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Infernal Halls [ A campus roleplay. Everyone is welcome. ]

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While waiting for him to respond she put her hands in Kendra's and laced her hands with hers. It was cute and she thought it might be a start to what Kendra had said to her. She was modest and it hard to think of that but then again she did have urges but right now public this would do.
She gave a gentle squeeze to both of her hands, acknowledging that she knew what she was feeling. Or at least had a sense of it. Even though they had just met, Kendra wanted Natasha to be free around her, and wanted her to be happy. No matter how she wished to express herself, she would be willing to meet her all the way.

"Best be careful. You might become a little chilly."

Natasha giggled and smiled, "You might be warm." She smiled warmly at her as they waited for the man to respond. It was just the way she said it since they both were opposites it was nice to say something like that and joke about it. She didn't like fighting others but if they wanted a chellange she would meet it.
Insides jokes were always nice, but in a way it was true. She already felt as though she were a bit warmer within, even though being warmed up usually made her feel uncomfortable. Perhaps, this was a new kind of feeling to her. And she wondered silently how she would embrace it. Lifting one of Natasha's hands up to her lips, she placed a gentle kiss on it, laughing softly. This was so unlike her.

Natasha blushed deeply and smiled fondly at her as she enjoyed the gesture and she scooted close to the other girl and rubbed up against her passively. It might have not been looked at nothing but Natasha hoped that she liked the gesture it wasn't as straight forward as Kendra's but she was trying to be outgoing.
She liked the gesture, indeed. It was soft, gentle, and showed to her what kind of person Natasha was. She seemed very much like the type of girl that didn't want to rush into certain things, and she supposed that she secretly couldn't blame her. Though the touch her her hands enough made her content.
Rayne while watching the two girls interact smiled. "My name's Rayne. I am an air elemental." He smiled and extended his right hand to which ever of the girls decided to take it. "Would either of you happen to be interested in finding something to do, if I am intruding of course I apologize. Simply hard to find good, attractive company these days." He said with a smirk on his face.

Natasha didn't act like she did with Kendra but the again life isn't the same with her and her personality is trying to adapt. "I see, I am a Fire magician. Natasha.", She said shaking his hand as he could feel the fire that brew inside her as she could feel gusts of his own magical force knowing that they all were elements and that only the fact is that Kendra was her opposite.
Seeing as Natasha introduced herself, she figured she may as well, too. "Kendra Mairin." She said simply, excepting his hand and applying a light shake. He could tell by her skin feeling alone that she was an ice and water elemental.
He smiled and laughed. "Neither of you seemed to acknowledge my invitation." He smiled and nodded. "Maybe I should make it a little bit more intriguing. I live on the north side of campus, towards the part that meets the end of what is our lovely home. Well furnished, personally. I love to entertain, but can also simply chill if that would be what you're looking for." He said with a smile as he stood up straight having them both shake his hand.

Natasha didn't know how to feel at this point. Though she just met Kendra she felt more closer to her then him. So in reality Natasha was lobbed in a place where she didn't want to be since she studied most of her life she was never the popular one and always looked as the shy one and always ignored so this was something she didn't have any experience in. Her eyes just moved shyly around avoid his gaze and then occasionally moving up to Kendra's as she was wondering what she would do.
Something within Natasha's touch made her feel as though she were uncomfortable. Seeing as Kendra didn't have a shyness about the boys, she simply stood herself up and bowed her head slightly to the male before them. "I apologize, but I don't think my friend here is feeling too well. And far be it by me, to make her feel even worse, right Natasha?" She looked down at her, her eyes questioning whether or not she'd agree with her. She'd explain the situation to the male, later on.
Smiling gently he looked at the two once more and winked. "Well miss Kendra, miss Natasha the pleasure was all mine. If you ever feel like a drink or a movie or just need someplace to crash i'm in 440 of the northern most building on campus." He smiled and bowed a little before turning and walking away slowly. Again over the pond as if the path was still laid there. He smiled and whistled softly as he walked. Obviously not offended by the denial, something inside told him one or both of them might show up at another time.
Squeezing Natasha's hand a bit, she raised herself up and offered to help her up as well. "Well, I am a bit tired...Care to come back to my dorm with me?"

