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The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

"I can do it love it is my job to tend to you" Lo-Wen kissed her lightly and smiled at her

"then watch it blow up in your face" Bailey then turned and tended to their son who started to fuss

Vin hugged her close while they slept
Eristella was just fading into a sleep as well on his chest, just shifting every so slightly. This only proceeded to drive him deeper into her body.

Braelyn was just giving a small nod of her head before she was sitting up and just leaning against the head of the bed, a hand on the base of her stomach at the time.
Lo-Wen went to work making the tea taking his time so that it turned out right

Vin made sure she was secure and wouldn't fall of by wrapping his arms around him
The next morning came around quickly enough and Eristella was woken up by knocking on the door - a servant telling them that they were leaving soon. At some point during the night the newly wed couple had ended up waking up again for another round - her body even more full at the time. Although it had been her who had taken control, definitely something different but they had both enjoyed it. "I guess we should... get up and get dressed..." Eristella was speaking to Vin after a moment in time but she was comfortable how she was.... she didn't want him to leave her at all. Both of them were covered in various bite marks as well - even more indication that they had had a very fun filled night.

Braelyn had ended up falling asleep more at ease after drinking some tea. "Hurry back... Okay." she was telling Lo-Wen the next morning as she gave him a kiss although she didn't get up from bed at all. Not that it would bother him at all though - he had voiced he would prefer her to rest like the doctor had ordered her to. "There is something... I want to do when you come back." she was commenting in an almost innocent voice and giving a small smile.
Lo-Wen smiled and then kissed her back lightly "Bailey sent word that she will be here soon to sit with you" Lo-Wen wasnt aware of what his Kiing was planning and he wasn't aware that bailey would do everythign to stop him when he left the room Bailey would be walking up with Richard in her arms to visit and hang out with braelyn while she was on bed rest.

Vin groaned when the knock happened and then looked at her "yea we should get up and get moving before they decide to come in here"
Braelyn was giving a small nod of her head before she was speaking, "Oh okay." With that she was giving him another kiss before looking at the door as it was opening for Lo-Wen to leave and soon enough Bailey seemed to be coming in with Richard.

Eristella was moving a bit cautiously although found that she seemed to be a bit sore.
Bailey smiled at her and then moved to sit with her and talk about different thing but to also warn her of what the king was planning so that hse could guard against it.

Vin helped her up and then he got up and gather his clothes and got dressed. Vin then foudn the clothes she would wear below and helped her get ready
Braelyn was just looking for a brief moment in time although her smile seemed to drop when she heard what Bailey had to say. "I figured that it would only be a matter of time before the king tried that..... " she spoke in a soft voice.

Eristella was just getting up so that she could get dressed. "Vin... it seems sticky down here.... " she was commenting, not really sure what it was all that much as she was just touching down between her legs some.
“I am sorry to have to tell you but I wanted to warn you so you could warn Lo-Wen” Bailey knew she would face punishment from the king but she didn’t care.

VIN went and got a wet cloth and cleaned her up so that she wasn’t sticky
"Lo-Wen will not be back until later." Braelyn was speaking after a moment in time.

Eristella was just watching before thanking him in a soft voice.
"And he would do that I'm sure. I don't think he'll have me hurt at all." Braelyn was shaking her head some as she adjusts how she is sitting a bit.
"he was planning on having you basically raped Braelyn I don't trust him" Bailey didn't like that she was stuck marrying the man in a few more weeks but she also wasn't going to see her friend hurt either
Braelyn was just looking for a moment before she questioned, "How do you know this?" And this was something that Damion would wonder was well - especially since he hadn't said anything to anybody. And the person that he had paid they had been gone for the past week and was suppose to return later today while Lo-Wen was still away.
"he hinted at it saying that he would make it so Lo-Wen didn't want you and that was the only thing i could think of" Bailey looked at her son when he cooed at her and she smiled but she also knew that things would get tense sooner rather then later
Braelyn was just looking for a moment in time before she spoke, "I guess... if Lo-Wen truly loves me.... then he won't just abandon me if something like that happens."
"no and I doubt he would i have even warned the king that doing this could cost him his general” Bailey suspected that if the general got wind of what happened he would abandon the king
Braelyn was just shaking her head for a moment before she was stating in a soft voice that everything would be fine. "If it happens... It happens. I'll be fine."
Braelyn was just shaking her head before she spoke, "It would be best to just allow what is going to happen, to happen. Let the king learn there are consequences to his actions. And I suppose then.... I can see if Lo-Wen does truly love me. If he doesn't then he'll do as the king wants and just abandon me.... but if he does love me... then he will believe me when I tell him that I would never do anything to betray him like that."
Bailey looked at her and then spoke "but i dont want to see you hurt like that" Bailey worried for her friend and even more so with her being on bed rest
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