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Dark Horse [EEE x DarkofNight] NSFW IMAGES


The order wanes, the Family falls, and kaos reigns
Oct 24, 2022
The center of the universe

This gaggle of young women were loud and even with all of the music and dancing it could easily be heard they were singing happy birthday to someone in the group. It was by no means a small birthday party and they were all decked out and dressed like an awards show. The neon life was calling to them and these young women had Way too much credit and time on their hands or both. Night city had so much to offer these young ladies especially when there was no limit to what they could spend.

Riley was prem. Top of the top and By the look for friends they did not want to disappoint her or upset her even though she had her close court group they were out to party and party hard.
Normally Riley would be more flamboyant in her outfit but tonight she chose a cocktail dress that was molded to her body and she had her hair done and pulled up halfway and a part of her look like she didn’t belong in some club but she was in the VIP section with her group and they were all drinking and living it up.
Nexus Was where every young person wanted to be in here she was surrounded by so many friends that she had her core group. The giggling and laughing wasn’t infectious though anyone not in the VIP section we’re a bit annoyed since they were taking up a lot the Riley would make sure everyone was happy and she was throwing out bottles of champagne and free drinks to anyone who told her happy birthday.

Next to her she had her two best friends; Ruby and Mel who never seem to leave her side that would make sure her drink was always full and that the bartenders knew who was the boss tonight. Both of them were flirting with other people in the bar and so is Riley. They were egging her on telling her to go enjoy the lower class because why the hell not! Riley was in and out of the back rooms with multiple guys know of them who told her now especially if she was offering them a good time and drinks but that’s all it was.
IMG_7630.jpeg Finishing Up with another disappointment she would head over to the bar even though her friends told her to sit down and relax but she got tired of being cooped up in the booth and made her way over to order a nice drink. The night was still young and her friends were getting drunker and drunker even her best friends the lines of sober and wasted we’re blowing together and she herself was eventually getting there but fuck it!

At the bar she would order an epic cosmic drink and look around seeing who is nearby especially any cute guys or even girls it didn’t matter to her tonight was her birthday and she was not going to miss out on any fun as she would try to see if there was anyone attractive near the bar that caught her attention as she held a drink that look like something from the Darkside of the moon in her hand wondering if this bar had more to offer or did she have to change and start over at a new place.
Richard Wayland, Rich to his friends and coworkers, not that he had time for many of the former, leaned against the bar, finishing a tall draw of whatever lager was cheap on tap. He was supposed to be out celebrating tonight but the night had petered out early.

He'd worked his way up from beat cop to join the Bribery and Corruption task force as a junior detective just a couple months earlier. It got him out of the uniform and walking Night City feeling like he had a target on his back. Still, it became very clear very quickly that in general, as long as the criminal in question had plenty of money, Night City was in fact highly in favor of bribery and corruption. Still, when the other detectives on the force learned it was his birthday and he had not only showed up for work but had no plans for afterwards, they insisted on taking him out for drinks.

Much as it was impressive that they'd been able to pull some strings to get in here, most all of them had wives and children to get home to, let alone actually afford the drinks here on a police officer's salary. That left him leaning against the bar drinking a beer that was probably going to eat up all the credits he could budget for discretionary income for the next two weeks.

He wore a fairly simple blue silk shirt, black jeans and a black leather jacket - all fabricated on a molecular level of course. No way he could afford to wear things that came from real living plants and animals on his salary. Of course he'd seen the party in the VIP section of the club and the redhead at the eye of the storm. He just wasn't expecting to see her slumming it at the bar when clearly she could afford wait staff to bring her whatever she wanted.

"Surprised your friends let you off the leash and let you wander on your own." He teased her with a sly grin. "Are you the birthday girl? Today's my birthday too. I'm Rich." He told her, offering her his hand.
“Oh no leash can contain me. As much as I love the VIP section I need to get out. Sometimes slumming it is very fun.” She said looking at her fancy drink and poking at it before lifting it take a tiny sip. It looks like it came straight from the Cosmos. He was actually talking to her like she was a normal person which was nice everyone in the VIP section was very keen on keeping her happy and placated. “How did you guess? I’m not wearing a birthday shirt or anything but yeah it’s my birthday but it’s yours too? What a coincidence! I’ve never met someone with my same birthday; same month of course but not the same day. Make another one of these Monami give it to him it’s our birthday! We have to drink the same thing do it now!” Riley barked out her orders and the bartender hopped to it considering who she was they weren’t gonna make her mad. They made him the same exact drink and slid it to him and she was very insistent on him taking it. “Nice to meet ya Rich. I’m Riley and this is my party well not the whole club just a VIP section I think my friends that would be more fun for me to meet more people especially since buying out the club is so boring. Toast with me.” She lifted up her cup of stars with a pineapple moon hoping he would do the same. “So where is your entourage and why are you down here slumming it?” She was at least making conversation and he was cute and unlike the other men in the club who are eager to keep her attention he was just chatting that made him even more interesting. Her friends were all over but mostly hang out in the VIP section and picking up other guys. To be fair most of the men in the club were fawning all over them. They wanted their attention but since Riley was busy they weren’t gonna dare interrupt her though her friends were chatting to other guys and pointing her out. “So… birthday boy how do you feel about the VIP section care to join us? You totally can’t say now we have the same birthday isn’t that like fate or something?” The more she talked the more it seemed like she was not gonna take no for an answer but she clearly wanted to stay around him for a little longer and drink with her birthday buddy.
He laughed and shook his head. "You don't need to wear a shirt. Your friends are loud. I saw everyone standing around you singing Happy Birthday a while back. The VIP room is soundproofed, but they can only make it so soundproofed." he teased her. He gave a little shrug though. "It does seem to be a rare one." He was a little put aback by her behavior to the bartender. She had all the looks of an entitled rich girl and the behavior to match. Still, he accepted the drink and lifted it to clink glasses with hers. "To a good day to be born and a better night." he winked.

