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At St. Martin's School for Boys [Aember and Mrow]

The lusty glint from Nathan's wonderful eyes and that lovely bulge gave Adrian every incentive to continue. He didn't know how to continue this. Well... There were several things that he could do. Thoughts were shooting through his brain. All he could think about was Nathan. Nathan, and that horribly aching erection that was confined to Adrian's own pants. The boy smiled and nuzzled Nathan's cheek with a grin. "Mmm... Not as hot as you..." He ran a hand down the other's chest, letting out a purr. His fingers traced lightly over every muscle with wonder and appreciation.

Adrian leaned forward, tugging at the other's boxers. He couldn't wait to get on with this. But part of him was extremely hesitant as well. "Ahh..." The boy ground their hips together once more, before working on getting his own pants and boxers off. Once that was done with their hips clashed once more, this time however, with more fury and force than before. How lovely, two hot bodies pressed together. Nathan and he. It was perfect like this.

He purred into the kiss, his eyes fluttering as a hand wandered down to stroke at Nathan slowly, then a little quicker. "Just... Tell me if I'm hurting you..." He couldn't stand to know that Nathan might be hurt by him. Pulling the lube from the other's discarded pants, he popped it open, spreading it lightly on a finger. The boy moved it down to prod lightly at Nathan's entrance, just using circular motions to make sure the lube had been applied nicely. With one slow gentle movement he pushed his finger inside, wiggling it testingly.
How well Adrian's fingers were paying attention to his muscles made Nathan shiver with want. It was almost silly, how that small touch could make Nathan as horny as ever, but maybe it was the care behind the touch that really turned him on, instead of just the touch alone. Oh, he would miss such a touch. . .When his boxers were tugged on, Nathan lifted up his hips and kicked them off of his legs until he was as naked as the day he was born, lying underneath Adrian, as comfortable as can be, even with the current situation. It felt right to have Adrian on top of him.

Once they were both naked, Nathan reached up and grabbed Adrian's shoulder to steady himself as me moaned loudly at the force of their hips coming together. The bolts of pleasure that shot up his spine at that moment made his muscles turn to goo and his hips arch slightly, wanting more of that friction, and he was rewarded with Adrian's hand stroking him deliciously. Nathan tilted his head back, closing his eyes at the words and breathing, "Uh-huh." Though, he couldn't imagine Adrian hurting him. No, even if the boy did cause a bit of pain, Nathan would never say that his lover was hurting him.

Nathan sucked in a breath of anticipation and relaxed his body. He felt the finger prod at his entrance and he scooted his hips a bit. The touch was odd, but it wasn't something that he couldn't get used to. What was even more odd was the finger inside of him, wiggling around. Nathan grinned slightly and tilted his head up to look at Adrian with a loving gaze. He licked his lips and opened his legs a bit more, fixing his eyes on Adrian's face and never letting them leave.
Adrian would never deny himself of the chance to just sit there and admire Nathan's body. It was perfectly sculpted, like the gods (whatever ones were out there) formed him after themselves. And Adrian certainly wouldn't be the one to deny Nathan of anything he wanted. Affection and admiration were definitely two things he'd never grow tired of dishing out. Perhaps because they went against everything that Adrian had been forced into. Nathan was an anomaly. He had created a loop in the little clubs system, and made Adrian love him.

"Mmm..." They didn't even have to have sex, honestly. Adrian could just lay here with Nathan against him very easily and be content. Even with his rock hard erection. The feeling of them grinding together was so natural. Like ocean waves beating on a rock. Just like this, Adrian was truly happy. He had found his deviation from the 'normal' occurrences of the day. Although he was not completely comforted. Nathan's lack of an answer still drew on in his brain, and upset him quite a bit. He hoped the other wasn't sacrificing anything.

Adrian was quite concentrated. He stuck another thin finger inside, being careful with it, before he scissored them apart slowly. In only a few seconds after that, he raised his eyes to look at Nathan, smiling. The fingers inside of Nathan curled up in search for his prostate, and when Adrian found it he gave the other a small brush against it to test it out. "That's your prostate..." He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Nathan's lips, before pressing against the other's prostate with a little more pressure.
Nathan took a breath as Adrian slipped another finger inside of him and began to scissor them. However, his eyes never left Adrian's concentrated face and he was rewarded when his lover looked up at him with a smile. Nathan smiled back, and then made a small sound in his throat as his prostate was brushed up against. He gasped for another, not even realizing he'd been holding his last, and he licked his lips as Adrian explained what he'd touched. Well, he could have guessed it, but he'd never realized that it felt that acutely good to be touched there.

