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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

It wasn't long before they were heading towards the throne room. The king was an elderly man who was sitting on is throne and just looking at the dancers as they came into the room. All of the ladies would definitely get a strange vibe, and they would almost have that feeling that this man was perhaps like Hayden had use to be. How he would just claim random dancers as his fuck buddy for the night. Thankfully that side of Hayden had gone away a while ago - when everything had started to fall apart and he had found himself genuinely falling in love with Abby.
Caera and Azalea definitely seemed to understand but for the most part they were perfectly calm at that point in time.
The king was just watching before he was commenting, "Well begin dancing." At his sides were a couple of other men and a woman. The woman obviously his wife, and she looked quite young compared to him; in her early 30s versus his late 50s to early 60s. Then Azalea was assuming that the others were the princes with how they were dressed and there was definitely a couple of warriors within the room. The person standing directly next to the king was definitely his personal guard.
Abby nodded and then moved to dance first as the others were scared. this was normal for Abby and with a few soft moves she started a complicated dance
The others seemed to be a bit afraid still although they were working on calming themselves. "Don't let them see you are afraid." Caera was whispering to them in a soft voice.
Soon enough two of the other dancers were going up so that they could dance - their dance being more of a duo dance than a solo dance. Nothing wrong with that at all.
The king was watching them very intently although the prince didn't seem all that interested, actually if Abby did happen to follow his eyes she would see that he was watching a maid that was working in the background. And he would just seem to smile at the maid a bit, which only had the maid giving a small smile back.
Abby saw this and nodded seeing that the prince had someone he liked put her mind at ease a bit but she still watched the king and worried about him
Soon enough another dancer was going up after a moment in time although it seemed like the king was beginning to get a bit bored, which was definitely something that had some of the girls a bit scared of. This had Caera thinking for a moment in time before she was looking towards Azalea, who was thinking a bit as well.
It was actually Azalea that seemed to be stepping up before she was speaking, "My lord I was hoping that I might ask a small favor." This seemed to have the king giving a nod of her head and she was stating, "I wish to borrow a sword so I might show a sword dance that has been learned throughout my family for generations." Sword dances weren't actually all that simple to learn, and not somehow manage to hurt yourself while doing it. Well this definitely had the king intrigued and he was ordering for the woman to be given a sword.
Azalea was taking a sword when it was offered to her and the other dancers were just moving away from her. Soon enough she was letting out a breath and started to dance.

The first 33 seconds but obviously for her dancing it would go on a bit longer than that.
Caera was watching and her eyes were going towards the king, who seemed very impressed with this as well. "It has been such a long time since I have seen somebody be able to do such a dance." The king was speaking and seeming to be clapping his hands when Azalea was coming to an end. She seemed to be flawlessly dipping to the ground as she lowered the sword to the ground.
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