The question of his 'entourage' made him laugh a little. "Came out here with coworkers." he shrugged. "They're all a little older than I am. Stayed for one drink and suddenly they were all worried about kids they had to read bedtime stories to, and wives that would have them by the short hairs for looking at... Well, you and your friends. Left the single young buck to his own devices." he helped himself to another sip. It tasted good, boozy, fruity, sophisticated in a way he couldn't afford on his best day.

He laughed as she invited him, insisting before he could even answer one way or the other. "I mean, you did just buy me a drink and give me such a kind invitation. Lead the way birthday girl." he grinned and offered her his arm.
“Guilty as charged then! How old are you I just turned 23. I guess they’re all going to make it memorable.” She said looking sheepish though she wasn’t fully embarrassed but she realized how loud her friends were and it was hilarious. “Well it is a good day to be born.” She clinked her glass with his and took a big gulp. “To a better night too.” Riley said as she winked back.

“BOO! How dare they abandon you on your birthday that is totally not cool I will not abandon you tonight especially since we share a day what kind of person would I be to let you enjoy your birthday all alone can to join me?” She let her natural emerald green eyes lock with his hoping she could lure him into some more fun. “ there is no way of the cosmos I’m going to let you escape me tonight. I’m looking to Prem to not have fun. And about your coworkers and friends fuck them you’re young and you should enjoy the night. Are you gonna tell me what you do or do I have to get you drunk to tell me anything?” Now she was just being nosy as she drank more of her fruity drink which she didn’t even bother looking at the price tag for because why would she she had all the credit she needed and even more to burn.

When he mentioned leave the way she would lead her arm with his grabbing her drink and tugging him along to the VIP section. “LADIES!!! This one is mine at least first we share the same birthday!” When she dragged him up to the VIP section her friends would look him over but they wouldn’t question her and besides he was a face they hadn’t seen before but he could tell it was like she was leading him into a sharks feeding ground. The other women were looking him over a couple were whispering but most of them did not say anything bad or untoward to him.

“Ohh! Fresh meat can I get him after you?” Ruby asked as Mel chuckled. “So do you got a sister? I don’t care if you’re younger or older no offense you’re cute but just not my type please tell me you have friends and maybe a lone lady in your group?”Mel asked as her best friends both chuckled and Riley rolled her eyes. “They are just teasing…well Mel is but Ruby is not I do get you first though do you wanna do something fun on your birthday how about shots?” Riley would ask as the other girls would still chatter as Riley pulled him into a very comfy couch in the VIP section and pulled him closer to her and even placed a free hand on his upper thigh he could tell he’s rich girls didn’t care and it was up to him if he wanted to tolerate being touched and fond over and looked over like their next big meal.
He grinned wide as she mentioned she had just turned 23. "How about that? Same day, same month, same year. I just turned 23 too. We're practically twins." He smirked. She was chatting a mile a minute, clearly already had a fair bit to drink and high on life, but it was rather cute how enthusiastic she was. Rich girls like her tended to look past him instead of at him, this was refreshing.

"Hmm. I suppose I could tell you what I do... Or I could just stay mysterious. I think that's more fun." He grinned. "But I suppose if you think feeding me more drinks will help, I won't say no." He laughed softly.

He was most definitely not ready for what met him at the VIP room. It was like he was a prime cut steak walking through a den of hungry lionesses. He could usually come up with a snappy reply as needed but the forwardness of the girl named Ruby left him a little shocked, fast enough that the redhead quickly came to his rescue. It was a bit of a relief as she dragged him off to a couch that seemed just a little more secluded than the rest of the room. "Shots could be fun." he nodded as they settled into the couch. He glanced down at her hand on his thigh and returned the sentiment, reaching out and placing his palm on her bare knee.