Hell, maybe he should have played with himself. What was he missing?

That question was answered as Adrian's fingers pressed up against his prostate with more pressure. A small moan bubbled from his lips into the kiss, and after it passed Nathan reached his hand around Adrian's neck and pulled him deeper into the kiss, parting Adrian's lips with his tongue and plunging into the boy's mouth, deeply kissing him and loving every moment of everything they were doing together.
Adrian almost hesitated when Nathan took in that breath. He was so afraid of causing Nathan any pain. Any whatsoever. But the other probably cared so much that he would never openly admit that he was being hurt. That, and Nathan was strong. The boy's eyes widened a little at the second sound that came from Nathan, unsure whether it was pleased or not. But the other's expression quickly explained it. Nathan was -very- pleased. The boy's smile only increased, and he nuzzled Nathan's cheek affectionately.

Those pleased little sounds made Adrian happy to no end. To think that he'd been afraid of doing this... His eyes fluttered as he heard the other's moan, and Adrian looked genuinely pleased. He pressed passionately into the kiss, lapping his tongue against Nathan's playfully. "Mmm..." With that sound his fingers moved again, and pressed against the other's prostate once more. Only a few seconds after that, he let a third finger slip slowly inside, his spare hand moving to pinch and play with Nathan's nipples.
Nathan pressed his tongue hotly up against Adrian's and moaned into the kiss as his prostate was pressed again. His cock gave an aroused jerk and a bit of pre-cum rolled down his tip. The brunette clutched Adrian to him and kissed him deeper as he felt the third finger prod at his entrance, almost to keep himself distracted and relaxed. As the third finger slipped in, a sharp pain ran up Nathan's spine, but the pain was washed over quickly by the pleasure coming from Adrian playing with his nipples.

After a few more moments Nathan pulled away from the kiss and pecked Adrian on his lips, his eyes closing as he tried to concentrate on keeping relaxed so that the fingers wouldn't hurt. Every time those fingers would shift he'd feel twinges of pain or soreness, but Nathan didn't make any sounds to give that secret away, and winces barely crossed his face. He didn't exactly know how he would fare once Adrian tried to slip his cock into him, but he assumed that the'd have to deal with it one way or another.

"Nnn, Adrian," Nathan murmured, and let his eyes flutter open to look at his lover with caring overriding any pain in his eyes. Arousal also shined in his eyes, and his eyebrows slightly furrowed together.
Adrian was glad to see that Nathan was enjoying himself. At least when he pressed against the other's prostate in such a way. But he felt a small sudden jerk in the other when he added that other finger. It was a good thing that Adrian wasn't very large. He really didn't want to hurt Nathan, and it seemed that he already had. How lovely. This seemed to distract him from what he was doing, and paused for a moment. But Nathan deepened the kiss, and he made his best effort to press his fingers against Nathan's prostate, trying to get the other to relax. He spread his fingers a little more, then drew them out one by one, gradually.

He assumed that Nathan was stretched well enough. It seemed he could take the two fingers easily now, and Adrian would be gentle. The boy frowned, and kissed at the corners of Nathan's mouth as if to make those small, barely noticable grimaces disappear. Adrian knew that this hurt. And he'd told Nathan as best he could that it did hurt. "Love..." It was a purr of affection and all the love that he felt for Nathan. Honestly, it wasn't that hard expressing it, because the feeling was so strong. He leaned forward pressing a kiss to Nathan's lips once more.