Natasha got up and followed her meekly since she was shy and didn't want to really do much. "Thanks...", She said shyly as she looked at Kendra and nodded, "We can go there..." She said sweetly.
She hadn't really intended on doing anything to Natasha at all. She was just growing a bit tired from the day's events, and wanted to lay herself down to relax for a while.

"Are you alright?" Kendra asked, as she led the way to where her dorm was hiding.

Natasha sighed, "I...just didn't like the way he came. I was getting to know you Kendra. That man was ...invading." She said softly though her words sounded territorial she didn't have the slightest indication in her voice. "I just thought to find you out on our own and not have anybody like interfere. I...mean you are such a good person and I haven't met many though there are few in this world you are one of them. I have been putting my nose in so much books I let go of some of the little social things that I can do and when he came I seized up. I couldn't say a word and that is why I wanted you to say something. I..just am not that gifted with conversation.", She explained as they were making their way to her dorm.
"It's alright, now. You can still get to know me. Just forget about him." She said, in the sort of voice a mother would use to comfort her child. "Don't worry so much. You're fine." Natasha was coming off as slightly territorial, but it didn't bother her much. Walking up ahead of her, her hips swaying gently as though she were dancing to an imaginary sound track, Kendra opened up the door to her hall for Natasha.

Natasha smiling she walked into the room and went and sat down on what she thought was her bed hopefully true. Looking up at her, "So what do you like to do in your free time Kendra? You know mine...just reading books." She said admitting as she waited for the ice conjueror to sit down and talk to her.
Instead of sitting down next to her, she laid her body down across the bed. She was tired from getting up early, and the such, but still intended on taking to the female anyhow. Closing her eyes, she searched for something that would be even remotely interesting to Natasha.

"Well, I learned how to play music when I was back at home. It also turns out that playing with ice makes for a good dancer." Kendra admitted, lacing her hands across her slender stomach.

Natasha looked at her and smiled blushing seeing her laying down like that was very attractive. "I see. Music? I love all kinds of music there is some of that new stuff that I don't like. But you are a good dancer? That is cute...I loved watching those dancers on TV.", She smiling at her as she laid to a point resting her face on her hand and her arm sitting up some as she watched the girl and enjoyed her company greatly. She never got to do this much.
"I suppose, I'll have to play for you sometime, then." She smiled gently, wondering if she'd actually enjoy it. "And I always used to dance back at home. Sometimes it made for good maneuver training, too. But I'm sure that using fire is much more difficult than what I have to do..."

Natasha blushed, "I would love to hear you play. As for using fire it is as dangerous as using ice. The threat of burning yourself inside out if you don't know how to control it is possible. Though I don't do much extreme things and about dodging like you danced I only read the technical things about dodging. Though again hearing you play and watching you dance sounds like a fun thing to do." She said admiring Kendra for having such an active life.
"You can't burn yourself with ice. Well, I suppose you could...But that wouldn't really be much fun. And I don't call it extreme, really. I just call it fun..." Though playing with ice and water was a serious art, she turned it into more of an expression than a lifestyle. How many people around here would use their magic to dance to, and dazzle people, rather than just using it for fighting or the like.

Natasha nodded to Kendra's explanation to the fact you could have fun with magic. She was right but Natasha had only known the stuff in the books. They forbid anything like that but that is what is different about people and books. The books only shows you how to do it and to express its restrictions while a person is compromising and helpful toward things. "Yeah burning yourself with Ice is a different way but fire isn't that you have to be completely devoted just be careful burning alive isn't something that I think anybody should go through.", Natasha said shaking her head and frowning some.
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