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Any other magic the gathering players here?

.... oc course i knwo it can... i didn't talked about their effects... i more ment than thats the coolest card there is ever made, cause its awesome, on its own way
Its a fun Alara Reborn card :3
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Or the card called Hit/ Run?

Or maybe just use it on woolly thoctar, while you have 4 Mighty Emergence enchantment cards in play? x3
Okay a new combo with a 1 turn win, and i'll thank Raziel for finding this combination, though me and Reduction upgraded it to a 1 turn win x3

Devoted Druid + Flourishing Defenses + Blowfly Infestation + Hissing Iguanar= 1 turn win unless an opponent can destroy one of the enchantments or the tokens

The original combo was devoted druid and quillspike though, i just like this combo more
Zennarion said:
Okay a new combo with a 1 turn win, and i'll thank Raziel for finding this combination, though me and Reduction upgraded it to a 1 turn win x3

Devoted Druid + Flourishing Defenses + Blowfly Infestation + Hissing Iguanar= 1 turn win unless an opponent can destroy one of the enchantments or the tokens

The original combo was devoted druid and quillspike though, i just like this combo more
I Myself prefer Devoted Druid + Quillspike + (Can't remember the card name, target creature is sacrificed, then put X 1/1 elves into play equal to the power) + Mycoloth.
Zennarion said:
Reduction and me are going to make some decks based on Devoted Druid and such :p
Just remember that I was the first XD

As it stands, i'm getting money to make a dragon deck. The only non Dragon (And I include Drakes being non-dragon) Is dragonspeeker shaman.
Zennarion said:
Im getting the zendikar rapid fire deck :p

And i was going to get a dragon deck as well^^;
Mine is going to be 5 color, with Scion of the Ur Dragon, and a bunch of ass handers.
Play Vampire Dragon, and the other two black dragons i can remember. One cuts the power of a non artifact non dragon in half when it blocks it, the other brings a dragon from the grave to play.
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