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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Caly was nodding and was soon taking the tea from Caera as the other female was returning and was just sipping at it. This was a drink that was being offered to Vincent as well.
Caly was just watching for a moment as she sipped at hers a bit more but she definitely felt far more tired than usual. This definitely had her realizing that Caera had purposely mixed hers a bit stronger than usual.
Caera was following after him although it wasn't a shock that they were running into a couple of advisors on their way out. "All of your problems are to be brought to us. You are not to bother the king and queen." Caera was speaking in a sharp voice.
The advisors just tried to say something more although they were quickly shot down by Caera, who wasn't even letting them speak much.
One of the advisors tried to say something although they were quickly backing down, although finding themselves a bit more afraid of Caera at that point.
Caera was just smiling sweetly before she was speaking, "Now that we are in agreement, come to us with problems."
Grant looked when older advisor walked past and headed in to the medical wing he didn't have a problem he was just there to check on the rulers and make sure they were ok
When he did go in he would see that Caly seemed to be asleep, the cup of half finished tea sitting on the table next to her.
Caera was just watching before she was ordering some of the medics, "Get them transferred to their room so that they can rest in comfort."
Everybody was finding a place to call a home for the time being although there were many people that seemed to be worried about what was going to happen next. Were they going to be able to return home? Were they going to be safe? Caera was trying to calm everybody that she could - even taking to showing people how to dance as well.
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