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Batgirl Begins (dbspock/WendyTheRed)

She smirked as Dave reacted much like she had predicted though she thought for a moment she might have caused them to lose the game. She noticed Sam's next move and realized their strategy. In their shoes she'd have focused on Dave but she got why they were choosing to go after her. Besides, going after Dave would have felt a bit like picking on a puppy.

She raised an eyebrow at Chloe's next spin. In a way, she was lucky, still. After all, this meant only one hand had a defined place it had to be. She took a breath then placed her right foot in as stead of a position as she could, along with her left hand, not bothering with specific placements since neither of them had been spun yet. She slowly lifted her left leg up, hovering it over Sam. She was grateful once again for her past gymnast experience but she also knew this position would eventually cause her leg to tire and potentially cramp so she hoped that Chloe would spin something else for it soon.
Chloe giggled a bit at Bab's leg reminded her of a dog getting ready to go to the bathroom, and it gave John a great view between her legs. This game was getting more interesting that Chloe had imagined. "right hand, red." Chloe called out the next spin, and with John's long arms he had little difficulty shifting position until his fingers rested on the red spot. "Right foot, Red." She called out to Dave, who looked at her in confusion as his right foot was already on red. Chloe shrugged. "Looks like your good." She told him, and Dave sighed with relief as he tried not to stare down Babs shirt. "Left hand, yellow." Chloe said, and Sam grinned as she lifted her hand and shifted position a bit, placing Babs raised leg under her shoulder. John's eyes widened as he saw Sam's plan, and he leaned towards his partner until their shoulders were touching. Sam grinned at John, not seeing how Babs could escape now.

"Right foot, red." Chloe read the results of Babs spin. This...was going to be interesting.
Barbara smirked at Chloe's giggles and she shot Dave a look when he didn't have to move his foot. "Lucky." She said with a grin and then she frowned when she saw how Sam had moved and how she had done her best to trap Barbara's leg. Barbara considered her options when she felt John shift and looked down along the length of her torso to see him placing his shoulder against Sam's.

She watched as Chloe spun the dial and sighed when it was her right foot that needed to move. Thankfully, her right hand and left leg were the only things that had to be in a certain position. She looked down at the matt, studying where the row of red circles was in relation to her right foot and her eyes went distant as she mentally pictured the movements she could try to do to get into position without falling or allowing an elbow or knee to touch the matt. Or, she guessed, her left foot since her left leg had to be in the air.

She planted her left hand so it was roughly shoulder width apart from her right hand which still rested on the blue circle Chloe had spun for it. She then slowly curled in her left left, pausing only to tap her toes against Sam's chin as she moved her leg. She pulled it in tight against her body, bending her knee, then shifted her weight and took a deep breath. She then pushed herself up into a handstand, realizing too late that the movement would cause her tank top to fall, obscuring her vision and revealing her sports bra to all of them.

She dropped quickly out of the handstand, her right foot coming to a stop on a free red circle with a thump, her left leg pulled in against her, with her foot up in the air and her right hand still on the blue circle. Her left hand simply was in a random spot on the matt to give her the best balance and she just had to hope that Chloe took mercy on her with the next spin. She suspected that certain spins would pretty much spell doom for her.
"Sometimes." Dave agreed with a grin, which immediately vanished and was replaced with a blush when he realized she might have been referring to their kiss earlier instead. "Sorry." Dave apologized when he saw her frown, thinking it was directed at him and not Sam's strategy.

"Hey...when is the last time you washed that thing?" Sam cackled as Babs touched her chin with her foot. Hey, there was no rule against psychological warfare, though Sam doubted Babs would be affected. She seemed far too centered for that.

Dave's eyes widened when he saw Babs go into her handstand, and they almost popped out of her head when her tank top fell down, exposing her sports bra. He could only see the back of it, but Babs chest was only inches from John's face which remained impassive.

"Well...I guess we are training after all." Sam said with admiration as Babs completed her move. Chloe whistled in admiration, then blushed as she realized Babs might take it as a reaction to her exposed skin than her acrobatic move, so she quickly spun again. "Right hand, air." She called out, and John lifted his right hand and placed it on Babs head, though he didn't pull it down...just rested it. Perhaps his version of psychological warfare?

