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Batgirl Begins (dbspock/WendyTheRed)

Chloe shrugged. She was far from a legal expert, but she was still firmly of the opinion that if Batman wanted to do something, he would. "I don't know...lawyers represent corporations all the time. Maybe Batman has his logo trademarked through a shell corporation." Chloe theorized, then blinked when Babs tried to reassure her. " got me the interview. The rest is on me, I'm afraid." She admitted, then raised an eyebrow in surprise when Babs seemed to consider her offer of a haircut. "Well, when your ready, just say the word." Chloe said, then pretended her fingers were a pair of scissors and mocked cutting Babs hair.

Dave kept his gaze fixed on Babs when she sat across from him. Her clothes had dried a bit, but they still draped a bit more than usual, showing off a bit more of her cleavage. The wet fabric also clung to her skin, outlining her breasts beneath the sports bra. "Ummm...your welcome." Dave mumbled when he registered she spoke to him. He raised his eyebrows in shock when Chloe suggested he might get on the disk. "I hope not." He admitted. He was nowhere near ready for that. He couldn't help but grin as she waved the French fry at him, then playfully reached out and tried to snatch it from her.

There was a few moments of silence after Babs asked her question, then Dave realized John had no intention of speaking. "Uh...yeah. This is...John." Dave said, introducing the other boy to Babs.
Barbara smiled. "True, but they still need to be able to meet with their client and know the facts and stuff. Anyway, it's not important. And if Batman wants to sue me, well, guess I'm out of luck." She shrugged and listened to Chloe's doubts. "It is. Just like getting hired was on me. You have an advantage I didn't. You have a friend on the inside." She winks playfully. "Not that I have any power over Bruce Wayne's decisions..."

Barbara was unaware that her clothes were showing a bit more of herself than usual. In part because her mind was elsewhere and in part because she was too hungry. She smiled as Dave mumbled a reply to her, used to his awkwardness and not realizing it might have a different source this time. "Well, who knows what Sensei Larusso will do. Maybe he'll wait for you to have more practice in balance first." She reached up and gather her hair behind her head again, a bit annoyed at how it draped over her and kept getting her shirt wet. The action of course, slightly arched her spine and showed off the swell of her breasts more. In some girls it would have been done on purpose to get attention but Barbara truly didn't even think about it.

Barbara smiled at Dave. "I know who he is. I'm the one who invited him here. I just didn't know if you two had met." She ate some more of her french fries and looked between the two, wondering if John was pissed off about something or just generally not very good with people. She realized she had no idea, especially after how he'd seemed angry with her earlier today. She lapsed into a bit of a silence and finished off her fries, turning her attention to her burger next.
"If Batman got upset with you, suing you would be the least of your problems." Chloe pointed out grimly, taking what she'd come to call the Jim Gordon approach and not mention that unemployment would be one of Bab's issues. "And any insider tips you can offer to get me to ace the interview, please let me know." After all, Babs had clearly nailed her interview, so maybe she knew some secret password or something.

Dave opened his mouth to reply to her comment, but then she arched her back, and it looked like her breasts were going to pop right out and poke him in the eye. They didn't, of course, but they did cause Dave to completely forget what he'd been about to say until Babs spoke again, and that caused him to blush furiously as he realized his attempt to be polite and introduce the pair had made him look like an idiot. he had zero to say to that, so silence descended on the table once again.

Babs, at least, had something to keep her mouth busy as she ate her dinner, and the two males at the table just sat there and watched her eat, at least until Sam and Chloe returned. Sam clearly thought training was over for the evening as she'd put Chloe in a sundress, clearly not appropriate attire for training. Sam plopped down next to John and stole one of Babs fries even as Chloe settled down in front of her own food. " was your first day of work?" Sam asked Babs.
Barbara couldn't help a smirk. "He's already been upset with me. Trust me, you don't want to wake up in the middle of the night with him standing over your bed asking why you hacked the Batmobile...." She bit her lip at Chloe's next question. "Well, Bruce Wayne did think you looked nice in a bikini..." She shrugged and managed to keep her face utterly impassive, not giving a clue as to whether she was teasing or not.

