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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

All of the dancers were just sitting in groups of four in the two carriages since there were a total of eight dancers going with. Abby, Caera, and Azalea were all sitting together with another dancer. The other dancer was somebody that they could definitely trust to not say anything if they got into a bit more private talk. This is actually when Caera was idly commenting that her and Grant had decided that they were going to try again with this whole having a baby thing. "Oh?" Azalea questioned before stating that she was happy for them, that they deserved it.
Abby looked at her and smiled "that is great to hear I know you were hurting to lose the other baby" Abby had done her best to comfort her friend before they had left but she hadn't been there that long to do much
Caera was nodding her head before she was speaking, "It took me a bit of thought on whether I wanted to try so soon again."
Caera was just nodding her head before she was commenting that she wasn't sure how well it was going to go though. The other dancer that was there was commenting that she knew of an herbal blend that made whoever drank it quiet fertile. Azalea was just chuckling a bit when she actually realized that there was somebody there that was actively stating that they would help the couple have a kid.
Caera was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was just giving a small nod of her before she was speaking, "Perhaps." She was looking towards Azalea, who was just chuckling a bit.
Azalea was just looking towards Abby for a brief moment in time before she was commenting that she didn't think that he would want that. Hell she wasn't sure how she would react if she got pregnant either.
It took a number of days before they were arriving at the new kingdom and the dancers were ordered to get out my guards at the gates. Well the city itself was rather dark and gloomy. "We are a dancing troupe that has been travelling far and wide, from kingdom to kingdom in order to entertain them with our dances. We hope that we can come and share our passion of dancing with you and your people." Azalea was speaking to a guard in a cheerful voice, not at all seeming like the bloodthirsty woman she truly was.
Even the dancers themselves would find themselves being searched at that point in time, some of them more than frightened about random men touching them. But in the end they were allowed into the city.
The ladies were all looking around once they had entered the city. Even the civilians seemed to be rather dark and gloomy. It wasn't long before they were being approached by somebody who was stating that their lord had heard of their arrival, and was wanting a special performance at the palace.
This was perfect. Although Caera was exchanging looks with both Azalea and Abby, a look that stated that there was a chance they were walking into a trap. "Before we perform... I hope that your lord would grant us one favor. We have been traveling for many days. I hope that he might grant us the chance to bathe and eat before we put on a show for him." Azalea was speaking to a guard after a moment in time and the man was stating that could most definitely be arranged.
Soon they were all being shown to the palace and to a place where they could bathe. "Things go south. You two flee with the others. This is an order." was what Azalea was telling Abby and Caera in a stern voice, not giving them the chance to argue.
Soon enough they were all settling down to eat food that was brought to them, or making a show that they were going to start eating. Obviously they were all being wary and cautiously testing their food first.
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