"Left foot, red." Dave was next, and he grunted as he moved his foot over to the red dot, not nearly as elegantly as Babs had earlier. "Right hand, yellow." Sam nodded as she shifted her hand to the yellow dot. No strategy came to mind, so she simply moved her hand.

Chloe giggled for a moment as the spinner came to purple for Babs again. She recalled Babs comment to Dave after his lips brushed her cheek, and decided to play that card again. "Kiss a member of the opposing team." Chloe said, curious what Babs would do this time as both Sam and Dave were behind her mostly.
She looked at Dave when he apologized and smiled again. "Nothing to be sorry about from you. Sam and John are just teaming up on me in this game." She winked at Dave. "It just means you're not getting their attention though."

She rolled her eyes at Sam's taunt, not bothered by it since she was definitely a clean person. After her acrobatic move to get into position and Sam's and Chloe's response she found herself blushing and just as happy to move on with the game as Chloe seemed to be. She saw John's lack of reaction and twisted to look over her shoulder, pleased that Dave, at least, seemed to have had a more normal reaction.

She raised an eyebrow at John's move. "So, when an air call is made, we're allowed to rest that limb on another player? Noted." She wiggled the toes of her left foot which was getting tired from being up in the air. She raised her eyebrow at Chloe's command for her to kiss a member of the opposing team and with a smirk she shifted her left leg around, to rest her shin on his shoulder. Much like with his hand on her head she mostly rested it there and didn't attempt to pull on him. She then leaned forward, her left leg helping to maintain her balance and planted a slightly parted lip kiss on John's mouth, her eyes sliding closed as she let it linger for a few moments before she pulled back and breathed out. "Happy?"
" probably a good thing." Dave admitted as he recalled the handstand Babs had did to escape from the opposing teams attention earlier. No way he could have done that, he knew.

Chloe raised an eyebrow as Babs both rested her leg on John's shoulder, then kissed him as well without apparent difficulty. Babs, it seemed, was more flexible than Babs had given her credit for. Chloe couldn't make out that Babs had her lips parted when she gave John her kiss, nor could she see that John stuck out his tongue a bit, putting it inside Babs mouth when she gave him the opening.

"Not until" John told Babs with a determined look in his eye when she asked if he was happy. Clearly, game or not, John was taking this seriously, and failure did not come easily to him.

"Left hand, yellow." Babs called out, and John took advantage of Babs foot on his shoulder. Instead of just moving said hand over, John lifted it up, then swiftly moved it over Babs leg, catching her foot expertly between his arm and his side, effectively trapping it there. Babs could probably get it loose, but not without losing her balance. At least, that was John's plan.

"Left foot, yellow." Another easy move for Dave as most of the action was still centered around Babs, and her team mate easily shifted his foot over.

"So...I'm not good enough to kiss? Is that it?" Sam teased her when Chloe instructed Sam to move her right foot to the blue circle, Sam showed she was no slouch in the gymnastics department herself as she stretched her leg across almost half the mat, once again cutting Babs off from a lot of it unless she managed to crawl over Sam somehow. Sam then leaned in and lightly kissed Babs on the nose with a wide grin.

Then it was Babs turn. "Right" Chloe announced.
Barbara was definitely feeling the stretching and made a mental note to add Yoga and other stretching exercises to her list of things to make into an ongoing habit. She was a little surprised by how John slid his tongue into her mouth and she let out a little gasp in spite of herself, her cheeks coloring. She blinked a little to get her focus back and grinned when he made it clear how much he wanted to win.

She looked in surprise at Sam's comment and almost lost her balance when Sam leaned in for a kiss just because she hadn't been expecting it. It occurred to her to wonder if John would be jealous if they kissed but Sam's teasing kiss to her nose was not likely to inspire that reaction. "You were harder to get to Sam..."

She tensed when Chloe spun the dial, pretty sure she was toast this round and when Chloe red out right foot that tension only grew. That was the foot that led to all her acrobatics to get it onto red and she looked briefly at her and her right hand, which was still resting on blue. Chloe's little hesitation made her worry and then she relaxed when Chloe said red. Her right foot was already on red and she grinned. "Looks like I get a break this round."
"Uh huh." Sam grunted skeptically when Babs gave a reason for her kiss selection. She was disappointed, though, but not because of Babs choice, but at her own failure to knock her opponent off balance. She'd been hoping the surprise kiss would give an edge.

