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"Venom, or poison. I forget which is which, but I think it's venom. Very dragonish though." Tobias chuckled softly. "Do dragons?" It wasn't the first time that it had occurred to him that he had no idea what Riley actually enjoyed, what interested her? In his defence he hadn't been in any position to actually ask her unless he'd planned to force the answers out of her but he'd be a fool not to take advantage of this cease-fire they had to inquire about it. "I don't know what things you enjoy and what you don't. Given what you've been through I'm honestly not sure if you know yourself, but should this go well then it's something you'll have to learn about yourself. If anything interests you, then it's something to explore. Happiness is hard enough to come by that it should be a priority, when able."

At least food would be easier. He wasn't surprised she didn't know what she wanted to eat, she probably hadn't had many options before but there was one comfort food that always seemed to make sense, at least to him.
"Have you ever had pizza before?" He smiled at her question and made towards the corner of his room where a computer sat. It took him a few moments to let it boot up and he pulled up the website for Pizza Hut. "I like all kinds of food, chicken is always good, kievs, sandwiches, just fried, and there is always the simple pleasure of sausages, eggs and bacon. My tastes are pretty simple." He pointed to the screen and sat down on the chair, using the mouse to scroll. "Pizza is always a good place to start though. You can have any toppings you like on it, most go with pepperoni or just the cheese for their first time. How about we look through these and you choose one that looks good?" He started scrolling through the options and bought himself a simple four cheese pizza while waiting for her to choose.
Did she like dragons? She had never taken time to think about it. What she liked or didn’t had never been a concern to anyone else.. And so it had been so far down on the list of her concerns, that she honestly didn’t know. After a long moment of considering, she nodded. “Yes, I do.” There was the softest of smiles as she came to this realization. Looking at him she nodded some, though it wasn’t a happy nod. He was right, she knew so very little about herself, which when she thought about it was odd.

“Pizza?” She gave a small shake of her head. She knew what it was though.. But she had never had it. Watching him move to sit before his computer, she eyed it with envy. As it booted up, he told her of the things he liked. “Sometimes simple things are nice.” Well, she had ever only ever known simple, but it was still true. Freedom was simple. In theory at least and she liked it.

Padding closer, she stayed just out of arms reach, but she was far closer to him than she had ever been before, looking over his shoulder at the options. He scrolled slowly and Riley watched with rapt attention. Most of it was hard to imagine what it would taste like and in the end, she settled on..
“Can I try pepperoni?” Her voice was shy, unsure. It was something she’d seen on billboards. “Please,” she added after a moment.
Tobias had flashed her another smile when she'd said she liked dragons. "Dragons...I'll remember that, I'll probably ask you again though after you've read some of your books." As usual, it didn't surprise him to learn she had never had pizza and he nodded in agreement. Simple things were nice sometimes, he'd never really been one for the fancy frills. That probably wouldn't be readily apparent to anybody looking into his home. The computer he sat at was very expensive, top of the line with all the latest parts and 3 monitors, the main one of which was huge, but that to him was still simple. He'd wanted the best, he could afford the best so he'd bought it, fully built and delivered. His decorations were simple but elegant, his bed was large and sturdy with silken sheets and simple colours of black and a deep green, there was art on his walls but he hadn't really chosen that so much as paid a decorator to do it. Everything was convenient, paid for by the privilege he'd been afforded simply by the status of his birth and while it definitely wasn't lost on him that it was just plain luck and he could have easily been born into a situation like Riley's, that knowledge didn't stop him from enjoying what he had. In his mind, at least he wasn't as bad as his family or so many others, he gave to charity when he could, he didn't use his position to hurt anybody. Riley was really the first time he'd had close contact with somebody who had the opposite kind of life as his for an extended period of time though, and he felt guilty about it.

She moved closer and made her choice and he nodded, ordering a large pepperoni pizza for her with the basic, garlic dusted crust. Not sure what else she would like to try, he ordered some fries and garlic tear and share pieces and of course some cookie dough ice cream, and then shut the computer down. By this point she was closer to him than she had been at any point and he turned to face her with a smile.
"Pizza is on it's way, and some dessert. You can eat it in your room if you like, I'll be in the main room watching a movie." He stood up, moving away from her rather than closer so as not to spook her. "Of course, you'd be welcome to join me if you'd like. I'd enjoy company, I'll even let you choose the movie." He grinned, flashing that smile at her again. "I mean you only get to try your first pizza once and I'd love to see how you like it." As he was leaving he didn't turn to see if she would follow, that was her choice and he wasn't going to try and pressure her into it any more than he already had, but he did speak still as he made his way to the front room. "I meant what I said earlier by the way, if you need or want anything then please let me know. It's not a bribe, no conditions, I just want you to be comfortable here. Happy. I don't see any reason why you have to have nothing, you live here just like I do."
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