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The Mystics Prediction (Guardian Angel and LunarWolf)

It wasn't long before there was a knock on her door and Sebastian was coming into the room - first offering her the coffee before anything else. It was an extra large as well.
Lin took the coffee from him "Thank you, you are a godsend" Lin then sipped the coffee before motioning for him to go ahead and sit down
Sebastian was just chuckling before he was speaking, "You seemed stressed... and I definitely get it. We were just planning to shut down for a bit to redo the electrical and plumbing... Guess now we just get to tear down and restart fully potentially."
Lin. nodded her head "yea I have the investigators report and thankfully it wasn't arson it was an electrical fire so everyone is going to get paid"
Lin chuckled "have a seat this is going to take a bit and the sooner we get started the better" they had a lot of paper work to do and it would take them some time to get it finished up before he could head out and know that his claim was going to be paid out "since you said your going to do a rebuild that will make things simpler"
Sebastian was noesing before he spoke "I did a peak to my co owner and that is how it sounds. Route is probably going to be easier."
Lin pulled out the paperwork and handed it over to him along with a pen "Let's get this started so that way we can get your claim processed" Lin had a lot of paperwork that they would need to do before their claim could be processed
'Hey I'm like an hour away or so.. Where would you want to meet?' Ravette was texting Eric as she was stopping to get gas.

Sebastian was nodding his head before he was settling back to start going over paperwork.
Eric looked at her text and then sent one back with an address of a cafe that had good food and great coffee

Lin answered any questions he had as they worked through the papers
It was a little less than an hour when Ravette was arriving and pulling into a parking spot in front of the diner.
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