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Grimm Legacy (LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

Natalie walked with Kaen riding on her should as she hadn't been able to bring herself to put the phoenix into a cage of any kind for the trip. Natalie ignored the stares much like her sister did but she figured it was odd to see two new students join the trip to the school so late in the year. once Natalie found a room to sit in with her sister she pulled out her book on healing potions and went back to reading. it was a beginners' book but she had only started it a few days before and it was rather thick so it was taking her some time to get through.

Clark walked into the room he was sitting in with his friend and then spoke "hey man did you see the two new girls that boarded the train it seems like we are getting a set of twins. it is odd though that they are joining the school so late in the year" Clark was a Ravenclaw but he didn't stick to making friends in his house only and had friends in other houses which made things interesting during competitions in class.
Aris was just sitting back on the train just watching as everything seemed to fly past them as they made their way towards Hogwarts. No it was finally time for them to head there - after so many years debating if they were wanting to go even. Soon enough she was turning her attention back towards her sister for a brief moment before she was taking out her own book to read through - one of the Care of Magical Creatures books; although she was more reading to see how much information was false. Obviously since it was her own book she was going through and making her own notes about stuff, listening to what Snickers had to tell her about certain animals.

The male that Clark was speaking in question was a Slytherin although he definitely didn't act like some of the spoiled Slytherins that everybody seemed to run into; nor was he afraid to branch out and meet new people. In fact he was one of the most friendly Slytherins that person could ever meet, and he was somebody who tended to get very pissy if he saw another person being bullied. Nope he tended to stand up for those that weren't able to defend themselves as easily. "I did see that; it is most definitely going to be an interesting year. I also saw some of the more snobby upper years heading towards them to put them in their place." Alexander, more commonly known as Xander, was commenting after a moment in time.
This news had Clark chuckling a little "the wouldn't be wise as the one carries a White Phoenix with her and they are protective ow their chosen owner" Clark then sat down and looked out the window "I wonder what house or houses they will get sorted in too" Clark didn't assume thart they woudl end up in the same house as the other but he was curious .

Natalie looked up when a couple of upper year students walked in to their compartment. and she held up her plaque asking if they could help them with something. Natalie didn't think they were there to say hello but she figured she would be nice
Aris was just looking up for a moment as one of the girls was just scoffing at the plaque and was putting a hand on her hip. Oh this was something that Aris understood - this female was trying to show the newcomers that she was the queen on the place. Or at least that is how she was acting at that point in time. "I am Liliana Anderson and I just came to see the two newcomers that are starting. This is my school - I am the queen of the school." The female was speaking before she was turning and leaving once again. Aris was just rolling her eyes at that point in time, not really fazed at all. "Hmmm... We will see how long you hold your throne. I do enjoy the enjoyment of watching a hierarchy tumble to the ground." Aris was cooing before Liliana could leave, a little smirk on her lips which just had Liliana scoffing and leaving. After she left Aris was giggling and commenting, "Oh this is going to be fun."

Zander was looking over for a brief moment in time before he was commenting, "Hmm... Maybe but we both know that Liliana is more verbal than physical. But the other female that was with her seemed like somebody who wasn't going to put up with her bullshit at all." With that he was actually watching as Liliana was strutting past with that of her groupies.
"don't drag me into this dear sister" Natalie had waited till Liliana had left before speaking. she had worked on talking a little more during the rest of the week but other than her sister she didn't talk to anyone else. Natalie looked at Kaen who rubbed her head on her cheek and smiled reaching up and scratching her head.

Clark nodded his head lightly "true"
Aris was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was giving a small chuckle then spoke, "Oh don't worry, I won't. Leave the toppling of the hierarchy to me. You know I enjoy chaos at times, especially causing chaos for preppy uptight people like that." With that she was giving a small shrug of her shoulders before she was turning her attention to the window, and to the large school that was forming in the background. Hogwarts.

