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New World (EEE x Assume) NSFW images

"I'm sure they got out safe.." Randy said with a smile, of course he didn't know that for sure. But the way she had describe them, it seemed they were resourceful to say the least. Even if they were overtly sexual. He took a deep breathe as he sighed. He had been rather negative with her, maybe it was time to be positive after all he didn't know for sure that they didn't get out safe right?

"Hey! Now look at who is excited.." he said teasing her as she wanted to check out the mall. It would be dangerous certainly, but maybe she needed something like this. They would have to be a bit safe, given that other people or even those creatures could be at the mall. It was his suggestion after all. "Okay okay...I'm coming.." he said pushing the cart a bit faster.

Once they got back to the RV, he quickly began to unpack stuff from the shopping cart. Once done he pushed it to the side of the road and waited for Alyssa to get in. "Heh some of my friends too huh? We'll see, I'm not too sure about that, but it seems like Victoria and Riley really like the mall so it would be a good place for them to hide out..come on let's get this RV out of here.." Once she boarded he would quickly start it up, and made his way down to the highway road.

Luckily they didn't run into anyone on the least anyone living..they were some of the creatures walking and crawling down the roads, their flesh was decaying and some of them had missing limbs. He would tell Alyssa to head to the back as she wouldn't need to see this.

After driving for about half an hour they would make it to the large mall. "Wow, this place is bigger than I remember...especially given that it's empty.." he said pulling the large RV to the back area of the mall.
It was nice of her dad to give her hope that her friends got out safe even though she had her cell phone she was afraid to try and contact any of them for fear that she would get horrible news. At the mention of the mall it got her pretty excited. It was a familiar place and someplace she would hang out all the time of course she wouldn’t mind going there and she wondered if maybe her friends went there too.

Making their way back to the RV she would put things away and get things organized as best she could at least had gas enough to get there thank God the Miller’s kept the RV full but it would always run out and it wouldn’t last forever they just had to get someplace to be safe.

Leaving the cart by the side of the road she hop in and climb into the drivers passenger seat to sit next to her dad as they would head off to the mall. Alyssa would look around but they didn’t see anyone along the way she even napped a bit but when they got to the mall she perked up and looked around as it looked so empty and void of any people. Her dad would pull around back and make sure to keep the RV out of sight and out of mind. They at least have the keys to lock up and keep their contraband safe.

“Should we look around and see what they have I don’t see anyone here it’s so quiet do you think anyone would think about coming down here to? I really hope so if my friends made it let’s not split up like the horror movies I’ve watched enough of those to know if we split up one of us is going to die and it’s probably going to be me because I’m not good at horror movies.” She said with a little giggle hopefully that would lighten the mood as she would try to let her dad lead the way even though the mall was her stomping ground.
Randy made sure to lock up the RV, he would at least bring some weapons as well. A shotgun that he had bought from their house along with two pistols. The guns were loaded and ready to fire at a given a moment. He didn't think they would have to use them, but wanted to be safe. After all it was rather quiet in the mall.

"Not sure.." he said as he cocked the shotgun. "It is a place with a lot of stuff and supplies so would make sense.." he said shrugging. "Here.." he said handing to her the pistol. "I've showed you how to use one of these before right? Hold onto it, you probably won't need it, but just in case we run into one of those creatures.." he said sighing.

He laughed shaking his head. "You know I would never suggest that.." he said patting her on the head as he rubbed it a little bit. "I don't know how you even watched all of those horror movies when you're such a scaredy cat.." he teased her. "Okay, stay close, and walk a little bit ahead next to be just in case.." With that the two would head inside of the mall from a back entrance. Inside the place looked like a war zone. Everything was destroyed, there were blood here and there from the zombies and even some body parts.

Randy did his best not to go too close to them, but they would continue to head down the large mall area. "Wow, this place really is big, a lot bigger when empty..." he said in a low tone. As they were approaching a sports good place, they could hear some rustling going about. Randy turned to Alyssa, as he whispered softly. "Stay back, I'll check it out...back me up if something happens.." he told her as he held his shot gun. He quickly made his way towards the entrance as he cocked it.

By the entrance of the sporting goods place was a large tall dark skin man. Who wore a pair of black jeans along with a black and blue stripped shirt. Hearing the shot gun cocked, he quickly turned around raising his hands up.

Randy gazed at the man as his eyes widen. "Mark?!" It was one of Randy's close friends, he was more or less a family friend. Randy had known him for quite some time. He had been like an uncle to Alyssa. "Randy?! What the fuck are you doing here?" The two men bursted out laughing as they came up to each other embracing one another in a big hug.
Being at the mall when it was this empty was very strange Alyssa would look around and it looked like a crazy mess but there was still lots of things left around but it looks very picked over. Her father gave her a gun to hold onto and she gave him a nod even though she was scared to use it on someone instead of a target she knew it was something she needed and she would keep it close but make sure she was safe about it.

