Ianite was just nodding her head before accepting the fruit punch from Darian with a gentle smile and a thank you. The king was looking towards Adrian and was commenting that the party had just started.
Adrian told the king that he understood but his wife was hurt and he wanted to get her home and settled rather then worry about having to decline dances from people she didnt know.
The king was just nodding his head after a moment in time before he was making the comment that Adrian's wife certainly seemed to get sick a lot or some how injuring herself. "Are you certain that that is somebody who is going to make a good duchess?"
"yes I am certain she will make a good Duchess and we are working n her health as for this injury it had to do with the height of her heels" Adrian was certain she would make a good duchess and he wasn't going to abandon her
Ianite was looking at him as he came back over before she was actually taking to putting her shoes back on. Going barefoot wasn't all that appropriate in this setting.
Ianite was saying a good by to Cat before she was getting to her feet and following after Adrian. She was trying not to show that she was in pain at the time.
Adrian looked at her and then spoke "do you want me to have them start the plan to deal with your family?" they had come up with a plan that would ruin her family and now that they were safely married he wanted to see if she wanted it acted upon
Ianite was just looking towards him before she spoke, "They want me to give them money... because otherwise I have no other uses to them. They also say that I should be a more useful wife soon as well, and make sure that I have a child for you soon." Nope they weren't even factorin in that the pair of them had literally just gotten married, and they hadn't even known each other than long.
"to call in all of their debts at the same time which would put them in the poor house and they would have to sell their home and lands to make up for how much they owe" Adrian had gotten a total count and they would be short by thousands even after selling everything
Once they returned home Ianite was just looking at him for a moment before she was asking if he would be opposed to carrying her, she didn't want to put her shoes back on at that point.
Adrian smiled and nodded his head assuring her he had no issues doing that for her. Adrian then got out and once she was to him he picked her up and carried her in to the house
Ianite was just looking at him for a moment and soon enough he was picking her up, which had her wapping her arms around his neck. This had a number of the staff just looking at they were being congratulated.