The boy took his time getting situated between Nathan's legs, before he pulled the other's legs up to rest by his shoulders. He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to Nathan's lips once more. "I love you..." He murmured, barely audible. His hands wandered down to spread Nathan's cheeks so he had a better view of his entrance, and he placed the head of his cock at the other's tight pucker. Lightly he pressed, and the head slipped inside. Adrian had lubed his cock up a little, so there would be a little more lubrication. He then pressed his hips forward slowly, inching his way inside Nathan. When he was finally completely inside of the other, Adrian shivered and let out a moan. "Fuck... You're tight..." This was really a virginal experience for the both of them. Adrian had never been inside of anything, let alone something this hot and wonderful.
At Adrian's purr of the word 'love,' Nathan opened his eyes and smiled at his lover. He was so cute. Nathan pressed back into the little kiss, and then pulled back when Adrian began to settle between his legs. It was odd, being spread open in such a manner, with his legs on Adrian's shoulders, but he pushed back the thoughts about the odd sensation. It was quite easy to forget about when Adrian was murmuring that he was loved above him. Nathan smiled and clenched at the grass with his hands as he felt Adrian's cockhead being placed at his entrance. The brunette breathed out to relax and closed his eyes. Prickles of pain turned into sharp jolts up his spine, and a wince crossed his face, but he didn't make any noise of pain. He wouldn't want to alarm Adrian.

Once Adrian was fully inside of him Nathan let his eyes slide open. They were pained, but he still smiled reassuringly up at Adrian. At least the younger teen got pleasure out of the past moments. Adrian's face was erotic, and it was nice to see it twisted in pleasure. Every time Nathan had ever had sex with Adrian, he was always on his knees. He could never see Adrian's face. . .And in some instances, he hadn't wanted to-- but now, it was nice. . .

"Adrian," Nathan rasped, and reached up for the boy, one hand moving through his hair and clutching slightly.
Adrian was so content then. This was something new. Something he was insecure about. But he had no reason to be afraid with Nathan around. But he was a little nervous. Being in control meant he could go out of control, and maybe end up hurting Nathan. That was something he couldn't do. The boy kept his eyes on the older male at all times, frowning a little with the wince that came across Nathan's face. Adrian leaned down and kissed those wincing lips, nuzzling the other's cheek in reassurance.

The boy stayed still for a while, just letting Nathan get used to his size before he moved at all. "Ahhh..." He panted, his eyes fluttering. This was definitely a different kind of pleasure. The teen moved forward, leaning his head to the side so that Nathan could keep a good hold on him. Anything the other needed for reassurance, Adrian would give it. He leaned forward and grabbed the other's larger hand in his own. He pulled out a little, then slowly pushed his cock back in. He then pulled out a little more, then bucked back in slowly. Adrian was sure to do everything extremely slowly and carefully. "Nathan..." He murmured, pulling the other into a kiss. When he got into that thrusting, it was hard to stop. But still, he continued to do it slowly and lovingly to let the other get used to it.
Adrian was so caring, and it really was very endearing. The way that he paused for Adrian to get used to the intrusion was quite appreciated, and it did help. The burning had lessened when Adrian pulled out slightly, though it was still painful and Nathan's hand wrapped around Adrian's for reassurance, his other hand curling more into Adrian's hair. The in-thrust was better, and even a bit erotic, but once more it hurt when Adrian pulled out. A slight wince crossed Nathan's face, only to be erased when Adrian thrust in again. A slight sigh passed his lips. That felt better.

Reassuringly, Nathan squeezed Adrian's hand and accepted the kiss, kissing Adrian deeply to keep his mind off the searing pain. Eventually he didn't have to distract himself, and that's when he pulled back from the kiss to gasp for air and tilt his head back, his eyes fluttering closed. "A. .Adri. . .You can. . .go faster if you like," Nathan moaned, his hand loosening from Adrian's hand and instead moving to lace their fingers together.
Adrian didn't think it would be that hard. Now he realized that he didn't give Nathan quite enough credit for being so gentle with him when he was. Because hell... He just wanted to fuck the other. And it wasn't in a way where it could be slow and loving. Adrian wanted to lose control and just throw it all away. Deep down, a part of him saw Nathan now, vulnerable, as all of those boys that had hurt him. And Lawrence. And that part of him wanted to tear Nathan up. He wanted to be in a place of control, where he was the one taking advantage, instead of being taken advantage of. But something was holding him back. Something stronger than the anger he felt. And he was almost positive that it was his love for Nathan.

