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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Azalea was just looking for a moment before she was commenting that it was probably a good idea. With that she was giving a wave before she was heading off ot leave to the room she had stayed in when she had been there before. Her room for whenever she came to visit.
Hayden was just looking before he was stating the suggestion that Caera had given to gather more information - and that is what people were arguing about.
"Lady Caera had suggested that some of the dancers travel there under the impression of being a dance troupe. A smart idea if I don't say since nobody would see them as a threat or anything. But there comes the risk of the dancers being hurt since not many of them are fighters at all." one of the generals was commenting after a moment in time.
Grant sighed and then shook his head "I know she would do something I would regret and this is it" he couldn't say that he plan didn't have merit because it did and it was smart as well
"Lady Caera is currently speaking with the other dancers to find volunteers to go with. Only volunteers are going with." the general was commenting after a moment in time.
"We haven't spoken to any yet. We are figuring out how many dancers are going to be going. If we send five guards for two dancers that will seem suspicious." the general was speaking after a moment in time.
As this was all happening, Azalea was heading towards her room but she was sending a servant to go and find Robert for her.
A maid was approaching before she spoke, "Lord Robert... You are being requested." She didn't say anything more than that at all. It didn't seem like long before Caera was coming over before she was stating, "I understand you are concerned but.... She is making the choice on her own. She isn't being forced into it. Nobody is. Even if nobody had volunteered to go with me, I would have gone on my own. With a new excuse but I would have."
Robert sighed and then looked at Caera "you talk her out of it she is pregnant she doesn't need to be doing this sort of thing" Robert then walked off muttering about stubborn females
Caera was just watching for a brief moment in time before she was just letting out a breath of air then looked towards Abby before she spoke, "I think that perhaps Robert is right. You should... stay here. You need to think about your baby as well."
"Yes but you have a life growing inside of you. A baby. Think of the child." Caera was speaking after a moment in time.
Caera was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "It may not be something you want but you'll come to love it. Hopefully what happened to me doesn't happen to you. I fell in love with my baby... even if it was conceived through rape.... only to miscarry and lose it. Don't take being a mother for granted." With that she was turning to leave so that she could go and change.
Caera was just letting out a breath and just sat on the edge of her bed for a moment. Yeah she felt like a bitch but... she honestly couldn't understand why Abby was doing that. Despite knowing that it was dangerous... how she was willing to risk her child.
"I feel like a bitch for somewhat snapping at Abby who wants to go with but.... she is pregnant. I just got... emotional I guess. I told her that she shouldn't take being a mother for granted and that.... even if that child wasn't wanted a first, she might come to love it. Then I told her that I hope she didn't go through my pain." Caera was speaking after a moment in time. No seeing pregnant woman do reckless things upset her, there was that deep motherly part of her that screamed that it wasn't fair at all.
Grant walked over and sat next to her "do you think it would hurt the baby this early on for her to help and I am asking you as a tactician and not as a mother"
Caera was just looking before she was shaking her head and spoke "Thinking that way no. But I can't fully think way...."
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