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The Mystics Prediction (Guardian Angel and LunarWolf)

Ravette was heading to the car and was putting her bag in there before she questioned, "Is there a mall or anything here?"
Ravette was just humming softly as she was looking around before she was looking at her phone to see that she had a message from an online friend. Some random person that had meet online a number of years ago and they had just clicked. Somebody named Lin. Granted they had never met in person but they definitely felt they had known each other for a lifetime in how long they had been talking. And now that she thought about it... Ravette was pretty sure that Lin had mentioned that had lived in this town. This had her messaging her swiftly asking, 'Where did you say you lived again? I feel like I am correct with my guess and if so... I am in your hometown right now.'
Lin looked at her phone when it dinged and then smiled before she responded where she lived she also mentioned that she was really busy with work because of a fire so she wouldn't be on much to game until things settled down work wise.
Ravette was just chuckling a bit before she was messaging back 'I don't even have any gaming systems with me. I drove out four hours to meet up with a guy that I've been talking to lately and he has been nice enough to let me crash with him a bit. But otherwise perhaps we will have to get together for a meal - no idea how long I'll be staying here.'
'When works best for you?' Ravette was messaging her before inquiring as to where a good place sounded - stating that she didn't know many places in town.
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