New World (EEE x Assume) NSFW images


The order wanes, the Family falls, and kaos reigns
Oct 24, 2022
The center of the universe

It was hard to believe something like this could possibly happen. Alyssa had watched so many movies like this but could not believe something like this could actually happen! Zombies just couldn’t be real And yet her own mother was locked up in the family bedroom groaning and scratching at the walls. Her father was right they couldn’t stay here and the entire neighborhood was mostly a ghost town.

This was not how she envisioned her 17th birthday packing up a thing of value, food and supplies. Her dad said the neighbors had an RV that they would make use off since they were no longer human. She could not take everything But took some mementos and photos along with some clothing . She was trying her best not to cry. The neighbors were pretty well off a good choice of an RV but it was still strange to just take it. This was life and death and even though they were trying to get out she dressed nicely and packed up what she wanted and went out to find where her father was before they would decide to hit the road.

Randy couldn't believe this had happened. It started off with a simple skin rash, and the next thing he knew he was tying up his wife in the basement of their house as he held onto his daughter. The two of them would watch her as she tried to attack and claw at them. She didn't recognize them. Nor did she seem to even care about them. She wanted to kill them. He did his best to put on a straight face for his daughter, but inside he was crying and breaking down. Though he needed to smile and be happy for Alyssa. Taking a deep breathe, he would tell her that they needed to leave this house, they would have to quickly pack and gather whatever they needed.

So after the goodbyes to his wife, he left with his daughter as they went upstairs and quickly packed some bags. Randy checked the news and it seemed this was happening all over the world. They would need to find a safe area. Towns and cities weren't safe. It seemed this virus spread through bites from those that were infected. Randy made his way upstairs grabbed a suitcase and started to pack a few things that they would need on their trip. Lucky for the two of them, their neighbors had a little bit of a weird hobby of touring the country with a luxury RV. With a quick hot wiring fix Randy had managed to turn it on and the two would off. The RV was quite fancy, having a nice bed area, as well as well as a kitchen and living area.

Randy drove it out of town stepping on the gas and staying silent as he did his best to process what was going on. Randy wore a red and black flannel shirt, along with some blue jeans. His shirt was rolled up by the arms, exposing his strong muscle forearms. He had jet black hair with some grey streaks in it showing off his age. He was in a decent shape having been in the military and working and a cop. Luckily because of that he had a few guns that he bought along onto the RV. It would certainly do well to keep him and his daughter safe. They drove down the back roads of town, as he was heading for the woods. He figured that would be the safest place.

"How you holding up Alyssa...?" he said as a long period of silences.
It felt like a fever dream. One day her mom was fine with a rash and suddenly she was trying to attack both her and dad. It was so hard seeing her mother like that she broke down and if her father wasn’t there she would’ve lost her mind or either died. She almost put herself in harms way and if it wasn’t for her dad she might have ended up just like her mother. Both of them were lucky spared and they had no idea why.

Alyssa’s father was her rock. He managed to get her to pack what she needed and even took care of getting an RV. They were very fortunate their neighbors had a very expensive hobby which they wouldn’t need anymore and her father managed to hotwire it. Following his lead she packed what she could following her dad. The RV but she couldn’t even focus. Her mom was locked up and they were on the run from something she couldn’t even explain.

Alyssa was comfortable wearing tightly fit khaki yoga pants and a very revealing sports bra which would help her move. With the weather it was perfect and if this was a school day her mom probably would’ve told her to put on some thing different since this was rather revealing and fitted to her body. For now they didn’t have to worry about anything. Once in the RV she was quiet and couldn’t help herself from crying. If anyone saw them together like this They most likely would not have assumed this blonde bombshell was his daughter. She looked so much like her mother…

The periods of silence were long and he could tell his daughter was not holding up very well. “Daddy….” She managed to squeak out between sniffles. “Why is this happening?” She had no idea if he had the answers but that’s all she could get out. “I’m okay…I think…I miss mom….” His poor daughter was not doing alright. Her tears just would not stop since she was panicking along with being sad and scared, but at least she was not alone.
They continued down the backroads trail for what seemed like forever. Randy wanted to make sure that they were as far away as possible. Of course within reason of how much gas they had. Luckily their neighbors had left this RV with a full tank of gas. It was certainly the only nice thing that they had done for them. Hearing the sniffles of his daughter broke his heart, though he did his best to stay strong as he took a deep breathe. "I'm not sure why this is happening sweetie. I wish I had the answers to that.." he was a bit upset as well, that he couldn't provide all of the answers.

Though as she mentioned that she missed their mother, he couldn't help but pull the RV over to the side, there were already in the woods, and it was safe enough he figured. He parked the car, and made his way over to her as he quickly went over to her. "I miss her too..." he said placing a hand onto her thigh. He used his other hand to grab and squeeze hers. "And we're always going to miss her..." he said as he moved his hand from her thigh up to her cheek softly cupping it.

"But we still have her memory and most importantly each other okay?" He said as wrapped his arms firm arms around her pulling her into his firm chest for a tight hug. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you, you and I are going to survive. Heh...just think of this as a little adventure..just you and me..!" he said laughing, he wasn't sure why he was laughing. Maybe the situation was so depressing he had to laugh.

