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Madness (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He guided her on how she could help, and soon they were set up, "Why not gather kindling and some stones for a fire?"
She nodded and moved around the campsite, grabbing all the kindling and stones she could find before heading back and helping him with the campfire set up.
Her face reddened a bit. She wasn’t sure why that was embarrassing, but it was. “I-I do not.. I would appreciate the demonstration..”
He nodded and walked to the river with her. He reached into the tree by the bank and ripped a branch one handed before taking his hunting knife to sharpen it to a point.
This sort of firm, almost paternal nature. Would he make a good father? Could they even foster young? Why the hell was she thinking about this now?
Once the branch was sharpener to a point, he carefully waded his way into the river. He was motionless for a long time before stabbing into the water. He pulled it back, showing her quite proudly the large trout he has speared.
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