His hand slipped slowly up her bare skin, under the hem of her skirt. His fingertips lightly grazed the smooth skin of her inner thigh. "So, you gonna tell me what you meant by "I do get you first?" he chuckled as he reached a little deeper under her skirt, curious to see whether he was going to touch panties or more bare skin.
“You’ve gotta be kidding this is kismet we are the same age I’ve never met anyone who had the exact same birthday as me it’s your lucky day then! Lucky night even I believe in fate or at least just luck.” Riley said smiling ear to ear this was definitely something that never really happened and she wasn’t gonna let this go. Rich was not telling her his job but she didn’t really care it was just small talk but the fact that he wanted to roommates mysterious he knew how to play the game.

“Mysterious and sexy. That just means I’m gonna get you black out drunk birthday twin well maybe not black out I want to find out more about you but drinks are on me tonight especially if it gets me more answers.” Was she joking? Nope. He probably had a feeling she was not going to let it go anytime soon but at least right now he was gonna have free drinks all night on her. “Order whatever you want it’s on me just put on my tab just say birthday girl to the bar or whoever takes your order because I own them tonight.” That was quite the statement she had but it was obviously true the people at this club and bar were catering to her group especially since they knew they were gonna get a lot of credits and tips.

He was definitely a full course meal for these women and Ruby was already eyeing him but at least Riley was putting her stake in him right away. She wanted him first and she was letting him know that and Ruby knew to step back at least Mel only liked women. When his hand followed she grinned and did not mind him touching her that was appointed tonight no regrets.

“I laid my eyes on you first meeting I get you first unless you want someone other than your birthday twin and you can have a pick up any of my friends I just want to have first dibs unless you don’t swing my way but with your hand on my leg I have a feeling you like the property you’re seeing.” Riley was so forward but if he looked around he could see that Ruby was still eyeing him and taking her own shots well Riley lifted her finger and made a gesture and quickly someone who worked at the club ran off to go get some thing.

The more his hands went up that skirt of hers it was all flesh and nothing underneath but the higher he got he was cute panties but they were so soft being natural silk they probably cost more than his salary. Everything on her was real fiber which stood out among her friends but it seem like it was an unspoken rule since it was her birthday. “Well by where your hands are going I can definitely tell you to swing my way. Do you think you’re gonna party all night or are you gonna leave early like your coworkers?” The last question she gave with a cute pout as she fluttered her eyelashes and even spread her legs a bit more to let him feel more for silk panties if he decided to go further up. She was tempting him and teasing him as she took more for a drink and actually gulped a good half of it she would sit her cup on the fancy table and leaning closer to him letting him feel her soft red hair brush against his shoulder and cheek as she would kiss his neck testing the waters to see if he would push her away or let her continue.
With talk like "your lucky night" and promising to buy him all the drinks he wanted, he had a pretty fair sense he knew exactly what this little firecracker was after. Still, the gall to claim that she owned the entire staff of the bar was a big claim, and she'd said it as flippantly as if she were naming mundane facts. This girl, the same age as him, down to the day, somehow lived in an entirely different world from his own. That could be staggering to think about, but at this point he had other things on his mind.

He smiled at her comments about his hand on her leg. "Well, not every day you meet someone born on the same day as you. Call it fate or kismet or luck, maybe I just have a sense I should be taking some time to get to know you better." He said, acting as if the mundane answer he was giving her was somehow reasonable and not laced with double entendre.

His fingertips met natural silk, and it might have been the first time in his entire life he'd actually touched such a thing. He could feel the heat of her flesh underneath it. Then she spread her legs for him even further, asking if he was going to stay out partying to go home. He grinned and traced her pussy lips through the narrow material. "I mean... You were nice enough to buy me some drinks and invite me in here. It wouldn't hurt to see how far that invitation extends, now would it?" He grinned.

And when she leaned in and started kissing his neck, he didn't resist at all. Instead he tilted his head, letting her have a bit better access. This was all the more encouragement he needed, with a quick motion he grabbed the edge of her panties and tugged them to the side, his fingers now finally touching her bare pussy itself with nothing in the way. Almost by instinct he sought out the sensitive little nub of her clit and started rubbing his fingertip against it in tight little circles, trying not to be too obvious even as Ruby continued to watch him. "Something tells me this is going to be a memorable birthday for both of us."
Riley was so used to getting her way she didn’t even think about how she phrased what she said about the workers at the club. In her mind she was a birthday girl as well as a VIP customer so technically she was our boss for the evening or how long she decided to stay there. With his hand going up her leg more and more she will make sure to keep her legs modestly spread but anyone in the VIP area knew exactly what was going on but no one called anything out though Ruby was looking at him she didn’t say anything or complain. That normally birthday girl was left taking a deep breath as she closed her eyes for a moment as she started tracing her wet lips through her silk panties.