Pulling back he gaze at her with a bright smile. So looked so much like Alice, her mother...he had to look away for a moment as he bit his lip. "Ummm..anyway..we'll be safe in this area. I managed to pack some canned food that we had along with a few snacks and such. We should have food for a couple of days, but we'll need to start looking for something.." he sighed. "Why don't we check out this RV a little bit in the mean time? The Millers sure were crazy to buy this must've costed a fortunate.." he said chuckling hoping to get her mind off of things.
Alyssa was in more than enough shock her emotions were all over the place as she sat in the RV. It probably wasn’t the best idea to sit in the seat without her seatbelt on but she really was just sad. “The news didn’t say much…why mom? We need her…” Alyssa kept sniffling but her dad’s hand on her thigh as he pulled her close she let all of her emotions out and started outright sobbing. His daughter wasn’t this emotional but seeing her mom trying to scratch and bite them broke her! No matter what she said or did her mom wasn’t in her body and that broke her heart.

“I couldn’t help her daddy…I tried…it’s was like she didn’t remember me….” When Randy pulled her closer she pressed her ample chest into him and hid her face in his shoulder. Her father laughing confused her but it was welcomed since it since if he didn’t she might not ever stop crying. The moment he pulled back looking into her brown eyes and face that looked just like Alice at that age Alyssa snuffled. “Adventure…like when I was little…I like that…” he mentioned checking out the RV and she nodded. “Well the Miller’s really spared no expense. I used to hate this thing but I’m glad they had it. It makes up for Mr.Miller bring weird. I guess this is payment for him staring at me while I sunbathed.” Perhaps she said too much but the millers were not nice people at all!

She’d look back in the RV before looking back at her dad. “I’m scared to ask how much this cost but they always kept showing it off. Mr. Miller kept trying to get me to go inside. He was a creep. Mom kept him away but he was weird. I guess now we can look around and I don’t have to worry about him. You know mom always yelled at him. I think she scared him.” Alyssa joked but het mom was over protective but also a bad ass and wouldn’t let anyone bother her daughter when she went into mama bear mode!
Randy sighed, again he wasn't' sure how to answer her. "I don't know why...sweetie.." Thinking about it a little bit, it was probably because she worked in a hospital, maybe she contracted something from there. Either way, there was no point in thinking about it. For now there were safe. He almost broke when she started to cry mentioning that she couldn't help her mother. Though it wasn't her job to do that. It was his, and he failed it. He decided not to say anything to her about that.

"Yes...! Just like when you were little.." he said his voice a little cracked from the emotions. He took another deep breathe as he remained calm. Though his emotions soon changed when she mentioned Mr Miller staring at her. "Wait what?!" He said with wide eyes. "You never told me that before!" a firm cold look appearing in his eyes. She was his baby girl and he wanted to protect her always. Though he couldn't blame Mr Miller, after all Mrs Miller was up there in age, and wasn't the best looking.

Hearing more of the story he sighed shaking his head. "I'm thankful that you were smart enough to not going into this RV alone.." he said patting her thigh. It made sense that his wife didn't tell him about Mr Miller. He knew that if she did, he would've been over there with a gun shooting out the tries of this RV. "It was $2 million...dollars..he would brag about it at the community parties.." Randy said shaking his head.

He stood up as he made his way down to the back end of the RV. Outside the skies were dark and grey, it seem it would rain soon. "And judging from this kitchen and living area it seems like it really was $2million dollars, I always thought it was lying about that.." Randy said as he opened a door at the end of the hallway. "Holy shit...there's a bedroom here? Alyssa..come check this out.." The bed was certainly fancier than the one him and his wife had.
His little girl couldn’t help but feel guilty since she was trying to be strong. Her mom was practically her best friend and now she was gone. Hugging him for a bit longer before he mentioned exploring helped. The exploring got Alyssa to feel better but when she mentioned the perverted Mr.Miller she saw her father’s demeanor change. He was always protective over her and not she understood why her mom said don’t tell her dad.

“Mom said don’t tell you. To keep the peace….she never let me out alone. He kept staring and saying mom and I could be twins and she was lucky she was married but he’d take care of the younger one…he was so gross…” Alyssa shuddered just thinking about it!

“I would never go near him daddy. He gave me the creeps. He even offered me money once. Mom lost it on him.” She confessed before following her dad to look around. Her thigh was soft giving him a taste of how her body would feel. “two million!?! They were really loaded! I guess money can’t buy decency.” Alyssa really disliked Mr.Miller.

AHeading deeper into the RV Alyssa’s jaw hit the floor! The rooms were opulent and kitchen was beautiful but her dad called her over and once those deep brown eyes saw the bedroom. “This is like a house! How did they afford this?” She asked curiously. “It’s like a fancy hotel! Mr. Miller was weird but at least b they’d have a place to sleep. Without thinking she ran over jumping on the bed making her breasts bounce as she hopped n. “It’s nice! Join me!” For now it was a needed distraction!
He couldn't believe what he was hearing, but he couldn't help but smirk shaking his head, especially knowing the fact that Mr Miller was now one of those creatures. "Your mother was right, if you told me he said that to you too and her, I probably would've put a bullet in his head..." he said with a soft grin. He certainly wasn't lying about that. "I'm glad you have enough sense not to go near him. I'm only worried about how many other girls he did that too and wasn't as smart as you.." Randy said sighing not wanting to think too much about it.