The pat on her head made her keep calm but she also made sure not to go too far from her dad. This time when he told her to stay back and listen she would follow his every instruction especially since it was new territory though she did make sure to keep the gun pointed forward lifting it from her side she looks like an assassin from a 007 movie. It was scary that there were other creatures walking around but she wasn’t going to waste any ammunition as long as they didn’t come at her and she trusted her father to make sure that didn’t happen and if they got too close to him she wouldn’t be scared to shoot one.

Alyssa was doing well but she was very focused and that focus was broken when her father called after someone and she almost panicked and turned her gun to the person. Luckily Alyssa recognized him and lowered the gun before letting out a loud sigh though what she saw picking up behind him or who she saw made her pick up the gun again and pointed at the new girl.

“I know him but not her…” She would point the gun to a girl peeking out from behind her unclez

“I’m not one of them can you help me I’m not a bad person please don’t shoot. Mark got me out and we made it down here I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him.” Lara was very close to Alyssa‘s age maybe a year or so older but she wasn’t as fancy dressed as Alyssa was and a bit more soft-spoken.
As the two men were chatting with each other, Randy and Mark both turned around as Alyssa pointed the gun right at Lara. Mark quickly went in front of Lara to shield her. "Woah woah easy there....Alyssa..?!" he said his eyes widening. Certainly her outfit wasn't something that one would be wearing in times like this. Of course it was an outfit that all of Randy's friends would love have loved to see her in. "Jeez I didn't recognize you with that outfit. Heh, I'm surprised Alice would have let you out with that...speaking of which where is Alice..?" mark asked.

Randy paused as he bit his lip, he sighed shaking his head, he really couldn't say it. Luckily Mark knew him rathe well. "'m so sorry..." he said sighing. "I lost Rachel too.." he said referring to his wife as he sighed shaking his head. "Lara here...and I were traveling together. Like she mentioned she's okay. I was leaving town when I saw her being attacked by those creatures...I was about to run...but I couldn't luckily I managed to save her and myself, and we made it out.." Mark said making his way over to her as he placed a hand around her shoulders.

Randy nodded as he smiled at the two of them. Lara was certainly a cute girl, a bit on the petite side compare to Alyssa and more soft spoken too.

"That's good to hear..." Randy said cleaning his hand on his pants, he moved a hand out to offer it to Lara. "I'm Randy, and this is Alyssa my daughter.." Randy said offering Lara a hand.
Alyssa was on edge and with her gun pointed at the new girl it took her dad and his friend to snap her out of it. “It’s not mine…borrowed….long story…and mom…” she was going to talk but luckily her dad was able to say it with his looks as she lowered her gun relaxing though still on edge.

Lara was frozen but she would move closer to Mark clinging to him. “Same with my family….if Mark didn’t help when he did I’d be dead to….I’m sorry for your loses….mine too…”Lara was finally speaking out more. When he reached his hand out she would take a step to the side and hold hers out to shake Randy’s hand. Alyssa would give her a nod but she was still shaken. “it’s nice to meet you both. I promise I won’t be any trouble. So…what do we do now?” Lara asked before Alyssa would speak up. “We should look around the mall for anything we need and take anything of value we should all stick together. Right dad?” She looked over at her dad and didn’t pay much attention to Mark probably noticed how sexy she looked and if her mother was alive she would never let her out of the house in outfit. It looked like she and Lara were close in age at least she’d have a possible friend.
Mark could see that Alyssa was a bit out of it. He gazed over to Lara as she cling closer to him. Randy noticed it a little bit. It was rather sweet he thought. As Lara spoke, Randy felt a little bit bad, that she lost everyone. She was a sweet girl he thought, reminding him a little bit of Alyssa. Randy shook Lara's hand as he gazed over at Alyssa who spoke out. He smirked nodding his head. "That's right sweetie, we should all stick together and make sure we can get whatever is valuable here. Maybe we can even make this into a little bit of a base...." Randy suggested.

He would go on to tell Mark about the RV that they had gotten. Mark couldn't help but laugh. "Wow, sounds like you two made it out rather least with the RV.." he said nodding. "Come on Lara, let's go with Randy and Alyssa, they're good people, you don't have to be worried about them.." Mark assured the girl as they walked forward.

Randy smiled and nodded as they headed off. Mark would shoot some looks over at Alyssa, after all it was hard not too. "Maybe we should get some clothes for you hun.." Randy told Alyssa with a smirk, we can check for a battery as well, I think there's a car goods place right here.." he said as they made their way down the long strip of stores.
Alyssa couldn’t really help it she was nervous and these were the first people they ran into but at least her father knew one of them the new girl wasn’t too scary. She looked about her age and she made sure to keep her gun at a safe distance at her side and put the safety back on. “I’m really happy that we ran to someone he knew it’s been scary out there it’s very nice to meet both of you I guess we’re gonna have to stick together.” Lara was trying her best to be optimistic it was a far cry from Alyssa being nervous Lara had lost everyone and Mark was the only person who actually helped her.