Ruby cannot help but watch as Riley started kissing and nibbling on Rich’s neck. She had no problem licking and sucking any skin she got near and even started nibbling his ear lobe but when he started teasing her even more he could hear how heavy her breathing got with her hot breath on his ear. “Mmmm it must i’ve been lucky that we found each other because we are both going to have a memorable birthday maybe you should take this into a back room I have my own personal room rented out….. unless you’re going to chicken out….” all she was doing was egging him on and if you notice Ruby she was taking a few shots back to back.

“I come to this club all the time and I’ve never seen you we are going to have a night to remember how about we take this party into my suite?” She asked as she bit his neck only lightly not enough to leave a mark yet but the more he fingered her the wetter she got but it definitely said something about her that she had her own sweet ready it sounded like she was already having fun and he was going to be another notch on her belt but this time at least she might remember his name especially considering their birthday connection.
He tried not to pay too much attention to Ruby as she watched him getting close to Riley, downing shots and looking at him hungrily. He couldn't help but smile when he felt Riley's hot breath letting out a sigh against his ear as he played with her pussy.

"I work a lot, sometimes at odd hours. Doesn't leave a lot of time for nightlife. This is actually my first time coming here." He told her quite casually, especially considering he was saying this as he played with her clit and was barely even trying to be subtle about it for anyone else in the room.

"Aren't you an impatient little thing?" He teased as she invited him to her back room not once but twice. His hand shifted a little, letting his index finger slip inside her even as the pad of his thumb took over rubbing against her clit. He applied pressure as if he were trying to pin her to the couch by her pussy even as he continued to play with it. "We only just sat down. Make yourself comfortable. I thought you were planning on being here all night." He turned to face her as his finger sped up inside her.
Ruby was a bit sour that her best friend was getting first dibs on this new guy she had never seen Mel On the other hand was working on one of the staff members who is a cute woman barely dressed and much of anything. She was mostly the moral support for the group especially since the guys kept hitting on her and she was turning them down at least Ruby was getting the ones that Mel wasn’t taking. The fact that this new guy who she was watching intently as he was fingering her friend was doing something most guys in the club didn’t do they were usually eager just to get them back to a room.

Riley on the other hand was pretty much speechless after she invited him not once but twice to the back room and here he was teasing her and making her love button even more sensitive. “S…so that’s where you’ve been hiding at work….ohhhh…. your job is evil for hiding you from me but I’m happy you came out tonight and trust me I’ll make you cum later…” Her voice dripped with seduction as she continued to kiss and nibble on his neck. The more he played with her the more he was getting her wet and making her soft silky panties take the brunt of her arousal.

When his index finger pushed inside of her and his thumb continue to play with her love button her moans only got louder but luckily the music was hiding that and her friends were having their own fun time except for Ruby who is bring grumpy. She knew the rules birthday girls go first and if it were Ruby’s birthday she would’ve been all over Rich. “Where did you learn that?” Riley whispered into his ear as she started wiggling against his finger and thumb as he was not only making her panties wet but also her dress and the sofa they sat on.

Those beautiful green eyes of hers would look into his eyes he made full on eye contact telling her how impatient she was and how she was going to lose if this was going to be all night. “You make me impatient…. we are going to be here all night but not on the sofa all night…. keep this up and I’m gonna wanna suck you off and trust me and no man here against that… you’re special enough to get more than my hand birthday boy…” she’d reach over and start rubbing his crotch trying to see how hard he was especially since she wanted to return the favor even though it was hard for her to concentrate. He was already driving her up the wall and all she wants to do is get him alone but at this rate she was willing to unzip him and ride him in public it was up to him if he wanted to see how far she would go.
Rich was mostly ignoring her friends by now, focused entirely on the attractive little redhead he was fingering in public, in front of all her friends, most of whom were too absorbed in their own fun to even notice the fun she was having.

He couldn't help but laugh at her question of where he'd learned what he was doing with his hand. "High school was boring. Sometimes a guy has to make his own fun." He shrugged softly, not letting up his attentions even a little bit.

At the notion of her sucking him off, he couldn't help but bite his lower lip and smile. Her hand would find him already quite stiff in his jeans, throbbing softly against her palm as the new contact just provoked more desire.

His free hand reached behind her, taking her long red hair in his grip and giving her a firm pull. "I think you're about to learn to be patient Riley... I have a feeling I'm about to give you a little 'birthday present'." He chuckled, still tugging on her hair even as he confirmed playing with her pussy intently. "Maybe the first of many. You're going to be a good girl and enjoy this present right here in front of all your friends... Then we can go see your suite. Understand?" He asked, his thumb and finger do not having stopped through the entire exchange. "Go ahead Riley... Be a good girl and cum for me." He whispered.
“Ohhh? I wish I went to your school instead of boarding school…. I would’ve had so much fun….Mmmm…” The loud thumping of the Base in music were hiding the sound she was making as she arched her back pushing her breast up wiggly against his finger. The way he was rubbing her only caused her to rub that bulge of his harder with a feral need to feel more of him.