As they headed inside the bed room, it was the first time since they left that he felt some happiness. He was happy to see how excited she was as she looked at the bed room. " seems like this place was custom made.." Randy said as he walked around. There was even a large screen t.v. in front of the bed. With a blu ray and DVD player. At least there was some entertainment they could have. Watching as she jumped onto the bed, he blushed watching as her breasts bounced. Her breasts really had gotten quite large he realized.

"Sure....hun.." he said walking forward as he sat down at the edge. "Wow, this is really soft, the quil seems so soft along with the mattress.." he said bouncing a little bit on it. He turned to her and smiled. "Y'know what you can sleep here. I can sleep out in the hallway in one of the small booths, probably be safer too.." he suggested, as he stood back up.

"Jeez, there's so many dressers here....think there's clothing in them?"
Alyssa knew telling her dad would make him angry or at least that’s what her mom told her since she was over protective of his only daughter. His wife knew better than to let him know exactly what Mr. Miller said to her. When he mentioned about putting a bullet in his head Alyssa looked shocked and went silent for a few moments. “I’m Glad we didn’t tell you we didn’t want you to get put in prison or anything. Why did he like 60 or something I know he was older how did he have so much energy? I also feel bad saying this I am glad he’s gone he would watch me with binoculars from his house that’s why I got the blinding black out curtains in my room.” At least all of this was coming out now what her father couldn’t go to jail for anything.

When he mentioned about other girls going near him and how she was smart enough to stay away she shook her head and she didn’t want to think about it especially with how gross he was. At least the bed itself is a distraction as she hopped on it and started bouncing up and down on it being silly as she was it was at least a break from being sad. When her dad sat down she enjoyed the bed and laid down plopping back as her blonde hair fanned behind her. “ you can stay in here with me daddy I don’t want you going to far away if someone breaks in and you’re not with me I don’t want you going anywhere far from me. I don’t know what happened to mom happen to you you’re not getting out of my sight.” With that she shot straight up as her chest was not being held properly of the sports bra she was in she probably should’ve dressed better but she was in a rush to get out of the house and grab whatever was quick and it was her workout gear.

She watched him when he stood back up and looked at the dressers wondering what was in them but she was kind of scared to even think about it. “W… what do you think he has in? Should we look?” She didn’t move from the bed as she watched her father carefully before she would ask A question that Mr. Miller kept saying about her. “Do you think I could be Mom‘s twin? I saw some pictures from when she was younger she looked kind of like me but Mr. Miller kept saying I looked so much like her. I know Mom was from this neighborhood do you think Mr. Miller knew her from when she was younger too?” She couldn’t help her curiosity especially since every time he sought outside he would say how gorgeous she looked just like her mother with a much bigger chest and nice rear end.
Randy chuckled, maybe it was good that her and her mother didn't tell him. Alice really knew him well. Remembering her again made him sad for a moment as he sighed. "Your mother knew me well.." he said pausing. "Anyway, now that things are changing, I want you to always tell me everything okay? If we're in this together, they can't be any secrets.." he said with a soft smile wanting her to feel open. They were in this together now, they only had each other to rely on, and they would need a strong bond.

His eyes widen as she seemingly began to panic a little bit at the thought of them having separate rooms. "Well.." he started, biting his lips. His eyes glance down looking at her breast for a brief moment. Her mother would've scolded her if she wore something like that out. He would need to talk to her about outfits like that. Especially in this new world, but for now he kept quiet, he didn't want to upset her or ruin the mood.

Honestly he would sacrifice himself to save her if that was needed to keep her safe. He didn't want to say that either though, he knew she would get upset. After a few minutes he finally cave in. "Okay...." He figured if he decided to sleep outside of the room she would probably just follow after him. "But, if something does happen, I you need to promise you'll stay in here and let me handle it..okay?" he said with a serious firm tone.

Randy was just about to open the dresser to find out what was in it as she suddenly mentioned her mother. "Heh, you could be her twin. You look like the spitting image of her when I first met her...especially in the hair and face..the only difference.." he said pausing as he bite his lip. "Heh, nothing..there's no differences.." he corrected himself. The real difference was the fact that she had a larger chest and a fatter butt. Where the hell did she get that? It certainly wasn't from his side of the family.

"And yea I think your mother knew Mr Miller when she was younger...she said he was a nice guy, attractive too.." Randy said laughing. "She wasn't sure what happened to him...maybe old age..." The father said shrugging. "Anyway, come over here, let's check out these dressers.." he said calling her over.
“Everything? Even if it’s not good?” Alyssa asked since she knew her dad’s temper at least her mother warned her about it she was scared to say too much of anything since she didn’t want anything to happen to her dad. It was true that they only had each other so they had to look out for each other but she still want to protect her dad from everything even Mr. Miller’s gross advances.