Once the new girl let go of Randy’s hand she would follow them and sick by Elissa and strike up a conversation and it seemed like the pair were slowly warming up to each other. “So you’re all alone what happened to your family?”Alyssa asked Lara looked down. “My dad got sick and my mom tried to help him she got scratched or some thing and she got sick not too long after it they both came after me and I ran I didn’t know where I was going and Mark likely found me and kept me safe from other people like them I didn’t have anything to protect myself but I ran….Mark saved me. If he didn’t show up when he did I would probably be dead you’re lucky you have your dad appreciate him.”Lara confessed and she wasn’t sure if the other gentleman were listening but Alyssa looked very sad and even put her arm around Alyssa trying to comfort her. “We gotta stick together especially now my dad says the world is not safe but hey there’s four of us and that’s better than none of us. We got this.” Alyssa was trying to be optimistic and hopefully her dad could hear that she was trying. Alyssa cop that her dad mentioned clothing and she nodded enthusiastically. “I would really love some more clothing Mr. Miller has very odd taste and these are not really my style and if Mom were here she would probably kill me.” both she and Lara would chuckle before she would make a cute comment. “You fill that out better than I ever could trust me I don’t think I could ever wear that confidently but I hear you on changing outfits I mean if we were in a movie you would probably survive just because you look really hot.”Lara would say and Alyssa giggled hoping that Mark or her father weren’t listening in on their conversation but it was pretty interesting and funny at least the pair was getting along.
Lara certainly was the optimist which was great for Mark, the two had bonded rather well together. She would always help to keep him a bit positive when she needed. it. The relationship certainly had crossed a boundary a bit. Though of course he wouldn't tell Randy that. He did his best to make sure that Lara would keep quiet about it, and certainly trusted her to do so. The two men walked behind the girls making sure they were safe until they reached the car area. Mark couldn't help but chuckle as he saw how well Lara and Alyssa seem to get along now. Mark bit his lips as he had been listening in on their conversation. He wondered how Lara would look in one of those outfits that Alyssa had on.

Though that thought disappeared as they reached where they were going. "Ah the place is here huh?" Mark said. Randy gave a small nod. "You girls say close to us okay?" he said as they walked through the place slowly. Randy kept his gun close to him as he went down the different isles. Mark had a baseball bat that he had grabbed from the other place as they moved. Luckily it seemed to be clear. As they reached the back area, they would find stuff scattered around and such.

Sighing Randy shook his head. "Wow, so much stuff people already looted this place.." he said a bit dishearten until suddenly in the very back he saw a large car battery. "Such looks like we're in luck!" he said chuckling. They had found the car battery that they were looking for. "Wow this thing is big.." Mark said shaking his head. "We should be able to at least connect it up to that RV thing that you mentioned..." He told Randy who nodded happily.

"Girls can you see if you can find a cart or something for us to put this thing on?" Randy directed them. "You go with them Mark, I'll stay here and see if I can find anything else.."
Luckily Lara was quite the optimist at least she was cheerful and that was probably why Randy’s friend enjoyed having her around. Lara was more than lucky to have a group now. Mark took her in when he didn’t have to. She was more petite than Alyssa and less busty but she was cute. With mark protecting her she and Mark had gotten close though she had no idea how his friend would take it especially since she was close to his daughters age. With the men behind them both of the girls were seeming to have a good time. For are a small bit of time thing seems normal. They looked like friends going to the mall though in reality they were survivors.

That moment of fantasy broken but Randy said to stay near them and he didn’t have to tell them twice as they got close and didn’t stray far. When Randy mentioned a cart both girls went off together and luckily finding one as they both linked arms making sure not to lose each other and roll the cart towards both guys. “daddy… The RV is big enough maybe they can stay with us. “ Alyssa offered before Lara shook her head. “We don’t wanna impose. We have them on let’s see what we can find and maybe if we’re lucky we can get our own RV Mark. This is a maybe we can get lucky and we can travel together and put twice as much stuff I saw some canned goods in the camping area probably not the best stuff but it’s still camping stuff. I think I saw marshmallows. I think my phones are food group.” Lara joked as Alyssa laughed too. “They are a good group right daddy?” She asked jokingly.
As the girls came back with the carts, Randy and Mark both loaded the battery up to it. Each taking a side. They would quickly place it right into the cart. Randy thought it was rather cute how Alyssa and Lara seemed to bond rather quickly. HE took a deep breathe sighing, as his eyes widen a little bit when she mentioned having the two in the RV. He bit his lip looking at Alyssa, it would certainly be a bit awkward with Mark and Lara there, after all they wouldn't be able to have their 'fun'. "Heh, no no, you're not imposing. If anything you guys can stay with us like Alyssa mentioned.." he said placing a hand onto Alyssa shoulder.

"At least until you guys find your own RV. If you guys do, if not you can stay as long as you want.." he said the two. Mark smirked nodding. He realize it meant that Lara and him wouldn't be able to have fun either, he wondered if Lara was thinking that when she mentioned not wanting to imposed. She was a good girl so maybe not. Little did the two men realize they both had the same ideas and thoughts in their heads not wanting each other to know they were banging the girl they were with.

