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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

A maid was helping him get there more easily while another was heading off to do what they had been ordered to do. Caera was just heading off to check on Archer and to let him know that if he needed anything to ask Abby, she could help him.
Soon the other generals were all there but then it was Caera that seemed to be arriving last. A couple of them didn't seem bothered at all but there were some that scoffed at her being there.
"Warrior I am not, but I am I quite the tactician. Not to mention.... Having been much like Lord Vincent and raised below - I do know various routes that we can use to surprise the enemy." Caera was speaking after a bit before she was taking a seat next to one of the generals who actually enjoyed her, and was gesturing for her to sit next to him.
This had the generals all nodding before one of them was commenting that they needed more information about the new enemy first.
Vincent nodded his head "from what we have seen while they have a large army they aren't very skilled but both Azalea and Grant have voiced that this could be a trick to get us to lower our guards"
Caera was just looking for a moment in time before she was commenting, "I would say pretty easily." With that she was giving a smile before she was stating that there wasn't a kingdom alive that typically turned down a dance troupe. After all they were just dancers..... everybody looked down on them. They were just there for looks and nothing else. Hayden, who was in the room as well, was commenting, "You know that could work. But that would also mean that dancers would be going to a foreign kingdom with minimal guards." A moving dance troupe typically only had upwards of five guards that traveled with them as they went from town to town or kingdom to kingdom.
"and it puts them at risk as well" Vincent frowned while the Idea was a good one it would put the dancers at risk and he didn't know if he liked that or not
Caera was commenting, "Obviously the dancers that went would be volunteer only and it would be explained to them the risks." Which meant that she knew she would go and she was sure that Abby would volunteer to go as well.
Caera was nodding her head and one of the generals was stating that it was a rather stupid idea which had her just looking towards them before she spoke, "And let me guess.... You have a better idea."
Vincent shook his head "if you don't have a better idea then I say we go with it see who is willing to take on the risks and go from there"
Some of the other generals seemed to agree it was a bad idea, more just concerned for safety but there were a number that were admitting that they didn't have any other ideas.

When Grant would arrive at the palace he would just find that outside of the palace seemed to be a blood bath but he would be able to see that some of their soldiers were still alive and standing tall. But Azalea didn't seem to be in sight at all.
This had one of the soldiers commenting that the general was in the throne room at the time, speaking with some of the others. They were just more or less on look out duty.
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