At least he finally relented on the bad part there was no way she was letting him get too far especially since her mom was gone and he was all she had there was no way she wouldn’t be able to see him in her line of sight. The what he said next made her shake her head no. “No. You said we’re in this together I’ll help you with whatever you need besides I can fight.” It was a sweet gesture and yes she was trying to fight though he probably wouldn’t let her actually do it. Alyssa did take self-defense classes and she had no idea how that would hold up against these creatures that were now in the world.

When his attention turn to telling her how she look just like her mother but paused when he said one thing was different she tilted her head to the side like a confused puppy letting her blonde hair fall over her shoulders. “What’s different daddy? We both have brown eyes I think I’m a little shorter than Mom though not by much it’s okay. She always joked how she was happy I looked more like her than you not in a bad way I think she just liked having me for make up tutorials.” Alyssa jokes since her mom was only being silly about her not taking after her father and since she looks like her mother there was no denying that it was her daughter even though she had some features from her dad. She definitely had her mothers body.

When her dad mentioned that her mom knew Mr. Miller when he was younger it was hard to believe because he was such a creep now or was. “I guess I could see that. I bet he looks cute when he was younger but now he’s just a creepy old man. We all knew he was married he kept looking at the neighborhood girls really weird nobody like to go over there and even when he had the boys mow his lawn he would request them to bring their younger sister so he can watch them isn’t that strange? His wife never said anything about it but she was really sick and barely came out of the house anyways.” It was no secret that his wife was not doing well and he was taking care of her but he was also taken care of myself in other ways.

When he called her over to check out the dressers she hopped up off the bed and sauntered over to him as he stood next to her dad afraid to open one but she took the initiative and open the top one in the top drawer I was just regular clothing and she sighed with relief though if her father knew better he should probably look underneath the clothing. Alyssa would push that door back in without thinking and open the second one and that was a bit strange since it was sexy lingerie and she had a feeling Mr. Miller was not the one wearing it and she squeaked and jumped back not wanting to look into it though she would notice other things than lingerie but toys and Polaroids but she was not gonna look at them and she would let her dad go through them and if he did he might find some perverted stuff with his own daughter nothing serious just pictures of her in her room changing or outside in the lawn watering plants. Mr. Miller really had a very strange hobby.
"Even if it's not have to tell me if I were to shoot Mr Miller now, I don't think there's someone that would question it...especially with what's going around now right?" he said laughing. It was a dark joke, but certainly true. They had no idea how rough the world was now, and how much people were turning into zombies. For now they were in their own little world in the RV. The would hear loud trickles of rain hit the RV as it began to pour outside. A crackle of thunder would hit as well. It seemed it was really storming out. Luckily they were safe in the RV.

"No!" he said firmly. "You're not fighting, end of story. You're a girl sweety, I don't care what people say. There's no way a woman can beat a man in combat especially if he's trying hard.." he said with a serious tone. Feeling he was a little bit overly firm with her, he at least decided to met her half way. "I did bring my guns, so I'll teach you how to use them and how to aim. Okay? I'll do the rough housing if it comes to that, you'll be the one to shoot.." he said offering a soft hand to onto her face. Turning to the dresser he was curious as to what was in them. He shivered a little bit at her comment of Mr Miller having boys bring their younger sisters over when they worked. "He was a perverted...a real sick freak.." Randy said sighing. Mr Miller always did his best to keep away from Randy, it seemed he was sacred of him. Certainly for good reasons.

When Alyssa squeaked and jumped back, Randy put his hand out to brace her not wanting her to fall, his hand would softly press against her lower back and the upper part of her butt by mistake. "Easy..I thought it was a snake or something.." Randy decided to take a look as well. "What the fuck.." he said underneath his breathe. There were large dildo's, a lot of them black. He did his best not to touch them instead he took out the Polaroids. They were all pictures of girls around Alyssa's age. Most of them were in lingerie some were naked. "Jesus.." he said as he dropped the photo's. "Who was this man?!" Randy knew they should just take the draw and probably dump it outside, but he wanted to look more.

Going back into another draw, he saw more pictures. But some of them were tied to a box. There were two massive size boxes. He pulled out the pictures along with the box. As he looked at the pictures. Alyssa would see as his face turned red. There were photo's of Alyssa. One was Alyssa changing completely bend over as she was getting dressed. There were a lot of them. It was obvious he took them from his house. He even had one of Alyssa on the lawn chair in her bikini on her back. "THIS FUCKING PERVERT..!" Randy yelled. He pulled the photo's away to reveal what was behind them. A box of condoms. A 100 count box of condoms to be exact. He threw the condoms at the dresser out of anger as some of them fell out of the box and onto the floor. "I have half a mind to go back there and put a bullet in his brain..I don't even care if he doesn't remember all of this shit.." Rand said crunching up the photo's of Alyssa in his hand.

To think what went on in the very room they were in. How many girls had her forced himself upon? It seemed Mr Miller got what he deserved. The only sad bad was Alice got the same thing, she was harmless. "I need a fucking drink.." Randy said trying to calm down. " me take down all of these drawers..we're going to dump all of this shit into the trash and burn it in the morning..."
Her dad had a very good point about her telling him things even though she didn’t want to the world was changing and changing drastically. “I’ll do my best and you can’t go too far from me I don’t think I’ll survive without your daddy now with Mom… you know… I can’t have anything happened to you too.” he could tell she was getting choked up just thinking about it and she was trying to hide her emotions but failing miserably at it. At least with the rain it hit her feelings or at least muffled her cries and hope that her dad didn’t notice how she was sniffling again.