"That's a great offer, I'm glad you guys are letting us in, like Lara mentioned we really don't want to impose, but it would be good until we can find an RV or something.." Mark said laughing.

"Indeed! about Alyssa and I go and take this back to the RV? You guys can grab some supplies here and we'll meet you back around this area of the mall?" With the small split up idea in plan, Mark nodded.

"That sounds good Randy, Lara and I will stick out seems safe here anyway, I don't think those creatures have made their way into here.."
It would be nice to have a partner around to talk to you who wasn’t her dad even though she really loved him it was nice to have someone her age even though it wasn’t her core group of friends.“I hope we can find our own RV do you think they’d have one laying around here I think Mark and I would like to have her own private space.” she would tell both of them when they got close enough with the carts they even found some good stuff and even snacks to share. Both girls didn’t realize that state together would impose on their lifestyles and neither of them realize that they both had similar ones except that Alyssa and Randy were related.

When Randy put his arm around Alyssa she leaned into him and she grabbed a few snacks and opened a bag of chips to start munching on them though she would have to help him get stuff back to the RV and when they got out of earshot she would actually talk more to her father.

“I Hope you’re not mad at me for inviting them. Lara Lost so many all of her family she’s the only one left I think it’ll be nice if they stay with us for a little bit at least until we get them their own RV. Besides I could use a friend. Looks like you already have your friend here I don’t mind a new one.” Alyssa would try to explain herself And hope that her father understood and even though they might not be with them for long she would have a person to have a sleepover with. “She’s cute dad. I’m sure you won’t be complaining that she’s staying though I do have to talk to you about something. Did you know her and Mark are hooking up? You don’t think that’s bad is it that we are both hooking up too. Do you think her friend will look at it’s weird if we told him that we were doing it too?” She wasn’t sure how her father would take that but it was worth her asking in private.
"Naw I'm not mad.." Randy said smirking as they walked back to the RV. "Yea, that's fair. She did lost a lot so it would be nice to at least give her some comfort..and you could use a friend. I'm guessing you're already bored of me huh?" he teased her. Randy certainly knew where she was coming from, he also thought it would be good for her to hang out with someone closer to her age. He gave a soft stretch as he pushed the car. Randy raised a brow when Alyssa said that she was cute. Though his eyes widen even more when she told him that her and Mark were hooking up.

"What?!" he said stopping the cart, as they walked. He didn't think Mark to be like that, though maybe the girl was a little bit less innocent than he had thought. "She really told you that?! Jeez, I didn't think of Mark like that.." he said chuckling shaking his head. "How did she tell you that?" As Alyssa mentioned about their relationship he froze for a little bit. "Well, you know our relationship is a bit different.." he said sighing. "You didn't tell Lara about that right..?" he asked curiously.


Meanwhile on the other end, Mark and Lara were together looking for some supplies. "I really didn't expect to see Randy and Alyssa here.." the tall dark man said smirking, as they went to another store to check in. "Me and Randy were really close, it's a shame what happen to his wife.." Mark said sighing. "She was a beauty, just like Alyssa...heh, she could be Alyssa's twin almost.." Mark shook his head. "And that outfit Alyssa was wearing..Sophie would've had a heart attack if she saw that.." Mark teased remembering the past.

"Y'know...that outfit wouldn't look bad on you.." Mark said placing a hand onto Lara's waist. "You think we can find something like that to put you in?" he teased, as he pulled her right into his large frame.
Alyssa was helping her dad back to the RV with the goods they found and she even found another outfit. “I’m not bored if you daddy it’s just nice to have another girl around. She’s pretty too. Though not prettier than me right daddy?” She teased and playfully elbowed him when she got close. she saw her dad’s reaction and she almost felt bad for telling on Lara. “Yea. She said it didn’t happen right away but he’s nice to her and get to her. Mark’s always been nice guy. don’t get mad but I did kind of tell her about us and she told me about her but she promised not to tell him.” Alyssa confessed hoping her dad would not get too angry. “Lara honestly didn’t care she thinks you’re hot guy but she’s very much into Mark. I don’t blame her especially since he saved her like you saved me so I get it. Don’t worry she’s not gonna tell at all since it’s girl talk okay daddy?” Alyssa was trying to reassure him and hopefully he would believe her.

