Caera was just commenting, "Everybody has settled down a little bit - there is still a lot of worry. To be expected. And I just came to join into the conversation at hand." With that she was giving a light shrug before she was looking towards Archer as the boy just seemed to be coming running up behind her. "Also Archer wanted to give you something Vincent. Well something for you and Caly. He heard you both had gotten hurt." she was commenting and was gesturing for Archer to go Vincent his gift. Just a homemade card that the boy had made - one that just wished them to get well soon. There was a picture inside of all of them and he was explaining "Get well soon so we can all go play at the park together! That is what that picture is! You, and Caly, and my mommy, me, and Grant." He seemed a little unsure about calling Grant as his dad still - but he was also aware that Caera wasn't truly his mom either - he was at the age where Caera had explained it to him. But he didn't care at all, he was still loved, that is what mattered.