His booming voice when he said no shook her to the core as she stood straight up and was stiff for a good few moments. She felt bad for even offering but she did take classes and didn’t want them to go to Waze but when he mentioned her using his gun she nodded but didn’t say much of anything. “I’ll be careful daddy. I just don’t want anything happening to you if push comes to shove I’ll fight for you I hope you know that I’m not gonna stand by the side to let you hurt yourself.” She was just like her mother and a bit stubborn too but she would at least listen at least until it was no other choice but to fight.

When it came down to it Mr. Miller was scared of him and didn’t bother her too much or his wife he only made comments when Randy was not around he was a sick freak. When his daughter squeaked and jumped he managed to catch her properly and she looked terrified but she saw that drawer and she just didn’t wanna look at it and turned her head to the side. If Randy looked more he would see that his daughter was among them though nothing scandalous just her in a towel or her doing homework and just doing normal things Alyssa was one of the few girls that he didn’t get in lingerie or tied up in sexy photos in that RV. Alyssa looked mortified and she didn’t say anything but her dad was going through them and she could tell by his reaction it wasn’t good and when she was picked over and she saw herself she started sobbing. “I didn’t pose for those daddy! I didn’t I promise!” The part of her thought that her father wouldn’t forgive her or he would yell at her for having photos of her there but it wasn’t her fault.

When her dad gave her orders she would follow and help take out the drawers but she would stop looking at them and just dump things in a pile and let her dad go through them and when he said he needed a drink she couldn’t even say the same thing. “I feel really sick to my stomach dad…” was all she could say as she took a step back and held her belly feeling disgusted about what she just saw.
Randy stormed his way out as he managed to find a trash bag to put the stuff into. As she started to sob, he felt a bit bad. "No no...I know you didn't come here.." he said wrapping his arms around her holding onto her tightly. "There's no way I'm upset at you..I'm sorry..." he said softly. "I'm upset at that freak for taking pictures of you like this, and for saving them next to that stack of condoms. I don't know how or where he got those girls, but something tells me not all of them willingly came in here. I just.." he said pausing. He was thinking of what would have happened if he Mr Miller some how got his hands onto her.

As she piled up all of the stuff from the draws he was shocked at the amount of stuff that was there. There was certainly all types of lingerie there, even some regular clothes. He could only imagine what was going on in there. "Just relax there sweety.." he said as she held onto her stomach. "That's why we're throwing out these stuff, so we can forget about it. Okay?" he said with a soft smile. "Heh, if you really are going to fight with me if something happens, something like this can't break you now can it? I'm gonna need you to be strong for me too okay?" he said hoping to strengthen her spirits a little bit. "Now stay here, I'm gonna get these into a bag, and put it out in the hallway." With that he gather all of the stuff into the bag, from the lingerie, sex toys, photo's and even condoms. Placing them into the bag he set them in the hallway, as he made his way back.

"Jeez, that was so much stuff.." he said taking off his flannel shirt, exposing a black shirt that hugged his frame a bit showing off his strong arms and board shoulders. There was a small window out covered in some curtains as he spread it to the side to gaze out. It was dark outside as it was a little late, the two had been driving for a bit after all, and the rain didn't help either. "It's getting a bit late, maybe we should try to get some sleep?" he suggested.

"I think the sheets are least they smelled that way. So we don't have to worry about that..I parked us in a rather remote spot too, and made sure to steal and tie up the door shut. No one should be able to get in, so we can sleep knowing we're going to be safe. Tomorrow, we'll need to work out a plan to get supplies and some food." He said with a soft yawn. "Y'know if you want some privacy you can sleep here by yourself..or I can sleep on the floor.." he suggested again. He wasn't sure how she slept, or if she was going to sleep in the clothes she had on already.
Alyssa was happy that her father wasn’t blaming her. A part of her thought that her dad would be angry at her but he told her that he wasn’t angry and nothing like that was her fault. When he held her and made her feel so much better and he cried into his arms and hugged him tightly pressing her large breasts against him. Her dad was a superhero protecting her and cleaning up the mess Mr.Miller left. He was right that he probably got the girls in a way that wasn’t legal and it was good to destroy the photographic evidence since that perverted old man was a zombie.

The way he held her keeping her close she loved it and felt safe. Was it wrong to enjoy it? He was her father was also an attractive guy that many of her friends found hot. “I like the forgetting part.” She said softly. She would have to be strong for him and she gave him a nod of agreement. “ i’ll do my best to stay strong but I want nothing to happen to you you’re all I have left daddy.” She told him before letting him take out the trash into the RV hallway.