Meanwhile Lara Was gathering things with Mark and they were finding a good amount of stuff. “They seem really nice and I like Alyssa.Randybis pretty chill too. I am happy we ran into your friend because if he ran into someone else I wouldn’t know what else to do.”it really didn’t bother her when he talked about Alyssa and how she looked she was a gorgeous girl and she felt like she liked in the food department so she understood how Mark was looking at her. A part of her felt a little jealous until he pulled her clothes making her forget about all the statements as she focused on him. “in that case we need to borrow some thing from her or find something like that for me after all I want to keep your attention…”Lara would let him pull her closer to his muscular body. “Ya know with your friends occupied maybe you can occupy me unless you’re worried about getting caught…”she would wrap her arms around him and pressing her small chest against him hoping to tempt him. “What do ya say…. I think we’re safe enough for some fun unless you are scared about getting caught….” she would tease as she began to kiss on his neck. For now it was just them and she wondered if he would humor her.
When Alyssa mentioned that she had told Lara about them his face turned a bit sour. "Alyssa..." he said in a firm tone one that he had scolded her with before. He took a deep breathe before he sighed. "You just met her Alyssa, you can't be so trusting about telling stuff like that.." he said being a little bit over protective, but Lara did seem like a nice girl, and Mark was a close friend. "But I guess she does seem like a good girl.." he said softly. "Just next time be careful with who you're telling? But it seems like you at least have good judgement.." he said with a soft smile, as he got closer to her, moving his hand as he gave her a soft spank forward before pulling back. They would arrive outside with the cart - the battery inside of it and the clothes she had found. "Mind helping open the door for me?" he said as he lifted the battery out of the cart, it was a bit heavy, but he had the strength for it. "You could change into one of the new outfits you got too..."


Seeing Alyssa had certainly got Mark worked up, but he had Lara, and Lara was all he needed. It was a bit strange how they got together. Certainly this wasn't something he would have done normally. Much like Randy Mark tried to stop her advances. Though unlike Randy, Mark fell a bit quicker to Lara's charm.

"Occupy you?" he said chuckling. "Mmm, I can have something occupy inside of you.." he teased her, as he slowly lifted her off of her feet as he got her to straddle him as she kissed his neck. He slowly carried her inside of a store, it was a clothing store as he went a little bit deeper into it, carrying her. Once they got close to a table that had clothing on it, he quickly used one of his hand to push the clothes to the side as he held onto her.

Once the table was clear he would slowly lower her down onto it so her back was laying down onto it. He lowered his upper half on top of her as he gave her a passionated kiss. "Sometimes tell me the thought of you getting caught turns you on huh?" he said teasing her as he slowly pulled back from her standing up tall as she laid on the table. He pushed his hips forward exposing quite the large bulge that was wrapped up in his jeans poking out as he pressed it against her. "You were so sweet and innocent back there, I almost forgot what a naughty side you have.." he said as he began to pull her shirt up.
When her dads voice changed Alyssa looked worried and even modified. “I’m sorry daddy…we just really connected and she told me about her and Mark…i…I’m sorry daddy….” She was very apologetic as she looked down and went quiet since she was now worried. No matter how he looked at it she was still a daddy’s girl and she felt bad but even after he scolded her he did tell her she was good with her judgment but to be careful moving here on out. Once they were back she would help open the door and help get things into the RV and give her dad a hand. “I am sorry. I promise I’ll be more careful. So…. I found some new clothes should I change?” She was deliberately trying to change the subject but she had a feeling her dad probably didn’t want her to change at least not yet. Holding open the door she’s make sure to make it easy to load their RV.

Lara wasn’t surprised that what mark saw and what Alyssa was wearing got him all worked up and frisky. When he started joking about something occupying her Lara chuckled. “Oh is that so?”her voice was playful as mark who was much bigger and stronger than she was. With her size she was easy to manhandle as she giggled. When he picked her up and carried her inside of the store she tilted her head to the side to let him kiss her while she made soft sounds as she wrapped her legs around him. Once at the table he laid her down and she watched him though letting him go even if she was enjoying his bulge pressed against her. When his lips met hers she kissed him passionately slipping her tongue past his lips. Pulling bs k from the kiss as her blue eyes watched his and she chuckled. “what would your friend say if he caught us? I’m the same age as his daughter you know. Mmm. Maybe you want him to see you balls deep in me. So what’s it gonna be this time? Fill me up or pull out? I vote full me. You’re so lucky I’m the type that likes to be prepared and that birth control pills are light. I do hope you fill me again. How about you fuck the innocence out of be drier your friend gets back?”
"Don't worry about it.." he said grunting as he lifted up the heavy battery through the small stairs to the entrance of the RV. He placed it down as he grunted taking in a deep breath. "I just want to make sure we are both safe okay..?" he said leaning forward as he gave her a kiss onto her lips, before pulling back. "And don't worry, you're way more prettier than Lara.." he added commenting back on her previous question. He finally cracked a little bit of a smile. It was really hard to stay mad at her, especially when she got upset like that. "But I think you're right, a friend would do you're already in a better mood now huh?" he said nodding. "Come here...and give me a hug.." he said opening his arms.

Mark was quite aroused he shuffled in his pants pulling out his belt as he pulled down his jeans along with his boxers, he would exposed a thick firm seven inch black cock with a purple mushroom tip. "I'm not sure what he would say.." Mark sighed, obviously not wanting to think about it. "Though it seems that idea turns you on a lot huh? Almost like you want us to get caught.." he laughed. He moved to unzip her pants and pull them down along with her underwear as well. "And I vote fill you up..too..I want you to keep that load inside of you while we're walking with our new friends.." Mark said feeling a bit extra horny this time around.