The moment he wrapped his fingers in her long silky red hair and gripped it pulling it back before he told her how he was going to make her learn patience. Normally she did not like being bossed around because she was the princess and here he was telling her what he was going to do in front of her friends and that made her blush she never had someone so assertive and tell her what he was going to do. The way she started breathing heavily and even bit down on her bottom lip as she rubbed him harder trying to see how erect he would get. “In that case birthday present in front of my friends too… I take it you don’t get embarrassed… OHHHH!” Even ask her moans got louder and more pronounced nobody gave a fuck in the club especially with people in the VIP section they were in their own universe.

What she wasn’t expecting was his intoxicating voice whispering to her and telling her to cum. It wouldn’t be the first time a man told her to do that but this time she wouldn’t have to fake it. “Ohhhh…Rich….mmmm….MMMMMM!!! I will be your a good girl…. where the fuck were they hiding you? OHHHHHH!!!” She was trying to talk a big game and yet as he fingered her he kept distracting her as her hips wiggled back-and-forth feel like his finger pressed inside of her and all it took was one finger and his thumb on her love button to drive her over the wall as he held her hair pulling it it was a perfect storm of pleasure and a little bit of pain and Riley lost it letting out a cute but loud cry that no one but Ruby noticed. When Ruby noticed she would grab a few more shots and walk off to a different area it seem like she was pissed that her best friend was having more fun and she at least thought that Riley would share and here she was being the third wheel watching her get fingered without even an offer to join.
Something told him this bossy little rich girl would enjoy a man who could put her in her place. He was quite amused to find the he wasn't wrong there. The way she gasped and blushed when he pulled her hair and told her what to do just further confirmed that he was right."What do I care about getting embarrassed? You're the one that's about to cum." He teased her with a broad smirk across his face

The spoiled little rich girl was adorable as she came, her face contorting with pleasure as her tight little pussy tried to death grip his finger inside her. He lightened up the stimulation, letting her come down from her very public orgasm, finally releasing her hair and reaching up to stroke it as she caught her breath. "Look at that. We only just met and you already do such a good job following directions..." He grinned at her with his lower lip between his teeth and a mischievous glint in his eye. "Why don't we finish our drinks, then you can show me this suite you're so proud of." He whispered in her ear hoarsely. "If this is as fateful a meeting as you say, I think we both deserve a good hard fucking for our birthday."
He pretty much figured out exactly who she was really easily but with him bossing her around it was something that turned her on that most men who knew exactly who she was would not do considering her status. This stranger who shared the same birthday made her publicly climax as he left her breathing heavy and trying to get her footing again. When he mentioned how he had no need to get embarrassed it made Riley chuckle really cutely.

“Where have you been hiding all of my clubbing days?” She couldn’t help but say again. Rich could feel how tight she was and if that was an indication of where his very thick meet would be going later he knew he was going to have a great deal of fun with her especially as she still rubbed him keeping him as hard as possible. It was very kind of him to lighten up the stimulation giving her a chance to actually breathe but her body was still trembling and shaking and he was giving her goosebumps which was a very good thing. “Let’s finish our drinks and get some new ones I have a room just for me and I don’t think I’m letting you go anytime soon….. it seems like you got a lot of practice and I’m gonna make you work for it but not until after I see what’s in your pants.” Her voice was dripping with seduction as she still rubbed him she honestly couldn’t wait to get him away from her friends and have him all to herself.

“Mmmm someone like you I plan on making sure you never forget this birthday and if you’re good enough I might have to call you every year.” Now she was getting cocky but she already liked him so far and she just had to see how he was in bed his fingers already played a good game and he had her highly interested. He would feel how she leaned in close to him once her hair was let go and that’s not him before she would whisper something for him and him alone. “ we probably need to get ourselves alone before Ruby rips you from my clutches. You gave me something amazing now it’s my turn how about you come back to my room and I’ll show you how I do things and this time I’ll make you cry and pleasure…” her freehand will reach over to take his and let her thumb rub across the back letting him know he was focused on him and ready to only give him pleasure. “The question is if I use my mouth on you how many times can you shoot that gun in your pants….” she made sure to whisper that so softly into his ear before biting his ear lobe and even though she had her drink still to be finished she was willing to bring it with her.
And once again, he ignored the question. He was enjoying playing the mysterious stranger that'd already made her cum in front of all her friends. He grinned playfully as she informed him she was going to make him work for whatever it was she was promising him. Silly willful little thing. The moment he let go of her hair she went back to thinking she was in charge again. She did know how to lay it on thick, he had to give her credit. "Call me back next year eh?" he laughed at her comment. "I've been accused of being cruel a time or two in my life... but leaving you to pine for me for an entire year is a new low even for me." He teased her softly.

He didn't bother answering her question regarding how many times he could shoot. She was already getting full of herself again, and the only thing this spoiled rich girl needed to be full of tonight was him. In a very quick motion, he grabbed her by the hair again, pulling back harder this time, arching her neck and exposing her narrow little throat to him as if he were some kind of predator ready to go in for the kill.

