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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

The king was just looking towards them for a moment before he was commenting, "I hope that you will perform for us again in the morning. I hope that you can bring some refreshing for us again." Caera was just watching for a moment before she was dipping into a low curtsy before she was speaking, 'We shall give you another grand show tomorrow morning. And we thank you once again for the hospitality."
Soon enough they were all heading back towards the room that they were allowed to stay in, and some of them were just collapsing onto the beds shaking a bit - having been more than terrified. Caera was just letting out a breath herself before she was looking towards Azalea and was commenting that she didn't know that she was able to do something like that. "I can do similar with a fan as well."
Azalea was commenting, "We can definitely do that." With that she was looking towards the other five girls that were there, all of them sitting and speaking with each other.
Azalea was just chuckling a bit before she was commenting that she wasn't too concerned about there being blades. "Can do you a dance with a spear?" one of the girls was dancing which had Azalea giving a nod of her head before she was stating, "I learned that first since that is my preferred weapon."
Abby looked at the girls and then asked if any of them could use a weapon while dancing as that seemed to keep the kings interest the most
This had all of them shaking their heads and Azalea was commenting, "It isn't something easy to learn at all. You run the risk of injuring yourselves very easily. So I don't recommend any of you attempting it at all tomorrow." With that she was tapping her fingers before she was commenting that they could however do something just as elegant with some ribbons.
Azalea was giving a nod of her head before she was speaking, "We shall do that without running the risk of injuring the others. It took me years to perfect sword dancing." Caera was just stating that he had seemed a bit interested with the duos dance with just had her thinking for a moment in time. After that she was questioning, "Do you remember when we had done more of that acrobatics dance with the hoops hanging from the ceiling?" This had a couple of the girls nodding - they being the ones who had done that mostly. Two of them had loved it and that became something they practiced often while the other three didn't do it much. "What if we could do that? If the king allows anyways? It wouldn't be difficult for one of those rings to be put up and hang from the rafters." Caera was commenting which had Azalea stating that she would make the request to the king.
Azalea was just going over to the door and stating that she was wishing to speak to the king about a request. A guard was stating that they could pass on the message but she was stating that it would be easier for her to explain what it was they were requesting. It wasn't long before one of the guards was escorting her towards the throne room where the king was sitting.

At the time the king was speaking with a couple of his advisors and a few of his royal guards, questioning what they had all thought of the show. One of the advisors was actually commenting that one or two of the ladies had looked rather inviting to him.
Azalea was nodding before she was heading off with the guard towards the throne room, the man stating to the king that one of the dancers wished to speak to something - a request that they had. Soon the red head was allowed into the throne room and was giving a deep curtsy to the king before she was rising when told to rise. After that she was soon explaining their request to the king, stating that it was something to make the show more entertaining. She could feel eyes on her from the other men but at that point in time, it didn't bother her at all.
The king was just looking towards one of his advisors before he was speaking, "Please prepare this for them right away. I am excited to see this show now." With that he was actually standing up and approaching the woman, just circling around her for a moment, examining her. There was definitely a lustful look in his eyes that he thought that she hadn't seen at all, but she could feel it anyways. So far she played it off as being a bit nervous about being there. "I will admit that I have never seen somebody dance with a sword like that. I have to wonder... can you do it with twin swords?" he questioned. This had Azalea giving a nod of her head and the king was actually gesturing for one of his guards to come forward as they used twin swords.
Caera was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was stating, "I'm sure it is fine. Azalea is a warrior after all."
Azalea was soon able to leave the throne room and the king was just questioning those that were in the throne room, if any of them would be interested in the red head. There were some that had already spoken for a couple of the other ladies.
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