"Hey...this game is rigged!" Sam protested when for the second time someone on the opposing team didn't have to move.

"I..." Chloe began to protest as she had no control over what the board said unless it landed on purple, but Sam quickly shook her head when she saw Chloe took her protest seriously. She knew the blonde wasn't cheating. Chloe gave a small sigh, then smiled at Sam as she spun the dial again. "Left hand, blue." Chloe said, and John shifted his hand over one row, further trapping Bab's foot. "Right hand, red." Sam moved her right hand to the edge of the board, now effectively spanning the playing field, though she was both tall enough and flexible enough it wasn't a strain. "Right hand...air." Dave shrugged, then chuckled as he rested his hand on Sam's shoulder.

"Left" Chloe called out Bab's move, curious how she'd free her foot from what looked like the stranglehold John had on it.
Barbara smirked at Sam's protest even though she didn't blame her for wishing that her team got lucky with a couple of the spins. She frowned as John's next move trapped her foot even worse and made a mental note that if there was a rematch she'd need to be careful about this kind of thing. Sam's move, thankfully, didn't make her situation too much worse compared to John but she was still feeling the pressure. She looked over her shoulder as Dave rested his hand on Sam's shoulder.

She frowned as her left foot came up and looked from her foot to John. She debated ways that she might be able to make this work. She wiggled her foot experimentally and sighed as it felt like John simply tightened his grip. She found herself briefly wishing she knew some of those nerve techniques he showed her for shoulders and not just hips but she figured that'd be an escalation anyway. Regardless she twisted and wriggled around and tried to pull her foot loose while keeping her balance.

One side effect of all of this movement was that her shorts got caught on something, possibly one of the other players extended feet or hands but she didn't see and she ended up tugging them down until they slid down her thighs. Thankfully she had panties on but she was still far more exposed than she wanted to be. Worse, she felt her balance slipping as her concentration slipped and she faced a moment of decision, try harder or give up? She was just about to give it her all and try some kind of desperate acrobatic move when her flushing face turned towards Dave and she had a realization. If she failed, Dave didn't and it might give his ego a boost to know he'd outlasted her. So, she gave up and fell to the matt with a grunt, making sure to at least take Sam and John down with her in a tangle of limbs if she could get away with it.
John felt a sense of victory as his tactic paid off...finally...and Bab's left foot got called out. There was no sign of his sense of triumph on his face, though, as Babs looked back at him. His face was totally impassive as he met her gaze. Clearly he considered this match as important as any sparring session, and he wasn't going to give the enemy an advantage. He even regarded her attempt to wriggle her foot as an attempt to distract him by tickling his ribs, and he wasn't going to give her that satisfaction either.

As she began to struggle to free her foot, there was only so much that he could do. His hand and feet were locked into position which severely limited his options...though he did finally react as he saw when Babs finally got her foot loose, her shorts didn't complete the journey with her, and everyone outside got a good look at just what kind of panties she'd chosen to wear. But that expression was simply a widening of his eyes, though eh did feel a brief flash of pity for her. He might have offered to help fix her shorts, but he wasn't sure how such an offer would be perceived. Nor was he sure how he could actually help from his current position.

But the decision was taken out of his hands anyway when Babs suddenly fell on her panty covered butt to the deck, indicating an end to the round. Nut as she fell, she managed to take out one of his supporting hands, and John went to the mat as well...or rather, he went on top of Babs who was on the mat, his face planting in her cleavage. Before he could recover. Sam was either knocked down or chose to get in on the 'fun' as he felt her weight on top of him.

"Dogpile!" Chloe cried out, not about to be left out either as she dashed forward and tackled Dave, knocking him onto the pile of bodies before she landed on top...leaving Babs at the bottom of the pile.
She saw John's eyes widen when she had her wardrobe malfunction and couldn't help being a bit amused since he'd seen her nude. Even so, it didn't help her blush any to see his reaction. When she went down she had a brief moment of victory when she managed to take both John and Sam down though it only lasted for a few seconds before John fell on her, between her spread legs, with his face resting in her cleavage. She let out an oof sound as Sam landed on top of him and her eyes snapped over in Chloe's direction when she heard her.