"You're being very presumptuous birthday twin. It seems it only took you a minute or two to forget who's in charge here." he laughed softly. "I'm going to tell you what's going to happen." He laughed, biting his lower lip. "When I let you go, you're going to ignore this wet spot in your dress, find one of these employees you own, and get us a bottle of something nice. You're going to lead me to your room, open the bottle, pour us each a glass, then you're going to strip naked, lay back on the bed and spread your legs." He reached out, stroking her cheek softly with his free hand. "If you're a good girl tonight, maybe you'll get something sweet in your mouth before we're all said and done." He chuckled before releasing her hair again. "Don't keep me waiting."
Riley was always in charged and all the men who decided to have time with her always let her run the show but this one was very different. He wasn’t falling in line like the usual guy at the club fighting over her and giving her whatever she’s so desired when Rich ignored her questions but grabbed at her long red hair again making her look at him she gasped and looked outright shocked.

She was going to mouth off and tell him who is in charge but it seem like that was what he was planning on doing himself as he gave her orders to get something to drink especially something nice and instructed her to take him back to her room. This was quite the role reversal and she almost didn’t know what to do. His teasing was absolutely sweet but with him in charge she looked lost. The only person who can command her was her own father but nothing like this. He failed to answer any questions she was asking of him but now she was at the receiving end. With her neck exposed to leaving her vulnerable she was watching him very closely and taking everything he said.

His orders were crystal clear but he would be shocked when she actually nodded and agreed she was gonna play along with his game and see how cocky he would be once he got in the room. “Okay. You must be a boss or at least aiming for his boss’s job. I’ll play your game, let’s see how long you keep up the charade.” Once he let her go she stood up but her legs were quaking in the whet Spot thank God she was wearing black would not be noticed as she walked over to one of the joy toys giving out drinks and whispered to her as she ran off to get some bottle of the finest and most beautiful alcohol she could think of especially since it was a rich girl asking. The waitress herself would bring the drink to the room and set it up as she went back to her toy and grabbed his hand.

“I had no idea my birthday twin was so….bossy. I guess I’ll label it as confidence but let’s go. Sorry Ruby. It’s my birthday and I’m keeping him for the foreseeable future find someone on the dance floor. Besides he’s my birthday twin it’s only right that I get him on your birthday I don’t take your toys you don’t get this one.” Once you have his handed hers she would pull him back to a nice simulated room that looked and cost more than probably a good couple of months of his salary considering all of the upgrades it had but if he looked back at Ruby he could see that she was sulking but she couldn’t even argue against it since it was Riley‘s birthday and she didn’t want to fuck up a good relationship especially if she could get a chance with him later.


The room itself was fancy and he could tell it looked made up again in between each guy she would play with she would make sure the staff would clean it up but she had no idea what was in store for her when she got in. She would pour them both a drink as she held her glass and held out one to him hoping he would at least host first before she would follow anything else even though he told her to lay down on the bed.

“I prefer we have a drink first before I get naked and besides I want to see you first.” Riley was trying to take control again the question is how would he handle her even though she complied with most of his orders this one she was pushing her luck and wondered how her birthday twin was going to handle her.
"Keep up the charade?" he growled back in reply. "You take that tone with me again and you're going to wake up with handprint shaped welts on your ass tomorrow miss. This is your one and only warning." He told her before letting her run off to follow his commands. He stood as well, adjusting his jeans a little to make the rather large lump in the front of his jeans look a little less obvious and obscene.

Ruby looked upset as Riley made her halfhearted apologies. Did these girls just casually pass around their lovers that easily? They really did live a completely care free and consequence free life, and somehow that made him angry. Not in a way that was outwardly visible, but a kind of background, simmering anger. These girls had no idea how fortunate they were, treating men and employees as things to be owned and passed around for fun. Perhaps he'd take it out on Riley soon.

For a little room for hookups at a club, the room she led him to was massive. It made his apartment look like a closet by comparison, and not even a large walk in closet at that. Still, he tried his hardest to keep his expression blank. He didn't want her to know how impressed he was.

He accepted the glass from her and clinked it against hers before taking a sip. It was slightly effervescent, tasting of apricot with hints of cardamom and vanilla. He wouldn't even know it was alcoholic if he couldn't feel the alcohol fumes in his sinuses as he took another breath in. Then she tried to negotiate, saying she wanted to see him first, that she wanted to have a drink before she got naked.

He let out a sigh, shaking his head ever so slightly. "Shame, it seems as though you don't know how to listen." He shrugged and placed his barely drank from glass on one of the counters around the walls of the room. "Could have been fun, but thank you for the drink." He gave a small nod and turned his back on her, headed for the door out.
His tone changed and she was shocked to hear it it sounds like her fathers and early threw her for a loop and caused her to be quiet. The emerald green sparkle as she looked at him trying to figure him out even more. “Y…yes sir!” her tone completely changed as she seem to switch on at a command and it seemed like it was something she was used to following though he would be shocked because the tone he took sounded just like her dad scolding her and she actually would listen.

