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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

"I know your a mom at heart and asking you to think otherwise goes against your nature" Grant looked at her and then wondered if it would be dangerous or not
"then here is what we do we let her go but if you feel at any point it is too dangerous for her you send her back with a guard" Grant knew this would make Abby happy and keep Caera happy as well or at least that is what he was thinking
Caera was just giving a small nod of her head before she was speaking, "I just felt like... She was endangering her baby.... I didn't like the idea of Caly going either and look what happened.... But she isn't somebody I can argue with."
“Then explain it to her. Your sense has never been off before tell her your worried that something is going to happen to her baby if she goes with” Grant didn’t doubt her sense when it came to things like this
Caera was giving a nod of her head before she was commenting, "I am going to speak to Azalea as well and see if she will accompany us." At least then if something happened and the ladies were separated from the guards - they were still safe.
Caera was taking his hand and getting to her feet before she was heading out. A message was spoken to a servant to inform General Azalea when she was awake that Caera was wanting to speak to her after she was awake.
Caera was following Grant and heading to speak with Abby, first starting with apologizing to her. "I was thinking as a mother who recently lost her own child instead of a war tactician like I should have been." she was speaking after a moment in time.
"And this is why I am apologizing. As stated I am speaking as a mother who recently lost her child within the last few months. And it is still something fresh in my mind. I often act.... irrationally when it comes to expecting mothers. Because of part of me is.... I guess jealous in a way, and then there is that deeper part of me that finds it unfair. Like recently I watched an expectant mother and she was indulging in alcohol, even before she was pregnant she was an alcoholic. I found it unfair that somebody so irresponsible like that was able to keep her child but I...... I lost mine. And I did everything I could to keep myself healthy, and did everything I could to make sure that my baby stayed healthy." Caera was speaking after a moment in time.
Abby hugged her friend “I know it’s hard Caera and I know you miss your baby” Abby looked at her and gave a small smile “but I should have the right to make my own choices do I want to put my baby at risk no but I also want to help”
Caera was just hugging her back before she was speaking in a soft voice, "And I wasn't thinking rationally when I snapped earlier. I spoke as a grieving mother who only saw you as somebody risking her child. Then Grant asked me a question that I didn't think about. And that was... if you helping was actually going to endanger the baby. The answer to that is no; it isn't endangering the baby." Thankfully most kingdoms had a law against harming civilians especially if they were traveling around the world because they didn't know how people would react. "I will be asking Azalea to join us as well as a dancer so at least... if we are separated from the guards, we will have some protection." Caera was speaking. Then she was adding that she knew Abby had learned how to fight but they did both know that she wasn't a professional soldier or anything. She had basic training but that was about it.
Caera was nodding her head before she was speaking, "I hope you can forgive me for lashing out how I had. I truly didn't mean too." Although she wasn't going to tell Abby that her and Grant were trying again with this whole having a baby business. She had a scary thought that if she did tell her that, that Abby would find some way to try and help them or something.
Caera was just nodding her head before she was speaking, "Anyways get some stuff ready. There are four other girls that agreed to go with us, and I am hoping that Azalea will agree as well."
Abby nodded her head "I left my dance dresses back in Haydens Kingdom but I am betting I can find something here" Abby then stood and dusted off so that she could get ready to go
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