She groaned when she felt the extra weight of Dave and Chloe on top of her. Her hands flailed around and one of them stroked over a smooth leg on accident, likely either Sam or Chloe. The other found a hairy limb, she couldn't tell if it was an arm or leg and like the first, she had no idea who it was attached to. She was very aware that all of the extra weight seemed to have pressed John's face even more into her cleavage and she was pretty sure that if any of them could see her face, it'd be the same color as her hair. Even worse, she could feel his hot breath on the silken skin of her cleavage and her traitorous nipples reacted by hardening in her sports bra.
Seeing someone naked in training was one thing...that was expected and John tried to be professional about it. Seeing a girl's panties inches from his face unexpectedly was a different story, especially when said person knocked your arm out from under you, and you soon planted your arm on top of said underwear, trying to regain your balance. A futile effort, as John's head was soon sandwiched between Babs and Sam's cleavage, not only preventing him from rising, but allowing him to feel as well as hear her groan.

Sam, for her part, couldn't help but grin as Babs hand brushed against her leg, and Dave grinned a bit as he felt her hand on his thigh. This was certainly a more interesting game than he had anticipated, and he actually hadn't been the one to fall! At least, not until Chloe had tackled him, and he figured it didn't count by that point.

Everyone then heard a cough. "Um...everything all right out here?" An adult male voice called out, and Chloe quickly scrambled to her feet, aware that Mr. Larusso had probably seen up her dress. "Yes, Sensei Larusso." She said as she helped Dave to his feet, hoping Sam's dad hadn't noticed how Dave's hand had wound up on Sam's butt.

"Round one." Chloe grinned down at Babs as she helped Sam up, at which point she could see Bab's bright red face...and the position of John's face in relation to Babs cleavage.
Barbara grunted when she heard Daniel's voice and the easing of some of the weight on top of her as Chloe got up then helped Dave up. She craned her head back to look through the remaining tangle of limbs at an upside down Daniel Larusso. "Everything's fine Sensei Larusso." She let out a sigh when Sam's weight also left her, though it left her feeling even more exposed and her eyes widened when she looked up at Chloe, mostly out of concern for how things looked with her and John right now.

She pushed him to move, hissing "get up!" and yanked her shorts back into place once he did, standing and brushing herself off. "Sorry I lost the game for us Dave." She smiled at him, not really sorry at all since he wouldn't have to feel like he had lost.
"Uh huh." Daniel grunted in response as he wondered if Bab's father would agree. Somehow, he doubted it, but at least Sam still had all her clothes on. And after the year she had, he didn't want to alienate her new friends. So he didn't say anything, but he didn't leave either, even as Babs was unburied and pulled her shorts back into place.

"That's all right." Dave couldn't keep the stupid grin off his face as he thought about Babs lying there with her panties exposed, which of course reminded him of when he'd seen her naked not that long ago. "It was fun." he said with a shrug, not really caring that they lost, and trying not to be proud of the fact it wasn't his fault.

"So...another round? Or a movie?' Sam asked, ignoring the fact her father was still there supervising.
If Barbara had known his thoughts she'd be on the same side as Daniel regarding her father's reaction to this. He'd probably be doing the overprotective dad thing. Once everyone was up and she had tugged her athletics shorts back on, she made sure to secure them a little better this time. She smiled at Dave's grin, happy to see that he was apparently handling their loss well. "Well, I'll try not to let you down again Dave." She winked at him then looked at Sam when she asked.

She glanced from Sam to Daniel and back. "Well, we can do whichever unless Sensei Larusso has an idea on turning Twister or a movie into a training exercise. Dave and I probably need revenge on you two." She was pretty sure she was like that annoying kid who reminds the teacher she had forgotten to give the class homework but she was curious what Daniel would say, if anything.
"I'm sure you won't." Dave blurted out, then turned red as the cute redhead winked at him. He quickly turned to study the mat, as if he were a general surveying the battlefield...or a teenager trying not to embarrass himself.