She went about getting things done but she didn’t even notice how she was a bit upset at her actions and all of her friends passing around men like they were toys. They live such carefree lives considering their status and family backgrounds. Riley did not have to worry about anything at all and it showed especially how she bossed around everyone around her.

“Forgive the room size. I’m sorry it’s not figure this was kind of last minute and I had a lot of additions so please don’t judge me too harshly come on.” She was too full of herself to notice that this was a bit much for him and considering how self-centered she was he didn’t have trouble hiding his expression. The drink itself was so fancy it was hard to taste the alcohol in it but once they drink enough of it they would know and it was top shelf. Riley would not do any less! When their glasses clipped she downed her first class really easily and pour herself another one he could tell she was used to drinking it was a means of escape for her especially in her family. She was trying to escape from something and her overindulgent birthday was giving it away.

A comment about her not knowing how to listen she slipped on her drink before lowering it and giving him a look. “Oh I can listen but tonight I OWN you. Remember that. I’ll let you pretend to be my boss but remember I am yours.” She would explain the rules before down in her second class sitting it aside and then slowly reaching behind her and sipping her dress and dropping it leaving her only and a black silk bra and panties.

What he did next pissed her off and he didn’t see the look on her face even if she would start to comply before she would raise her voice at him. “NO ONE TURNS RILEY GUNNER DOWN! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?!”
She shouted at him. “I’m disappointed in myself because I thought someone who had my same birthday would have more balls than you would it seems like I have the balls.” Her arrogance with astounding but he was learning just how spoiled Riley truly was.
At her assertion that she owned him, he couldn't help but roll his eyes and shake his head. The presumption of this girl. Maybe it was a mistake to take her up on the offer to come up to the VIP room with her. At least he'd gotten some admittedly very nice drinks out of it, not to mention play with her pussy for a little bit. It was a more interesting night than he was otherwise in for at least.

He was shocked as she raised her voice. Enough to pause as he made his way to the door. Riley Gunnar. Gunnar BioTek. That explained a lot. At her comment that she was the one with the balls, he finally turned to look at her, at least surprised that at some point in the whole exchange she had managed to lose the dress. Even so, silence hung in the air for a long moment, his mouth quivering. And then he started laughing, hard.

It took him several long moments to stop, he took a few steps toward her as he got himself back under control. "Nice temper tantrum princess." He smirked at her. "Except I think you're forgetting that you don't actually own shit. The moment Daddy decides he's tired of funding this vapid lifestyle of yours, you're out on your ass without a credit to your name." He smiled at the petulant little rich girl and shrugged off his jacket, revealing a shoulder holster that held his badge and service pistol, which he also began removing. "We could start over here." He said, setting his holster aside as well. "Be a good girl, bring me my drink." he told her in a confident, commanding tone.
Normally Riley was not one to raise her voice that much everyone did what she wanted considering her family name everyone bow down to her and walked on eggshells around her but here he was laughing at her as soon as the silence ended it was him laughing. She looks confused more than angry since no one had ever laughed at her like this before.

“What in the Milky Way is so funny? You heard me why are you laughing?!?!” he could tell she was getting frustrated and the fact that he was laughing like that at her she honestly didn’t understand why he didn’t grovel to get her forgiveness. She didn’t care that she was standing there and barely anything just brought in panties watching him trying to figure out why he thought this was hilarious. Riley crossed her arms underneath her perky chest look at him expectantly with her green eyes piercing. If her friends did this they will be begging her to get back in her good graces why did he think he was so special?

“Princess is right. At least you understand that much.” She snipped back and he could tell he got to her especially since she was always the one to get her way. “I have a very big trust fun you have no idea and yes it’s my money as well. I’m the heiress. That’s how it works. The women hold the power.” It was true that women did hold the power but in the way that she would eventually have to give birth to another air soon down the line with the right match but she wasn’t going to tell her birthday twin all that.

When he shrugged off his jacket she saw the holster with the gun and she was shocked to see that he was an officer but considering who she was it didn’t terrify her she was just not expecting it. She was about to chop his head off with words again but he mentioned starting over and he could tell she like to get the last word in but with the commanding tone he gave her she sucked it up and huffed stepping out of her dress and walking over to the beautiful bottle and pouring him another drink into her crystal glass and one for herself bring them over new glasses even though they had their own glasses still and handed him a drink as she watched him curiously wondering what his endgame was. His voice was so commanding I did get her to listen but he knew already that she liked getting the last word in and she would not stay silent for a very long.
He scoffed at her assertion that she had a big trust fund and it was her money, smiling again, at least restraining himself from laughing further. "Oh a trust fund. It's just credits." He shook his head. "Why do I get the feeling that you're so surrounded by people whose job is to serve you, that you're glossing over the fact that they probably all resent having to put up with you and this behavior for the sake of paying their rent? Not to mention your so-called friends. Ruby let you walk all over her and parade me around like the shiny new toy only you could have."