"Something tells me.." he said pausing as he placed his bare cock right against her pussy rubbing it, the contrast in their skin tones showing. "Even without those pills you would want me to fill you up anyway..." he laughed as he pushed the thick shaft right into her pussy. "Mmm, you're still so tight..." he placed his hands onto her breasts pinning her down onto the table as he pushed himself deeper into her.
It was comforting when her father told her don’t worry about it she didn’t think she made too big of a mistake but honestly he was correct. She should’ve been more careful but with some of her age she just felt a bit more open to talking especially since Lara shared first. When he gave her a kiss it made her feel like everything was all right as she leaned into him before helping him more to get everything in the RV that they needed the small was a treasure trove of goods! When he told her that she was prettier then Lara she grinned ear to ear happy to hear that since you didn’t have to worry about too much competition especially since her dad seemed to prefer her. Once things were settled a bit he opened his arms and wanted a hug and she easily obliged so her hand would rub down his back and move to his side before to the front. He would feel Alyssa rub the front of his pants as she leaned in staying close. “I don’t know how much time we have but maybe I can make you forget about her more.” She was hinting at a blow job but she wasn’t sure if you would accept it but it seemed like they had some time on their hands with Mark and Lara doing their own scavenger hunt.

Lara Had her hands busy as Mark kept her on the table while he’s shuffle to get out of his pants and even would move to help with her own pulling them down. “Well you know him better than I do. I just met him but he seems nice and besides if he knew we wouldn’t have to sneak around like this do you think you’ll be that angry with you?” Lara asked curiously. Before they ran into his friend they didn’t have to sneak around but now they were and if he found out they could just enjoy themselves in public. Once her pants and panties were down he could see her dark tuft of hair actually would wiggle to get the pants even lower as she kicked off her sneakers. “Normally i’d say use protection but after seeing what I saw out there and knowing I have the pill… I don’t know how long we’re going to be out here like this might as well live a little and besides I was always a good girl before this epidemic started and you’re cute I might rather you feel me then some stupid frat boy.” Lara confessed. When he push that thick shaft into her pussy she gasped and try not to make too much noise, but she couldn’t help it. She couldn’t help but smile when he called her tight as he grabbed onto her breast and pushed her back on the table so he could feel how her hips wiggled and suede pushing up against him trying to get him to go as deep as possible. “Mmmm!! Oh Mark…. I never thought I’d be with older man but oh my God….you make me regret not trying it sooner….fuck me…. release all that pent-up energy I may not have Alyssa‘s breast size but I’m fucking tight use it…” she would egg him on hoping that he would release all that sexual tension into her while they were alone for now.
Randy watched as she made her way into his hold. He wrapped his arms around her squeezing her firmly as he felt her run her hands onto him. Suddenly she lowered her hand as it went right between his legs. He let out a soft groan and gazed at her a little bit confused before laughing. It seemed a friend was really what she needed as she was in a better mood. "Mmm, I'm not sure how much time we have...maybe not a lot.." he said teasing. "Though you probably don't want me to be walking around Lara with a full load on me huh?" he said laughing. He moved to give her ass a firm slap, running a finger between her ass crack softly before raising it up to grab at her chest, pulling one of her breast out from her top. His cock was quickly growing against her touch. "How are you gonna help me forget now?"

"I'm not sure, you're close to Alyssa age." Mark said grunting as he worked himself into her. He pushed down onto her, feeling as she pushed back, his cock buried deep into her as their little tuff's touched each other. His balls swinging against her lower regions. "Shit.." he groaned, just letting her feel his cock buried deep against as he wiggled his hips. Though it seemed she was getting more excited herself. "Think you can handle this?" he said smirking as he picked her hands up placing them behind her head as he began to thrust into her. Loud wet noises would feel the run as he pounded her. He was a little bit larger than Randy in terms of massive. His frame covered hers completely as he leaned down onto her giving her a kiss as he rammed his hips into her.

This thrusts were strong and powerful as the table began to shake a bit. He slowly lifted off of her as he stood up fully, she would see his thick cock pulling out and going into her as he began to thrust again, grabbing onto her legs this time as he held them up in the air. After a couple of minutes pounding her like that it seemed Randy and Alyssa were no where to be found.

Mark slowly pulled out of her panting a bit as he was sweaty. He did a circle with his finger. "Turn around.." he said breathing heavily, he wanted to take her from the back now, his thick fat meaty cock dangling between his thighs.
Alyssa let her hand wonder as she kept close to her dad. Keeping herself close she let her hand rub the bulge in his pants. “Well I plan to keep you empty to keep you from being tempted. I don’t think you’ll complain, will you? Don’t worry I’ll make it quick. I at least know what I’m doing here.” Alyssa said as he watched her slowly rubbed him as his hands wandered her curvy body letting enjoy how soft she was. His hand grabbed one breast freeing it from that sexy outfit. “Don’t worry daddy…I swallow.” Her time was seductive as she wondered how he would like that side of her.