"Not Bloodsport again." Sam spoke up before her father could, and Daniel shook his head with a chuckle.

"That was your brothers idea." He reminded her, and Sam giggled, knowing full well he was right.

Sam then turned to Babs. "Revenge? That sounds like a challenge." She challenged, the looked over at John. "Rematch?" She asked, and John simply nodded once. "Challenge accepted." Sam declared as she moved over to the mat.
She saw Dave turn red and look away and blushed slightly herself. She wasn't sure if it was because of her wink or because of her damned shorts. Regardless, she looked between Daniel and Sam as they talked about movies. "Bloodsport? Is that the one with the guy looking angry with his face covered in blood? Doesn't seem like your kind of movie Sensei LaRusso."

Barbara looked between Sam and John and shrugged, then turned to Dave, whispering. "Sorry, my big mouth got us into a rematch. I'll try to do better." She kind of enjoyed casting herself as the one who had to do better, she figured it had to help Dave's self esteem. She moved over to the matt and bounced on her toes like she was preparing to spar or maybe run a race and she was limbering up.
"No, it's the one with the hot guy participating in the martial arts tournament." Sam said with a grin. Daniel rolled his eyes, but satisfied nothing indecent was going on, at least nothing that seemed to require parental intervention, he decided not to embarrass Sam more, at least at the moment, and turned to head back inside. Sam then turned to Babs and giggled. "It's not his kind of movie. That's why I keep wanting to watch it." She admitted.

Dave shrugged at Babs apology. "It was fun." He admitted, then blushed as he recalled seeing Babs in her panties. He hoped she didn't think that was the high point for him...though it certainly had been. And it certainly didn't help when she began bouncing around like that, and he had to make an effort not to look at her chest. He moved to the opposite side of the mat and began to imitate her, doing some of the stretching exercises Sensei Larusso had taught him. Sam giggled again as she took up her position, and she began to bounce as well, giving Dave another set of bouncing breasts to enjoy. If John noticed the display, he gave no sign of it as he simply moved to the free side of the mat and awaited his turn.

"All right...let's try the reverse order this time. Babs, you go first." She declared as she picked up the spinner and gave it a whirl. "Right leg...air." Chloe declared. Easy enough, she thought, but the first moves usually were.
She smirked at Sam's reply. "I saw it once. It's fun in a trashy kind of way. Though the guy's face when he is trying to look all enraged in the final fight makes me laugh." She shrugged, not particularly concerned if they watched it one way or the other. She suspected it'd be fun to watch John's reaction to whatever movie they watched, perhaps even more fun than the movie itself.

She saw the blush and blushed as well. It wasn't hard to guess he was thinking about one of several things that happened during the last game. She didn't say anything, she figured if she did she risked making it worse. She didn't realize how she probably looked as she tried to warm up, she was just concentrating on loosening up her muscles. She decided that if she could, she'd make sure that if she or Dave went down first, it'd be her again. She didn't have anything to prove and she liked how it seemed to give him an ego boost.

She looked at Chloe when she announced right leg air and lifted her right leg, balancing on one foot. She remembered something she'd seen Daniel working on and she moved her arms out to the side for balance, settling into essentially the crane kick stance. "You know, if you spin and get left leg air I'm going to be hard pressed to figure out how to levitate..." She smirked, though she already knew how she'd handle it, in the unlikely event that very thing happened. She was pretty sure her idea would work in the short term but would probably still result in another loss.
"Trashy is a good way to put it. It even has a sappy romance that would never work in a million years." Sam pointed out, then laughed as Babs reminded her of the corny fight scene at the end. "Oh, too easy." Sam complained, then not only mimicked Babs by lifting her right leg up, but she bent sideways and stretched until she had her foot lifted over her head. Not that she really thought she'd psych Babs out, she just wanted to show off in front of John a bit. "And levitating is easy too...just watch this...Sam claimed as she lowered her foot, then suddenly ran at John and jumped, forcing him to catch her in midair, and sure enough she had both feet off the ground. "See...nothing to it." Sam laughed as she hugged John around the neck, pressing her breasts against his chest and forcing him to grab her legs to support her.