She saw Dave's furious blushing and blinked, unsure what had caused it. She glanced from him to John and back but decided not to say anything out of fear she might make things worse. She apparently had a talent for that in social situations. So, she just threw herself into finishing her dinner and was mostly done by the time Sam and Chloe stepped out. Barbara noticed the sundress and realized she'd been wrong about training continuing and was a little surprised to realize she was disappointed.

She considered Sam's question and decided to give a true, but heavily edited version of events. "Well, let's see. I answered some phone calls and met a very nice woman from IT who got the assignment to set up my logins on the computer and things like that. Then Mister Wayne's chief of staff, I think that's her title, gave me an assignment which caused me to barely miss out on meeting Lucius Fox. Following that, I checked a vehicle out of the motor pool and Mister Wayne and I went to get me some clothes that were suitable as his assistant. We went to a lunch meeting with some government people and then I went back to Wayne Enterprises and delivered some paperwork to R&D and asked them a lot of questions and looked at some of the stuff they were working on. I checked out a vehicle for my personal use and then my work day was pretty much over after I filled out my HR paperwork." She shrugged casually and ate the last fry that Sam hadn't stolen. "So, I guess nothing too unusual."
Chloe shook her head adamantly. She most certainly did NOT want to meet Batman at night, and absolutely not in her bedroom. She did blink, though, her eyes wide, at Babs next statement. "Wait...what?" She asked, not totally confused where that came from. "When did Bruce Wayne ever see me in a bikini?" She wondered. She couldn't even remember the last time she'd worn a bikini.

Sam listened attentively, not appearing at all bored, when Babs began reciting her day. John looked at her with confusion when she mentioned a female chief of staff, as he knew damn well there was no one like that at Wayne Enterprises. Dave was interested because it was better than the awkward silence that had preceded it. Chloe was interested because she hoped there might be a clue she could use for her interview.

Sam chuckled when Babs finished. "All that on your first day?" She asked with a shake of her head, then frowned when Babs snatched up her last fry. "Hey!" She protested, then grinned as she saw Chloe still had some. Sam reached out and snatched one of hers, and it was Chloe's turn to protest, though it fell on deaf ears. Sam grinned as she twisted in her seat a bit, and held the fry up to John's lips. His eyes widened in surprise a bit, then he smiled as he opened his mouth and took the fry. Sam grinned in satisfaction as she turned to Babs again. "So that explains the hot rod out front, then. I'll make sure Dad knows you didn't get it from a competitor." She chuckled.
She laughed at Chloe's confusion. "I'm sorry, I should have said 'thinks you would look nice in a bikini'." She shrugged. "I doubt he's actually seen you in one unless you have a modelling career I don't know about."

She saw the look of confusion on John's face and mouthed 'Sara' to him when she caught his eye. She turned her gaze to Sam then and shrugged. "I have no idea if it's typical of a day there or if it just happened to be a crazy day. I guess we'll find out. I did make a new friend or two at work. Amanda, the nice woman from IT I mentioned, Stan, a guy in the motor pool though I think he is a bit scared of me because of who I work for." She smiled. "A couple of guys in R&D." "Though, I also met a total scumbag in R&D. Some guy who has a job because his dad is on the board of Wayne Enterprises." She shakes her head. "He kept shooting vulgar gestures at me..."

She nodded at Sam's reply about the car. "Yeah, that's out of the motor pool. I won't have to constantly beg for rides. I meant to check out something more practical but I saw it and uhhh...couldn't resist."
"Oh." Chloe said softly. That certainly made more sense, and might explain the bikini she'd found when she'd sorted out the clothes Babs had brought her, but the thought of Bruce Wayne even thinking about what she might look like in a bikini caused her face to turn red. "And modeling career for me. I prefer my computer keyboard, thank you very much."

