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Fission Mailed (Furry&Me)

Snake smiled as he looked at Otacon, "I know the bar isn't something that you enjoy but with me around it will seem easier. But anyway lets go." He walked out with Otacon and found that it was different without his sneak suit on. Something he felt naked without even in Alaska when he didn't have to wear it he felt naked. Well with that he continued to move on and toward whatever Otacon had a as a car or something. Snake didn't notice if they got home by Taxi or by car either one would work and hoped he had a car though that was more preferred.
"Nah, I'm okay with going to a bar," Otacon replied, shutting and locking the door once they both were out. However, a small chuckle escaped his lips before he teased, "And what makes you think that just because you're going, I'll have a better time?" Hal buttoned up his coat as he made his way through the parking lot to his car- an old model but he managed to tech it out with little tidbits he was able to fix. He unlocked it before sliding into the driver's seat and turning the engine on.

Snake chuckled, "Well I thought that I am the life of the party. Anyway, I thought maybe you might like my company." He said as he got into the passenger seat waiting for Otacon to turn on the car. "I can't believe I am going out into the world without my suit and without some person screaming in my ear.", He said smirking as he looked at Otacon. "I thought basically I might have that again when I came down here.", Snake said admittingly.
Otacon gave a small grin as he put the car in reverse to back out of the spot and then in drive to continue towards the bar. "Your modesty astounds me," he replied sarcastically but a confused expression crossed his features. "What? You've never gone out like this before or something?" Missions couldn't be the only thing Snake left the house for, was it?

Snake sighed, "It was...I didn't go out much since I thought that people weren't worth the effort. With all the wars I had gone through up to now with Zanzibar and Shadow Moses I thought I should just disappear. The death, the problems and the hell of betrayal. Though I lived with Maryl I doubt she wanted me or when she did she couldn't handle the way I decided to do things. It just was too much and even with you here it feels alien. I thought I would be still stuck up in that Alaskan hellhole until I died. Instead I am blowing some steam off and waiting until we get more intelligence on that new Metal Gear." He said as he looked over at Otacon. "My life isn't pretty, I remember Mantis saying when he saw my mind that it made him feel like a Saint and I believe him.", Snake said sadly, "I got the blood of so many people on my hands it feels like I paint any surface with blood." He said softly as he did look at his hand some and then back at Otacon.
Otacon frowned, not used to seeing this side of Snake. He listened intently and patiently to the man while keeping his eyes on the road. It was strange; he had always looked up to David and thought him to be some sort of flawless superhero despite the amount of times the man denied such a thing. He'd have never guessed that Dave had any sort of insecurity with himself. Hal switched on his blinker to pull over to the side of the road and set it to park. He turned his head in Snake's direction to give him a stern look.
"David," he addressed, sounding like a teacher keeping an unruly student in-line, "Everything you've ever done was done for the sake of humanity. Whatever 'sins' or 'murders' you think you've committed isn't your burden to bear. You were doing it to keep the masses safe. The blood that you've shed was in the name of creation- not destruction. You shouldn't feel alienated because of anything you've done- you should be proud. I don't care how many times you deny it, but you're a hero."

Snake felt this was kind of a war zone and that Otacon was invading but he didn't stop the scientist. " no hero.", Snake couldn't overcome the feeling of regret that the scientist was trying to absolve him of. Snake looked away and then out of the window as if Otacon had said he was going to kill him and he was scared. Though in reality it was just Snake ignoring his demons even when he was green he forgot the murders and deaths he caused even if it was for the 'masses' that wanted to murder him anyway. He did it for the sake of humanity but then it felt like humanity wanted to kill him.
Hal shook his head slightly, remaining silent for a while when Snake turned his head away. He didn't like seeing Snake down like this and if this was the sort of stuff that was going on in the guy's head, then Otacon was going to do his best to change that. He reached out to put his hand beneath the other's chin and he turned Snake's head, locking eyes with the other in a stern glare. "You are a hero, Snake. You took down Metal Gear with your bare hands and you've changed thousands of lives for the better. If that isn't being a hero, I don't know what is."

Snake for the first time had a blush hit him and he looked at the scientist unable to fully even speak. The man had a iron resolve and something that Snake wasn't used to. He was used to iron strength and weak resolve with his commanders and support. This man was a support and a strong at that. Snake's eyes trailed off and he sat there for a few seconds before looking away but not moving his head. His heart was pounding but he didn't understand it.
Otacon's gaze didn't waver from the other, even when Snake adverted his eyes away. However, upon seeing the blush, Hal realized that he had gotten his point across and his gaze softened. A sigh escaped his lips before he placed a soft kiss on the other's forehead. He let go of Dave's chin, putting both hands back on the steering wheel and merging back onto the road to continue to the bar.

Snake's eyes focused on the car and then he looked up as he realized things. Otacon, the way he was acting and the way he responded to his advances. Snake didn't think he could ever be close to gay but he might be though he needed more proof. Snake looked at Otacon and smiled, "Thanks..." He said softly as he looked toward the road as he kept slightly quiet in wonder and fear of what he might have discovered.
It didn't take much longer to get to the bar and during the rest of the ride, Hal drove in silence. Once they arrived at the bar, Otacon parked and turned off the car before unbuckling his seatbelt and grabbing the keys. He stepped outside of the car, waiting for Snake to get out before heading towards the entrance.