When her dad got back she would notice how his shirt hugged him. Perhaps it was wrong to stare at him like that. Then he mentioned going to bed and she wouldn’t say no to that. “Stay in bed with me I really don’t wanna sleep alone. Even with the door locked…. I don’t want to be alone don’t worry I won’t steal the blanket.” With that she would turn to her back on the bed still in her clothing which was quite tight on her curvaceous body and he had a good view of her cleavage. “Please?” Alyssa would pat the side of the bed next to her. “I won’t bite unless you want me to.” She teased hoping he wouldn’t take her too seriously. “I can’t promise not to cuddle you.” It sounded so innocent but with the way she looked exactly like her mother might be a bit unnerving. The question would be would he join her or let her sleep alone?
Those breasts of hers felt like pillows in his chest. For some reason they made him feel a bit safe. They reminded him of Alice. Though he was a strong and firm guy, every now and then he needed comfort himself. Wether it was a rough day at work or something going on, either way, Alice was always there to comfort him. Usually through hugs. In his mind he wasn't looking for comfort, he was trying to comfort Alyssa! Though it seemed he was still having some guilt and sadness over what happened to his wife.

"Nothing is going to happen to me.." he said with a smile. "You can assure that, I'll do whatever it takes to keep both of us safe.." he said with a firm nod, as he took the trash out and came back. Once he was back, he couldn't help but gaze at her with her cleavage out like that. Those pants hugging her waist. He was staring back at her, so he didn't notice her own stares at him when he took his shirt off. It was a shame she was such a beautiful and smart girl. She could've married and have a lot of children, but with how the world was now, Randy didn't think that would be an option.

Randy turn a bit red when she asked for him to stay in bed with her. "Umm.." he said fumbling for the first time. His eyes widen as she turned her back showing that bubbly butt of hers to him. She had quite the curvy body. "Y'know sweety...I.." He continued on, but as she patted the bed and said 'Please?...there was no way he would be able to say no to that. "Okay fine.." he said laughing. He walked over to her, slowly as she mentioned not biting. "I hope you won't use to bite really hard back in the day.." he teased her back. When she brought up the topic of cuddling he paused for a moment as he shivered a little bit. For some reason, he heard that in Alice's voice. He did his best to keep a straight face as he took a deep breathe.

" I guess shall we sleep then?" He said with a small laugh. Usually he slept shirtless and in his boxers, but he wasn't sure if that would be too much of a good idea. "Sleep well...Alyssa..." he said softly as he moved to give her a kiss onto her cheek.
She did not notice him staring at her she was able to relax on the bed. It was comfortable and loved clean enough and she wanted her dad to stay with her. Making sure to pack the bad enough to get him to come over and when he took off his shirt she tried her best not to stare. “ let’s get some sleep… I hope tomorrow is better…” Alyssa was trying to be helpful especially with all that happened.

Right now she was quiet but when he got into bed and kissed her she cuddled up close as she turned her back to him and pressed that perky ass against him as she became a little spoon. She’d reach behind her and pull his arm over her if he’d allow it and put her butt right against him. She was so tired. And even with her being that tired she would grind against him pushing that perky ass against his pelvis. “ i’ll always take care of you….always…” she mumbled. Alyssa was exhausted but with her dad being as close as he was she couldn’t help herself. Her mother always told her to take care of her dad if something happened would he mind if she did what her mother couldn’t do anymore?

Even though she was half asleep she would let her body rub her ass against his manhood with her covered in yoga pants. Even though she was still drowsy she felt like she was doing something wrong, but it felt so good. Wood her dad stop her or what he touched her it depended on his actions what she would do next and if he reciprocated her grinding het ass him Alyssa might turn to face him and test the waters by straddling him. It was embarrassing to think that she was attracted to her own father But after the night they had she needed some sort of companionship and distraction for what they both went through and it was just grinding. This couldn’t be that bad of a way to spend a rainy evening forgetting about the tragedy of the day.
"Tomorrow will be better.." he assured her. Getting into the bed, he was a little bit surprise as she cuddled up close to him. Even turning her back against him. He thought she would keep some distances, but was quickly surprised when she didn't. Instead she pushed that perky ass of hers right into his crotch. This reminded him a lot of Alice, it was a bit of a weak point for him. Alice always did that when she wanted some. Was Alyssa doing the same? No that was crazy. Then she reached around and pulled his arm over. His arm went limp to her touch, and just allowed her to do what she wanted. As his hand went onto her butt, he instantly squeezed it, feeling his fingers sink into her pillow like ass.

He wanted to pull away, they shouldn't be doing this. But after all that happened - saying good bye to Alice, seeing what Mr Miller was doing in this RV - Randy couldn't control himself. He wanted the pain to go away. She would feel his cock slide between her ass cheeks over her yoga pants. He was thick even while soft, but it didn't stay that way for long. Soon she would feel the large cock of his harden and poke against her, almost as if it had a mind of it's own and was trying to find it's way right into her. Randy let out a grunt or two as he rubbed himself against her.