John gave a brief nod when Babs mouthed the identity of Mr. Wayne's mysterious Chief of Staff to him. That wasn't how Sara had explained her place in the Wayne enterprises chain of command to him, but it made more sense than assassin turned security guard with other duties as assigned or desired. Sam giggled when Babs explained she had no idea what a typical day was. "My guess is that you just got thrown into the deep end and you better learn how to swim." Sam advised, then looked at Babs intently. "Yeah...your the office dragon lady. I can see it now." Sam and Chloe both burst into giggles at that, and even Dave broke a smile. But the mention of the scumbag of R&D sobered everyone up.

"Maybe we should have him over for sparring practice." John suggested, and Sam cast him a sideways look, not sure if he was kidding or not. She then turned back to Babs as she mentioned the car. "Hey, your ride is cooler than mine, so I may be begging a ride off of you. Unless you aren't authorized to give civilians a ride..." Sam trailed off at the thought. She didn't want to get Babs into trouble.
Babs smiled briefly when John understood who she meant and likely why she'd used that description of her. She wouldn't be surprised if he had an idea what her 'assignment' had been even if he didn't know the specifics. She looked at Sam when she gave her theory and nodded. "Mmmhmmm. I wondered if I was being tested a few times. You know, to see if I could take the pressure of the job." Her eyes moved to John as she remembered also wondering if she was being tested in other ways but she didn't mention that of course.

She smiled at Sam's joke about the office dragon lady. "Honestly, I kept having to reassure people I wasn't. It makes me wonder what the last person who had the job was like. I know my bull in an antiques shop comment earlier? I think sometimes I too direct and people were like 'oh no, it's Mister Wayne's assistant!' I kept having to reassure people I wouldn't get them in trouble and stuff. It was kind of exhausting."

Barbara glanced at John and smiled. "I doubt Tommy would do very well in sparring practice. Not that I would mind accidentally giving him a black eye." She sighed. "But that'd make me a bully I suppose." She looked back at Sam when she complimented the ride. "I didn't have to agree to anything like that. I'm responsible for the car but it's for my personal use. There is another one I'll use when I have to drive Mister Wayne around and that one isn't really made for casually driving around with friends. Assuming he doesn't just have Alfred do it or use his own car or whatever."
If there was any indication John knew what Sara had asked her to do, or that she was constantly being tested by not only him, but Bruce and Sara, he gave no sign of it. He seemed entirely oblivious to the whole conversation, his attention fixed on the shake as he took another sip through the straw and gave a nod of approval. It was quite good.

"It's the red hair." Sam declared with a firm nod when Babs admitted to her dragon lady reputation. "Everyone knows people with red hair have temper problems. Add that to the power you now wield, which is probably more than the mayor, throw in who your dad is...well, I'm scared of you to." Sam claimed as she 'shivered with fright', but the giggle from Chloe ruined the act, especially when Sam herself joined in.

"Yeah...I think that's the whole point." Sam agreed when John also didn't respond to the Tommy comment. "I'd be for it...I doubt we could get Dad to agree, though, no matter how much he might deserve it. So we need a new plan." Sam declared with a nod, then tried to parse out Bab's statement about offering her a ride. She didn't seem enamored with the idea it seemed, but she wasn't saying no either. At least from what Sam could tell, she was saying she was allowed, and might even be willing if needed. When Babs mentioned another car for driving around her boss, she figured Babs was talking about a fancy limousine or something, so she didn't give it much more thought.

"So....Dad had a work call with Okinawa he had to deal with, so I don't think he'll train anymore tonight. I could lead us through some moves, or we could watch a movie or something. Or play a game..." Sam trailed off, not sure what she wanted to do, she just knew she didn't want the evening to end and her new friends to leave quite yet.
Barbara shook her head. "I don't have power. Not really. I tried to be nice to people but I think they were afraid I'd go complain to Mister Wayne and get them fired. As for my dad, well, most people don't seem to know who he is and the main reaction is, well, GCPD? So he's corrupt?" She sighed, a bit annoyed by that though she was starting to understand just how rare her dad was as a good cop in Gotham.