Mark was a chatter but as he pushed inside Lara she made the sweetest sounds as he pushed into that tight hole of hers. Tossing her head back as she spread her legs as mark started drilling into her sopping wet cave. When he grabbed her hands putting them over her head she started bucking her hips up wildly. “Oh fuck Mark! I think your so…deep…that tip is knocking inside me….so deep…MMMM!”lara couldn’t help how noisy she was but luckily they were alone as he fucked her so hard the table was shaking. The sounds of him pounding her filled the room as she dripped. She was so close especially when he lifted her leg but when he stopped and pulled out signaling a changed position she rolled over and got on her hands and knees. “Which hole this time Mark? You are such a dirty man and I love it! Fuck all my holes.” she moaned as she wiggled her ass begging to be fuck her. “I’m so empty please put it back…oh i need you so badly. Don’t worry I only want to fuck you. Only your cock for mr. How do you like that? What would happen if your friend catches us?” She asked curiously there all she wanted was for him to fill her again. Mark had no idea how good he felt and her body now craved him. If he looked between her legs he would see how wet she was an even tripping sexy was begging to be filled again but when he comes inside once again?
"Quick?" he said laughing a little bit, she sounded rather confident. His hand would free her other breast, before moving down to grab and squeeze her ass giving it a bit of a lift. "You sound rather confident in your skills there. Let's see how quick you can be.." he said smirking holding onto her butt as he ushered her over to the seating area of the RV's 'living room. As she mentioned swallowing, he couldn't help but lick his lips gazing at her. "Then I expect not a drop to fall on the floor..think you can do that?" he said, part of him wondering how many times she had done this and had swallowed.

Mark painted a bit, watching as she wiggled her ass at him. "Heh, you're really talkative today huh?" He said grabbing onto her hands as he pushed and thrust himself into her, holding her still as he pushed that fat cock filling her up again. He quickly began to thrust heavily his hips slamming into her ass as he pounded her, he placed his hands onto her stomach as he lifted her up so her back was right against his chest. He ran his hands all over her stomach. "I guess he would see me burying myself into your stomach.." he said thrusting his hips into her firmly.

"What about Alyssa huh? What will your friend think if she saw you like this.." he said placing a hand softly around her throat giving it a soft squeeze as he kissed against her neck as his thick cock was going up right not her lifting her off of the groan a little bit.
When Randy said quick Alyssa couldn’t help but chuckle she had no idea if she could be quick with her dad but she knew with other boys she was. “Oh i’m very confident with this daddy I’ve actually had practice with this and I think you find me sexy so I have a feeling you’re gonna pop really quickly.” She spoke with a lot of confidence as she would lower her self and start rubbing the front of his pants. She didn’t care where his hands would fall on her as she hoped he would massage her large breasts as she would work to try and unbutton and unzip his jeans. “I won’t spill a drop daddy trust me I’m not wasting it. “ at least you didn’t ask her about how many times she didn’t do it but she was very confident and when she got his button undone she would unzip him and rub him through his boxers before reaching through and feeling how big he was. “Oh daddy… i’m gonna make sure this is all for me.” She would lean in and nuzzle his cock once she got exposed as she would flick her tongue against the tip of him looking up at him watching for a reaction before she would continue.

Lara on the other hand was wiggling her ass and teasing Mark since they had time alone and she was not gonna waste the time that they had. She has always been a pretty shy girl but with this pandemic and what was going on there was no way she was going to be shy anymore she had no idea if she’d survive to the next day. When he started pounding into her he could hear her cries as she would reach around and pull her up so her back was against him while he pounded into her tight pussy making her whimper and cry louder and luckily no one could hear them at the moment. “I wish we could record this so I can watch you fucking me from behind your so-called park you’re so fucking good… get it as deep as possible..” she would push back and wiggle trying to get him to bottom out inside of her he was so thick it felt good that he was stretching her out.

With a strong hand around her throat it was turning her on even more but when he’s mentioned Alyssa she didn’t realize she probably shouldn’t be saying what she told her but she would spill some very interesting information. “She’s very nice. She gets along really well with her dad like really well with her dad. They do what we do I don’t blame her he’s pretty sexy but not as sexy as you… I can see her as a good friend eventually but I’m not ready to share you I’ve gotta make sure in I can see her as a good friend eventually but I’m not ready to share you I’ve gotta make sure you can empty into me whenever you want…. just like he does to her…. maybe I should call you daddy?” that was a big bomb she just dropped but she didn’t realize it was some thing she probably should not have shared but in the throes of passion it just slipped out.
Randy had to admit he was a bit curious about how many times she had done this before, and with how many guys. Though that would be a discussion for another time. With him rubbing her large breasts, he found himself thinking less and less about them. He kneed her breast squeezing it into her chest a bit as he was enjoying him. He managed to have both of her breast free at this point, his hand working on teasing her nipples. "Heh, I've been waiting for this for a while, I'm glad you're in a good mood. Seems like meeting Lara and Mark has really put you in better spirits huh?" he said smirking feeling as she quickly got him free. He let out a groan as she nuzzled into his cock. He cocked his head back for a moment as she flicked her tongue against the tip of his cock. He placed a hand onto her face as he gazed down at her smiling softly rubbing her face and patting her head as if encouraging her.

