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The Mystics Prediction (Guardian Angel and LunarWolf)

Ravette was eating a bit more of her food although she definitely wasn't finishing it that was for certain - there was quite a bit of soup.
Ravette was just watching for a brief moment in time before she was questioning, "Oh before we go anywhere else could we stop by a bank? I don't actually have my own card or anything so I have to withdraw funds manually from my checking account."
Ravette was smiling before she was pulling a bit of cash from her wallet and putting it on the table to pay for her meal - or if he insisted on paying then it would be the tip.
Eric paid for their meals himself since he was taking her out and about he didnt want her to pay for anything but what she decided to buy
Ravette was just following after him although she did find herself a bit distracted as she walked outside and noticed what appeared to be a book store.
Eric nodded his head "that is understand able but if you really want to go I can buy what ever you find and then you can just pay me back after you get your funds."
Ravette was just humming softly as she was looking around and just making a mental list of places that she wanted to stop by at some point in time.
Ravette was hopping out of the car and heading inside so that she could take to the banker and get some cash withdrawn.
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