Chloe laughed at Sam's antics as she spun the dial again. "Left hand, air." She called out for Sam, and shrugged. That was easy enough, and sure enough Sam didn't have to move. "Right hand, blue." Dave's turn, and he shrugged as he bent over and placed his hand on the mat, confidant no one was staring at his ass like they had Babs. "Right foot, red." John's turn, and he simply carried Sam a few steps until one foot was on red, right in front of Babs.

Sam was facing Babs, and she stuck her tongue out playfully. "Maybe we should take a five minute break before the next move." Sam suggested playfully, since Babs would have to balance on one foot the entire time.

"I don't think time outs are in the rules." Chloe called back in a teasing tone, clearly trying to at least pretend to be impartial. At least until the dial landed on purple, spinners choice. "well, since you mentioned it...left leg, air." Chloe challenged Babs.
She watched Sam's antics with John with raised eyebrows. She hadn't expected Sam to act like this with him, in fact, she'd thought Sam might act shy at first. But she was practically throwing herself at John and John certainly didn't seem to mind it. She briefly glanced at Chloe, curious if she was reacting to Sam or not and then looked back at Sam. "Yes, nothing to it." She said with a somewhat dry voice as she smirked.

She watched as the others all got their various spins. So far it all seemed simple and when it came to purple Babs watched Chloe to see what she'd choose. She'd anticipated something like a kiss or something. She didn't anticipate Chloe challenging her to 'levitate'. She sighed and debated her options then shrugged. She did a classic gymnast move, leaning forward onto her palms and kicking off with her left foot to rotate up into a handstand. She angled her legs to help with her balance and carefully lined up her head with her arms.


There were a few downsides to this pose. The biggest one was she couldn't hold it for long. Because of her time in track and field, gymnastics and even martial arts before coming to Gotham had a pretty strong core and even arm and shoulder muscles. Still, even she could only hold this for a few minutes and she knew it wouldn't be long before her arms started to tremble. Perhaps worse, her shirt fell down around her head and shoulders, exposing her sports bra to the others once more.
Chloe also looked at Sam with a bit of confusion. Was Sam trying to flirt? With the glacier Babs had brought to the dojo? She wasn't sure what was going on, but both of them seemed to be enjoying it...Sam, at least, was smiling, and John hadn't dropped her, though that might have more to do with the fact he didn't want to lose. He seemed very competitive. Chloe saw Babs looking at her and shrugged. What they were doing wasn't against the rules...not that there were many of Chloe had no reason to get involved. Sam, for her part, just stuck her tongue out at Babs comment.

Chloe nodded as Babs did exactly what she'd expected...indeed, unless she wanted to jump on Dave, who would probably freak out and fall over, there was little else she could have done. Chloe also wasn't surprised when Babs shirt fell to her shoulders...again. But Babs was wearing a sports bra, so it wasn't really an issue. The guys, however, did divert their gazes to Babs as her midriff came on display, Dave in particular contorting his body a bit to look under his arm at her. "What...don't think I can hold you?" He challenged her before he turned a shade of red and quickly studied the dot he'd been assigned, finding it hard to believe he'd actually said that.

Chloe, for her part, just giggled in response and wondered how long Babs could keep her current position, which was easily the worst of the group. But all Chloe could do to help was spin the wheel again. "Right leg, blue." Sam nodded as she released her hug and settled one foot onto the blue dot, still facing John with a smirk. "Left leg, green." An easy move for Dave, who moved his foot onto the mat. "left foot, blue." John moved his foot onto the mat, placing it next to Sam's. Then it was Babs turn.

"Right hand, red." Chloe announced, curious how Babs would get across the board without using her feet, especially with the others in the way.
She saw Chloe's shrug when she glanced at her and figured Chloe's thoughts were similar to her own. She rolled her eyes at Sam sticking her tongue out but made no further comment. As she was in her hand stand she turned her head slowly to look at Dave when he spoke to her. "Well, I didn't want to jump on you like Sam did with John. But....I do have an idea how you can help me."