As she filled more glasses, he reached up to his collar and started undoing his shirt, one button at a time, letting it fall to the ground by time she returned with another glass. He took it and had a long pull from the glass, smiling at her. "Your money means nothing to me Riley. I'm going to give you the most valuable birthday present you're going to get. Here in your little room, where it's just you and me and you don't have to save face in front of your friends, I'm going to be the first man that's probably ever been honest and sincere with you." He smirked.

That commanding voice returned again. "Now since you're so interested in seeing what I'm packing, finish your drink, lose the bra and panties, get down on your knees and take it out and show me a little respect. Don't forget to say "Thank you sir" when I'm done either." he grinned at her.
“How dare you? They are my friends and you have no idea how hard it is to be me!” She snapped back at him taking a full drink from her glass and porn herself another one as her poor liver must be working overtime. Drinking did not really affect her whereas some of her friends were drunk she wasn’t even close to tipsy but she was intoxicated but not intoxicated enough to be pass out drunk. Watching him undo his shirt and collar and even as she complained she would undo her bra and drop her soaked panties to the floor and tossing her bra over to the side not caring where it landed.

Riley scoffed when he said he would teach her the most valuable lesson tonight by being honest with her but all of her friends were honest with her she had known them for years and they were all rich nepotism children and he wouldn’t be surprised if they were all girls in that group they were certain corporations that had daughters and ones that kept sons and Riley just happen to be fortunate to be born a girl that was needed for gunner biotecRiley scoffed when he said he would teach her the most valuable lesson tonight by being honest with her but all of her friends were honest with her she had known them for years and they were all rich nepotism children and he wouldn’t be surprised if they were all girls in that group they were certain corporations that had daughters and ones that kept sons and Riley just happen to be fortunate to be born a girl that was needed for Gunner BioTek.

When her drink was finish she would walk over to him and honestly saunter over one leg in front of the other showing off just how perfect she was. “Honest and sincere? I bet you tell that to all the women you join in the VIP rooms I just don’t know what day you show up here. No what do you plan on teaching me?” He could tell they were some sarcasm in her voice showing that she didn’t believe him as she was slowly lower herself down to her knees. Tossing that beautiful natural red hair past her shoulders.

“Sir? I can play at this game now I can handle calling you sir when will you become a captain or Lieutenant you’re not that now…. I still outrank you…” those sparkling green eyes looked up at him from her place on her knees he was going to have to teach her so much and here she thought she was playing along and had no idea she was gonna get a lesson of a lifetime in this room!
He gave a broad smirk as she made her way over to him, expressing that he pulled this kind of speech with all the women he went into VIP rooms with. Clearly she thought he was just another clout chaser, here to leech off her lifestyle and get his dick wet in the process. Poor deluded thing.

He smiled down at her as she kneeled in front of him, reaching down to undo the fly of his jeans, pulling out his stiff cock. She'd probably be impressed but at least for the moment, he didn't quite care how impressed she was.

"Oh you outrank me?" He laughed, before she could reply he brought his stiff cock down on her forehead with a dull thunk. "Better call my chief and tell him I'm showing contempt for my superiors." He laughed again this time smacking her with it across one of her high cheekbones on her pretty face. "This kind of impudence really shouldn't be tolerated." He smirked as he slapped his fat cock across her other cheek.

"You can keep running your mouth and saying stupid shit..." The tone of his voice shifted again, low and confident. "Or you can open your mouth and demonstrate an ability to learn."
With her on het knees she watched him as he unzipped and took out his large erecting cock. It was impressive but she didn’t want to let that go up his upper head. She thought he was another clout chaser as he started teasing her and let his heavy cock thump on her head. When he repeated what she said she nodded. “Of course I outrank you! My dad owns a good amount of the law enforcement. Tell me what branch you are and if I’m nice enough I’ll have him bribe them.” That gave away so much especially with how she saw the world.

Riley would’ve kept going but what he did Max was slap one cheek with his cock and then the other making her whimper and look stunned. This was someplace she never thought she would be especially with who she was and would each slap her hair was tossed too and fro.

Normally she would keep talking but the tone of voice he took was quite demanding and what she did next which is shocking as she live in closer lifting one hand to wrap around his shaft an opening her mouth to taking his tip as she started flicking her tongue on his cock head as she leaned in closer. If he was going to insult her with words she figured she would make him explode and make him tired just to spite him because she was guessing that maybe he only had one shot in him like most men. Her mouth closed around his shaft as she began sucking the tip and slowly bobbing back-and-forth. Her lovely green eyes looked up at him watching him to see his reaction but he could tell by the way she was sucking as she lifted one hand under to cut his balls and massage she was playing a dangerous game and she wonder where he would shoot if he got close enough to orgasm.
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