Snake finished getting out and followed Otacon toward the bar. It was something unusual but he had gone to one a long time ago before he got thrown into the army back in Zanzibar. This one looked more modern and worn down from the graphitti and other paint drawings on the walls. When they entered the inside still looked like something he recognized and it was still loud and rowdy as ever. Snake felt more in his zone here and his face shifted back to where he wasn't in such a vulnerable spot. "Here Otacon, here.", He said loudly to the scientist and walked over to a pool top that wasn't being used as he picked the sticks and began to make sure his stick was ready to hit the ball and not freak up. He hated losing which he found funny since h lost a lot in the wars.
Otacon scrunched up his nose slightly as he entered the bar, and it felt like the loud noise was assaulting his ears. However, he managed to adjust to the smell of beer and smoke as well as the shouts and overall jabber of the other occupants. He followed Snake over to the unoccupied pool table and he picked up one of the sticks and chalked it up. He didn't know much about pool but he did know that this was one of the necessary measures to take in order to keep the tip from slipping upon contact with the cue ball. "Do you want to break?"

Snake took out a cig and lit it up and took a puff. "Yeah I will break.", He said smirking as he took a position behind the cue and then aimed it at the neatly put triangle of balls and then shot the cue at the triangle of balls making them scatter knocking in one solid as he smirked, "There I am solid." He announced as he looked at Otacon and averted his eyes feeling that awkward feeling coming again.
Otacon couldn't help but give a small laugh at what he said. "Then does that make me 'Liquid'?" It was a bad pun, he knew... but really, he found the joke amusing in his own mind. Hal noticed how Snake made a point to look anywhere but him. However, Otacon said nothing yet and instead, waited for Dave to continue on with his turn.

Snake laughed at the bad pun that Hal threw out there but then again he was right. "No you are stripe. Not my dead brother or...yeah.", He said that slowly wondering what Liquid was to him instead continuing as he hit the cue he hit another ball in. There were a few more. Hitting the cue again he barely able to hit one but it didn't go in as he sighed, "Oh well your turn." He said smirking as he looked at Hal but not into his eyes just 'at' him.
Otacon was glad that he was able to rouse a chuckle from the other. He watched as Snake continued to hit the solid ones in and he gave a small nod and stepped up to the table. He examined the placement of each of the striped balls carefully, noting the angle to each of them in the pocket. Finally, he leaned down, lined up his shot, and got one in. He grinned at his achievement and was able to sink another two in using the same method of carefulness before finally missing.

"You almost look like you are plotting lines.", He said softly as he noticed Hal's way of playing. When it was his turn he stepped up. Unlike Hal however he just positioned to where he assumed he would and he hit the cue ball and it hit some of his solids but it didn't knock any in. He growled, "Damnit I am a little rusty." He commented with irritation in his voice.
Hal grinned. "Well I am, kind of. It's all mathematics, you know- all you've got to do is measure the right angle... the only physical part about it is hitting the cue ball in the right spot," he replied and measured out his next move and sunk two stripes in one shot. However, the cue ball went too far and scratched. "Your turn."

Snake grabbed the ball and smirked, "You scratched so much for being so mathematical." He said though again not able to look him in the eye. Snake put the ball down in front of his balls a few in line. He hit the cue after measuring subconsciously and knocked into two while his cue moved off toward some of Hal's balls.
Otacon gave a small laugh and flipped his middle finger up at the other. "Yeah, but last time I checked, I was winning," he teased before shoving his hands back into his pockets. He couldn't help but wonder why Snake seemed to be avoiding eye contact, but chose not to question him now- asking things like that in the middle of a pool game at the bar was hardly the right time.

Snake let a scoff go in his companion's direction as he watched him. This was an interesting battle in pool and hoped that he could even out the odds. Since his scintific friend was doing some damage when he finally did miss Snake would go all out on how to defeat him. The thought process began and Snake also knew that Hal was wondering why he couldn't look at him however he didn't know what Hal would do. The reason for knowing is the signs that Hal was giving him. When he got his turn this time he looked at the Cue and then hit the ball a couple times and knocked in another two of his balls before he missed and didn't hit any in this time. Snake then just watched him, "I will get closer Hal." He said slowly watching him.
Hal couldn't help but worry what was bothering Snake so much. Maybe the guy was just being sore about pool? Otacon could understand way, possibly- he was so used to being good at damn near everything that to be challenged by an ordinary guy like him was unacceptable. But surely that couldn't be it- Snake had been avoiding contact since they got into the bar. The scientest chewed the inside of his cheek in concern, eyes darting up to try and catch the gaze that was so painfully avoiding his own. He frowned slightly, not responding to the other's comment besides a small nod of his head. Otacon moved to the table, managing to knock one of the two remaining stripes before he had to go for the eight-ball but scratched.

Snake knew he had about three to get to the eight ball and knock it in. When it was his turn he knocked in the two he had but had one left and looked at Hal though again not fully in the face. Facing something that he knew was there was harder then even facing metal gear himself, "There you go Hal. I managed to knock in those remaining. Now all I have left is that one...better not scratch or I will win. Also knock that one in or if not then I will win since I am confident about this game." Snake put out more trash talk as he looked at him and smirked waiting for him.
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