She shrugged at Sam's comments about Tommy. "Well, I don't work in R&D so he's not my problem directly. But the guys down there seem to be good people and I think he's nothing more than a headache for them. I did...well...I'm ashamed to say I did consider trying to find a way to make him lose his job. But then it occurred to me I'd be acting like everyone expected. A dragon lady throwing her power around. And I don't want to do that. What was it the little green muppet said?" She croaked out in a passable imitation of Yoda's voice. "Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny."

Truthfully, Barbara would like to do some more moves but she suspected that John would be training her hard later anyway and she didn't want to be the boring friend who was always focused on serious stuff. "Oh, well, I'm up for whatever the rest of you would like to do. Maybe since John is new we could let him decide? Give him some options?" She hoped that maybe her suggestion would draw John into the interactions and even give him and Sam a chance to interact more. "Maybe we could play a game with partners." She looked around the table. "Hmmm..five of us. We'd have to ask your brother to join for that. But we could do boy and girl teams if he came out. You and John, maybe. And then Chloe and I could pair with either Dave or your brother." In her own clumsy way Barbara was trying to be a 'wingman' for John with the suggestion.
Sam looked at Babs skeptically when she said she didn't have power. "Having the ear of the most powerful man in Gotham, who could probably buy out both the Mayor and the Commissioner if he wanted, means you have power." She pointed out, then grinned as she deepened her voice a bit. "And with great power, comes great responsibility." She continued, and even Dave laughed at that one.

Chloe, for her part, reached out and placed a hand on her arm. "The important people know about your dad." She said softly. "The others will find out, in time."

John cocked his head when she mentioned a green Muppet. "Kermit the Frog said that?" he asked with a frown. He'd only seen one movie with the character...Sarah enjoyed it for some reason...but it didn't sound like Kermit. And that was the worst imitation john had ever heard.

John just blinked and stared at her when she suggested he decide what they did next. Did she really want him to take over the training session? But it seemed she thought better of the idea and suggested they play a game instead. John wasn't much for games, but he was enjoying being with Sam, though he was reluctant to say so. Babs, though, took the lead and suggested the pairing herself.

Chloe nodded at the suggestion, and when John didn't say anything she spoke up before the conversation got too awkward. "How about I be the referee, while you team up with Dave, and we have Sam and John on the other team?" She suggested. Dave shifted a bit in his chair, a bit uncomfortable teaming up with Babs, but he soon nodded his agreement. Better Babs than John, by far.
Barbara shrugged. "I know how powerful Mister Wayne is. I mean, that's pretty obvious. I just think people believe I have influence that I don't. I mean, yes, I have his ear I guess but it's not like my words carry much weight with him."

She smiled back at Chloe then blinked in disbelief at what John said. It was just a further example of how his knowledge had surprising gaps in it. Luckily she wasn't so socially inept to ask him about it in front of the others and she quickly turned her attention to the discussion about the game.

She saw Dave shifting slightly at the mention of teaming up with her and wondered if he was disappointed it wasn't Chloe but she nodded. "Well, that works. I was thinking something like a card or board game but if we're having a referee then it sounds like something different. Anyone have any ideas?"
"Well, they carry more weight than any of us." Sam declared, and Chloe nodded with agreement. John raised an eyebrow...he knew if he asked Sara for something, and she asked Bruce, it would probably happen. He'd actually played that out a few times when he had an idea about the security of the building, but trying to argue the point would have raised questions it was best not to have asked, so he chose to let the point ride.

Sam, however, was not as willing to let it go. "Not a Star Wars fan, huh?" She asked with a light chuckle, then pulled her phone out and showed John a picture. "She was talking about some 800 year old alien named Yoda." She said. John looked at the picture and shrugged. He still had no idea who Yoda was, but Sam's explanation cleared things up a bit.

There was another dead silence around the table after Babs asked for ideas. If anyone had any ideas, they weren't going to share. Then Sam figured since it was her house, she should take the lead on what she had available. "How about water polo?" She suggested with a smile, then turned to the two guys. "There's suits everyone could borrow." She continued. Dave shrugged in acceptance, but John shook his head firmly.