Zander was chuckling before he was commenting, "Well we are almost home now."
"that I do and it seems we are almost to the school" Natalie leaned back and looked at the large castle and hoped that most of the others were kinder and willing to help them find their way around the school. Natalie packed her book away when they reached the station and then stood once it was safe to do so.

Clark nodded his head "yes we are it will be good to be back" Clark enjoyed school and he liked learning about the different parts of their world.
Aris was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was commenting, "Yeah it seems so." With that she was tucking away her stuff as well so that she was ready to get off of the train once they got to the school. Her eyes were watching some of the creatures that flew past them and a light smile formed on her lips.
Natalie smiled and knew her sister was going to be in heaven there as there were so many animals there already. Natalie then looked at the teacher who was there to guide them so that they could get sorted and be allowed to join their houses
Soon enough they were getting off of the train so that they could board the carriages that would take them the rest of the way to the school. Aris found herself distracted by the fact that the carriages were all being pulled by threstral, which had her actually going over to pet one of them and speaking to it softly before she was climbing onto the carriage. There were some people that could see them were people that had seen death. And the twins had most definitely seen that happen - having watched their parents die in front of them.
Natalie looked at her sister and smiled, while she liked the animals she didn't like the condition of being able to see them as she would rather have her parents back than to be able to see Threstrals. Natalie climbed into the carriage and settled in to her seat for the rest of the ride. Natalie looked at all the students who were watching the two of them and she sighed a little as she didn't like being in the lime light.
Aris was climbing up next to her sister and was just looking at the school in the distance, more than excited to finally be there. There were students speaking all around them but she was ignoring them, not finding anything that they had to say important at all.
Natalie looked at her "are you nervous like I am" Natalie couched a little as she had talked more recently than she had in the last five years.
Aris was looking over for a brief moment in time before she was commenting, "A little bit but not anymore than I thought I would be."
Natalie nodded her head lightly and then looked at the castle as it got closer. Once they were at the door Natalie noticed that the headmaster was standing and waiting for them “ looks like we have someone waiting to greet us”
"Yeah it seems so. Everything is going to be fine though - it is all going to work out in the end." Aris was commenting after a moment in time before she was looking at Snickers, who was just giving a happy meow.
"I know its just so much" Natalie was nervous especially because of their skills they had skills that their classmates and even teachers didnt.
Aris was just looking at her sister for a moment before she spoke, "It'll all be fine. We know how to act like we don't know stuff - we know how to hide our skills." After all they had for years while traveling around with their foster father.
Natalie nodded her head and then looked at the door of the carriage when it came to a stop then got out and waited for her sister to join her
Aris was hopping out of the carriage and just saying a good bye to the thestrals before she was heading after her sister so that they could go and speak to the headmaster.
Natalie walked while writing down her greeting to the headmaster. Natalie would keep that she could talk to just her sister and herself for the time being until they knew who they could trust
Aris was just watching and the headmaster was greeting the pair of them before he spoke, "We are all gathering in the main hall for sorting. As you two don't have houses - we can either do it the simple way of you can tell me which houses you would prefer to avoid having to go up to be sorted, or you can be sorted." This had Aris looking over for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "I want to be sorted. There are some students here that I know are the children of people our parents once knew. I want for them to know that we are alive to let their parents know." What Natalie decided to do was completely up to her, and the headmaster was slowly walking with them just waiting for her decision.
Natalie wrote on her board before holding it up "Same here plus I don't want someone claiming I don't belong because I wasn't sorted like the rest of them" Natalie hadn't heard of this kind of thing happening before but she didn't want to risk it
The headmaster was nodding his head before he was speaking, "Yes if that is what you wish to do, that is what we can do." With that they were heading into the great hall where everybody else was gathered. All of the first years were gathered together and they were looking around all wide eyed, while all of the other students were gathered at their respective tables.
Natalie looked around and joined her sister with the first years that were coming in. Natalie could tell that they stood out as there was whispering about there being two older kinds in the group but she ignored them listening and waiting for their names to be called
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