That deeper kiss kept him grounded, and Adrian let out a sigh into the kiss. He could almost feel Nathan's pain, as much as he could hear it in the other's breath. That statement was sweet, but he was honestly afraid of going faster. Because if he did he might... Lose control. However he did anyway, bucking his hips a little more strongly, pounding his cock into Nathan's ass. Hell... He'd never been this hot before. This overwhelmed. His hand squeezed on Nathan's, and he nuzzled the other's cheek, pressing random kisses to various places. "Ahh... Mmnn. You're so... So fantastic..."
Maybe if Nathan had known Adrian's inner struggle, the boy might not have been so endearing to him. Maybe, though, it would have made Nathan love Adrian even more, knowing that he was holding himself back. But it might have also scared him, because hell, Adrian would grow up soon enough, and who could imagine just what such harbored anger could eventually do? However, that was something that was to be seen-- now, Adrian was being perfectly sweet, and though Nathan wasn't fully ready for the boy to speed up his thrusts, it still felt good because Adrian cared about him.

Now that Adrian was going faster, though, his cock also reached deeper, and on in-strokes it would catch Nathan's prostate. The first time came as a plesant surprise, and Nathan moaned and arched his neck slightly, his hand squeezing Adrian's. "Ohh, Adri. . .Adrian. . ." Nathan panted, his eyes opening to stare up at his lover, his eyes full of adoration. After that first time, more pleasure began to bloom up Nathan's spine, and the pain mostly faded, except for little jolts that only served to make things more erotic, really.
Adrian didn't feel like projecting his problems. Especially this second. Perhaps he'd tell Nathan later. It would have been good to talk about all of this with somebody. His anger and his hatred towards those that had done this to him, and even just to talk out the situation. Adrian was a little in denial about what had happened. He knew it had happened, but to him it didn't have much significance. Should it have? Of course it should. It threw his whole life off track, and he hadn't done a damn thing to stop it. Well now... Oh now he'd be sure to make things quite difficult. Especially for Dustin and Lawrence. Nathan... Well he'd leave Nathan out of it. The other would interfere or try and throw things off.

So he'd keep his anger to himself for now. And getting back at them would be his therapy.

Adrian had been so focused on keeping himself from hurting Nathan, he had also been preventing himself from pleasuring the other. He panted, and when that first shiver went down Nathan's spine, he knew what had happened. A smile curled up on the corners of his lips, and he kissed the other's cheek, purring. "Mmm..." He thrust his hips in again, this time more controlled, more angled at pressing against that lovely patch of nerves that was making Nathan shiver and moan in such a way. His spare hand moved down to trace over Nathan's cock, rubbing his thumb over the head of it.
That controled thrust made Nathan gasp for air and moan out, his left hand clutching at Adrian's hair and his right hand squeezing his lover's hand tightly. It was even more amazing when Adrian's hand came around to rub at his cock, making delightful little tingles shoot through his lower half. His toes curled in pleasure and his head fell back, his eyes closing and his neck arching. "Adrian. . .Just like that. . .Oh, yess," Nathan panted out, and another shiver ran up his spine as yet another thrust hit his prostate.

This was a totally new pleasure, caused by totally new sensations. Though he almost preffered being on top, having Adrian do this definitely wasn't a bad thing. . .Not at all. It was less intense than when he was inside of Adrian, but the pleasure was still there, and the burning sensation that was behind the pleasure made him wonder if he had a slightly masochistic streak in him. After all, he was getting off, mainly, on pain. His cock drooled precum, and his hips thrust down onto Adrian slightly.
That made Adrian smile. He really was pleasuring Nathan. The other was no longer in much pain at all. Of course there was always that underlying pain that Adrian knew very well about. But the pleasure usually overrided it. The boy's hand curled around Nathan's cock, and he pumped it lightly along with his own thrusts, and tightened the hand only when Nathan moaned out his name, his own eyes fluttering with complete pleasure. How had he not known about this before? It was so hot... So fucking completely pleasurable. And Nathan was the source of it all. Nathan had been his only source of pleasure through all of this. All of the drama, Nathan had been there for him, and had made him feel better about himself.

Adrian had to do that for Nathan.