Maybe he could just get himself off like this and call it for the night? He felt a bit ashamed of himself for wanting this, though as she mentioned that she would always take care of him, he couldn't help but feel slightly otherwise. His hand was squeezing her ass, and the meat stick of his cock was pushed up fully against her butt as well. She would feel his firm chest right up against her back offering her some comfort and safety there. Randy was a bit venerable at the moment, all Alyssa needed to do was push things a bit more and he would crack.
This would not be the first time she would have a dry humped a boy but this time it was her father. Pushing that ass back feeling his hands on it she would grind and rub against his flaccid manhood until it woke up and it seemed like she was waking up herself. “Mmm…I’ll take care of you…I promised…” Her voice was soft and low As she spoke her sweet promise. When she pulled his arm over she would put it on her very large breast letting him know it was okay for him to touch it. “Mmmm….I think you like this…” was she flirting? Yes. Yes she was!

She was using her ass to get him as hard as possible wondering if he would make his pants tent and if he did it she would actually make her move but right now she was grinding or yoga pants against him letting the tip rub between her ass cheeks as she let out small men’She was using her ass to get him as hard as possible wondering if he would make his pants tent and if he did it she would actually make her move but right now she was grinding or yoga pants against him letting the tip rub between her ass cheeks as she let out small moans. And this could not be wrong they weren’t doing anything without clothing so she saw nothing wrong with this flirting. Alyssa was wondering how hard he would get a found herself already getting wet. Feeling how big was she wanted to grind it against her throbbing pussy lips under her yoga pants. Little did he know that she was not even wearing panties. Alyssa knew this was wrong but after what happened even though this was her father it would help her forget about all the crazy things that happened in the photos that they found in Mr. Miller’s RV.
There it was again. Hearing her promise that she would take care of him. This had to be a dream, right? He must've passed out from instantly touching the pillow, and how he was dreaming that Alyssa was Alice. If it was a dream there was nothing with some fooling around right? Maybe a wet dream was what it took for him to get rid of his sorrows. As she pulled his arm over to her breast, he opened his hand as wide as he could before palming and squeezing her breasts firmly. He held onto her breast as if he had been wanting to do that since they first got into the RV. If this really was a dream, it certainly was a real one, her breast felt so soft, so natural. "Where they always this large..?" he said almost to himself, but the room was so quiet, except for the trickles of rain, that she would be able to hear his words.

Again Randy felt himself slip as he moved another hand right onto the upper back of her front thigh, getting dangerously close to between her thighs. Even if this was a dream, or not, he didn't want to push things too far. Suddenly though, he felt as she began to let the tip of his cock rub between her ass cheeks. He let out a bit groan and even thrusted forward a little bit himself. Her yoga pants and his jeans and boxers was all that was keeping them form going all the way. As she began to grind her folds against him, it was then he realize this wasn't a dream and this was real.

Suddenly his hand pulled back from her breast, along with him backing up from her perky ass. "Alyssa! What..are you doing.." he said biting his lip, he felt so conflicted, he was enjoying this, though he was missing Alice too at the same time. And what they were doing certainly wasn't right...right? He didn't want to become a Mr Miller. "We shouldn't be doing this...I mean you look so much like Alice...but..we may be turning something that we can't turn away from.." At this point his jeans, was pitching quite a large tent that she would notice if she turned around, his cock was throbbing.
“Mmmm….they were this big since I turned 16…I'm not little anymore…” Alyssa said. Pushing back on his erect cock feeling it against her ass cheeks. He must like this too As he began to grind against her and his other hand wandered. Hearing his Daughter moan gave away that she liked it. She was pushing this even more but once he pulled back he jolted her her out of that trance.

“Daddy…. i’m going to take care of you I promise….” What she did next was something he might not expect. Alyssa pulled away. Turned to face him and pushed him back on the bed and climbed on top of him. It was up to him if he was going to push her off. Straddling him with her yoga pants that were already damp she lowered herself on his erect cock and started grinding. “I promised mom I’d take care of you…let me…” that would make him wonder what she promised her mom. Lowering herself she started rubbing and grinding placing both palms of her hand on his chest. Without missing a heartbeat she leaned forward and pressed her plush pink lips on his. She would actually kiss him the question is what he let her continue or shove her off of him as her hips start to move and she let him grind with his jeans on her wet yoga pants. “Daddy…let me… don’t I look like Mom? Just pretend I’m her…. i’d rather you touch me than anyone else.” Did she always have a crush on her father? Maybe but would he continue or make her stop?
She certainly wasn't little, she was a full women at this point. Her body was rathe fruitful and plump. What came next shocked him a little bit. She suddenly turned to face him and push him onto his back, and climbed right on top of him. She was taking what she wanted it seemed. This part of her reminded him of himself. "Alyssa...!" He said feeling her dampness move from her yoga pants onto his jeans and onto his crotch a bit. "You promised Alice..?" What did she promise, take care of him? How?! Suddenly all of that left his mind as she pressed her lips right against his and began to kiss him, he lost control a bit as he wrapped his hands around her waist and kissed her back. AS she pulled back and moved her hips a little bit he knew she had him beat.

Tomorrow certainly wasn't guaranteed. Who knows one of those creatures could break in and just tear them apart. Maybe this wasn't so bad? "You look exactly like her.." he said brushing some of the hair out of her face as he took a deep breathe. "You really want this...? Since when..?" he asked her curiously, it wasn't as if she was forcing herself to do this. From how wet she was it seemed as if she was begging to do this. "Okay...then, maybe we'll have use for those condoms after all.." he said as he thought about being safe. It seemed there was no resisting her anymore. They both were hurting and this certainly was something that would take their mind off of things.

