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The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Eristella was just withering under him a bit, small little pants seeming to escape her lips. Oh no she could definitely feeling that strange rising feeling - one that she didn't truly understand at all. All she knew was that it felt good, and was just continuing to grow. A deepening pressure, as her womanhood just seemed to clench around his fingers some.
Eristella was just giving a small whimper as his fingers were sliding out of her, although that was replaced with a gasp as something larger was pushing its way into her tight womanhood. He would be able to feel how tight she was around him, perhaps it would cause more pleasure for him as well. "Vin...." she was moaning softly and arching up into him some, as though to try and get him more deeply into her body.
Vin smiled and then pulled her up going deeper as he did so "its ok I will move slowly for you" Vin followed through and began to move slowly at first so that he didnt cause pain
Eristella was just groaning as he was going into her more deeply but was shaking her head before she spoke, "You don't need too... it doesn't hurt... feels really good." Soon enough her legs were wrapping around his waist just forcing him a bit deeper into her already tight body. No she was already at the edge of orgasming, and it was just getting stronger at the time.
Eristella was already a whimpering mess beneath the man as he pounded into her tight body. Yet it didn't seem like long before she was just arching up into him, her body faintly shuddering as he was getting her to orgasm. Her body just seemed to clench around him more tightly at that point in time, as though to keep him in place. "C...Can we do this.... Every night? It feels.... good." Eristella seemed to breath after a moment in time, there being an innocent look on her features. The pair truly seemed to have no idea of what all of this unprotected sex was going to end up leading too.
Vin continued to move as he hadn't hit his own release but he was speaking to her "if you wish we can do it when ever you want" Vin then kissed her neck again lightly
Eristella was just shivering as he was kissing her neck again, just arching her body up into his. Her bare chest was just rubbing against his for a brief moment in time. He was driving her insane at the time as he continued to fuck her - her hips moving in time with his own.

Damion was just looking towards Bailey for a moment before he was speaking, "You were far too kind towards somebody who disrespected their king. But I will give you a pass this time only because they will be going underground."

Braelyn was just laying in the bed that she shared with Lo-Wen at the time and seeming to gently be rubbing her stomach at the time. The baby was quite active which was a bit of a annoying thing at the time but she would deal with it. Perhaps she could get Naomi to brew her some tea.
Vin continued to move pleasing them both as he did

Bailey looked at him "and you insulted your General by saying that the woman he chose was not worth his time after you forced them to sleep together and bond" Yes bailey was aware of what had happened and she wasn't pleased with it either

Lo-Wen felt her move and he opened his eyes "what is wrong"
Braelyn almost seemed to flinch when she realized that she had woken up Lo-Wen and was just apologizing to him for waking him up. "It isn't anything major.... baby has just decided that they don't want to sleep right now, so mom doesn't get to sleep. You can go back to sleep... I'm sorry I woke you up. I....Didn't mean too." Braelyn spoke in a soft voice.

Damion was just looking over before he spoke, "My top general deserves something more than some dancer from the underground. And when I said to mark her I didn't mean for him to mate with her. But it'll be easy enough to break. Besides I've already got a woman lined up for him to marry... and besides... He wont want that useless woman soon enough." No he had something planned... just something to more make it seem like Braelyn was disloyal to him. And it would happen when Lo-Wen left on his mission to escort Vin and Eristella to the lift to go belowground - Damion had hired somebody to take advantage of the woman and then others were going to make it seem as though this was happening often behind the generals back.

After some time, Eristella was just a withering and whimpering mess under Vin, her whole body trembling some. Her legs were tight around his waist. Although he would perhaps be a little shocked when she was actually seeming to nip at his neck and leaving a mark.
"you're plan wont work and he wont marry this female either I have seen what you refuse to see and that is that they are loyal to each other if you hadn't wanted them to bond you shouldn't have forced them to sleep together" Bailey looked at him and knew she would have to interfere with his plans as she wasn't going to let him hurt her friend.

"you didnt wake me up so dont worry" Lowent sat up and then rubbed her belly a small smile on his face as he did so"

Vin was shocked when she nipped him but this only had him returning the favor
"He will marry if I order him to marry. I mean if he doesn't marry.... I could always have that woman and their child killed. That'll be my promise to him - he does as he is told and they will get to live. Even after the child is born I'll even allow the dancer to remain here in the palace so that the child has its mother." Damion was commenting after a moment in time.

Braelyn was just giving a small nod of her head and just watched as he rubbed her stomach, which seemed to almost have the baby become a little less active. "I was going to see if Naomi could brew me some tea."

Eristella was just giving her own startled squeak when he did that. "Can we stay like this tonight? I can cuddle on your chest... and you can stay where you are." Eristella was questioning, implying that she wanted to keep his penis inside of her.
"that will blow up in your face you know that right he is loyal to you right now but the moment you threaten her his loyalty to you will die" Bailey knew he wouldnt listen to her as he thought he was right about everything

Lo-Wen looked at her "let her rest Ill brew you some tea" Lo-Wen then kissed her and then got up

Vin looked at her and kissed her cheek "that we can"
Damion was just looking towards her for a moment before he spoke, "When I want your opinion I'll ask for it, until then... remain silent." Even she would feel like he seemed a little more snippy than usual.

Braelyn was just watching for a moment before she was stammering, "I...It is okay... I....I'll do it myself. You s...should sleep more you have a long day ahead of you."

Eristella was just giving a small smile and soon enough they were readjusting so that she was laying on his chest, him still being buried inside of her. Although in doing this, this was only effectively keeping his cum deep in her body at the time.
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