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In truth, she wasn’t trying to frustrate him. She’d been left with no choice all her life and suddenly she had them all. Or close enough to all of them. There was what she was in the world, what she was in this house and what his father would see her as. It was her feelings for him and her own issues with how she felt. It was giving her a headache and making her act irrationally. He was frustrated now and she didn’t blame him. The tears that sprang to her eyes were hidden as she turned her back on him. That was all she needed to do was start crying to round off this whirlwind of crazy.

Hugging herself Riley tried to not cry. Even as she told herself over and over to not cry, she felt the hot tears slip down her cheeks and it took her a moment to realize she was trembling. Her gut reaction was to flee. Run to her room and slam the door. It wouldn’t have helped anything. Her emotions were making her dizzy.

It was as if she’d never felt anything but anger and suddenly she was overwhelmed. Like the choices of options. She’d tried to be big. Brave and failed. That much was clear. She sniffled and turned to him, her cheeks tear stained and fresh tears fell.

“I don’t know..” Her voice broke. She was meant to hate him. He was supposed to be a monster. Not kind. Not sweet. Not handsome. She shouldn’t find comfort in his touch. In his scent. “I’m sorry..” That broken voice was oh so soft as she creed in his office, dressed in that too small outfit.. The thought suddenly made her give a blubbery giggle. “Super sexy, huh..”
Tobias hadn't meant to sound as angry as he did but his voice had definitely been raised an octave or two when he'd been saying how he felt. It wasn't meant to be like this...it was naive of him, he knew that now, to think that this would all just be okay. He would bring her here, he had known Riley would be scared and angry when he'd arranged for her to be delivered, but he had been confident that eventually she would come around and even be happy here. It had seemed to be going well, all according to plan but there was so much that he hadn't considered. How she would be overwhelmed by choice, how she would be frustrated just like he was by the situation, how he would start feeling affection for her, not just a small amount but strong affection and a desire to protect her that was overwhelming in it's own right. How hard it would be to navigate all of this and suppress his own growling feelings for her. Emotional feelings, and physical, lustful feelings that made him feel guilty just for thinking them and wanting them. Trying to be the gentleman when he'd wanted to pull her to him and give her a real kiss, when he wanted to call her his.

He was barely starting to calm himself when she turned away from him and another feeling cascaded down with the rest, more guilt. This was to be expected of somebody who had been through what she had, she was a strong person, he could tell that but the horrors she'd faced, the future she'd expected to have would mess with anybody. He should have been the pillar of strength here, he should have been more stable, calm, calculated. He made to step forward and at the same time, she turned. He could see the tears, hear it in her voice as she spoke, and apologized, and his heart melted. He couldn't be angry or upset at her already and now she seemed so...small and vulnerable. Something she definitely hadn't seemed like when she arrived, like all the things she'd hidden were coming out. He heard her giggle but he was already moving closer, he pulled her tight against him and his arms wrapped around her. He didn't like seeing her like this, he didn't like that she had to feel this way and pulling gently he navigated them through the room to his chair, he sat down and pulled her down with him so he could just hold her, pulling her head to his shoulder just like he had the night before.
"Shhh...you don't have to be sorry, you've done nothing wrong Riley, you really haven't. This is just...a tough situation. We will get through it, I promise we will, and then you'll be as free as you can be." He rocked while he held her, his fingers glided through her hair and over her ear, his eyes were closed and his voice soft and how she was dressed was the last thing on his mind. "I know it's hard but try not to think about what we have to do and the past, try to think about what's on the other side, the life you can lead, here, with me."
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