Meanwhile Lara was getting absolutely railed by Mark. It was rather impressive how well she took him, given their large size differences. Mark kept up a good speed as he was pounding her, pushing his hips in a fast motion as he humped her, plowing his cock as deep as he could. Mark was ignoring Lara's words, for a moment, just listening into her sounds as he pounded her up into the air. That was until she mentioned Alyssa. Suddenly Lara would feel a large thrust go deep into her, and stay there. He didn't pull back out. "WHAT?!" Mark said panting catching his breathe as he was buried into her.

"Alyssa...and Randy?! There's no way...did you hear that right?" he said stopping. It seemed she had drop quite a bomb shell onto him, that she probably shouldn't have. "You mean they're actually.." Mark needed a second to process that through his head, as his chest rested against her back, his cock buried deep into her. "I mean.." he said shaking his head. Alyssa had always been a bit closer than she should have with Randy, he thought remembering when things was normal. If this was certainly true, there was no way Randy would look down on Mark for what he was doing!
Alyssa knew exactly what she was doing. The way she lowered herself to her knees ever worked unzip her father look me up at him she at least had experience here. She let him tease her large breasts but she would make sure to keep them out when she was kneeling on the ground making sure he had a good view and once he was unzipped she would lean in and lick against the tip of his exposed cock. “She inspired me. That and with her and your friend enjoying themselves why can’t we?” She kept her discussion down to a minimum before she would let off the tip of his cock as she began to suckle it but what she didn’t ask us reach up with her hand and start a cupping his balls teasing. Massaging them and treating them like they were gold and he was a god and now he was learning that even though she wasn’t good or experienced in bed yet she at least knew how to handle his hard cock like it deserved to be. She was at least going to make sure if anyone else did this to him he would have heard compared to beat her mother in this department.

Meanwhile Lara Was getting rammed by Mark and she was pushing back on him feeling him go as deep as possible. Lara was sweating as she pushed back hard on him so she didn’t realize what she said and when he stopped and help himself deep inside of her she got confused and wondered if she said something wrong. “I… I thought you knew since you were friends she told me they were doing it together and that she want to be just like her mom and make sure her dad was happy. It’s not like he was making her she wanted to do it and so I told her about us and that it wasn’t a big problem since you and her dad around the same age.” She didn’t know it was something she wasn’t supposed to tell. “Please don’t tell him I told you I wasn’t sure if I should tell but it just kinda came out…. I hope she won’t be too mad at me…” she sounded sad even though he had his nice thick meat buried into her but eventually he would feel her wiggle trying to get him to start again. “You’ve got me… in so many ways let’s not worry about them. How about you worry about where you’re gonna cum.” She said hoping it would distract him especially since he knew he could fill her as much as he wanted And now he knew Randy wouldn’t be looking down on him he’s plowing his own daughter who looked exactly like a younger version of his wife.
"Inspired you?" he said laughing. Was it inspiration or competition he wondered. She finally had someone else who could be stepping onto her turf. It almost reminded him of Alice, how she would get territorial when other women came around him at times, it was the same with Alyssa too. She was protective of her family. Randy let out a loud grunt cocking his head back as she free his cock. Letting it out as the large thing came flopping out. Soon he felt as she began to massage his balls. "Mmm..." he kicked out his feet as she would suck on the tip of his cock. He could feel his toes girl as she was working him. He placed a hand onto her cheeks patting it almost as if telling her she was doing a good job. He had remember what she said about the professor, and how the two had a bit of a thing. It seemed she gave him quite the blowjobs in order to get this skilled he thought. "That feels good..." he said biting his lips.

Mark was slowly processing what was going on, he couldn't believe it that bastard Randy. Maybe Lara was right they wouldn't need to hide what they were doing. But would he confront Randy about this? He wasn't sure. Maybe the girls would be able to help? He was thinking a lot about this, until suddenly he felt Lara wiggling that small butt of hers into him. He smirked shaking his head. Their size differences was certainly something else, he was almost like a orge compared to her with that thick meat buried into her. "It's really impossible to stay mad at you.." he sighed, giving her a spanking almost as a little punishment for talking too much. "Especially like this.." he said panting a little bit moving his hand around as he stuck it between her legs rubbing at her clit while he was still inside of her. "We'll talk about this a bit more after we're done.." he said as he continue to start his motion, moving his hips as he began to plow her. Loud clapping noises filled the room as he drilled himself deep into her.

"I'm close.." he said grunting which each thrust, his balls slapping against her as he rocked his hips.
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