"No." He said flatly. No way was he taking his shirt off in front of everyone. Sam's smile dimmed a bit...she hadn't expected that reaction, but she scrambled for an alternate idea before the silence grew again.

"Okaaaay. How about...Twister?" She finally said.
Barbara saw John's raised eyebrow but she assumed he thought her friends believed she was more important than she was. A sentiment she agreed with. She shrugged uncomfortably. "I work for Mister Wayne, no more. I mean, sure I could ask him about something or for something because I will see him in the office but that doesn't mean anything. I'm just..." she made a vague gesture. "Me. Barbara Gordon."

Barbara was a little surprised by John's flat rejection of Sam's idea, especially since she knew he was in good shape and had likely been far less dressed than a swimsuit around Sara during training but she wasn't going to push the issue. She blinked at Sam's next suggestion but considered the idea. She'd have an unfair advantage with her height and her prior gymnastics training but she didn't mind that.

"I'm fine with Twister if everyone else is. Is there a partner's version of it or will it be everyone for themselves? Will Chloe be the one spinning the little spinner thing then or does she get to play too?"
"We have an extra size mat that works fine with partners." Sam explained, which was part of why she mentioned it. "I figured Chloe could be the caller..." She paused and glanced and the blonde, who nodded. "Then each team alternates. Like, I'll go, then Babs, then John, then Dave. As usual, if you try and complete the move and fall on your butt, your team loses. Maybe we can go two out of three? Then watch a movie? I'll make popcorn." Sam suggested and she glanced around the table. Chloe and Dave both nodded, and John didn't object, so Sam took that as agreement and dashed inside, only to return in a minute with the game. She handed a spinner to Chloe, then got John to help her spread the mat out. "All right...everyone take a corner." Sam declared, while Chloe looked at her questionably.

"I've never seen the purple options before." Chloe asked, and Sam giggled. "Oh, that's new. One of the purple options is air, where you put your hand or foot just in the air. The other is dealer's choice, where you make up the move." Chloe nodded, then grinned as she began to read through the suggested moves and consider the possibilities there. She was also grateful she wasn't actually playing. In a dress, it might have been a bit...awkward.
Barbara listened to Sam's explanation and nodded her understanding. "Sounds good and a movie would be nice. We'll find something fun to watch and relax for a bit." She'd half expected John to make an excuse why they had to leave but so far he seemd content to enjoy time here. She wondered if this was all new for him but once more she wasn't going to ask and maybe embarrass him.

She moved to a corner close to Chloe and took her shoes and socks off, figuring in bare feet she might have better balance on the mat. She raised her eyebrows when Sam explained the purple option and she wasn't sure how to feel about it but decided to make herself just relax and see how it all went. "Ready to go when you all are."
Chloe glanced at Babs feet, then nodded her head as she double checked the rules. "Shoes off." She announced. She didn't want to damage Sam's game. Sam and Dave both nodded as they took a seat and began to remove said shoes, while John hesitated...he hadn't been warned of this...but a rule was a rule, and he soon kicked off his shoes as well. Sam and Dave followed Babs lead and removed their socks as well. John, not wanting to be at a disadvantage, after a moments hesitation did the same, and if Babs looked his reason for reluctance was clear...his left foot was missing his little toe. John shifted his feet and hid the toe from view for the moment, but he knew there would be little he could do to hide it for long. especially as Babs said she was ready to go, and the others nodded in agreement.

There was nothing in the rules about who went first, so Chloe shrugged as she looked at the group. "All right...tallest first." She declared at random. "That means we go John, then Dave, then Sam, then Babs." Chloe spun the wheel and called out. "Left foot, blue." john didn't hesitate this time, he'd known it was coming, so he just stepped out with his injured foot and placed it on the blue circle. Chloe didn't even look before she spun the wheel again. "Right hand, red." She announced, and Dave bent over and did the task. "Left foot, red." Sam followed suit, then it was Babs turn. "Right hand, blue."
She didn't expect her taking her shoes and socks off to result in Chloe telling the others to do the same but soon they were all bare foot like her. She immediately noticed John's missing toe but didn't comment or draw attention to it. She wondered once more about his past but figured if he ever saw her as a friend he might share it with her but she wouldn't push. Barbara smirked at Chloe putting her last after declaring tallest first but once more, said nothing, she just lightly bounced on her feet for a second, almost like a runner warming up before a sprint.