She felt her arms burning slightly as the round progressed and knew that even in her shape, she wouldn't be able to hold this position long. She silently chanted to herself as her turn approached. Please roll foot. Please roll foot. She sighed when it was right hand red. The good news was, in a way, this helped her. She slowly straightened her legs and walked on her hands, circling around John and Sam to reach the spot, planting her right hand. She took advantage of the move to angle her body towards Dave.

"Alright Dave, legs incoming." She slowly, very slowly shifted her position and lowered her left leg so her shin rested on Dave's back. Once she saw he was fine she did the same thing with her right leg. She was now resting her lower body on Dave and instead of being in a handstand she was now essentially in a plank.


She blew out a breath and raised her head, looking over her shoulder at Dave. "You alright? When you have to move, we'll work it out together. Hopefully Chloe doesn't keep sabotaging us with impossible positions." She smirked over at Chloe as she said it and rolled her head on her shoulders. "This is much better, pretty good workout for my core too."
If Dave was disappointed that Babs declined to jump on him, he managed to keep it to himself. He did look at her quizzically when she said there was another way he could help her. He was pretty much stuck in position, and he wasn't sure how much help would be allowed by the rules. But he quickly forgot that as he, and the others, watched Babs walk on her hands to her designated spot. Again, if anyone noticed how her breasts jiggled a bit under her sports bra as she moved, they were to polite to point it out. Dave's confusion came back, if only for a moment, when she gave her warning, but her meaning wasn't hard to figure out as he braced himself, then relaxed as her legs settled on him. it wasn't really a strain at all, and hopefully it helped his team mate out.

"I'm good." Dave grinned at her. The worst, or the best depending on how you looked at it, was that his face was only inches from Babs crotch, and he had a great view of her exposed abs as well as her breasts from his position. But he just nodded when she said they'd have to work together on his next move, whatever that was,

"Hey, don't blame me, its the spinner." Chloe claimed, conveniently forgetting one of the moves had been her choice. But she didn't want to be accused of sabotaging her friend, so she spun for Sam. "Left hand red" She called out, and Sam moved her hand to plant it right next to Babs, smirking as her face was now inches from the red heads. "Right hand, green." She called out, and Dave frowned a bit as it was on the far side of the board. "You ready? I think I can get there without moving from under you." He told her, and indeed he only had to rotate a bit on his left leg to plant his hand on the designated circle. Babs feet were now resting closer to his butt, and he couldn't see her torso much anymore, but other than that the position was pretty stable. "Left foot, blue." That was John's turn, and it might have presented a problem as Babs was straddling the board, blocking easy access to most of it. He could have moved to the very edge, but that would have removed him as a factor for most of the game, and he didn't like that option. So instead he took advantage of his height and stepped over Babs, straddling her butt, as he planted his feet on both sides of her, quite restricting her movement he hoped. It also put his crotch right on her ass, but he made sure not to put too much weight on her. Then it was Babs turn again.

"left hand, green."
Barbara wondered if Sensei LaRusso had any idea that a game of Twister could turn out to be great exercise for her. She suspected if he was outside he'd comment on some of the positions. She was getting a little irritated though with how much she seemed to be at a constant disadvantage and the game was actually making her wonder if bringing John in as a ringer for the tournament was a good idea. If he was this competitive over a silly game, she'd have to have a talk with him about the tournament. She didn't want him to win at any cost. That wasn't Miyagi-Do.

Barbara did blame Chloe but it was only a game and she wasn't mad at her about it. It was odd, Barbara was competitive too but she was being almost Zen about the game. In part it was because she was so focused on making her moves which always seemed to be worse than anyone else's. But it was also because she was focused on making sure Dave came out of the games looking good even if it came at her expense. She just wanted the poor guy to feel like a winner.

Barbara sighed when John straddled her and for a moment she imagined ways she could make him regret it. Then Chloe spun again and called out. Barbara's hopes for a foot option were dashed and she looked at Chloe. "You couldn't have given me the option to put one of my feet on the ground?" She looked at the row of circles and decided it was time she fought fire with fire as much as possible. She was tall enough she was able to twist her torso some then curl around John's leg and slap her hand down on the circle. This position would hopefully restrict the movement of that leg and when she placed her hand down she made sure to reach behind one of Sam's legs to do it, her forearm brushing over Sam's shin.
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