"Mmm... Nathan," He moaned, thrusting his hips with a little more intensity than he had before, his sole aim every time was to hit Nathan's prostate. It wasn't hard either, because despite the fact he was hardly experienced with this, he had that determination. His hand tightened around Nathan's cock, and as he increased the speed of his thrusts he also increased the speed of his strokes. "F-Fuck..."
With Adrian pumping his cock in time with his thrusts, Nathan was slowly unraveling. His toes were curled, his face twisted in complete pleasure, his back arched, and his body thrummed with the want-- the need!-- to have more. The muscles of his ass spasmed around Adrian's cock, tightening for a moment as his body tensed slightly. Lord, it was so pleasurable that he had to make sure not to embarrass himself and cum too soon. That was harder than it sounded in his mind-- especially because Adrian was so determined to pound his prostate.

"Adrian!" Nathan cried out as the hand on his cock tightened and sped up, and the thrusts sped up. Nathan muttered Adrian's name over and over again, and his hand clenched in Adrian's hand. His muscles tightened more and his body began to tense, his cock twitching in Adrian's hand and more pre-cum leaking from his cockhead. He was so close. . .A few more minutes and Nathan was crying out, his neck arching and his eyes nearly rolling in the back of his head as he came. His muscles tensed and a low moan was ripped out of his throat, in his culminating pleasure.
Adrian could feel it. Oh it felt nice for once. To be put in control. He could have very easily denied Nathan his orgasm then, or done anything else horrible. But the fact he didn't just showed him what type of a person he was. He wasn't the type to hurt others, or to take advantage of them. But for the boys in the club... Well every action came with a reaction. And he certainly wouldn't prove that wrong.

The boy smiled with Nathan's cry, leaning in to press a passionate kiss to his lips then. Adrian was close as well. Just being inside of Nathan could have easily made him cum. But hearing his boyfriend cry out his name, and feeling those muscles tighten around him were too much. Only a few seconds after Nathan came, Adrian bucked his hips wildly and less controlled this time. The boy came into Nathan moaning his name. His eyes fluttered after only a few moments, and slowly he pulled out of the other, panting harshly. "Nathan..." He murmured, splaying out on the grass. His arms curled around the other's chest, and he leaned in to nuzzle Nathan's cheek. "Damn...."
As Adrian came inside of him, Nathan couldn't help but note how odd the sensation was, but he pushed that out of his mind. Instead, he focused on just how beautiful Adrian looked as he came. At that thought, a smile curled onto Nathan's lips and he purred contentedly, his hand squeezing Adrian's lovingly. His heartbeat was slowing and his breath was as well, so he was no longer panting as Adrian pulled out of him and laid back on the grass. Nathan winced slightly as he lowered his legs. He was going to be sore, he could feel it.

Still, Nathan couldn't help but turn onto his side to wrap around Adrian's waist and pull him close, so their sweaty bodies were pressed up against each other. "Mmm, that was good, hun," Nathan praised, his voice a bit husky. His nose nuzzled at Adrian's neck, and Nathan placed a kiss on the flesh. "Thank you for that, by the way," he said in a low voice, his eyes closing in his contentment.
Adrian felt quite odd as he came as well. He wasn't used to being so confined. His cum usually just spurted over his stomach, or on the floor. It really depended what position he was in. But filling Nathan up was... Well, fullfilling. The boy's hand ran over Nathan's back lovingly as if he was trying to take in every little detail at once. Nathan was almost too much for him. He could hardly handle it. How had he been blessed with somebody who was in the worst of situations with him? Nathan had even helped him out of it.

"You're amazing," Adrian purred, tilting his head to the side so the other could kiss his neck. He smiled as the other closed his eyes, leaning in to press a kiss to Nathan's cheek, then down his jawline. "You wanna fall asleep here?" He asked quietly, relaxing on the grass. He could do that...
"Don't say that," Nathan joked, "You'll only make my ego even worse." He cracked a smile and his eyes fluttered open as he pulled back and looked at Adrian's face. A kiss was placed to his forehead. His smile widened when his jawline was kissed. "Yeah, I could fall asleep here," Nathan replied, then let his eyes flutter closed and his head rest on the plush green grass underneath them. "I really don't want to move." But really, who could blame him? His leg muscles were sore, as was his ass. He could definitely use a nap.