Barbara looked at the row of blue circles and using her height to her advantage she leaned over and put her right hand on a blue circle, that was three over from the edge of the mat. She figured this gave her room to maneuver if needed when Chloe called out other body parts and colors. Of course, leaning over like this resulted in her butt up in the air and her tank top hanging down but she had a sports bra on under it so didn't think much about it.
Chloe was well aware that Babs was taller than Sam, but after declaring tallest first, she'd have to alternate teams, and Dave had about an inch on her she thought. She caught Babs smirk and gave a light shrug...if it was a major issue, she could have measured the two or asked for a doctor's note, but she hadn't thought it that important, and neither did Babs it seemed.

And while Babs might not have thought much about her position, when Dave moved his hand and wound up bent over in front of her, almost face to face with her with a perfect view up her shirt to her breasts, still outlined perfectly by her damp sports bra, he could think of little else. And her butt sticking up in the air wasn't a huge deal until John had to move his other foot and wound up straddling the mat. Not a huge deal with his long legs...except that put his crotch just about on level with Babs butt, a position he was hoping she wouldn't notice as she was faced the other way. Sam, though, caught it as she got an easy move, just moving her hand to another square, and she couldn't help but giggle a bit at Babs between the two guys. Especially when Chloe landed on the purple square for Babs turn, which meant she got to make up a move. Stumped for ideas, Chloe turned the board over. "Shake your butt." She read with disbelief, then turned red as she realized she'd read the suggestion out loud.
Barbara wasn't overly concerned about the height thing, she'd just thought it was a little amusing. She'd never bothered to measure herself against Dave and hadn't caught on that Chloe was alternating by teams. Regardless, she hadn't given it any thought beyond the brief smirk. She watched as Dave moved in front of her after his next turn and noticed he seemed to freeze in place, staring at her. She thought he was probably scared he'd fall into her so didn't give it a second thought.

She heard John moving behind her and sensed he was relatively close. For some reason, it made her think of their training last night but she didn't have much time to reflect on it before she heard Sam giggling and glanced her way. She quickly looked at Chloe when she spun, knowing it was her turn and she watched as Chloe's eyes tracked the dial and then saw her friend look a bit stumped. That confused her until she saw Chloe turn the board over and say 'shake your butt'. She'd landed on purple then?

She raised an eyebrow but did as she was told. She began to shake her butt, essentially gyrating it in the air. She frowned as she realized she was brushing against something and looked over her shoulder, just then realizing how close John was and that she was more or less grinding her rear against his crotch now. It was her turn to flush now and she quickly looked away and knew she had two choices. She could lose on purpose, to end the situation. Or she could be stubborn and stick it out until her next turn.

"So I have to keep doing this until my turn comes back around?" Even as she asked she continued her gyrations, far too stubborn to give up.
"Ummmm..." Chloe looked at Babs, stunned, as she basically grinded her butt into the crotch of her mysterious quiet friend. Chloe hadn't meant to even give the order, but now that she saw Babs was willing to do it, Chloe got a little braver. She did a quick check of the rules, and the question Babs asked wasn't addressed, so Chloe figured she got to make her own rule. "Yes." Chloe claimed, then deliberately took her time before she took her next spin, knowing it would probably move John out of the line of fire. "Left hand, blue." She told the boy, and she raised her eyebrow in shock instead of going for the obvious and easy move, John bent down and reached between Babs legs before he stretched and placed his hand on the blue dot. That would seriously limit Babs options...but it also put Babs butt pretty much right in his face.

