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Juri's Spoils (Vicodin + CutePhoenix)

Seeing Chun-li with barely any clothes on, Juri was damn determined to ravage her and hear more of those lovely moans. So, she aimed to disable her, but not knock her out. Making her final move, she dashed forward and spun around behind Chun-li, back to back. Reaching back, she gripped Chun-li by the underside of her bottom jaw and with all her weight and strength, absolutely slammed her face first into the ground with a nasty shoulder throw.
Chun-Li's face slammed into the ground and she didn't seem to fight with Juri any more once the devastating attack hit her. She flipped over onto her back, her chest moving up and down with her breathing. She looked at Juri, and closed her eyes. "I am going to get my revenge... I am not going to watch. I can't fight you. Do whatever you want... You heartless bitch." It was a surprise that she was able to say that, because of the shoulder throw. But she couldn't move. She was beaten up and stripped of dignity, and clothes. She couldn't fight back, unless she wanted to die. "At least... Take us away from here... Not in public..."

OOC: Am I doing okay? Let me know if you want more, or if I am boring you.
((You're doing awesome.^_^ I love how you play as strong-willed, but a bit on sexuall submissive side.))

"Hmmmm, I suppose I can grant you that one request." Juri replied with a sigh before scooping her up in her arms bridal style. Anxious to start the fun, she stopped at the first private place she found, which was some old, run down factory. Going in, she rather gently laid Chun-li on the cold concrete floor before suddenly rolling her over so she was on her stomach. Licking her lips, she reached down and jerked her panties off in one clean motion. Then, she lowered her head to Chun-li's perfectly sculpted backside, her lips every so gently brushing across her skin as Juri planted gentle, soft kisses all over her ass.
Chun-Li couldn't quite understand the feeling of the hot woman's lips upon her ass, and she squirmed under the feeling of the woman's hands on her. "I'm not... a lesbian." She replied, although the feeling of those kisses were now being more obvious. They were feelings of pleasure. Feelings of hot... steamy pleasure that you only got from sex with someone who was good at it. Where did Juri learn to love a woman? Chun-Li liked the feeling, but she didn't like the fact that Juri was causing this... And she couldn't fight it. She had to endure... Or... Ask for more.

OOC: Going out to eat in a little bit. How long are you going to be on?
((Not sure. A couple more hours probably.))

"Heh, of course not. You don't have to be a lesbian to have fun with another girl." Juri replied, giggling a bit before going back to planting little kisses all over Chun-li's backside. She also added in a little extra, licking her soft, firm ass every now and again as well.
Chun-Li felt a weird sensation when her ass was licked, and she felt her fists clench, along with her body seeming to tense up. "That feels..." She couldn't find an explanation for it. "It feels... Odd. Why are you doing this.... Juri?" She asked, while she tried to enjoy herself.

OOC: Sweet. I'll be on for the next few hours. And for a long time after that <3
"Because you're hot really. When I see something I like, I take it." Juri replied quite casually.

"Have you never just indulged yourself before? Maybe pig out on ice cream for the hell of it, or kick a perp in the nads when you arrest him." she added, laughign lightly. They seemed to be having a pleasant conversation, but it was far from that. Juri was doing this because she did indeed find Chun-li hot. Her psychoticness would just lead to her getting way too into it.
Chun-Li was flattered. She was really hot? Juri wasn't just planning to kill her the moment that she had her fun? She just wanted to have her fun? Chun-Li didn't want to think that she was losing her virginity to an evil woman, and her sworn enemy. But she wasn't able to stop this woman from enjoying her body. So she was going to have to try to enjoy it. "You never had a... Boyfriend? Girlfriend?"
"Why do you ask? Do you perhaps have a bit of a crush on me?" Juri asked, fingers playfully "walking" across Chun-li's backside as they talked, while Juri moved to lay on her side next to her.
Chun-Li didn't want to answer that question. She still couldn't decipher what she wanted to do. Did she want to go through with this, and enjoy a night of pleasure with her mortal enemy? Or should she keep her morals, and let Juri touch her, but avoid touching her? She closed her legs, and felt a surge of liquids start to coat her womanhood. "We should... continue..." And Chun-Li then moved in for a kiss on Juri's neck.
Just was a bit surprised when Chun-li used what little strength she had to kiss Juri. Not like she minded though.

