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Grimm Legacy (LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

"Well lets go in and look around." Aris spoke with a bright smile before she was heading into the building with her sister, listening to all of the animals around them. There were a few of them that seemed disinterested in the two girls - more just because the sisters weren't the ones that would become their owners. Animals were quite strange that was for sure. Yet after a bit of looking around she was drawing her sister with her towards a cage then spoke, "This one right here.... It says that it would love to go home with you. You are its owner."
Natalie looked at the bird a rare white phoenix and smiled before going off to find the owner and buying the bird. Natalie knew that her new friend would bring some looks but she didn't care. once she paid she returned then claimed the bird's cage before speaking softly "what is its name?" Natalie was trying to make her sister happy and speaking when she could as resting her throat had helped with the pain some
Aris was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was looking towards the young phoenix before she was speaking, "It has no name right now. Nor does it wish to decide on a name. It asks that you give it a name - it would be even more special for them."
"Kaen" Natalie smiled at the Phoenix when she gave it its name. she had seen the word in a book she had read and knew it was Japanese for Flame and the bird could become a living flame when it wanted too. Natalie then opened the door and offered her arm so that the small bird could hop out and if it wanted could settle on her shoulder
The phoenix just seemed to chirp happily and Aris was speaking, "Kaen. It loves it." With that she was smiling as the bird hopped out and took to her sister's shoulder before the pair of them were leaving once again.
Natalie petted Kaen as they walked and ignored the stares she was getting for having the bird lose. when they arrived to get their uniforms Natalie looked at Aris and gave and grim smile as she wasn't fond of having clothing fitted to her
Aris was just looking at the uniforms for a brief moment before she spoke, "It seems like the generic ones are black then then houses have the different colors." Although she already knew that they could manipulate the sorting hat to putting them into the houses that they so desired - actually anybody could if they tried. So Aris herself was actually going to get some Ravenclaw robes as well to bring along, already deciding that this was the house she wanted to join.
Natalie nodded her head and looked around before picking to let the hat pick her home for her rather than try and pick one one her own. this resulted in her getting the generic black as well as the standard uniform pieces
Nope Aris was being a little more stubborn about it - yet again; ever since learning about Hogwarts and hearing about the houses, Ravenclaw had always been her dream house. She wasn't quite sure what drew her to it - perhaps that it was the house that the wise went to. She was somebody who loved to learn new things all the time.
Soon enough they were heading off so that they could get the rest of what they needed. Books, quills, parchment, they were just buying everything that they needed then and there. Why wait.
They spent the next few hours shopping and eventually had gotten everything that they needed. Aris was using the portkey to get them back to the house so that they didn't have to go the long way.... that and they had quite a bit of stuff to haul back with them. Even with having magical bags to carry everything, they still had quite a bit.
"I may have gotten too many books sorry" Natalie had gotten every book they would have needed for the last five years and then she had gotten books on magical medicine as well starting from the beginning to advanced which had created a rather large pile. not including any of the books her sister had gotten. after packing her and her sister's bags they had developed a little bit of weight which shocked her as she didn't think it was possible.
Aris was just giving a small giggle before she was commenting, "We were making sure that we were prepared for the next couple of years. I'm not going to be upset about it at all." With that she was pushing her hair out of her face once they were appearing back at home and their foster father was greeting them.
Natalie waved at their foster father "true but still we did go over board as these bags now have some weight" the bags shouldn't have had any weight to them but the fact that they did said something about how much they had spent.
This had the man chuckling a bit before he was commenting that it didn't truly shock him that they ahd gone a bit overboard, especially when they were out shopping and books were involved.
Natalie smiled and then held up the receipt for her books and showed it to him. she had indeed gone over board when it came to her books but she didn't mind
This had their father chuckling a bit before he spoke, "Why don't you guys go and get all of your stuff organized. I'll have dinner ready soon."
Aris smiled before she was heading off to her room so that she could finish getting stuff together as well and have everything ready to go when it was actually time for them to head to Hogwarts.
Natalie walked into her room and walked over to a perch and let Kaen hop on to it before she went about packing as well sorting her things so that she would have something to read on the train when it was time to go and the rest making it to her room. Natalie picked up a photo she had of their parents and then packed it as well wanting something to remind her of her family even when she was at school.
The rest of the weekend seemed to fly by and soon enough it was time for them to head to the train station and board Hogwarts Express so that they could start school. There were a lot of looks that they got from some of the other wizards as they boarded the train, but this was something that Aris just seemed to ignore. Snickers just seemed to lounge in the bag that Aris was carrying, that had been designed for the purpose of carrying the cat around with her. There were a few people that Snickers almost seemed to scoff at, or she would anyways if she was a human.
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