With a slight yawn Nathan let himself drift off to sleep, not able to hold back any longer. He was too tired from their activities.
Adrian loved all of the affection. Nathan was so wonderful with everything. He didn't care if the other's ego expanded. It was that ego that he loved. He loved everything about Nathan. That was why it would be hard to leave him there like that, sleeping so soundly. "Mm. I'm sure you don't..." Adrian whispered when he heard the other murmur those words. He waited until he was sure that Nathan was asleep to shift, just to make sure he really was asleep. Adrian kissed the other on the lips lightly and covered him with his jacket and his pants. Nobody would find Nathan out here, but he didn't want the other to get cold. Adrian pulled on his clothes and looked back with a regretful gaze before he headed off towards the school.

The boy wasn't sure exactly where he would find Dustin, so he headed to his dorm room. It was obvious by the way he was walking that he wasn't happy at all. Quickly he walked up to the other's door, waiting at the entrance. Now he didn't look so angry. In fact, he didn't look angry at all.
Nathan wasn't going to be cold in the sun, no, that wasn't his sleeping form's main worry at all. Instead, Nathan's unconcious self murmured something about Adrian and his hands reached out for him, only to find nothing, but that didn't wake him up. A small frown did twitch at the corners of his lips, though. Yes, he wasn't pleased at all about not finding Adrian there. That was only foreshadowing to how not pleased he would be when he actually woke up to discover Adrian wasn't beside him.


At Dustin's dorm room, the shower could be heard as one walked up to his room. However, moments after Adrian arrived at his door, the water shut off and Dustin wrapped a towel around his bottom half. He used another towel to dry his hair and shoulders, and then hung it up once more. It was then that he went to the door and opened it, looking down at the form that was standing outside of his door. His eyes widened slightly, and a smirk appeared on his lips.

"Adrian," Dustin half-purred, in a slimy, unctuous manner. "What can I help you with?" He leaned against his door frame, grinning down at the boy.
Adrian hadn't thought about the consequence with leaving Nathan there by himself. He didn't want the other to be upset with him, but he had to get this done. Adrian wasn't the type to put it off, and now he had quite a bit of empowerment. The best way to defeat your enemy was to put yourself in their shoes and understand how they thought. Adrian didn't really, but he felt like he did, so he'd do what he needed to do. Which was actually something he was unsure of.


He swallowed almost nervously as he heard the shower stop, and stood there silently for the time that the other walked to the door. When Dustin answered it he didn't say anything, but finally piped up after that question was posed. "Dustin." He acknowledged, glancing around outside before he let a hand snake up the other's chest in a seductive matter. In one fluid movement he did that, and managed to get himself inside with the door closed behind him.

"I-Ah..." He looked Dustin up and down letting out an awkward and almost lustful breath. That hand ran up and down his chest, and he looked up at the older male. "I needed to... Talk to you."
Dustin's eyebrows furrowed as Adrian looked down and up the hall before letting his hand move up to touch his wet chest. That surprised the dusty blonde, but he didn't make any real move that showed he was all too surprised. Instead, he backed up and even half-pulled Adrian into his room, letting the door close behind them. Dustin's eyes stayed on Adrian's face. Hell, he did make a deal with Nathan not to touch Adrian again, but if the little whore wanted to come onto him, Dustin wouldn't protest. And he was even beginning to form ideas. . .A small smirk appeared on his lips.

"Oh yeah?" His hand reached out to touch Adrian's shoulder, lightly running up it to draw his fingers across his neck. A look of mischief was in Dustin's eyes, and the smirk widened on his lips. He took a step closer to Adrian, nearly pressing their bodies together, looking down on Adrian with curiousity. "About what?" His voice dropped into husky tones and his hand wrapped around the back of Adrian's neck.
Adrian wasn't sure whether to be excited or disgusted. In fact, he wasn't even sure how he'd go about this. Humiliation was not his goal this time. Information was. And he knew that he'd have to milk it out of the older boy. Adrian could deal with that, for now at least. The club was no longer an obligation to him, so it wasn't like he'd have to go through with something, and then have Dustin fuck him -again.- But he hoped he could get things done here without having Dustin touch him much.

"Yes..." Adrian leaned into the touches with false need, letting out a needy little sigh. "It's about..." He was posing it to make it look like he actually didn't want to know much. If he pressed into it too quickly, Dustin might become suspicious. "It's just Nathan... He... He's not enough for me." The boy leaned forward, pressing his body against Dustin's. Adrian was hoping that Dustin would initiate part of the conversation.
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