"Indeed. We have quite a first night ahead of us." Juri replied, smiling before lowering her head, their lips meeting softly, in a gentle, yet rather fiery kiss.
The kiss that the two participated in were steaming, and hot, while Chun-Li thought about what she should be doing. Was it like masturbating, where you pleased the other one in the same ways that you pleased yourself? She would love to do that. But she was having trouble with energy. She could hardly move. She would need help, if Juri wanted her to do anything. She might as well make the best of this night, and become mortal enemies tomorrow...
"Mmmmm, your lips are so soft and tastey." said Juri, sighing in satisfaction.

"You're quite a good kisser. You must do it alot." she said casually, before starting to kiss her way around Chun-li's neck and collar bone.
Chun-Li turned a little red, and she looked to the right, while she had Juri kissing her neck and collar bone. She let out a small sigh of satisfaction, and closed her eyes. "Mmm..." She said, running her hand through Juri's hair, with difficulty. "I dont... Really... I've only kissed Ryu, once."
"Heh, really now? Can't say I'm surprised. Figures that a lady like you would go for him." Juri replied, stopping for the moment.

"I'm curious though. Did you ever do anything with Bison? I know how much you hate the guy, but you two have run into each other so many times and been alone together for alot of those encounters. I won't tell anyone if you actually fucked him a few times." she added, giggling lightly.
Chun-Li turned a little red and she shook her head. "I would never do anything with that man. I hate him. He tried to rape me once, and I managed to beat him off of me." She said. She then kissed Juri on the lips once more. "I am going to hate you, when I get my energy back." She replied. "We are rivals... Tomorrow." She then noticed that Juri was still clothed, and asked, "Can you take your... clothes off?"
"Oh, so it's just one night of naughty fun, and that's it. You're gonna make me cry....." Juri replied, playfully pouting.

"I will, but only if you promise me one thing.........That this won't be the last time we make love." she added. Of course, she fully planned on making Chun-li her little fuck bitch either way. Still, it was fun seducing the woman to willingly become her lover.
Juri was just so... Different then what she expected her first time to be. She thought that her first time was going to be an extremely nice man, that she would have sex with after she fought him. Or a man that she would have as a boyfriend. But after all of that thinking, she was going to have sex with her rival. With Juri. She nodded her head. "Fine... This won't be the last time." She replied, as she looked around the inside of the abandoned factory. "I want to see..."
"Such a curious girl. It's adorable. So, I'll put a special show for ya." Juri replied, hopping to her feet. Winking at her, she started to shake and sway her hips as she started to peel her clothing off. Feeling energetic, she also started to hum cheesy porno music, unable to keep from smiling. The girl appeared to be pretty fun to hang around with. But no matter what, she was a psycho through and through.
Chun-Li turned red as she looked at Juri's naked body, her white skin flushed with the tone of youth. Chun-Li stared at the girl's breasts, and then got up with difficulty, so that she could push Juri onto the ground. Moving on top of Juri, she then kissed the woman on the lips, her right hand moving down Juri's hips. "Tell me if I'm doing it right." She replied, as her hand moved between Juri's legs, and ran over her womanhood, the fingers playing with her lips.
Juri moaned loudly, a moan of true pleasure. This was not an act.

"You're doing fine. you're a woman, you know your body well, so just do what feels right." said Juri, hand raising to gently stroke Chun-li's cheek.
Chun-Li ran her hand through Juri's hair, and she smiled as she kept running her fingers along the lips of Juri's womanhood. She then dipped the fingers inside of Juri's womanhood, letting Juri's pussy lips squeeze around her fingers. "How many people have you... Had sex with?" She asked, while she started to pump the fingers.
"Not really sure. I'm curious about why you're asking me these questions. You really do have feelings for me, don't you? You can admit it. It's actually quite natural to develop feelings for a rival, even if you think you hate them at first." Juri replied with a sweet smile, gasps and moans tossed in here and there. She was manipulating Chun-li expertly.
Chun-Li did not want to admit these feelings for her rival. She couldn't. She was falling for the woman who was known for killing countless people just for the fun of it. And if the police academy were to find out that she didn't arrest this woman, then they would take her badge. Chun-Li was being manipulated, but she wasn't going to admit it. She kept moving the fingers, the moans of her rival keeping her going.
"Heh, your silence speaks volumes." Juri replied, moaning again. Knowing that shew as corrupting Chun-li was almost as hot as the sex itself. Usually, she'd kill someone that got in her way, but corrupting the legendary and strong willed Chun-li into actually falling in love with was such a turn on.

As the fingering continued, Juri raised her head, lips meeting Chun-li's in a lust filled, fiery kiss.
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