 8 inch smaller gun….”

Finally she would be back now, taking the blue paper down while she would go to eat and seeing the design again, “ go for the 18 inch and 8 and be simple….” Also changing the design to make it bigger and a mostly different shape with the heads.
Marcus came into the dining room after having meditated in his room. He saw Rin crafting some blueprints.

"Planning out a weapon, huh? Not bad."

He sat down across from her. Using his ability to alter reality, he summoned an apple and began to eat it.
She looked up hearing someone, “ well kind of a shit welcome…” giving a shrug. “ do you know a machinist weapon maker or whatever that build stuff. “ I need something specific than just my powers and maybe a way to take out a weakness of my power…” giving a shrug. “ I already kinda figured out all this hero stuff and a new cool name maybe.”
Marcus thought it over.

"Well, you could go to the Shadowgreen Institute in France. There may be a mutant there who can help you."

He turned to Rin.

"If you want to go, I can open a portal for you. It will take you there instantly."
“ talking to teenage god or something, really weird.” Slightly rolling her eyes, “ well coming back though.” Wondering about the obvious. “ French made ironblood tendrils….though they are good at the quad guns like their battleships so I guess. Maybe randomly beat up a French guy with a baguette…” a loud laugh coming from her with the obvious stupid joke. “ but fine whatever then.”
Marcus chuckled.

"I'm not a god. I'm simply an Omega-class mutant."

He let Rin have her thoughts for a minute. When she was ready, he opened a purple portal to Shadowgreen.

"Try not to get into too much trouble," he said good-naturedly.
“ you didn’t even bring me lunch MOM….” Giving a grin at him and rolling her eyes with a laugh, “ I mean if you need someone careless and dangerous though.” Finally going through into another country. “ jeez screw planes if I had the damn power though….” Seeing where to even go for shadowgreen.
Rin had exited the portal in front of Shadowgreen. There was a large wooden sign to her left proclaiming as such. There was a wrought iron gate in front of her. To the left of it was a guard shack. Inside was a guard wearing a steel visor over his eyes.

"State your business here," he commanded as soon as he saw Rin.
“ hear you got a crazy tech guy that could build me something so yeah. I have this rig that I need when I don’t use my power.” Her aura a bit red with a glow as she put her hands in her pockets as she looked at him, “ would get a cool helmet thing than a visor, I don’t really know why people like that style of like an open face and just a metal visor across like come on…”
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