"Uhhhh....." Chloe stared for a moment before she spun the wheel again. "Right foot red." She said, and Dave stretched out a bit to touch the color, and found himself staring Babs right in the eye from an inch away. "Left foot, Yellow." Chloe said next, and Sam took a page from her partners book, as well as showing how flexible she was, as she stretched out and put her leg under Babs, further pinning her in place. "Left toot, green." Chloe told Babs, wondering how she was going to pull that one off.
Babs noticed how Chloe dragged the moment out before the next spin and shot her friend a mock glare. She figured being teased in Twister was probably her comeuppance though and she wasn't truly upset, though she didn't anticipate getting this kind of exercise. She felt John move behind her when Chloe called his answer and became very aware of his shift of position as she kept moving her read end. Judging by the look on Chloe's face it looked even more awkward than it felt and her cheeks flamed slightly.

She smiled at Dave as they were damn near close enough to kiss and she looked down when Sam slid her foot under her. Barbara stopped moving her rear with a small sigh of relief when Chloe called out her next move. Honestly, left foot was pretty good for her since she only had her right hand on the matt right now. Since she'd had to follow an order, this would be her second limb on the matt compared to everyone else's three. Still, Sam's position made things slightly awkward for her as did the nearness of the boys. Luckily, she was quite flexible and she shifted her weight to her right leg and hand and slowly lifted her left leg and rotated it over Sam before planting her foot on the green circle. Right in between Sam's legs.
Chloe was watching Babs as she shook her butt in John's crotch, so of course she noticed the glare, and she returned it with a broad smile. Her smile did dim a bit as she saw Babs butt bump into John's face, and for a moment she wondered if he did it on purpose. Probably, she concluded, as the position really cut down on Babs options...perhaps getting Babs butt in his face was just a coincidence. Chloe's eyes widened a bit as she saw Babs shorts begin to fall again...there was no rule about pulling them back up, so that could provide an interesting twist.

Sam just smirked as Babs placed her foot between her legs, and then it was John's turn. "Left hand, yellow." Chloe called out a bit reluctantly, as there was only one way she could see for him to complete the move, and indeed the boy reached right between Babs legs and planted his hand on the yellow dot...which planted his face right in Babs butt. Chloe winced for a moment, but John didn't seem inclined to give up, so she just shrugged and spun again. Purple for Dave. Chloe frowned thoughtfully, then grinned. "Kiss the person in front of you." She declared, and Dave's eyes went wide. "Ummmmmmmmmm........" He began, but if Babs didn't object, he'd lean forward a bit and brush his lips against Babs cheek. It wasn't exactly a kiss, his lips didn't even pucker, but Chloe wasn't going to call him out on it.
Babs was glad Chloe smiled back at her and took the glare in the playful way it was intended. She blinked when she felt her shorts slipping a little and realized she was probably showing off a bit of the top of her hips at the moment. She almost stopped breathing when she heard Chloe's call and felt John's face more or less come to rest on her butt. She swallowed and looked at Chloe when she spun for Dave and gave him his orders. She wondered how Dave would interpret them and wasn't too surprised he took the easy way out.

She briefly debated turning her head and making the kiss land on her lips and if they'd been on opposite teams she would have. But she figured the odds were high he'd be startled and probably lose his balance or something so she just playfully rolled her eyes and whispered to him. "Afraid Chloe'll get jealous if you kiss me on the lips Dave?" She winked at him then looked at Chloe, waiting to hear what would be expected of Sam and then herself.
Dave's reaction to her comment was proof that she'd made the right call not turning her head, as it was, he recoiled from her, and if he hadn't been already leaning on his hand, he would have fell on his butt. " was Chloe's idea." He finally stammered out, and Chloe and Sam both burst into a fit of giggles as Chloe spun again. "Left hand, red.' Chloe called out, and Sam nodded as she leaned into Babs as she placed her hand on the edge square. Babs hadn't seen Sam and John discuss strategy, but they both seemed to think ganging up on Babs and forcing her into a metaphorical corner was the right approach.

Chloe looked at the board for a moment, puzzled, then remembered how Sam had explained the rules to her. "Left foot...air." Chloe announced, curious how Babs would deal with losing one of her two supports.
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