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ʀᴇɴᴇɢᴀᴅᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

She fiddled with the radio, looking for a static-free music station. “Don’t worry, I won’t hold it against you.”
Megohime patrolled the grounds of the Date estate by herself, smoking as she walked. It was Kojurou’s day off, so she’d be busy well into the night, but she passed the time a little easier with a few sips of the tequila she had stashed in her room before she set out. She chewed lightly on the end of her cigarette as she scanned the perimeter of the fence, checking to make sure it hadn’t been tampered with.
Everything looked on the up and up, which was a relief. It was usually pretty easy patrolling the grounds, so there wasn't a lot to expect.
Megohime finished her cigarette, putting it out on the heel of her boot before pocketing the butt- she could hear Kojurou now, droning on for the whole day about her litter.
She finished surveying the perimeter fence, deciding to walk the grounds in hopes of finding Kojurou. It didn’t take long, spotting him in the garden, she headed over to him, waving as she called out. “Hey Kojurou..!”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Megohime stopped where she was and held her hands up, staring at the gun. “Kojurou, it’s me, Megohime.”
“I’m a friend of the boss.” She tried to reassure him, trying to think of a way to disarm him without hurting him, but her downers were in her pocket. “Why don’t we look for him together?”
“Check my tags, they’ve got my name on them.” She said calmly, sweat forming on her brow. “See for yourself that I’m not lying to you.”
That just seemed to stress him out more, his eyes flickering briefly.
"I won't fall for such an easy trap. I won't let you het anywhere near the boss or Masamune." Oh, this was bad. How far had he regressed if he thought Masamune's father was still around?
Megohime had to close the distance between them and get the gun out of his hands, things could get dangerous if he got anymore worked up. As fast as she could without uppers, she threw the knife in her sleeve at the gun, ducking to the side in case he fired at her. Moving to rush him and grab the gun to force his aim up.
The knofe hit, knocking it to the side as soon as he pulled the trigger, but he wouldn't be Masamune's second if his reflexes were too poor to recover. As fast as he had lost aim, he regained it, he almost got another shot on her before she grabbed his arm. His free hand shot to her throat, grabbing her tight and using all of his strength to throw her to the floor.
Megohime had the air knocked from her lungs, seeing white spots as she groped for her poket, fumbling to get the downer out. She couldn’t use her weapons on him, he didn’t know what he was doing, but she had to get the gun away from him.
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Megohime let out a wheeze of pain as his foot connected with her gut, curling up reflexively to try and soften the impact. She froze when she felt the cold barrel of the gun against her head, cold dread gripping her. “Wait, Kojurou.”
"I will not allow you anywhere near the boss or Mune." He hissed.
"Kojurou!" Masamune called, running up. He had wanted to hang out with Megohime while she was on patrol, and now he was grateful for the impromptu urge. Kojurou looked up at him and scowled.
"Who are you?"
"It's me. It's Masamune." Masamune tried to keep his voice level so Kojurou wouldn't stress any more. But that just deepened the Twilight's scowl.
"No, you're not."
She didn’t dare move, didn’t want to gamble with trying to be faster than Kojurou could squeeze a trigger. “Kojuro, please put the gun away, otherwise little Mune will be too scared to come out.”
He pressed the gun harder against her temple, "Be quiet."
"Ko..." Masamune started, and Kojurou let up on Megohime a bit, "it's're really freaking me out right now...let her go...she's my friend...Pops hired her to help you keep an eye on me..."
"She..." Kojurou seemed extremely confused, "He did...?"
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