"Why don't you grab some of those condoms Alyssa?" he suggested to her rubbing his hands onto her plush butt. His thick large manhood was poking and pressing against her crotch, begging to dart into her folds.
Alyssa nodded but she didn’t say much else as she started grinding so much harder on his hard cock as if trying to fuck him through his jeans. The moment he wrapped his strong hands around her curvy waist she moaned into that kiss and even pressed your tongue past his lips seeing if he would except it. Her mother was very big on family and perhaps she didn’t mean this was a way to take care of him but in Alyssa‘s mind she was a woman and he was a man and he was very attractive even though he was her father and what did her mom really mean since they looked so much alike and if something happened to her what would her father do remarry someone that she hated? Alyssa was going to make sure he was happy with her and it did help that she was attracted to him even though she never said it but she was always a daddy’s girl being his shadow.

When the kids broke and he mentioned how she looked so much like her he would see how she smiled looking just like her mother even though she was a much younger version of her and how much bustier version. “I’ve always liked you daddy… no… i’ve always loved you daddy in so many ways… don’t you love me too?” It was an honest question but she always had a thing for him and she didn’t want to mention how her friends did too. When he mentioned condoms she shook her head no. “ this time just do what the erotic videos to pull out…” though that wouldn’t be the case if she was left on top or on the bottom she would probably hold him since she wanted to feel what a real man felt like and who else better to do that than her own father. “Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed let’s just enjoy this tonight we can use condoms later.” It was probably strange for him to hear his daughter say that and even though she wasn’t gonna say that this was her first time it wouldn’t be the first time talking to her friends are watching erotic videos she was curious what it would feel like with a man filled her.

If her dad this insist on the condoms she would just have to remove it before he would lose himself in her maybe she shouldn’t have told him but right now there was no way she was moving off of him while grinding even harder she wanted him inside of her and at least a few what he felt like without anything between them at least the first time the question would be with her dad do this for her or would he insist on wrapping up some things so magnificent?
"Love..?!" Had she always loved him like that? Or was this just a shock from losing her mother? Either way, he wasn't completely sure. Instead he just smiled and softly nodded. "Of course sweety, I love you too!" Though with his hands rubbing onto that plump ass of hers, the word love meant a bit more than what it should have been. When she mentioned the words pull out he raised a brow and leaned up. "How do you know about pulling out?!" he said before chuckling shaking his head, it wasn't the time for that. Alice was never a fan of condoms either, but he managed to force them onto her, after they had Alyssa, not wanting to have more kids. For some reason it was hard to say no to Alyssa though. He sighed and nodded. "No condoms...only for tonight though! And pulling out..!" he said raising a finger to her letting her know he was serious. He also hinted at the fact that this wouldn't be the last time they were doing this.

"I can't afford to take care of a pregnant you.." he said to her with a smirk. Feeling her grind on him was an amazing feeling he let out a few soft groans, but it was his turn to take a little bit of control now. He gave her a few thrusts forward, bouncing her up into the air and back down onto that rock hard cock of his, showing her how much strength he had. She had a thick ass, which many guys would have folded under. But Randy was certainly able to handle it.

"So how do you expect to take care of me? With your clothes still on.." he said with a smirk, placing a finger into her sports bra he pulled it down exposing quite the large amount of clevage of hers if she continued to let him hold onto it and pull at it. "This butt of yours is quite something else too.." he said moving his hands down to her butt giving it a firm spank with both of his hands as he clapped them together, a loud echo filling the room. "I always thought I would have to worry about the neighborhood think I needed to worry about an old man.." he said smirking.
“I love you daddy…I always have and always will.” That was sweet coming from her as she continues to rub and grind against his hidden hardness. When he asked her about how she knew about pulling out she chuckled. “My friends told me…and I watch dirty videos. I’ve had needs…urges….”Alyssa admitted but she still didn’t confess that she still was a virgin and dry humping was the closest she ever came to true sex other than her own fingers!

“Only tonight. Teach me how they work tomorrow.” She purred as she ticked harder on him letting his brute strength help her ride him and show her how strong he was. When he raised his finger to show he met business she gave him devious yet innocent smile and agreed that she had no intentions of doing that. At least he had her agreeing but never promising. “Don’t worry daddy I took sex education in school. I finished my period a couple of days ago. You won’t get me pregnant. Besides if you did would it be so bad making another me?” She was teasing and flirting. When he mentioned how she could take care of him with her clothes on she smiled and she would let him free her large breasts from her sports bra making her moan. “They are bigger than mom’s….do you like them?” She asked as he spanked her making a large sound with that thick ass of hers. “Mmmm you had no idea how many of my friends wanted to bang you do you? I get to be the first. If they survived whatever this is I’ll tell them I got your cock before them.” Perhaps she should not have slipped up or maybe she should have but now he was learning that her friends all have things for him. Out of all of the dads he was the most fit and attractive and even his own daughter couldn’t resist him! “Get me out of my yoga pants and show me how you did this with Mom.” She wasn’t sure if you like dirty talk but the way she looks like her mother she was wondering if he would fuck her like her to…
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