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The Mystics Prediction (Guardian Angel and LunarWolf)

Ravette was just walking over to the counter with six books in whr hand, and just talking with the cashier about something. Finding out of there was a particular book.
Eric went back and found more books that he wanted to get. noticing that he was going overboard he finished up and went back to pay
Ravette was just tilting her head before she was speaking "These will last me a few days if I am lucky."
Eric chuckled and then nodded his head "I know the feeling when I have the time I can read around two books a day but work has kept me busy"
Ravette was commenting, "I don't have a job right now.... so all I have is time to read." Yet again her family didn't really force her to get one - and usually she was the one keeping things in order at home.
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